For Future Reference ................................................................................ 1
Consumer Publications .............................................................................. 1
Important Safety Instructions .................................................................. 2-3
Electronic Cloek and Oven Control ........................................................ 4-5
• Setting the Clock and Timer .............................................................. 5
Using Your Oven .......................................................................................... 6-13
• Baking .................................................................................................. 7-9
• Roasting ............................................................................................... 10
• Broiling ................................................................................................ 11-12
• Delay Start Oven Cooking .................................................................. I2-13
Care and Cleaning ...................................................................................... 13-15
• Self-Clean Oven .................................................................................. 13-14
• Oven Cleaning Chart .......................................................................... 15
Maintenance ................................................................................................. 16-17
• Adjusting the Oven Thermostat ......................................................... 16
• Light Replacement ............................................................................. 17
• Oven Door ........................................................................................... 17
• Fuses (Canadian Wall Ovens Only) .................................................... 17
Before You Call for Service ....................................................................... 18
Warranty ....................................................................................................... 19

Congratulations on your choice of a Maytag wall For future reference we suggest you retain this
oven! As you use your new wall oven we know manual after recording the model number and
you will appreciate the many features that serial number of this wall oven in the spaces
provide excellent performance, ease of cleaning, provided. This information can be found on the
convenience and dependability, data plate located on the frame around the oven.
New features have dramatically changed today's ModelNumber
cooking appliances and the way we cook. It is
therefore very important to understand how
your new wall oven operates before you use it. SerialNumber
On the following pages you will find a wealth of
information regarding all aspects of your wall
oven. By following the instructions carefully, you
will be able to fully enjoy and properly maintain Date Purchased
your Maytag wall oven and achieve excellent
results with the food you prepare.
Should you have any questions about using your
Maytag wall oven, call or write us. Be sure to
provide the model and serial numbers of your
wall oven.
WARNING - Check with the installer to
make sure the appliance has been
grounded to avoid possible electrical
shock. Be sure you read the
on page 2 before you start to use
this wall oven.
For more information, order the following booklets from Maytag at the prices indicated. Send your name,
address, booklet title, form number and payment to: Consumer Education Dept., Maytag Company, One
Dependability" Square, Newton, IA 50208. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Cooking Made Simple - 272YG ............................................................................................... 50¢
Taking the Lid Off Cooktop Choices - 298YG ........................................................................ 50¢
Before You call (avoiding unnecessary service calls) - 206YG .............................................. 50¢
Appliance Buying Guides ......................................................................................................... 50¢ EACH
Washer -- 211YG
Dryer -- 212YG
Dishwasher 1 213YG
Electric Range -- 214YG
Gas Range -- 215YG
Refrigerator -- 276YG

Information in this Safety Instruction section these liners may result in a risk of electric shock
covers all electric cooking appliances. Ynumay or fire.
find some information that does not pertain to Use Care When Opening the Oven Door:
your particular appliance. Please review this Let any hot air or steam escape before removing
section before using your cooking appliance.
The following instructions are based on safety Do Not Heat Unopened Food Containers:
considerations and must be strictly followed to The build-up of pressure may cause a container
eliminate the potential risks of fire, electric
shock, or personal injury, to burst and result in an injury.
Proper Installation: Be sure your appliance is UNOBSTRUCTED: (located between the
properly installed and grounded by a qualified oven door and the control panel of wall oven )
technician. Blockage of the vent prevents the proper oven
NEVER USE YOUR APPLIANCE FOR air circulation and will 'affect the oven
WARMING OR HEATING THE ROOM. performance. Avoid touching the oven vent area
Wear Proper Apparel: Loose-fitting or while the oven is on and for several mimltes after
hanging garments should never be worn while the oven is turned off. Some parts of the vent
using the appliance, and the surrounding area may become hot
User Servicing: Do not repair or replace any
part of the appliance unless specifically Placement of the Oven Racks: Always place
recommended in the User's Guide. All other the oven racks in the desired location while the
servicing should be referred to a qualified oven is cooI. If the rack must be moved while
technician. Always disconnect the unit or cut off hot, use care to avoid contact of the pot holder
the power to the unit before any servicing, with the oven element.
or replacing the tbod.
Keep the Oven Vent Duets
enough to cause burns.
Storage In, On or Near the Appliance: Do Ventilating Hoods: Clean ventilating hood
not store or use gasoline or other flammable frequently to prevent grease from accumulating
materials, vapors and liquids in the oven or in
the vicinity of this or any other appliance. The hood, or ifa boilover results in an open flame,
fumes can create a fire hazard or an explosion, immediately tuna off the hood's ventilating fan.
Do not use the oven as a storage area for food or The fan can cause flame to spread. After flame is
cooking utensils, thoroughly extinguished, the fan may be turned
Do Not Use Water
on Grease Fires: I /f c¢_ Important Safety Notice and Warning: The
flame or use a dry Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65)
chemical or foam-type requires the Governor of California to publish a
extinguisher, if list of substances known to the State of
Smother tile fire or ____ _ California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic'
available, or sprinkle California to cause cancer or reproductive harm,
heavily with baking soda. and requires businesses to warn customers of
Use Dry Pot holders Only: Moist or damp pot
holders on hot surfaces may result in bums from Users of this appliance are hereby warned that
steam. Do not let the pot holder touch the hot when the appliance is engaged in the self-clean
heating elements. Do not use towels or other cycle there may be some low-level exposure to
bulky cloths, some of the listed substances, including carbon
Protective Liners: Do not use aluminum foil minimized by properly venting the appliance to
to line the oven bottom, except as suggested in the outdoors during the seltZelean cycle.
the User's Guide. The improper installation of
on it or its filter. When "flaming" foods under the
on to remove unpleasant odor or smoke.
potential exposures to such substances.
monoxide. Exposure to these substauccs can be

Prepared Food Warning: Follow the food Self-Clean Oven: Do not clean the door
manufacturer's instructions. If a plastic frozen gasket. The door gasket is essential for a good
food container and/or its film cover distorts, seal. Care should be taken not to rob, damage,
warps or is otherwise damaged during cooking, or move the gasket. Do not use any oven
immediately discard the food and its container, cleaners or an oven liner protective coating of
The food could be contaminated, any kind in or around any part of the self-dean
oven. Clean only the parts listed in this booklet.
Do Not Touch the Oven Elements, Areas Before self-cleaning the oven, remove the
Near the Elements or the Interior Surfaces broiler pa_l, the oven racks, and other utensils.
of the Oven: The elements may be hot even
though they are dark in color. The inteiior CAUTION: DO NOT LEAVE FOOD OR
surfaces of the oven may become hot enough to COOKING UTENSILS, ETC., IN THE OVEN
cause bums. During and after use, do not touch DURING THE SELF-CLEAN CYCLE.
or let clothing or other flammable materials ATTENTION: NE LAISSER AUCUN
contact the heating elements, the areas near
elements or the interior surfaces of oven until ALIMENT, USTENSILE DE CUISINE, ETC.,
they have had sufficient time to cool. Among D'AUTONETTOYAGE.
these areas are the oven vent opening and the
surfaces near this opening, the oven door, and On some models, a fan should be heard during
the oven window. Also, do not allow"aluminum the self-clean cycle. If not, cancel the clean cycle
foil, meat probes or any other metal object to and call a qualified technician before self-
contact the heating elements, cleaning again. (Refer to the Table of Contents
Additional Information: After the appliance is information.)
installed, be certain all packing materials are
removed frmn the appliance before operating Do Not Leave children Alone: Children
the unit. If the appliance is installed near a where an appliance is in use. They should never
window, take steps to prevent curtains from be allowed to sit or stand on any part of d_e
blowing over the surface elements creating a fire appliance. CAUTION: Do not store items of
hazard, interest to children in the cabinets above an
Care should be given to the location of appliance or on the backguard of a wall oven.
appliance. Be sure the foor covering under the Children climbing on the
appliance, the walls adjacent to the appliance, appliance to reach items
the cabinetry adjacent to the appliance, and could be seriously injured.
other materials adjacent to the appliance can Children must be taught
withstand prolonged heat. that the appliance and
Oven Door: Do not place excessive weight on utensils in or on it can be
an open oven door or stand on an open oven hot. Children should be
door as, in some cases, it eonld cause the wall taught that an appliance is
oven to tip over, breakage of the door or serious not a toy. They should not
injury, be allowed to play with the
Circuit Breaker or Fuse: Locate and mark
the breaker or fiJse. Never replace a blown fuse
or reset a breaker until you know what has
caused the problem. Mways replace a blown filse
with one of the correct amperage - do not use a
for location of self-clean instructions and fan
should not be left alone or unattended in an area
controls or other parts of the unit.
Controls: Turn offthe controls at the
completion of a cooking operation. .........

E °
The electronic clock and oven control on your Cancel Pad
Maytag wail oven is used for the time-of-day Press this pad to cancel all operations except the
clock, timer, bake, broil, delay start and self- time-of-day clock and timer. If yon are ever
clean functions. A beep will sound each time a unsure if you've programmed the control
function pad is pressed. At the end of an correctly, press tile CANCEL pad and start over.
operation, consecutive beeps will sound.
The display on the control will blink when power Set Knob
is first supplied to the wall oven or if there is a Turn this knob in either direction to enter the
power failure. Once the time-of-day clock has time or temperature desired. This knob is also
been set (see Setting the Clock, page 5), the used to select Hi or Lo broil.
display will stop blinking.
The following pads and knobs are found on your instructions to do this, see page 5.
Maytag electronic clock and oven eontroh
.timer Pad
The timer can be set from 5 seconds to 9 hours,
50 minutes. It will count down by minutes (when
set for i hour or more time) or seconds (when
set for less than I hour). See page 5 for
instructions on setting the timer.
Clock Pad
Use this pad to set the time-of-day clock. For
You may also press this pad to recall the current
time-of-day. For example, if the timer is
counting down in the display, press the CLOCK
pad to return the current time to the display.
The timer will continue to eonnt down and a
signal will sound when the time ex_pires.

Cook Time / Oven Stop Pads Setting the Clock and Timer
These pads are used to program the oven to start
and stop automatieall?; either immediately or at Clock
a later time. For detailed information on using To set the time-of-day clock:
DeIay Stait, see pages 12-13.
Self-Clean Pad will light in the display.
This pad is pressed to set the oven for a self- 2, Turn the SET knob to the correct time-of-da_
clean cycle. See pages 13-14 for detailed After one minute, the word Time will
information on using the self-clean feature, disappear and the clock will advance.
Broil Pad Timer
Two heat selections are awlilable for broiling - To set the timer:
Hi and Lo. See pages 11-12 for more broiling
information. 1. Press the TIMER pad once. The word Timer
Oven Temp Pad
The oven temperature is set by pressing this pad
and turning the SET knob. Additional baking example, turn the display to :05 for five
information can be found on pages 7-9. will start automatically. The signal will beep
1. Press the CLOCK pad once. The word Time
will light in the display.
2_ Turn tile SET knob to tile desired time. For
seconds or to 5:00 for five minutes. The timer
when the time elapses. The time-of-day will
appear in the display.
To cancel the timer, turn the SET knob to :O0,or
press and hold the TIMER pad until it beeps
and the time-of-day appears.