CRG77 , CH69SOOn
Important Safety Instructions ............. 1-3
Range Control Panel ..................... 4
• Electronic Clock and Oven Control ...... 4-5
Congratulations on your choice of a Maytag gas range.
On the following pages you will find information
regarding flae operation of your new range. By following
these instructions earefidly, you will be able to t\dly
enjoy and maintain your range. Please take a moment to
review the enclosed booklet, "Cooking Made Simple"
as well. Whether yon need assistance in selecting the
right eookware or reviewing the dos and don'ts of
baldng, the answers are contained in this booklet.
Should you have any questions about nsing your Maytag
gas range, call or write us. Be sure to provide the model
and serial numbers of your range.
• Setting tbe Clock and Timer ............ 5
Surface cooking ......................... 6-7
• Panel Light (select models) ............. 6
• cooktop ............................ 6
• Burner Grates ....................... 6
• Sealed Burners ....................... 6
• Pilotless Ignition ..................... 6-7
Using Your Oven ......................... 8-11
• Baking and Boasting .................. 8-9
• Programmed Oven Operations .......... 9-10
• Broiling ............................. 1l
Care and Cleaning ....................... 12-15
• Removing Range for Cleaning and
Servicing .......................... 12
• Mamral Clean Oven (select models) ...... 12
• Sell-Clean Oven (select models) ......... 12 13
* Storage Drawer ...................... 13
• Oven Bottom ........................ 13
(515) 791-8911
(Mon.-Fri., 8 am-5 pm CST)
Internet: http://www.maytag.com
For fnture reference, we suggest you retain this manual
after recording the lnodel number, serial number and
(late of purchase of this gas range in the spaces
provided. This intbrmation can be found on the data
plate loe_ded on the frame aromld the storage or broiler
compartment, depending on your model.
Model Number
Serial Number
Purchase Date
• Range Cleaning Chart ................. 14 15
Maintenance ............................ 16
• Electrical Connection ................. 16
• Proportional Valve Adjustment .......... 16
• Leveling Legs ........................ 16
• Light Replacement ................... 16
Before You Call for Service ............... 17
Warranty ........................... Back Cover
IMPORTANT: Keep your sales receipt or canceled [
check. Proof of original purchase date is needed for
warranty service.
NOTE: In our continuing effort to improve the
quality and performance of our cooking products, it
may be necessary to make changes to the appliance
without revising this manual.

Read all instructions before using
this appliance.
The following instructions are based oil safety
considerations and nnlst be strictly fi)llowed to reduce
the potential risks of fire, electric shock, or personal
WARNING: If the information in this
manual is not followed exactly, a fire
or explosion may result causing
property damage, personal injury or
-Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your
• Immediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
gas supplier's instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas
supplier, call the fire department.
-Installation and service must be
performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
Have your appliance installed and properly grounded by
a qualified installer according to the installation
instructions. Have the installer show you the location of
the gas shut off valve and how to shut it off in an
Alwavs discnmlect power to appliance before servicing.
Do not attempt to adjust, repair, service, or replace any
part of appliance unless it is specifically recommended
in this book. All other servieing should be referred to a
qualified servicer.
To Prevent Fire or Smoke Damage
Remove packing materials from the appliance befbre
operating it.
Keep area around appliance clear and free froln
combustible materials, gasoline, and other flammable
vapors and materials.
If appliance is installed near a window, proper
precautions shouhl be taken to prevent curtains from
blowing over bunmrs.
Do not leave any items on tile eooktop. Tit(' hot air froin
the vent may ignite flammable items arid lllay increase
pressure in closed containers which mav cause them to
Many aerosol-t)q_e spray cans arc EXPLOSIVE when
exposed to heat and may be highly flammable. Avoid
their use or storage near an appliance.
Do not leave plastic items on the cooktop as they may
melt or soften if left too elose to tile vent or a lighted
surface burner.
To eliminate the hazard of reaching over hot surthce
burners, cabinet storage should not be provided directly
above a unit. If such storage is provided, it shonld be
limited to items which are used infrequently and which
are sat_ly stored in an area subjected to heat from an
appliance. Temperatures may be unsafe fi_r some items,
such as volatile liquids, cleaners or aerosol sprays.
In Case of Fire
Turn off appliance and ventilating hood to avoid
spreading the flame.
Use dry chemical or tbam-t)]re extinguisher or l'_aking
soda to smother fire or flame. Never use water on a
grease fire.
If fire is in the oven or lm)ilex pan, smother by closing
()Veil door.
If fire is in a pan on tile snrface burner, cover pan.
Never attempt to pick up or move a flaming pan.

Child Safety
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the
appliance when it is in use or is still hot.
Children must be taught that the appliance and utensils
in or on it can he hot.
Children sfionld be tanght that an appliance is not a toy.
Children sfiould not be allowed
to play with controls or other
parts of tile unit. Children shonld
never be allowed to sit or stand
on any part of tile appliance.
CAUTION: Do not store items
of interest to children in eahinets
above an appIianee or on the
baekguard of a range. Chihtren
climbing on tile appliance or the
appliance door to reach items
could be seriously injnred.
About Your Appliance
Do not use applianee
as a space heater to
heat or warm a room.
Also, do not nse the
eooktnp or oven as it
storage area for food
or el×tiring utensils.
Do nnt ohstruet the
flow of combustion and ventilation air by blocking the
oven vent or air intakes. Restriction of air flow to the
burner prevents proper performance and increases
carbon monoxide enlission to unsafe levels.
Aw)id touching oven vent area while oven is on and for
several minutes after oven is tnmed off Some parts of
the vent and surrounding area become hot enongh to
cause hums. After oven is tnmed off do not touch the
oven vent or smTounding areas nutil they have had time
to e(x)l.
CAUTION: Do not use
an appliance as a step
stool to cabinets above.
Misuse of appliance
doors or drawers, such as
stepping, leaning or
sitting on the door or
drawer, mav. result in possible tipping of the applianee,
breakage of door, and serious injnries.
WARNING: To rednee the risk of tipping of tile
appliance from ahnorinal usage or hv excessive loading
of the oven door, the appliance must be secured hv a
properly installed anti-tip deviee. If tile range is moved
from the wall, be sure the anti-tip device is engaged
Mmn the range is replaced. Look underneath range to
verify that one of tile rear leveling legs is properly
engaged in the |)racket slot. The anti-tip device secures
the rear leveling leg to the tloor when properly engaged.
Also, be snre the range is properly re-installed.
Do not touch a hot oven ligfit bulh with a damp cloth as
the bulb conld break. Should the bulb break, disconnect
power to the appliance before removing Imlh to avoid
electrical shock.
Cooking Safety
Always place a pan on a snrl_tee hnrner hetbre turning it
on. Be sure you know which knob controls which
surf_tee burner. Make sure the correct burner is turned
on and that the bnrner has ignited. When cooking is
completed, turn burner off befi)re removing pan to
prevent exposllre to burner flame.
Always adjust surface tmmer flame so that it does not
extend heyond tile hottnm edge of the pan. All excessive
flame is hazar&ms, wastes energy and may damage the
appliance, pan or cahinets ahnw' the appliance.
Never leave surface cook-
ing operations nnattended
at high heat settings or
when deep fat frying.
Bnilovers cause smoke
and greasy spillovers may
Never heat an unopened h)od container. Pressure
huihl-up may cause enntainer to lmrst resulting ill
personal injn£y or damage to tile appliance.
Use d U, sturdy pnthohlers. Damp pntholders on hot
snrfaces umy cause hnnls from steanL Towels or other
substitntes should never be nsed as pothnlders heeause
they can trail aeross hot surfhee burners and ignite or
get caught on appliance parts.
Always let qnantities of hot fat cnnl hefore attempting to
move or handle.
Do not let grease or other fla]tnnahle, materials
aeemnulate in or near the appliance, hood or vent tim.
Clean hood frequently to prevent grease from
accumulating on hood or filter.
Use caution when wearing garments made of
|lammable material tu avoid clothing fires.

Loose fitting or lnng
hanging-sleeved apparel
should not be worn while
cooking. Clothing may ignite
or catch utensil handles.
Always place oven racks in the desired positions while
oven is cool. Slide oven rack mit to add or remove food,
using dry, stnrdy potholders. Always avoid reaching into
the oven. If a rack must be moved while hot, use a dry
potholder. Always tnrn the oven off at tile end uf
Use eare when opening the oven door. Let hot air or
stcanl escape betbre removing or replacing tood.
manufacturer's instrnetiuns. If a plastic frozen food
container and/or its eover distorts, warps, or is otherwise
damaged during cooking, immediately discard the loud
and its container. The food could be e(mtaIninated.
Utensil Safety
Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily
grasped and stav cool. Avoid using unstable or loose
handled pans. Pans that are heart to move when filled
with food niay be hazardous.
Be sure ntcnsil is large enough to properly contain/hod
and awiid bnilovers. Pan size is particularly important in
deep fat frying. It must aeeommodate added |ood as
well as the bnhble action of the fat.
To minimize hnrns, ignition of flannnable materials and
spillage due to unintentional contact with the utensil, do
not extend handles over adjacent surface burners.
Always turn pan handles toward the side or I)aek of the
appliance, not out into the room where they are easily
hit or reached by snM1 children.
Never let a pan hoil dry as this could damage the utensil
and the appliance.
Folh)w the manul_mtnrer's directions when using oven
cooking bags.
Only certain txtres of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, or
glazed ntensils are suitable for eooktop or oven usage
without breaking due to tile sudden change in
This appliance has been tested flit safe performance
using conventional cookware. Do nutuse any• devices or
accessories that are not specifically recnnnnended ill
this lnanual. Do not use eyelid covers for the surface
nnits, stove tnp grills, or add-on oven convection
systems. The use of devices ur accessories that are not
expressly recommended in this mannal can create
serious sa(bty hazards, restllt in pedbrmance problems,
and reduce the lilk_of the components of the appliance.
Cleaning Safety
Clean only parts listed in this mannal and use
recommended procedures.
Tnn/off all controls and wait for appliance parts to cool
before touching or cleaning them. Do not touch the
bunler grates or surrounding areas until they have had
sufficient time tocool.
Clean appliance with caution. Use care tu avoid steani
burns if a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a
hot surlhee. Some cleaners can produee noxious |'times
if applied to a hot sur/itee.
Self-Clean Oven (select models)
Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket is essential
|br a good seal. Care should be taken not to rub,
damage, or move the gasket. Do not use oven cleaners
of any kind in or around any part of the self-clean oven.
Before self cleaning the oven, reniove hroiler pan, oven
racks, and other utensils, and wipe off excessive
spillovers to prevent excessive smoke or tlare-nps.
CAUTION: Do not leave tood or cooking utensils, etc.,
in the oven dnring the self clean cycle.
It is nornlal tbr the couktop of the range to become hot
during a self-clean cycle. Theret))re, touching the
eooktop dnring a clean cycle should lie avoided.
Important Safety Notice and Warning
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic
Enforcenient Act of 1986 (Propositi(m 65) requires the
Governor of California to publish a list of snhstanees
known tn the State (if California to eanse cancer or
reproductive harnl, and requires tmsinesses to warn
enstoniers of potential exposures to such sul)stances.
Users of this appliance are hereby warned that the
burning of gas can result in low-level exposure to some
of the listed suhstanees, including benzene,
fnrinaldehyde and soot, due prinlarily to the incomplete
eombnstion of natnral gas or liquid petrnleunl (LP)
flmls. Properly adjusted burners will minimize
inenniplete comlnlstion.Exposure to these sul)_tanees
can be nfinimized |)y properly venting the burners to
the outdoors by opening the windows and/or door in the
room where the appliance is located.

Electronic Clock and Oven Control
Stylin Z and t_atures may differ dependitl Z on the model you selected.
The electronic clock and oven control on your Ma.vtag
range is used for the time-of-day clock, tiiner, bake,
broil, programmed oven operations and self-clean
(select models) t_mctions. A beep will sound each time a
Junction pad is pressed. The display window features
indicator words which will flash to prompt you when
setting tile {wen.
Tile display on the control will flash when power is first
supplied to the range or if'there is a power failure. Once
tile time-of day eloek ]ms been set (see Setting the
Clock, page 5), the display will stop flashing.
The oven will automatically turn off if it is left on
for 12 hours.
NOTE: The electronic control is eqtupped with a
self-diagnostic feature for service use ONLY. If a
fault code (F plus a number, ex. F1) appears in the
display along with a continuous beeping sound,
press the CANCEL pad. See Before You Call for
Service lpage 17) if the fault code reappears in the
The following pads are ('ound on your Maytag
electronic eloek and oven eontroh
Cancel Pad
Press this pad to eancel all operations exeei)t the time-
otLdav dock and timer. If vou are ever unsure if"you've
programmed the control correctly, press the CANCEL
pa(t and sta_ over.
• and • Pads
Press or press and hold these pads to enter the time or
temperature desired. These pads are also used to select
Hi or Lo broil.
Timer Pad
The timer can be set from 1 mimlte to 9 hours. 50
minutes. It will count down bv seconds (when set t'or 1
mirmte) or mimltes (when set for "2 minutes or more
time). See page 5 for instructions on setting the timer.