Maytag CRE9800CDB, CRE9800CCB, CRE9600CGE, CRE9600CDE, CRE9600CCE Owner’s Manual

Illll I Ill II
__GI?" ,_ _ - _ _-,
U.S. - CRE9800C, CRE9600C, CHE9800B, CFE9000B
CANADA - CRE9800D, CRE9600D, CRE7900A
For Future Reference ..................................................................... 1
hnportant Safeq_ Instructions ............................................................... 2-4
Range Control Panel ....................................................................... 5-6
Electronic Clock and Oven Control Functions ................................................ 5-6
Setting the Clock and Timer . ............................................................ 6
Surface Cooking ........................................................................... 7 ,S
Panel Light (select modeIs) ............................................................... 7
The Controls ........................................................................... 7
Using Ceramic Glass Surface .............................................................. S
Using Your Oven ........................................................................... 9-11
* 13aldng and Roasting ..................................................................... 9
" Broiling ............................................................................... 10
* Programmed Oven Operations ............................................................ lI)-i I
Cleaning .................................................................................. 1£ 15
,t Ceralllie (;lass Surf;me ................................................................... 12
* Manual Clean Oven (select models) ....................................................... 12
* SelfClean Oven (select models) .......................................................... 12-13
Range Cleaning Chart .................................................................. 14-15
Maintenance ............................................................................... 16
Adjusting the Oven Thermostat ............................................................ 16
* Storage Draw_r ....................................................................... 16
, Leveling l,egs ......................................................................... 16
Light Replacement ..................................................................... 16
Before You Call for Service .................................................................. 17
Warranty .............................................................................. Back Cover
Congratulations on vour choice of a Maytag electric range. As you use v(mr new range we know you will appreeiate the many features that provide exeellent
performance, ease of cleaning, eonvenienee and dependabilit>
Read this manual. New fi:atures have dramatieallv changed today's cooking appliances and the way we
cook. It is theietbre very important to understand" how ,;our new electric range operates. On the following
pages you will find infbrmation regarding its operation. Bv following these instructions carefidly, you will be
af)le to fully enjoy and properly maintain your new M_9tag range.
Save time and money. P]ease take a moment to review the enclosed booklet, "Cooking Made
Simple," Whether you need assistance in selecting the right eookware or reviewing the "dos and don'ts'" of
baking, roasting and broiling, the answers are contained
in this booklet. H"something goes wrong, cheek the
"Betore 5%u Call for Service" section o[ this marmaI, it is designed to solve eommon problems you may
For {\lture re{brence, keep this manual in a convenient location. Record tim model number, serial nmnber and
purchase date of this eleetrie range in the spaces provided. (This infbrmation can be _bund on the data
plate located on the frame around the storage drawer or around the oven frame.)
Model Number
Serial Number
Purchase Date
IMPORTANT: Keep your sales receipt or canceled check. Proof of original purchase date is needed for
warranty service,
Should you have any questions about using your May_ag range, call or write us, Be sure to pmvkte the model and
serial tmmbers of'your range.
NEVvq7ON, IOWA 50208 (515) 791-8911
(Mon.-FrL, 8 am-5 pm CST)
Intemet: http:/iwww.mayt
NOTE: In our continuing effort to improve the qu'Aity and performance of our cooking products, it
may be neeessaxy to make changes to the appliance
without revising this manuN.
Read all instructions before using
this appliance.
The following instructions are based on saf'etv considerations and must be strictly followed to reduce
die potential risks of fire, electric shock, or pcrsorlal injm):
l_>esur{' appliallc{' is properly installed and gr{}mid{:d t}x
a quali#'ied h_{:hni{.imi,
WAtlNING: 12) reduce the risk of tipping of q}plhmce
f'rom al}nor,mI usage or by {'xc_vssive h}ading of the oven {t{){}12the appliance must be st'cured by a properly installed anli-tip {levite. \Vheli |'OIll(}\rilll tho _[ppIiancc
f{}r{'Ieanh]_ }}esure the anti tip dex4(:{_is engaled when
the raTige is r<'plac{'{I. Look und{'rl]eath range t{}veriR
that one {}t'the rear h'velhig ]e_s is properly engaged i,]
the bracket sh}L The anti tip {t('vie{' s{'cm{'s the roar
]{we]inl le_ to t]l(' floor when prop{'rly {'nlaged.
1)o not attempt to a{ljusL repair, servi{:e, or replace any
part of appliance unIess it is specifically recommended
iri lhis book. AII tither se_x-ieing should be tel'erred to a
qualified servic{m Alwavs diseomtect power t{} unit
b{4"{}reany s{'rvicing by tripping uircuit breaker to the
()VI? position or ren]ovi]l_ the t]tse.
Locate and mark the break{-r or filse. Nevt?r replace a
!}l{}wn f'use or reset a breaker until you know what has
cruised the problem. Always replace a }}l{}_l fuse x_dth
one o[th{' correct amperage.
To Prevent Fire or Smoke Damage
Remove all packing materiaIs [rom the appliance before operatiu_ it,
Ylam,i]abl{" materials should not b{" st{}r{'{lill an ov{'n {},-
{}I) {}1" ll{_}tl" Slll'f'tt(X _ {]](q]_tq'ltS,
If appliance is installed near a window, proper precautions dlould be taken to pre\ent cl]rtams ]'r{}m
bl{}x_4il_over sltrfa{:e elenients. D{} not leave am it{'ms on the cookt{}p. The hot air from
the vent ma)' ignite |lammable it{.,ms am] max inc'r{'ase pressur{' iu dosed {:{mufil_ers which may cause theni to
Many aerosol-type spray {'arts are V,XPI,OSIVE when
exp{}s{,d t{} heat amt may b(" ]ii_hly t]anniiab]{'. Avoid their use or storage near an apl4ian{'e.
Do n{}t leave phistic items on the cookiop _s they i]mv melt or soften if" 1{-4}loo eh}se t{} th{.' xent {>r s&rfac['
{q{'ln(']lt. "12}{,liminatc, the hazard of r{'achin14 over hot surf2tc{"
ele.l{mls, eabinc_t storage sho.Id not be pr{}vided dir{,ctlv ahoy{, a unit, If"sucll st{}ra_e is I}rovi{l{'d. it
shoul{l't}e limite{I t{}iteins which :it'{' used ilff'requently and which are saf['lv stored in an area subj{'ct{'d to lit'at
t'r{mi an applianc'{( T{qllpOratilr{,s i]]av }}e llliS_l[e |(}F
somu itoms, such as v{}latilu liquids, c:l{&ut{,rsor aerosol
In Case of Fire
Tu]]l off" al)ptiance and v{qttihltin_, h{}od to avoid
spreadin_ the t]ame.
Use dry chemical or [{}aln-t)])t' c'×tin_uL_;ht'r or baking
soda t{} Slll{ilh{,l t'ii{= (}1 l]ailiP. N{wor llSO wa|er (ill a
grvas{" fire.
If tire is ill t]i{ _ OV{qi or br{}iler pl}.l], Sliioth{q b}' {']osinf4
{}V{}li d{}{ )],
It" [ire is in a pan {m the stir[act' elcqnent, c{}ver pan.
Never attempt to pick up {}r niov{ _a []amii]1 p:m.
Child Safety
1)o riot ]ea_,e {:hilch-{m al{}n{' or un:,;up{_rvis{'d,n{'ar the
appliance when it is in use or is still hot.
Children inu,,*;t bt' tau_lit that the applian('e and utensils iii or {ill it {tail }}e h{}l.
Children should be taught that aii appliane{, is ii{}t a to):
Children O]ould not }-}vallowed to l)la5 with controls or other parts of lhe unit, (:hildren should n{wer I)e allowed t{i sit or stand on any l)all_ of the applhmce,
CAUTION: Do not store items of interest to children in cabinets
above an appliance or on the baekguard of a range. Children climbing on the appliance or on the appliance door to reach items could be seriously injured.
About Your Appliance
To prevent inju U or damage to the appliance, do not use ap pin?nee as a space heater to heat or _arm a room. Also, do not use the eooktop
or ()',el? as 0. storage aye?
for food or cooking utensils.
Kee l) tlw oven vent
El) (located tamer the right rear element for
coil e(×)ktops or on tile eooktop tot smoothtop models).
Blockage of the vent prevents the proper oven air
circulation and will af}k.'et tile oven pertbrmanee.
CAUTION: Do not use ? c-___ an appliance as a step
stool to cabinets above,
Misuse of appliance doors or drawers, such as
stepping, leaning or sitting on the door or
drawer, mav result iv?possible tipping of the appliance, breakage o["door, and serious injuries.
Do not toueh a hot oven light bulb with a damp cloth as the bull) could break. Should tile bulb break, dise{mneet
power to the appliance be[ore removing bulb to avoid electrical shock.
Cooking Safety
Always turn off sur[ace element or tint? oven when cooking is completed.
It is normal for some parts of the cooktop, especially areas surromMing the sm'f:ace elements, to become hot
during cooking operations. Do not touch the eooktop until it has cooled.
Never leave sur[:ace cook- ing operations unattended
at high heat setting or
when deep fat frying.
Boilovers cause smoke and greasy spillovers mav
Never heat an unopened {})o(t container. Pressure build- up lllaV eallse container to burst resulting in personal injuQ' or damage to the applianee.
Use dry, sturdy potholders. Damp potholders on hot
surf'aees n]av ca!lse [)tlnls {)'ore steam, Towels or otlner
bulkw items should never l)e used as l)othohlers. Do not let podlolders touch hot heating elements.
Alw_ws let quantities of'hot fht cool }?eft)re attempting to
move or handle.
Do not let grease or other flammab[e materials accumulate in or near the appliance, hl)o(! or vent t:,m. Clean hood frequently to prevent grease [rom accumulating on hood or filter.
Make sure the drip bowls are in place (select models). Absence of these [)(),,:'Is during cooking may subject
wiring or eompo,_entsunderneath to damage.
Ceranlie glass eooktop (select models): Do not cook on a broken eooktoi). Cleaning solutions and spillovers may
penetrate the broken eookto 1) and create a risk of electric shock. Contact a qualified tectmieian
immediately, Loose fitting or long
hanging-sleeved apparel should not t)e worn while
cooking. Clothing m_ff ignite or eateh utensil handles.
Always place oven racks in the desire(t positions while oven is cool. If a rack must be moved while hot, use a
(hy pothohter and avoid touching Inot element in oven, Use care when opening the oven door. l_et hot air or
steam escape I)efbre removing or replacing ti)od. PREPARED FOOD WARNING: Follow t(tod
manu[aeturer's instructions. If a plastic frozen food container and/or its cover distorts, warps, or is othemdse damaged during cooking, immediately discard the [hod
and its container. Tile food could l)e contaminated. I)O NOT T()UCII TIlE SURFACE ()1/ OVEN
may be hot exen though tile*,' are dark in color. Areas near surfitee elements and tl_e interior sur{itees of the
oven may become hot enough to cause bums. l)m'ing and after use, do not touch or let clothing or'other t]ammable materials contact heating elements, areas
near elements or interior sin-faces of oven until they have Md sufficient time to cool, Otlwr areas may
become hot. Among these areas are the eooktop, the
surfaces facing the cooktop, the oven vent opening and the surfaees near opening, oven door, an(1 oven window,
Do not allow aluminum fbil, meat probes or any other
metal object (other than a pan on a surface element) to conttK:t heating elements.
Utensil Safety
Use proper pan size. This appliance is equipped with
one or more surface elements of different sizes. Select utensils having flat bottoms large enough to cover the
surface element. Tile use of undersized utensils will expose a portion of tile heating element to direct
eontact and m_w result in tile ignition of clothing. The proper relationship of the utensil to the element will
also improve efIlciency.
Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily
grasped and stay cool. Avoid using unstable or loose handled pans.
Be sure utensil is large enough to properly contain 1})o11 and aw)id boilovers. Pan size is particularly important in
deep t_att_,'ing. To minimize bums, ignition of flammable materials and
spillage due to unintentional contact x_hth tile utensil, do not extend handles over adjacent surface elements. Al-
ways turn pan handles toward the side or back of the
appliance, not out into the mona where thev are easily hit or reached bv small children.
Never let a pan boil dry as this could damage tile utensil and the appliance.
Follow the manut_tcturer_ directions when using oven cooking bags.
Only certain types of glass, glass/ccramic, ceramic, or glazed utensils tire suitable tot cooktop or oven usage
without breaking due to the sudden change in
This appliance has been tested for sa}) performance
using conventional eoo_vare. Do not use any devices or aecessories that are not specifically recommended in
this mmmal. Do not usc eyelid covers for the surthce units, stove top grills, or add-on oven convection systems. Tile use of devices or accessories that are not expressly recommended in this manual can create
serious safipt), hazards, result in performance problems, and reduce the lifb of tile components of tile appliance.
Cleaning Safety
Clean only parts listed in this book and fbllow recommended procedures.
Turn off all controls and wait for appliance parts to cool before touching or cleaning them.
Clean eooktop with caution. Use care to avoid steam bums if'a wet sponge or cloth is used to _dpe spills on a
hot surface. Some eleaners can produce IIOXiOllS fLlltles
if"applied to a hot surface. Do not soak or immerse the removabh_ heating
elements in water (select models). Immersing an
element in water would damage the insulating material inside the element.
Do not use aluminunl toil to line the suflhce unit drip bowls (select models) or tile oven bottom, hnproper
installation of these liners mav result in a risk of electric shock or tlre.
Self-Clean Oven (select models)
Do not clean door gasket. Tile door gasket is essential tbr a good seal. Care should be taken not to rub, damage, or move the gasket. Do not use oven cleaners of any kind in or around any part of the self-clcan oven.
Before seliLcleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, oven racks, and olher utensils, and wipe off excessive
spillovers to p:rcwmt excessive smoke or tlare-ups. CAUTION: DO NOT I,EAVE FOOl) OR COOKING
It is normal fi_r the cooktop of the range to become hot during a self-clean cvcle, Therefore, touching the
c(×)ktop during a clean cycle should be avoided. A ikm should be heard dining the self-clean cycle (select
models). If not, cancel tlle cycle and call servicer, l/efer to the Table of Contents t})r location of self-clean
instructions and f'or infimnation, if"equipped.
Important Safety Notice and Warning
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic
Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substanees
known to the State of Califimlia to cause caneer or reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn
customers ofpotentM exposures to such substances.
Users of this appliance are hereby warned that when
the oven is engaged in the self-clean cycle (select
models), there may be some low level exposure to some
of the listed substances, including carbon monoxide.
Exposure to these substances (:all be minimized bv
properly venting tile range to the outdoors during the self'-cleml cycle by opening the _indows and/or door in tile room where appliance is located.
+ 14 hidden pages