About Your Maytag Contents
Congratulations on your choice PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID
of a Maytag microwave oven! As a_o_lNumber POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO
you use your new microwave oven EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE
we know that you will appreciate ENERGY ..................................... 3
the many features that provide SerialNumber Safety Instructions ................... 3-5
excellent performance, ease of
cleaning, convenience and Microwaving Tips ........................ 5
dependability. PurchaseInstallationDate Automatic Fan Feature ................. 6
Before you begin cooking with Touch Control Panel ................ 6, 7
your new microwave oven, please Servi_ Company&phoneNumber Features ....................................... 8
take a few minutes to read and Homeowner: Keep this booklet Minute/Second Timer .................. 9
become familiar with the and the installation instructions
instructions in this book. On the which are included in the literature Cooking by Time ................. 10, 11
following pages you will find a package. Express Cook Feature ................ 10
wealth of information regarding all
aspects of using your microwave Installer: Leave this booklet with +30 Seconds .............................. 11
oven. By following the instructions the appliance for future reference. Auto Start/Reminder .................. 11
carefully, you will be able to fully Auto Defrost ........................ 12, 13
enjoy and properly maintain your Registration
Maytag microwave oven and Defrosting by Time ................... 14
achieve excellent results with the Federal law requires registration of Cooking by Temperature ........... 15
food you prepare, all microwave ovens. To comply
Should you have any questions CUSTOMER REGISTRATION Complete Meal Cooking ........... 18
about using your Maytag CARD packaged in the oven.
microwave oven, write to us. Be Reheat Feature ........................... 19
sure to provide the model number 1. Check the model and serial Popcorn ...................................... 20
of your microwave oven. numbers on the card to see that
Consumer Education Department rating label. Rating label is located The Vent Hood .......................... 22
Maytag Company on the inside of the oven cavity. If Light Replacement .................... 23
One Dependability Square the numbers on the card are not the
Newton, Iowa 50208 same as those on the rating label Grounding Instructions .............. 24
(Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.C.S.T.) and write in the numbers as they Before You Call for Service ......25
Model Identification 2. Mail the card. The return Warranty .................................... 27
If you have a question, or need address is included on the reverse
service, have this information side of card. Optional Accessory
ready: If you move or are not the original A Charcoal Filter Kit for non-vented
1. Complete model and serial owner of this oven, you must, by installation is available at extra
numbers from the rating plate law, renew the registration. Send cost from your Maytag dealer.
which is located inside the oven. the renewal registration Ask for part 05200037.
2. Purchase or installation date
from your sales slip. Maytag Company
Copy this information in these Cleveland, Tennessee 37311
spaces. Keep this book, your
warranty, and the sales slip Renewal Registration information
together in a handy place, must provide: a) Your name and
with the law, please fill out the Automatic Roasting ............. 16, 17
they match the numbers on the Care and Cleaning ..................... 21
cross out the numbers on the card Installation ................................. 24
appear on the rating label.
information to:
P.O. Box 2790
address and b) the microwave
oven's model and serial numbers.

Read all instructions before using this appliance.
When using electrical appliances, ° This over-the-range oven
POSSIBLE basic safety precautions should be was designed for use over
EXPOSURE TO followed, including the following: ranges no wider than 42 inches.
EXCESSIVE WARNING-To reduce and electric cooking equipment.
the risk of bums, electric shock,
It may be installed over both gas
MICROWAVE fire,injurytopersonsorexposure•Donotstoreanythingdirectly
ENERGY to excessave rmcrowave energy: surface°ntop Ofwhenthemicrowavetheoven is ovenin _,
• Use this appliance only for operation, e_
(a) Do Not Attempt to operate its intended use as described
this oven with the door open in this manual. Do not use • Do not immerse power cord _"
since open-door operation can corrosive chemicals or vapors in or plug in water.
result in harmful exposure to this appliance. This microwave • Keep power cord away from
microwave energy. It is important oven is specifically designed to heated surfaces.
not to defeat or tamper with the heat or cook food. and is not
safety interlocks, intended for laboratory or
(b) Do Not Place any object • Do not operate this appliance
between the oven front face and • Read and follow the specific
the door or allow soil or cleaner "PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID if it has a damaged power cord
residue to accumulate on sealing POSSIBLEEXPOSURE TO or plug, if it is not working
surfaces. EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE properly, or if it has been
(c) Do Not Operate the oven • See door surface cleaning
if it is damaged. It is particularly • This appliance must be
important that the oven door grounded. Connect only to
close properly and that there is properly grounded outlet. See Cleaning section(s) of this book.
no damage to the: Grounding Instructions section. • This appliance should be
industrial use. over edge of table or counter.
ENERGY" on this page. damaged or dropped.
• Do not let power cord hang
instructions in the Care and
(1) door (bent) • For best operation, plug this serviced only by qualified
appliance into its own electrical
(2) hinges and latches (broken outlet, to prevent flickering of authorizedservice facility for
or loosened) lights, blowing of fuse or examination, repair or adjustment.
(3) door seals and sealing tripping of drenit breaker. ° As with any appliance, dose
surfaces. • Do not mount this appliance supervision is necessary when I_
(d) The Oven Should Not be over a sink. Install or locate used by children.
adjusted or repaired by anyone this appliance only in
except properly qualified service accordance with the provided • To reduce the risk of fire in 1_
personnel. Installation Instructions. the oven cavity:
• Do not cover or block any ---Do not use the oven for
of this oven is 750 watts paper products, cooking utensils, _
(IEC--70STestProcedure) • DOnot store this appliance
Microwave power output openings on the appliance, storage purposes. Do not leave _'_
outdoors. Do not use this or fooclin the oven when not '-1
appliance near water--for muse. e_
example, in a wet basement, near --Do not overeook food.
a swimming pool or near asink. Carefully attend appliance if
• This microwave oven is paper,plastic, or other combustible r_
not approved or tested for materials are placed inside the
marine use. oven to facilitate cooking.
service personnel. Contact nearest
(continued next page)

--Do notuse ¢
contain_ fleckswhichmay
uDo not poppopcorn in your manufacturer'srecommendations
microwaveoven unlessina cookware
accessoryor unlessyouuse becauseof heal
popcornlabeled for usein
--Do not operatethe oven
whileemptyto avoiddamageto
the ovenandthe dangerof fire. temperatureof at least 170°F
Ifby accidentthe ovenshould and Thi:
run emptyaminute ortwo.no
harmis done.However.try to neat,it _ be
avoidoperatingtheovenempty as
at all times---itsavesenergyand
prolongsthe life of theoven. eggsin a
--Do notovertook potatoes binthisbook
Theycoulddehydrateand catch will causeitto burst,possibly
ftre.causingdamagetoyouroven. oven. resultingininjury.
--If materials insideoven *Feeds with unbrokenouter
shouldignite, keepovendoor
offpower atthe fuseor circuit recommendedforusein the
refertoflaeCareand microwaveoven. Pressurewill
• Someproductssuch aswhole
eggsandsealed contalne_
explodeand shouldnot beheated
inthis microwaveoven. Such use
of then-derowaveovencould
resultin injury. _nage
• Avoidheatingbabyfood in ovenwalls,
especiallymeatandegg mixtures.

crowaving Tips
Make.sure all cookware .usedin
your microwave oven is statable
for mlcrowaving. Most glass _¢
casseroles, cooking dishes,
measuring cups, custard cups,
pottery or china dinnerware which
does not have metallic trim or
with a metallic sheen can be _1
used. Some cookware is labeled _-_
"suitable for microwaving."
any c _.
If you are not sure if a dish is
microwave-safe, use this test:
Place in the oven both the dish you
are testing and a glass measuring
cup filled with one cup water sct
iliquids may the measuring cup either in or next
to the dish. Microwave 1 minute at
high. If the dish heats, it should not
burns fi'om splashing liquid, be used for microwaving. If the
stir the liquid briefly before dish remains cool and only the
remo.vingthe container from water in the cup heats, then the
the microwave oven. ' , dish is microwave-safe.
• Paper towels, wax paper and
TILE, EXHAUST HOOD plastic wrap can be used to cover
•Haveit installedand and prevent spattering. Be sure
dishes in order to retain moisture
See the s . can escape.
to vent plastic wrap so steam
instructionspackedwith_ • Somemierowavedfoods
microwaveoven. require stirring, rotating or 0
•.Theexhaustfanin the oven rearranging.
will operate automatically • Steam builds up pressure in 1_
foods which are tightly covered _.
under certainconditions(see by a skin or membrane. Pierce --
potatoes, egg yolks and chicken qt_
the Your Touch livers to prevent bursting. _-]
fan is operating, caution is
required to If you use a meat thermometer
and ,' safe for use in microwave ovens.
while cooking, make sure it is
fan is inuse.For thisreason:
--Never leave mrfaceunits
unattendedat highheat
seltings. Boflover causes

Your Touch Control Panel
The Touch Control Panel allows you to set the oven 10. POPCORN. Touch this pad, then START to
controls with the touch of a finger, It's designed to be cook prepackaged microwave popcorn weighing 3.0
easy to use and understand, to 3.7 ounces.
11. VENT FAN. Press HI, LO or OFF for the different
When You Plug in the Oven fanspeeds.
The display panel displays five 8's, 18 POWER and 12. MIN/SEC TIMER. This feature uses no
all of the oven functions. After 15 seconds, all lights microwave energy. It functions as either a kitchen timer,
disappear and "RESET" appears in the upper portion, as a holding period after defrost or as a delay timer
Touch the CLEAR/OFF pad, set the Clock and oven is before time or temperature cooking.
ready for use. 13. TEMP COOK/HOLD. Use the temperature probe
If power is disrupted at any time, the above sequence to cook by using a preset temperature. Once food
recurs, and you must reset Clock after touching the reaches preset temperature, oven switches to HOLD
CLEAR/OFF pad. setting and maintains that temperature until you touch
"PROBE" Appears on the Display
• Probe has been forgotten when Auto Roast or Temp minutes. For example, for 4 minutes touch 4 and
Cook/Hold function is being used. MINUTE.
• Probe is not securely seated in oven wall receptacle. 15. NUMBER PADS. Touch these pads to enter
1. DISPLAY. Displays time of day, time or temperature cooking time, defrosting time, time of day, temperature,
during cooking functions, power level being used, power level, or food weights for Auto Defrost.
cooking mode and instructions. 16. +30 SECONDS. Press this pad to add 30 seconds
2. TIME DEFROST. Gentle thawing at automatic to the cook time as it's counting down.
power level 3 (Low). 17. CLEAR/OFF. When touched, it shuts off the oven
3. TIME COOK 1AND 2. Microwave for a selected and erases all settings (except time of day).
amount of time using automatic power level 10 (High). 18. AUTO DEFROST. Touch this pad and food
4. EXPRESS COOK. Touch the number 1through 5 weight, then START. The oven automatically sets
pads for 1 to 5 minutes of cooking at power level 10. power levels and defrosting time.
For example, touch 2 then START for 2 minutes at 19. AUTO ROAST. Insert probe. Touch this pad, the
power level 10. desired number pad for code, then START. The oven
5. CLOCK SET. Touch this pad to enter time of day slow-cooks meat with the automatic preset program.
or check time of day while microwaving. To set clock, 20. LIGHT. Touch ON to turn on the bright hood light.
first touch CLOCK SET pad and then enter time of day. Touch NIGHT to turn on a dimmer light.
For example, if time is 1:30, touch number pads 1, 3
and 0 and "1:30" will appear in display. Then touch
START or CLOCK SET pad. To reset or change time, Automatic Fan Feature
simply repeat above process. This microwave oven has an automatic fan feature to
6. POWER LEVEL. Touch this pad before entering protect it from too much heat rising from the cooktop
another power level number if you want to change from or range beneath it. It automatically turns on at a low
automatic power level 10 (High) for cooking or power speed if it senses too much heat.
level 3 (Low) for defrosting. If you have turned the fan on you may find that you
7. START. After all selections are made, touch this pad cannot turn it off. This is because the automatic fan has
to start the oven. come on to protect the internal parts of the microwave.
8. AUTO START. Allows you to program your oven to The fan will automatically turn off when the internal
begin cooking at a preset time of day--up to a 12-hour parts are cool. It may stay on for 30 minutes or more
delay. The Reminder feature can be used like an alarm after the range and microwave controls have been
clock, turned off.
9. REHEAT. Use Reheat for quick reheating of a
variety of foods using different times and power levels.
the CLEAR/OFF pad.
14. MINUTE. Use with number pads to enter whole

• I I •
0 CLOCK I ;:_ :3 '4" 5 MINUTE
_, POWER E3 7 8 9 E_ +30 '_1
e [
s_ _
o I I =

Features of Your Microwave Oven
Cooking Complete Reminder •
(For all cooking features except Temp Cook/Hold and
Auto Roast code 4)
To remind you that you have food in the oven, the oven
either open the oven door or touch the CLEAR/OFF pad. -_
will display "End" and beep once a minute until you _ _/___//_//_//_]_ j-_
1.0 Cubic Foot I
Oven Interior
1. Door Handle. Pull to open door. 5. Temperature Probe. Use with 8. Hood Controls.
Door must be securely latched for Temp Cook/Hold and Auto Roast Fan. Press HI, LO or OFF.
oven to operate, functions only. Light. Press ON, NIGHT
2. Door Latches. 6. Shelf. Lets you microwave or OFF.
3. Window with Metal Shield. several foods at once. Use this 9. Grease Filters.
Screen allows cooking to be shelf only when cooking foods on 10. Cooktop Light.
viewed while keeping microwaves two levels. Food microwaves best
confined in oven. when placed directly on the oven 11. Auto Defrost and Auto
floor. (See Safety Instructions and Roast Guide.
4. Receptacle for Temperature Complete Meal Cooking section 12. Oven Floor.
Probe. Probe must be securely for special instructions.)
inserted into receptacle before NOTE: Rating plate, oven vent(s)
oven will start any temperature 7. Touch Control Panel and and oven light are located on the
or Auto Roast cooking. Digital Display. For detailed inside walls of the microwave oven.
This is to certify C.EM. SONES [
that this unit has at 0.10 WG 6.3 Vert.
been tested in 215 Vert. 5.9 Hor.
conformance 224 Hor.
with AMCA
Bulletin No. 210.
information on each feature, see
Your Touch Control Panel section.
8 l

How to Use the Minute/Second Timer
The Minute/Second Timer has How to Defrost, Hold and
three timing functions: Time Cook TIME COOK
• It operates as a minute timer. Let's say you want to defrost a 1 and 2
• it can be set to delay cooking, frozen casserole for 15 minutes,
• It can be used as a hold setting hold for 10 minutes andthen Time
after defrosting. Cook for 25 minutes. Here's how Step 6: Touch TIME COOK
The Minute/Second Timer operates
without microwave energy. Step 1: Take casserole from Step 7: Touch 2, 5 and MINUTE
Using a Holding Time
The Minute/Second Timer can TIM E
also be used to program a "holding D E F R O ST START
time" between microwave cooking
functions. The time can range from
one second to 99 minutes and 99
seconds. A holding or standing Step 2: Touch TIME DEFROST Step 8" Touch START. As
time may be found in some of pad. each function is automatically
your own recipes, performed, oven display shows
How to Time a 3-Minute M INOTE function. When time is up, the
Phone Call oven signals and flashes "End."
to do it: 1 and 2 pad.
freezer and place in oven. for 25 minutes of cooking time.
instructions entered and the
Step 1: Touch MIN/SEC TIMER
pad. Step 3: Touch pads 1, 5 and
Step 2: Touch number pad 3 and MINUTI_ for 15 minutes
MINUTE pad (for 3 minutes and defrosting time. (Defrosting is
no seconds), automatically set on power level
Step 3: Touch START. Display 3 but can be changed by touching
shows time counting down. The the POWER LEVEL pad and the
timer signals when time is up. desired power level.)
ProgrammingDelayed M [N/S EC '_
Cooking TIMER
To delay cooking up to 99minutes
and 99 seconds, touch either ¢_
TIME COOK 1 and 2, TEMP Step 4: Set standing or hold time
and enter cook time, temperature or pad.
code. Touch MIN/SEC TIMER and
enter number of minutes to delay Step 5: Touch 1, 0 and MINUTE _,
cooking. When delaying Temp to hold for ten minutes. im
Cook/Hold or Auto Roast _'*
cooking, be sure probe is in _'_
food. Touch START. Timer will _"
count down to zero and cooking
will begin.