cat) III>! !~~,sce, with 5 solId s~dcs,
rnllsl br:
provided lo complclely
the ICC? c<td part of your bul’l-In oven except for the vent lhlmble on the
WI: dc \c,nlcd units. See Figure 1 for all necessary dimensions. A culoul
22” wdc by 30-3/l 6” high musl be made I” Ihe cablnel front. It IS bes!
to frske a lcmplale lo rnsurt accurale cuDng
f’!acc lhc tiotlom of Ihe temlj’are on a level base Ilne. 32-l/2” above the
flt,~~o: lhs WIII pOsition the open oven about 37” above Ihe floor.
II IS Imporlant thal the oven be Installed at the minimum height specified.
The unll has been tesled and approved, in accordance wilh safely standards, al this height The venl area may gel hot when Ihe oven is In use.
FolIowIng these insfallallon tnslrucllons wII move the vent area out of a
range, where I! would likely be touched by small children
IMPORTANT: If you install the oven in a corner. you must have a
minimum of 4” belween the side of the oven and the adjacent wall or
,cabinet (see insel a! right). The 4” clearance from the wall Is needed
lo make the screws on the side of the control panel accessible, should
the unit need servicing.
The cabinel must have a solid bottom. The solid bottom may either ti
al the flmr or level with lhe boflom edge of the cutout opening. If Ihe solid
bottom is lo be at Ihe floor. two runners, cen:ered wlthln the cabinet. 11”
apan may be used lo support lhe oven
Be sure the oven support is solid enough lo hold the weigh1 of the unit
about 130 pounds. Also, be sure the oven support is level and straight
- lhgre IS no way to level the oven atter mslallallon.
Drafts insde the oven cabinet may affect sale use 01 your oven. Any openings around gas and electric service outlets must be seAled al the time
of lnslallallon to prevent drars