When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions b. Remove wiretwist-ties from paper or plastic bags
should befollowed, including thefollowing: before placing bag in oven.
WARNING - To reduce the risk of burns, electrical c. Ifmaterials insidethe oven should ignite,keep oven
shock,fire,injurytopersonsorexposuretoexcessivemicro- door closed, turn oven off, and disconnect the
power cord, or shut off power at the fuse or circuit
wave energy: breakerpanel.
THE APPLIANCE. d. Do not use the cavity for storage purposes. Donot
leave paper products, cooking utensils, or food in
2. Readandfollowthespecific"precautionstoavoid possi- the cavity when not in use.
bleexposure to excessivemicrowaveenergy"found on
insidefront cover, e. Do not put metal inside the oven, except as specifi-
cally described in the manual or cookbook if sup-
3. This appliance must be grounded and properly polar- plied with this oven.
ized.Connectonlyto a properlygroundedand polarized
outlet. SeeGrounding Instructionson page 3. 17. Use only cooking utensils and accessories, made for
use inthe microwave and specifically described in this
4. Install or locatethis appliance onlyin accordance with manual or cookbook, if included withoven. Usealumi-
the installationinstructions described in this manual.
num foil only as directed in this booklet. See page 6.
5. Someproducts suchas wholeeggsand sealedcontain- 18. Do not use outdoors.
ers,such as closed glassjars, mayexplodeand should
not be heated in this oven. 19. Do not pop popcorn in anything otherthan a microwave
oven popperunless it isaspecially treated bag labeled:
6. Usethisappliance onlyfor itsintendeduse asdescribed "Microwavepopcorn intendedforuseinthe microwave".
inthemanual. Donotusecorrosive chemicalsor vapors
in this appliance. This type of oven is specifically de- 20. Never use brown paper bags, glass or plastic bowls, or
signed to heat, cook, dry, or defrost food. It is not de- other unsuitable containers to pop popcorn. To avoid
signedfor industrial, laboratory,or commercialuse. It is scorching and burning, remove popcorn after popping
intended for home use only. Do not use for drying has slowedtotwo or threeseconds between pops. Pro-
clothes, linens, newspaper, or similar non-food type Iongedpoppingcan causesmokingfromoverheatedoil,
items, breakage of dishes, damage to oven and eventually a
7. Make sure that all persons using this appliance, espe-
cially children, are closely supervised and properly in- 21. Do not removetheouter case orthe plasticstirrer cover
structed on how to use this appliance, insidethe oven cavity.
8. Do notoperatethisappliance if it hasadamaged cordor 22. Briskly stir liquidsbefore heatingand reheatingto incor-
plug, if it is not working properly, or if it hasbeen dam- porate air. This prevents abrupt boilovers that some-
aged ordropped, timesoccur afterair-depleted liquids are heated, espe-
9. This appliance should be serviced only by qualified cially in tall, narrow containers.
service personnel.Contactthe nearestauthorized serv- 23. Microwave oven manufacturers do not recommend
ice facility for examination, repair or replacement. Do deepfatfrying orfrying in a microwaveoven. Hot oil can
notattempt to service or repairthis appliance, damageoven partsand utensils and even result inskin
10. Donotcoveror block anyopenings ontheappliance. Do burns.
notstoreitemson topof microwaveovenifthereare Iou- 24. Plasticwrap:Use only those types designed for micro-
vers on topof oven. waveoven useand avoid forming anair-tight seal. Fold
11. Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not use this back a small corner or cut a small slit to allow steam to
product nearwater- for example,near akitchen sink, in escape.
a wet basement,ornear aswimming pool, andthe like. 25. Stay near the appliance while it is in use and check
12. Do not immerse cord or plug in water, cookingprogressfrequently. Leaving the appliance un-
13. Keepcord away from heated surfaces, attended may result in overcooked food and possibly a
fire in your oven.
14. Do not let cord hang over edgeof table or counter.
15. Whencleaning surfaces ofdoor and oventhat come to- ANCES ONLY:
gether on closing the door, use only mild, nonabrasive
soaps or detergentsappliedwith a sponge or soft cloth, a. Do not operate any heating or cooking appliance
beneath this appliance.
16. To reducethe risk offire inthe oven cavity:
b. Do not mountunitoveror near anyportionof aheat-
a. Do notovercookfood, especiallystarchyitems such ing or cooking appliance.
aspotatoesandfattyitems suchas bacon.Carefully
attend applianceifpaper,plastic,or othercombusti- c. Do not mount over a sink.
ble materialsare placed insidethe ovento facilitate d. Do not store anything directly on top of the appli-
cooking, ance surface when the appliance is in operation.