Maxwell 25602 User Manual

User ManUal
Használati Utasítás
ManUal de Utilizare
Užívateľská prírUčka
Product code / Termékkód / Cod produs / Kód produkta:
User Manual
secUrity inforMation
This manual provides the description of using the Digital Clamp Meter safely. Pleas­se, read and follow the safety information. To get the best service from this Meter, read carefully this user’s manual and respect the detailed safety precautions. Use the meter only as specied in this manual; otherwise, the protection provided by the meter may be impaired. Hereafter, misuse can cause da­mage or error.
safety Warnings!
Please, read and follow the safety informa­tion carefully before usage. When using the instrument, the user must observe all normal safety rules: Never measure higher values than the given thresholds. Do not use the Meter around explosive gas, vapour or dust. Only use the test probes supplied with the instrument. Before use, check that they are in good condition. Never use the instrument if any of the parts are damaged, or if the instru­ment and/or your hand is wet. Never open the battery holder during mea­suring process. Do not alternate the function switch during measuring processes. Do not use spare-parts to change any da­maged parts of the Clamp Meter. When re­pairing the device, always use parts recom­mended by the manufacturer. Before changing batteries, always switch o the instrument and disconnect it from the circuit. Never change the batteries in wet conditions or environment. Before measuring processes, make sure about the proper position of the function se­lection switch. Do not store the Meter in high temperature or high humidity and dustful environment
instrUMent layoUt
1. Clamp Release Button (opener)
2. Data HOLD Button
3. SELECT Button (Function Selector switch)
4. REL (relative measurement) Switch
5. RANGE/DUTY switch (selection function and range)
6. COM connector (for connecting the black/ negative measuring wire)
7. V, Ω, CAP, Hz connector (for connecting the red/positive measuring wire)
8. LCD Display
9. Function/Measuring selection button
10. Measuring Clamps
User Manual
Measuring Ranges and Accuracy
DC Current 0.01A - 1000A AC Current 0.01A - 1000A DC Voltage 0.1mV - 1000V AC Voltage 1mV - 750V Resistance 0.1Ω - 40MΩ Capacity 1pF – 100uF Frequency 0,001Hz-100KHz Conductor Size 80mm opened Diode test Opening voltage 0.3mA, voltage 1.5V DC Continuity Limit value <50Ω; current intensity max.<1mA Low battery power ” is shown on the display Low battery power „OL” is shown on the display Sample Rate 2/mp Inward impedance 10MΩ (VDC és VAC) Display 4 digites LCD AC Current 50-60 Hz (AAC) AC Voltage 40-400 Hz (VAC) Operating Temperature -10°C-50°C (14°F-122°F) Storage temperature -30°C-60°C (-22°F-140°F) Relative Humidity max. 85% Standard Cat III. cat. 600V Battery DC 9V IEC 6F22.1604. Automatically powered down After about 20 min. Dimensions 258 x 83 x 45 mm Súly 425 g (with battery)
Range Resolution Accuracy (%)
40A 0.01A ± (3.0% + 8 digit)
400A 0.1A ± (2.5% + 8 digit)
1000A 1A ± (3.0% + 10 digit)
User Manual
Range Resolution Accuracy (%)
40A 0.01A ± (3.0% + 10 digit)
400A 0.1A ± (2.5% + 8 digit)
1000A 1A ± (3.0% + 10 digit)
Range Resolution Accuracy (%)
400mV 0.1mV
± (0.5% + 4 digit)
4V 0.001V
40V 0,01V
400V 0.1V
1000V 1V ± (1.0% + 6 digit)
Range Resolution Accuracy (%)
400mV 0.1mV ± (1.6% + 8 digit)
4V 0.001V
± (0.8% + 10 digit)40V 0,01V 400V 0.1V 750V 1V ± (1.0% + 10 digit)
Input Impedance: 10MΩ Max. Input Voltage: 1000V DC or AC maximum value Frequency Range: below 400V: 40-400Hz, above 400V: 40-200Hz
Range Resolution Accuracy (%)
400Ω 0.1Ω ± (0.8% + 5 digit)
± (0.8% + 4digit)
40kΩ 10Ω
400kΩ 100Ω
4MΩ 1kΩ
40MΩ 10kΩ ± (1.2% + 10 digit)
Overload Protection: 250V DC or AC maximum
User Manual
Range Resolution Accuracy (%)
4nF 0.001nF ± (3.5% + 30 digit)
40nF 0.01nF
± (3.0% + 5 digit)
400nF 0.1nF
4μF 0.001μF
40μF 0.01μF
100μF 0.1μF ± (5.0% + 10 digit)
Range Resolution Accuracy (%)
9,999Hz 0.001Hz
± (1.5% + 2 digit)
99,99Hz 0,01Hz
999,9Hz 0,1Hz 9,999kHz 1Hz 99,99kHz 10Hz
Input Voltage Range: min. 2V RMS Overload Protection: 250V DC or AC maximum
cUrrent MeasUreMent
1.: Set rotary switch to the „1000A, 400A” or 40A” position then select the voltage type (AC or DC) by pushing the „SELECT” button. Press the trigger to open the transformer jaws and clamp onto one conductor only. NOTE: During current measurement, keep the transformerjaws fully closed. Otherwise, accurate measurement cannot be made. Warning: Do not make current measurement with the test leads connected to the instru­ment.
voltage MeasUreMent
Set the rotary switch to the „V” range then by the „SELECT” button select the voltage type, DC or AC voltage. Connect the black and red test leads to the „COM” and „VΩHz” terminals.
Connect the test leads to the circuit being measured. Read the displayed value on the instrument’s screen.
resistance MeasUreMent
Set the rotary switch to the „Ω” range. Connect the black and red test leads to the „COM” and „VΩHz” terminals. Connect the test leads to the circuit being measured. Read the displayed value on the instrument’s screen. WARNING: Always make sure that the circuit under test is powered o.
capacitance MeasUreMent
Set the rotary switch to „- | | -” range. Connect the black test leads to the „COM
User Manual
and the red test leads to „VΩHz” terminals. Connect the test leads to the capacitor being measured and read the displayed value on the screen
NOTE: The meter only do automatically capa­citance measurement.
WARNING: To avoid electrical shock and/or damage to the instrument, disconnect circuit power and discharge all high-voltage capaci­tors before measuring capacitance.
freqUency MeasUreMent
Set the rotary switch to „Hz” range. Press the „Hz/DUTY” key to select the mea­surement function (frequency or duty cycle measurement). Connect the black test leads to the „COM” and the red test leads to „VΩHz” terminals. Connect the test leads to the circuit under test and read the displayed value on the scre­en. NOTE: The meter only do automatic frequ­ency measurement.
diode test
Set the rotary switch to “ ” range. Press the „SELECT” key once to activate Diode Test. Connect the black test leads to the „COM” and the red test leads to „VΩHz” terminals. Connect the test leads to the diode terminals of the circuit under test and read the displa­yed value on the screen.
continUity cHeck
Set the function switch to “ ” range. Push the „SELECT” button to select the continuity check mode. Connect the black test leads to the „COM” and the red test leads to „VΩHz” terminals. Connect the test leads to the circuit under test and read the displayed value on the screen.
If the resistance is less than approximately 50Ω, an audible signal will sound.
WARNING: Always make sure that the circuit under test is powered o. NOTE: To avoid electrical shock and damage to the instrument or faulty measurement, disconnect circuit power and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before measuring continuity
relative MeasUreMent Mode
The Relative mode permits the user to store a reference reading and compare all subsequ­ent readings to the stored reference value by pressing the „REL” button the instrument will store the valued measure as 0. Subsequent readings will display a value that is the die­rence between the actual reading and the stored reference value.
1. Press the „REL” key when the desired va­lued is displayed on the meter. This becomes the stored reference. The „REL” symbol will appear on the LCD.
2. Take measurements and note that the me­ter displays the actual reading minus the re­ference reading.
3. Press the „REL” key to return to normal ope­ration. The „REL” symbol will switch o.
data Hold
To freeze the LCD meter reading, press the „HOLD” button once during measurement process. While data hold is active, the „HOLD” signal appears on the LCD, an audible sound can be heard and the instrument will store the measured value. Press the „HOLD” button again to return to normal operation.
sleep fUnction
This function causes the instrument to au­tomatically enter the sleep (powered down) mode about 20 minutes after the last switch
User Manual
or button operation. To exit the sleep mode, turn the function selector switch back to any position, or press any button. Befor activating the istrument, make sure that the test leads are not connected to any circuit in order to avoid any damage or electrical shock.
Battery replaceMent
Replace the battery as soon as the battery in­dicator appears on the screen to avoid false readings.
To replace the 9V (IEC 6F22) battery:
Turn the Meter o and remove all the con­nections from the input terminals. Set the function selector to “OFF” position. Turn the Meter’s front case down. Remove the screw from the battery compart­ment, and separate the battery compartment from the case bottom. Take out the old battery and replace with a new 9V battery (IEC 6F22). Rejoin the case bottom and the battery com­partment, and reinstall the screw.
• Periodically wipe the case with a damp
cloth and mild detergent.
• Do not use abrasives or solvents.
• Dirt or moisture in the terminals can aect
To clean the terminals:
- Turn the meter o and remove all test leads.
- Shake out any dirt that may be in the terminals.
- Soak a new swab with a cleaning and oiling agent.
- Work the swab around in each terminal. The oiling agent insulates the terminals from moisture-related contamination
• The rotary switch should be placed in the
correct position to prevent the Clamp Meter during measurement process.
• Pay attention when you apply more than
50V. If the value to be measured is unknown, use the maximum measurement position and reduce the range step by step until a sa­tisfactory reading is obtained.
• Use the proper terminals, functions, and
range for your measurements.
• When servicing the Clamp Meter, use only
the same model number or identical electri­cal specications replacement parts.
• Do not apply more than the rated voltage,
as marked on the Meter, between the termi­nals or between any terminal and ground. If the value to be measured is unknown, use the maximum measurement position and re­duce the range step by step until satisfactory reading is obtained.
Használati utasítás
Biztonsági inforMáció
Ez a segédlet tartalmazza a műszer helyes és biztonságos használatához szükséges tudni­valókat. Amennyiben nem követi a megfelelő utasításokat, az a műszer meghibásodásához vezethet.
Olvassa el gyelmesen a használati utasítás­ban leírtakat, mielőtt használatba venné a készüléket. Kövesse a biztonsági és használati instruk­ciókat, hogy biztosítsa a maximális személyi biztonságot a műszer használata alatt.
Soha ne vizsgálja a megengedett maximum bemeneti értéket a méréseknél! Ne kíséreljen meg mérést végezni tűzveszé­lyes területeken, füst, pára vagy por közelé­ben. Ne használja a műszert ha annak burkolata vagy az Ön keze vizes/nedves! Soha ne nyissa ki az elemtartót, ha mérést végez! Mindig ellenőrizze a műszert és a mérőve­zetékeket mérés előtt. Ha a műszeren vagy annak tartozékain bármilyen szerkezeti hibát észlel, pl. a vezetékek törése, a készülékház megrepedése, ne használja azt. Ne forgassa a funkciókapcsolót addig, amíg bármilyen áramkör van csatlakoztatva a mű­szerhez. Ne használjon cserealkatrészeket, és ne mó­dosítsa a készülék áramköreit. A javítást vagy hitelesítést végeztesse szakemberrel. Mindig kapcsolja ki a műszert és csatlakoztas­sa le az ármakörről mielőtt elemet cserélne. Soha ne cserélje ki az elemet ha a műszer vagy az ön keze vizes/nedves. Mérések előtt győződjön meg róla, hogy a megfelelő pozícióba állította a funkciókap­csolót. Ne tegye ki a műszert erős napsugárzásnak vagy nedves, poros környezeti hatásnak.
1. Lakatfogó fej nyitó
2. HOLD (adattartás) gomb
3. SELECT (funkcióváltó) gomb
4. REL (relative mérés) gomb
5. RANGE/DUTY (Range- és üzemmód váltó) gomb
6. COM (közös mérőbemenet a fekete mű­szerzsinórnak) aljzat
7. V, Ω, CAP, Hz (mérőbemenet a piros mű­szerzsinórnak) aljzat
8. LCD kijelző
9. Mérés üzemmód kapcsoló
10. Lakatfogó fej
+ 17 hidden pages