Maxtor APPTIMIZER readme

Matrox Apptimizer2.0 for Windows 2000/XP
Table of Contents
Parts of the Apptimizer application..................................................................4
MTXcfg.ini Methodology.....................................................................................5
**SubFolderName= ....................................................................................................6
**CfgIniFileName= ....................................................................................................7
**GameExeName= .....................................................................................................9
**ShortCutParameters= ..............................................................................................9
**LatestPatchReq= ...................................................................................................10
**NoSurround= / **Surround=...........................................................................10
Game Data to modify................................................................................................11
Game Data Modifications methodology......................................................12
Simple replacement strings ...........................................................................................12
Embedded replacement strings......................................................................................13
Game Replacement Strings...........................................................................................14
By Line Number Replacement Strings..........................................................................15


The steps illustrated below are designed to help you understand how to enter settings into the MTXcfg.ini for the purpose of providing the end user with a hassle free method of setting up a triple head surround gaming experience.
The game listbox has visual cues for end users convenience.
What the game listbox colors mean:
Bolded Text - Detected games appear bolded.
CheckBoxes - Detected games have the accompanying checkbox checked.
Grey text - The game is either not installed or could not be detected by
Apptimizer. If selected, the browse and scan buttons in the Game Location section will be available so that the user can either try to find the game exectutable automatically or in the worse case, manually search for the games executable location.
Green text - The game has already been optimized using Apptimizer.
Black text - The game is installed but has not been detected as having been
optimized with Apptimizer.
Red text - The game is installed but is missing a configuration file. This is
usually due to the game needing to be run at least once in order to create its configuration file. A message box will appear to indicate this to the user.

Parts of the Apptimizer application

Listbox containing the names of the games obtained from the MTXcfg.ini. Indicator of how many games are in the MTXcfg.ini and how many
were found on the system.
Links to Matrox websites.
When a game has been detected and is selected from within the listbox, the games EXE path will automatically be entered into the 'Game Location' text box for the user.
When a game has not been detected the user can provide the path to the game EXE via the browse or scan button. It is then stored / updated in the MtxCfg.ini file.
The Restore button removes the desktop shortcut and restores the original backed up game configuration file. In essence placing the game back to what it was prior to the modifications.
The Optimize button creates a backup of the original game configuration file, makes the game modifications and provides a desktop shortcut to the game.
Type of game optimization option buttons
Game optimization status indicator

MTXcfg.ini Methodology

Break down of each line in MTXcfg.ini

Please note that every line listed below, beginning with a ‘**’ or ‘*[‘ must be present for each game listed in the ‘MTXcfg.ini’ file, regardless of whether there is a value associated to it or not.
Below is a sample game entry.
*[Quake III Team Arena]* **GameLoc=HKLM\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\quake3.exe\Path **SubFolderName=missionpack **CfgIniFileName=q3config.cfg **GameExeName=quake3.exe **ShortCutName=Quake III Team Arena **ShortCutParameters=+set fs_game missionpack **LatestPatchReq= **MSG1=Download and install “Quake III Areana 1.32 Point Release”, if you want to have the
latest game files to play with.
**NoSurround=True seta r_customwidth ||"1024" seta r_customheight ||"768" seta cg_fov ||"90" seta r_mode ||"6"
**Surround=True seta r_customwidth ||"2400" seta r_customheight ||"600" seta cg_fov ||"143" seta r_mode ||"-1" *[END]*
This is how it’s broken down by the ‘Apptimizer’ application.
*[Quake III Team Arena]*
The ‘*[‘ and ‘]*’ identify the text contained within as the title of the game. The title is parsed out and added into the game listbox of the Apptimizer app. It is also used to identify which values should be retrieved from the MTXcfg.ini file as replacement values.


Almost all recent games add their executable game paths into the windows registry when they are installed. When the MtxCfg.ini file is populated with a registry value, unique to the game, Apptimizer will search and retrieve the game path from the
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