The 14.4 Kbps Series FAX/Voice/Data Modem connect your computer to all popular high speed modems
available today. This manual describes the hardware installation procedures for your new modem product. Additional
information on AT commands and S-registers are provided
so that your system can be customized for a particular
operating environment.
Section Two - Installation
This section will provide step by step instructions on
how to install your new 14.4 Kbps FAX/Voice/Data modem.
Installation of this modem product is a two-step process
consisting of actual hardware installation and communication software installation and configuration.
2.1 Unpacking Your Modem
Before you begin your installation, be certain that you
have all the items listed below. This package contains:
• A modem• A telephone cable
• User's manual• Software for the modem
• Software user's manual
2.2 Hardware Installation
Installation of this modem requires opening and manipulating your PC. Exercise caution at all times when
working with AC powered and static-sensitive equipment.
Turn off and unplug your PC before installation. Discharge
any static electricity from your body by touching any metal
1. Turn off and unplug your computer from the AC outlet.
2. Determine how many serial ports are built into your com-
puter (examine the back of your computer). Refer to Figure
2-1 to identify common serial ports.
Figure 2-1 Common Serial Ports
male connector
3. If you have one or more serial ports on the back of your
computer, reconfigure your modem. Your modem is shipped
set to COM1 on IRQ4. Reconfigure the modem to either
COM3/IRQ5 or COM4/IRQ2 (refer to Table 2-1 in Section 2.4).
4.Remove your computer's cover
(refer to your computer's owner
5. Select any available half-card
slot, and then remove the slot
cover (refer to Figure 2-2).
6.Carefully slide the internal mo-
dem into the slot you have chosen, applying even pressure until the modem is completely
seated in the slot.
7. Fasten the retaining bracket
with the screw from the slot cover. Make sure the modem is
properly aligned. Store the slot cover for future use.
8. Replace the computer cover and plug in your computer.
9. Connect the telephone cable from the modem (“LINE”
connector) to the telephone wall jack.
10. Optionally connect: 1) your telephone to the modem's
“PHONE” connector, 2) a speaker to the modem's “SPKR”
connector, and 3) a microphone to the modem's “MIC”
connector. Note that the distance between the microphone
and the speaker must be greater than twelve (12) inches
to prevent unpleasant speaker feedback.
11. Turn your computer on. Your modem is now installed.
Figure 2-2
2.3 Software Installation/Configuration
You are now ready to install and configure the communication software. Refer to your software manual for installation procedures. Your software must be configured to
communicate with the modem on the same COM port and
IRQ line used by the modem.
If you are using Microsoft Windows 3.x and have
changed the modem's operating setting from the default COM1/
IRQ4 to COM3/IRQ5 or COM4/IRQ2 to avoid a conflict, you
must use Windows' Control Panel (in the “Main” Group
within Program Manager) to configure Windows to recognize
the new settings before installing any software. In Control
Panel, double-click on Ports. Click once on the icon for the
Com port you have set your modem to. Click the Settings
button. Click the Advanced button. The Base I/O Port
Address should already be set by Windows to the COM port
address used by the modem (refer to Table 2-1). Change the
Interrupt Request Line (IRQ) to match the IRQ on the
modem. If you have set the modem to COM4/IRQ2, do not
select IRQ2. You will need to set the IRQ in Control Panel to
IRQ9 for Windows to recognize the modem. (In an operating
system designed for 286 or better machines, IRQ 9 is
equivalent (redirected) to IRQ2.)
A modem setting which skips one or more COM port
assignments requires special attention in the Windows 3.x
Control Panel. For example, if your computer is equipped
with two serial ports (COM1 and COM2) and have set the
modem to COM4 instead of COM3, the Control Panel
settings for COM4 may say Default. In this case, Windows
3.x will operate the modem as the third serial device and
recognize it as “COM3” (This unusual COM port reassignment does not occur in future releases of Windows). The
correct COM4 address (2E8) has been placed into the
Control Panel COM3 position. Configure the COM3 entry in
Control Panel by changing the IRQ box to match the IRQ that
has been set on the modem. (When running any Windows
3.x-based communication or fax programs, select COM3 as
the COM port for the modem.)
After these settings are made, click OK. Click Restart
Now. Windows can now recognize your modem.
Note: Since the “COM3” substitution for your
COM4 modem only occurs under Windows 3.x,
your DOS communication and fax programs will
still recognize the modem configuration as COM4.
We suggest the following communication parameters
when you first use your data communication software.
Consult the software manual for information on using these
and other parameters/features.
38,400 bps; 8 data bits; no parity; 1 stop bit; RTS/
CTS flow control set to “on;” initialization string:
The commands used by the modem are compatible
with the command set used by Intel modems. Select an “Intel144I Faxmodem” type in your data communications software, select a “Generic Class 1” type in your fax software
and select “Cirrus Logic” in your Voice software.
2.4 COM Port and Interrupt Settings
If your computer is equipped with one or more serial
ports, you will need to change the COM Port setting on the
modem (to either COM 3 or 4), or disable the PC's built-in
COM port.
An IRQ (interrupt request) is a signal generated by an
I/O device that notifies the computer of incoming data. Your
internal modem is capable of accessing IRQs 2, 3, 4, and 5.
I/O devices in your computer cannot share an IRQ with
another device at the same time. Since IRQs can not be
shared at the same time, COM 3 is generally configured to use
IRQ 5, and COM 4 to use IRQ 2. This avoids sharing of IRQs
with COM 1 (IRQ4) and COM 2 (IRQ3).
To change the default COM Port or IRQ settings from
COM 1/IRQ 4 to another setting, locate the Switch Block on
your internal modem (Figure 2-3). Refer to Table 2-1 to
configure the Switch Block to the COM Port and IRQ
Figure 2-3 Switch Block SW-1 Location
Table 2-1 Switch Block Settings
COM Port IRQ SW1-1 SW1-2 SW1-3 SW1-4 SW1-5 SW1-6
1 (3F8)
* Use these IRQs only if your software can not address IRQ5 or IRQ2
** When using Windows with the modem set for IRQ2, select IRQ9 in
Control Panel
combination needed for your application. Any time the
COM or IRQ setting for the modem is changed, the
settings in the software must be changed to match.
2.5 Using Fax, Voice, and Speakerphone
Capabilities of the Modem
Your modem has built-in advanced FAX, Voice, and
Speakerphone functions. These functions are accessed
through software. Please consult your FAX/Voice/Speakerphone software manual about procedures on using these
functions. Note that the modem's FAX/Voice/Speakerphone
commands are used by the software to implement these
functions and are not designed to be used as standalone AT
Voice functions include recording and playback of
voice prompts (files). To record or playback voice with your
modem, attach a telephone to the RJ-11 jack marked
“PHONE” on the back of the modem. Follow specific instructions in the FAX/Voice/Speakerphone software on recording
and playback of voice prompts.
2.6 Testing Your Modem After Installation
In order to test your modem you should be familiar
with your communication software. Load and set up your
communication software and enter into “terminal mode.”
Make sure that the COM Port and IRQ settings of the modem
match the software. Type AT on your terminal screen and
press ENTER. You may see “AATT” or nothing on the
screen. In either case, the modem should respond with an OK
or 0. If it does not, please refer to Section 2.4 for information
on COM Ports and IRQ’s or Section 6 for troubleshooting
2.7 Using Your Modem
The communication software included with your modem product provides a user friendly interface to access the
fax, voice, and data functions of your modem. This softwareshould be sufficient for all of your communication needs.
There may be times when you need to access the modem
manually via modem commands. Read Section 3 for a
summary description of the modem command set before
manually accessing the modem. You may want to read the
software manual first, however, as the software may already
provide a user friendly method of accessing the functions you
need (i.e. dialing or answering calls).
2.8 Where To Go From Here
You should familiarize yourself with the functions
available from the included software by reading its manual.
You will be accessing most, if not all, of the modem's
functions from this software. You may also use any other
commercially available communication software with the
modem. Read Section 3 ONLY if you are interested in
accessing the modem manually, and not through the included
software. Section 4 and 5 contain reference material, and can
be skipped. If you have difficulties getting your modem to
work, read Section 6, Troubleshooting to find answers to
commonly asked questions and problems.
Section Three - AT Command Set
3.1 Executing Commands
Commands are accepted by the modem while it is in
Command Mode. Your modem is automatically in Command Mode until you dial a number and establish a connection. Commands may be sent to your modem from a PC
running communication software or any other terminal devices.
Your modem is capable of data communication at rates
of: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, and57600 bps. Make sure your COM port baud rate setting in
your communications software is set to one of the above
3.2 Command Structure
All commands sent to the modem must begin with AT
and end with ENTER. All commands may be typed in either
upper or lower case, but not mixed. To make the command
line more readable, spaces may be inserted between commands. If you omit a parameter from a command that
requires one, it is just like specifying a parameter of 0.
This command causes your modem to hang up.
3.3 Basic AT Commands
In the following listings, all default settings are printed
in bold text.
AManually answer incoming call
A/Repeat last command executed. Do not precede
ATAppears at the beginning of every command
B_B0CCITT mode
D_0 - 9, A-D, # and *
DS=nDial one of the four telephone numbers (n=0-
E_E0Commands are not echoed
+++TIES Escape Characters - Switch from Data
H_H0Force modem on-hook (hang up)
I_I0Display product-identification code
L_L0Low speaker volume
M_M0Internal speaker off
A/ with AT or follow with ENTER
B1Bell mode
Ppulse dialing
Roriginate calls in answer mode
Ttouch-tone dialing
Wwait for second dial tone
@wait for five seconds of silence
;return to Command Mode after dialing
3) stored in the modem’s non-volatile memory
E1Commands are echoed
Mode to Command Mode
H1Force modem off-hook (make busy)
I1Factory ROM ID
I2Internal memory test
I3Device ID
I4Internal ID
L1Low speaker volume
L2Medium speaker volume
L3High speaker volume
M1Internal speaker on until carrier detected
M2Internal speaker always on
M3Internal speaker on until carrier detected and
off while dialing
N_N0Connect only at DTE rate
O_O0Return to Data Mode
PSet Pulse dial as default
Q_Q0Modem sends responses
Sr?r=0-30 Read and display value in register r
Sr=nSet register r to value n (r=0-30; n=0-255)
TSet Tone Dial as default
V_V0Numeric responses
X_X0Hayes Smartmodem 300 compatible
Y_Y0Modem does not send or respond to break
Z_Z0Reset and retrieve active configuration
N1Automatic rate negotiation
O1Return to Data Mode and initiate an equalizer
Q1Modem does not send responses
V1Word responses
responses/blind dialing
X1Same as X0 plus all CONNECT responses/
blind dialing
X2Same as X1 plus dial tone detection
X3Same as X1 plus busy signal detection/blind
X4All responses and dial tone and busy signal
Y1Modem sends break signal for four seconds
before disconnecting
profile 0
Z1Reset and retrieve active configuration
profile 1
3.4 Extended AT Commands
&C_&C0 Force Carrier Detect Signal High (ON)
&D_&D0 Modem ignores the Data Terminal Ready
&C1 Turn on Carrier Detect signal when remote
carrier signal is present
&D1 Modem returns to Command Mode after DTR
&D2 Modem hangs up, returns to the Command
Mode after DTR toggle
&D3 Resets modem after DTR toggle
&F_&FRecall factory default configuration
&G_&G0 Guard tone disabled
&M_&M0 Asynchronous operation
&P_&P0 United States setting for off-hook (make) -
&S_&S0Force DSR Signal High (ON)
&T_&T0 Ends test in progress
&U_&U0 Enable Trellis Coding @ V.32
&V_&V 0 Displays Active and Stored Profile 0
&W_&W0 Stores the active profile as Configuration
&Y_&Y0 Configuration Profile 0 active upon Power
&G1 550 Hz guard tone
&G2 1800 Hz guard tone
to-on-hook (break) ratio
&P1UK and Hong Kong off-hook (make)-to-on-
hook (break) ratio
&S1DSR is off in command mode, on in on-line
&T1 Perform Local Analog Loopback Test
&T3 Perform Local Digital Loopback Test
&T4 Grant Remote Digital Loopback Test
request by remote modem
&T5 Deny Remote Digital Loopback Test request
by remote modem
&T6 Perform a Remote Digital Loopback Test
&T7 Perform a Remote Digital Loopback Test and
&T8 Perform Local Analog Loopback Test and
&U1 Disable Trellis Coding @ V.32
&V1 Displays Active and Stored Profile 1
Profile 0
&W1 Stores the active profile as Configuration
Profile 1
on or reset
&Y1 Configuration Profile 1 active upon Power on
or reset
&Zn=x n=0-3 Store telephone number x into non-volatile
%E_%E0 V.22bis auto-retrain disabled
%G_%G0 Enable Auto Fall Forward/Back
%E1 V.22bis auto-retrain enabled
%G1 Disable Auto Fall Forward/Back
3.5 MNP/V.42/V.42bis Commands
%Ann=0- Set auto-reliable fallback character to n (where
%C_%C0 Disable MNP Class 5 data compression
\A_\A064-character maximum MNP block size
\Bnn=1-9 Send a 1/10 second line break to the modem,
\C_\C0Do not buffer data during LAPM/MNP
\G_\G0Disable DCE flow control
\J_J0Disable serial port data rate adjustment
\Knn=0-5 Set break control, where n= 0 to 5. Default
\N_\N0Normal data-link only
127n = 0 to 127,ASCII). Requires the \C2 setting
%C1 Enable MNP Class 5 data compression
\A1128-character maximum MNP block size
\A2192-character maximum MNP block size
\A3256-character maximum MNP block size
where n = 1 to 9. At normal connect, the
default is 3
\C1Buffer all data for 4 seconds, until receiving
200 characters or until a packet is detected
\C2Do not buffer data; switch to normal mode
when fallback character is detected
\G1Enable DCE flow control
(keep high data rate between DTE and
modem, regardless of modem-to-modem
data rate)
J1Enable serial port data rate adjustment so
serial data rate automatically adjusts to match
the modem-to-modem data rate
is 5
\N1Direct data-link only
\N2MNP data link only
\N3V.42/MNP/Normal data link
\N4V.42 data link only
\OInitiate reliable link during a normal link
\Q_\Q0Turn off flow control
\TnInactivity timer, where n = 0 to 90 minutes.
\UAccept reliable link during a normal link
\V_\V0Do not send extended responses
\X_\X0Process XON/XOFF but don’t pass through
\YSwitch to reliable link from normal link
\ZEnd the reliable connection and switch to
-J-J0Disable error control detection phase
"H"H0V.42bis data compression disabled
"Onn=6- Set maximum V.42bis data block size to n.
\Q1XON/XOFF software flow control
\Q2CTS signal unidirectional hardware flow
\Q3RTS/CTS signal bi-directional hardware
flow control
Default is 0
\V1Send extended response set 1
\V2Send extended response set 2
\X1Process XON/XOFF and pass through
normal operation
-J1Enable error control detection phase
"H1Can send but not receive V.42bis data
"H2Can receive but not send V.42bis data
"H3 Bidirectional V.42bis data
compression enabled
250Default is 16
3.6 Fax Class 1 Commands
+FAA=nData/Fax auto answer enable. Default is 0
+FAE=nData/Fax auto answer enable. Default is 0
+FCLASS?Returns current operating mode
+FCLASS=nSets operating mode
+FCLASS=?Returns available supported modes
+FMFR?Identify modem manufacturer
+FMDL?Identify product model
+FPREV?Identify product revision
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