maxon motor EPOS 70/10 Reference Manual

maxon motor
maxon motor control EPOS Positioning Controller Hardware Reference December 2008 Edition
Positioning Controller
Hardware Reference
maxon motor
EPOS Positioning Controller EPOS 70/10 Hardware Reference

1 Table of contents

Table of contents................................................................................................................... 2
2 Table of figures ..................................................................................................................... 3
3 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
4 How to use this guide............................................................................................................ 4
5 Safety Instructions................................................................................................................. 5
6 Performance Data ................................................................................................................. 6
6.1 Electrical data...................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Inputs .................................................................................................................................. 6
6.3 Outputs................................................................................................................................ 6
6.4 Voltage outputs ................................................................................................................... 6
6.5 Motor connections...............................................................................................................6
6.6 Interfaces ............................................................................................................................ 7
6.7 LED indicator....................................................................................................................... 7
6.8 Ambient temperature- / Humidity range.............................................................................. 7
6.9 Mechanical data.................................................................................................................. 7
6.10 Connections ........................................................................................................................ 7
6.11 Order number...................................................................................................................... 7
7 Connections 300583 ............................................................................................................. 8
7.1 Power supply connector (J1) .............................................................................................. 9
7.2 Logic supply connector (J1A)............................................................................................ 10
7.3 Motor connector (J2)......................................................................................................... 11
7.3.1 maxon EC motor .......................................................................................................... 11
7.3.2 maxon DC motor with separated motor and encoder cable ........................................ 11
7.4 Hall sensor connector (J3) ................................................................................................ 12
7.5 Encoder connector (J4)..................................................................................................... 13
7.6 Signal 1 connector (J5) ..................................................................................................... 14
7.6.1 Digital input 1, 2, 3 “General Purpose“ ........................................................................ 15
7.6.2 Digital input 4, 5, 6 "Home Switch", "Positive and Negative Limit Switch" .................. 16
7.6.3 “+V Opto IN” external supply Input voltage for Digital Outputs.................................... 18
7.6.4 Digital output 1, 2, 3 “General Purpose“ ...................................................................... 19
7.6.5 Digital output 4 "Brake"................................................................................................ 20
7.7 Signal 2 connector (J5A)................................................................................................... 21
7.7.1 Reference Output voltage............................................................................................ 22
7.7.2 Analogue input 1 "General Purpose" ........................................................................... 23
7.7.3 Analogue input 2 "General Purpose" ........................................................................... 23
7.7.4 Digital input 7 "High Speed Command"....................................................................... 24
7.7.5 Digital input 8 "High Speed Command"....................................................................... 25
7.8 RS-232 connector (J6)...................................................................................................... 26
7.9 CAN connector (J7, J8)..................................................................................................... 27
7.10 CAN Node Identification (JP 1) ......................................................................................... 28
8 LED status........................................................................................................................... 29
9 Dimension drawing.............................................................................................................. 29
2 maxon motor control December 2008 Edition / document number 752380-04 / subject to change
maxon motor
EPOS Positioning Controller EPOS 70/10 Hardware Reference

2 Table of figures

Figure 1: EPOS 70/10 photo ........................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: EPOS documentation hierarchy....................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: EPOS photo with connector description .......................................................................... 8
Figure 4: Wiring diagram (overview) ............................................................................................... 8
Figure 5: Power connector (J1)....................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6: Logic supply connector (J1A)......................................................................................... 10
Figure 7: Motor connector (J2)...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 8: Motor connector (J2)...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9: Hall sensor input circuit.................................................................................................. 12
Figure 10: Hall sensor connector (J3) ...........................................................................................12
Figure 11: Encoder input circuit sketch .........................................................................................13
Figure 12: Encoder connector (J4)................................................................................................ 13
Figure 13: Signal connector (J5) ................................................................................................... 14
Figure 14: Logic level .................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 15: Digital input 1..3 ........................................................................................................... 15
Figure 16: Logic level .................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 17: Digital input 4…6.......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 18: Digital input 4,5,6 external wiring examples ................................................................ 17
Figure 19: Digital output 1, 2, 3 circuit........................................................................................... 19
Figure 20: Signal connector (J5A)................................................................................................. 21
Figure 21: Analogue input 1 circuit................................................................................................ 23
Figure 22: Analogue input 2 circuit................................................................................................ 23
Figure 23: Digital input 7 “Differential” circuit ................................................................................ 24
Figure 24: Digital input 7 “Single-ended” circuit ............................................................................ 24
Figure 25: Digital input 8 “Differential” circuit ................................................................................ 25
Figure 26: Digital input 8 “Single-ended” circuit ............................................................................ 25
Figure 27: RS232 cable connector (J6) ........................................................................................ 26
Figure 28: CAN connector (J7,J8)................................................................................................. 27
Figure 29: Table binary code value............................................................................................... 28
Figure 30: CAN ID examples ........................................................................................................ 28
Figure 31: Dimensions EPOS 70/10 ............................................................................................. 29
3 maxon motor control December 2008 Edition / document number 752380-04 / subject to change
maxon motor
EPOS Positioning Controller EPOS 70/10 Hardware Reference

3 Introduction

This documentation “Hardware Reference” provides the hardware details of the EPOS 70/10 positioning controller. It contains performance data, connections, specification, pin assignment and wiring examples.
The maxon motor EPOS 70/10 is a small-sized full digital smart motion controller. Due to the flexible and high efficient power stage the EPOS 70/10 drives brushed DC motors with digital encoder as well as brushless EC motors with digital Hall sensors and encoder.
Figure 1: EPOS 70/10 photo
control functionality allows sophisticated positioning applications. It is specially designed being commanded and controlled as a slave node in the CANopen network. In addition the unit can be operated through any RS-232 communication port. The latest edition of these “Hardware Reference”, additional documentation and software to the EPOS positioning controller may also be found on the internet in category <Service>, subdirectory <Downloads>.
The sinusoidal current commutation by space vector control offers to drive brushless EC motors with minimal torque ripple and low noise. The integrated position-, velocity- and current

4 How to use this guide

Getting Started
Installation Configuration Programming Application
Cable Starting Set
Graphical User Interface
Windows DLL
IEC1131 libraries
Application Notes
Figure 2: EPOS documentation hierarchy
4 maxon motor control December 2008 Edition / document number 752380-04 / subject to change
Firmware Specification
Communication Guide
maxon motor
EPOS Positioning Controller EPOS 70/10 Hardware Reference

5 Safety Instructions

Skilled Personnel
Installation and starting of the equipment shall only be performed by experienced, skilled personnel.
Statutory Regulations
The user must ensure that the positioning controller and the components belonging to it are assembled and connected according to local statutory regulations.
Load Disconnected
For primary operation the motor should be free running, i.e. with the load disconnected.
Additional Safety Equipment
An electronic apparatus is not fail-safe in principle. Machines and apparatus must therefore be fitted with independent monitoring and safety equipment. If the equipment breaks down, if it is operated incorrectly, if the control unit breaks down or if the cables break, etc., it must be ensured that the drive or the complete apparatus is kept in a safe operating mode.
Repairs may be made by authorized personnel only or by the manufacturer. It is dangerous for the user to open the unit or make repairs to it.
Do ensure that during the installation of the EPOS 70/10 no apparatus is connected to the electrical supply. After switching on, do not touch any live parts!
Max. Supply Voltage
Make sure that the supply voltage is between 11 and 70 VDC. Voltages higher than 77 VDC or of wrong polarity will destroy the unit.
Electrostatic Sensitive Device (ESD)
5 maxon motor control December 2008 Edition / document number 752380-04 / subject to change
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EPOS Positioning Controller EPOS 70/10 Hardware Reference

6 Performance Data

6.1 Electrical data
Power supply voltage VCC (Ripple < 10%) .......................................... 11 … 70 VDC
Logic supply voltage V
Max. output voltage .................................................................................... 0.9 • V
Max. output current I Continuous output current I
Switching frequency ....................................................................................... 50 kHz
Max. efficiency .................................................................................................. 93 %
Sample rate PI - current controller ................................................................. 10 kHz
Sample rate PI - speed controller .................................................................... 1 kHz
Sample rate PID - positioning controller .......................................................... 1 kHz
Max. speed (motors with 2 poles) ........................................................... 25 000 rpm
Built-in motor choke per phase ............................................................. 25 µH / 10 A

6.2 Inputs

Hall sensor signals ........................... Hall sensor 1, Hall sensor 2 and Hall sensor 3
...................... for Hall effect sensor IC's (Schmitt trigger with open collector output)
Encoder signals .......................................................... A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ (max. 1MHz)
................................................................ internal line receiver EIA standard RS-422
Digital input 1 (“General Purpose”) ......... opto-isolated +9 ... +24 VDC (Ri = 1.8kΩ)
Digital input 2 (“General Purpose”) ......... opto-isolated +9 ... +24 VDC (Ri = 1.8kΩ)
Digital input 3 (“General Purpose”) ......... opto-isolated +9 ... +24 VDC (Ri = 1.8kΩ)
Digital input 4 (“Home Switch”) ............... opto-isolated +9 ... +24 VDC (Ri = 1.8kΩ)
Digital input 5 (“Positive Limit Switch”) ... opto-isolated +9 ... +24 VDC (Ri = 1.8kΩ) Digital input 6 (“Negative Limit Switch”) .. opto-isolated +9 ... +24 VDC (Ri = 1.8kΩ) Digital input 7 (“High Speed Command”).internal line receiver EIA standard RS-422 Digital input 8 (“High Speed Command”).internal line receiver EIA standard RS-422
Analogue input 1 ...................................... resolution 10-bit 0 ... +5 V (differential)
Analogue input 2 ...................................... resolution 10-bit 0 ... +5 V (differential)
+V Opto IN ...................................................................................... +12 … +24 VDC
CAN-ID (CAN identification) ........... ID 1-127configured by DIP-Switch or Software
(Ripple < 10%) (optional) ............................. 11 … 70 VDC
(<1sec) ........................................................................ 25 A
........................................................................... 10 A

6.3 Outputs

Digital output 1 (“General Purpose”) ........ opto-isolated max. 24 VDC (IL < 20 mA)
Digital output 2 (“General Purpose”) ........ opto-isolated max. 24 VDC (I
Digital output 3 (“General Purpose”) ........ opto-isolated max. 24 VDC (I
Digital output 4 (“Brake”)……………………opto-isolated max. 24 VDC (I

6.4 Voltage outputs

Encoder supply voltage ........................................................ +5 VDC, max. 100 mA
Hall sensors supply voltage .................................................... +5 VDC, max. 30 mA
Reference Output voltage ........................................................... +5 VDC (Ri =1 kΩ)
6.5 Motor connections
maxon EC motor maxon DC motor
Motor winding 1 +Motor Motor winding 2 -Motor Motor winding 3
6 maxon motor control December 2008 Edition / document number 752380-04 / subject to change
< 20 mA)
< 20 mA)
< 500 mA)
maxon motor
EPOS Positioning Controller EPOS 70/10 Hardware Reference

6.6 Interfaces

RS-232 .............................. RxD; TxD ......................................... max. 115 200 bit/s
CAN (1) ............................. CAN_H (high); CAN_L (low) .................... max.1 MBit/s
CAN (2) ............................. CAN_H (high); CAN_L (low) .................... max.1 MBit/s

6.7 LED indicator

2 colours LED ............................................................................... ENABLE / FAULT
................................................................................. green = ENABLE, red = FAULT

6.8 Ambient temperature- / Humidity range

Operating .............................................................................................. -10 ... +45°C
Storage ................................................................................................. -40 ... +85°C
Non condensating .................................................................................... 20 ... 80 %

6.9 Mechanical data

Weight ................................................................................................. approx. 330 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) ................................................................ 150 x 93 x 27 mm
Mounting plate .................................................................................... for M3 screws

6.10 Connections

Power on board: .................. dual row male header (2 poles) Molex Mini-Fit Jr.TM
Suitable plug: .......... dual row female receptacle (2 poles) Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
Suitable terminal: ..... female crimp terminal Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
444-76-1111 (AWG 18-24)
Logic On board: ....................... dual row male header (2 poles) Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
Supply Suitable plug: ............. dual row female receptacle (2 poles) Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
Suitable terminal: ...... female crimp terminal Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
444-76-1111 (AWG 18-24)
Motor On board: ....................... dual row male header (4 poles) Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
Suitable plug: ............. dual row female receptacle (4 poles) Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
Suitable terminal: ...... female crimp terminal Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
444-76-1111 (AWG 18-24)
Hall On board: ................... dual row male header (6 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable plug: ........ dual row female receptacle (6 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable terminal: .... female crimp terminal Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
430-30-0010 (AWG26-30)
Signal 1 On board: ................ dual row male header (16 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable plug: dual row female receptacle (16 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable terminal: ..... female crimp terminal Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Signal 2 On board: ................ dual row male header (12 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable plug: ...... dual row female receptacle (12 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable terminal: ..... female crimp terminal Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
RS232 On board: ................... dual row male header (6 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable plug: ........ dual row female receptacle (6 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable terminal: ..... female crimp terminal Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
CAN 1 On board: ................... dual row male header (4 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable plug: ........ dual row female receptacle (4 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable terminal: ..... female crimp terminal Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
CAN 2 On board: ................... dual row male header (4 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable plug: ........ dual row female receptacle (4 poles) Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Suitable terminal: ..... female crimp terminal Molex Micro-Fit 3.0
Encoder On board: ........................................... Plug DIN41651 (10 poles) for flat band cable
............................................................................................................... pitch 1.27mm, AWG 28
Suitable locking clip: .............................................................. Tyco C42334-A421-C42 (right)
.................................................................................................. Tyco C42334-A421-C52 (left)

6.11 Order number

EPOS 70/10 .................................................................................................. 300583
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EPOS Positioning Controller EPOS 70/10 Hardware Reference

7 Connections 300583

Figure 3: EPOS photo with connector description
Figure 4: Wiring diagram (overview)
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EPOS Positioning Controller EPOS 70/10 Hardware Reference

7.1 Power supply connector (J1)

Any available power supply can be used, provided it meets the minimal requirements set out below. During set up and adjustment phases, we recommend separating the motor mechanically from the machine to prevent damage due to uncontrolled motion.
Ripple < 10 % Output current Depending on load,
Power supply requirements
Output voltage VCC min. 11 VDC; VCC max. 70 VDC
continuous min. 10 A acceleration, short-time min. 25 A
The required voltage can be calculated as follows:
Known values:
Operating torque M
Operating speed n
Nominal motor voltage U
Motor no-load speed at U
Speed/torque gradient of the motor n/M [min
, n0 [min-1]
Sought value:
Supply voltage
Choose a power supply capable of supplying this calculated voltage under load. The formula takes a max. PWM cycle of 90 % and a 1 volts max. voltage drop at EPOS 70/10 into account.
Consider: During braking of the load, the power supply must be capable of buffering the fed back energy, e.g. in a capacitor or shunt regulator (235811). When using an electronically stabilized power supply observe that the over current protection shall not be activated in any operating state
Figure 5: Power connector (J1)
Signal Description
1 Power_Gnd Ground of supply voltage
2 +VCC Power supply voltage
+11 ... +70 VDC
Accessories: EPOS power cable maxon order number: 275829
Notes: Suitable connector: Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
Suitable crimp terminals: Molex Mini-Fit Jr.
2 poles (39-01-2020)
female crimp
terminals (444-76-1111)
Suitable hand crimper: Molex hand crimper (69008-0724)
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