The MAXQ®family of 16-bit reduced instruction set computing (RISC) microcontrollers is targeted toward low-cost, low-power, embedded-application designs. The flexible, modular architecture design used in these microcontrollers allows development of targeted
designs for specific applications with minimal effort.
Microcontrollers in the MAXQ family provide many different combinations of program memory, data memory, and peripherals while supporting a common feature set. This shared functionality provides maximum reusability for hardware and software systems developed
using these microcontrollers.
1.1 Instruction Set
All MAXQ microcontrollers share a common instruction set, with all instructions a fixed 16 bits in length. A register-based, transporttriggered architecture allows all instructions to be coded as simple transfer operations. All instructions reduce to either writing an immediate value to a destination register or memory location or moving data between registers and/or memory locations.
This simple top-level instruction decoding allows all instructions to be executed in a single cycle. Since all CPU operations are performed on registers only, any new functionality can be added by simply adding new register modules. The simple instruction set also
provides maximum flexibility for code optimization by a compiler.
1.2 Harvard Memory Architecture
Program memory, data memory, and register space on MAXQ microcontrollers are separate from one another, and are each accessed
by a separate bus. This type of memory architecture (known as a Harvard architecture) has some advantages.
First, the word lengths can be different for different types of memory. Program memory must be 16 bits wide to accommodate the
instruction word size, but system and peripheral registers can be 8 bits wide or 16 bits wide as needed. Since data memory is not
required to store program code, its width may also vary and could conceivably be targeted for a specific application.
Also, since data memory is accessed by the CPU only through appropriate registers, it is possible for register modules to access memory entirely independent from the main processor, providing the framework for direct memory-access operations. It is also possible to
have more than one type of data memory, each accessed through a different register set.
1.3 Register Set
Since all functions in the MAXQ family are accessed through registers, common functionality is provided through a common register
set. Many of these registers provide the equivalent of higher level op codes by directly accessing the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), the
loop counter registers, and the data pointer registers. Others, such as the interrupt registers, provide common control and configuration functions that are equivalent across all MAXQ microcontrollers.
The common register set, also known as the System Registers, includes the following:
• ALU access and control registers, including working accumulator registers and the processor status flags
• Two Data Pointers and a Frame Pointer for data memory access
• Auto-decrementing Loop Counters for fast, compact looping
• Instruction Pointer and other branching control access points
• Stack Pointer and an access point to the 16-bit-wide dedicated hardware stack
• Interrupt vector, identification, and masking registers
Peripherals and other features that can vary among MAXQ microcontroller devices are accessed through Peripheral registers. These
registers, grouped into register modules, provide such additional functionality as:
• Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Serial Ports
• High-Speed Timers and Counters
• Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI™) ports
• Hardware Multiplier
MAXQ is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
SPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.
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• Real-Time Clock
• 1-Wire® Bus Master
• General-Purpose Digital I/O Ports
1.4 MAXQ10 and MAXQ20 Microcontrollers
This user’s guide covers both the 8-bit MAXQ10 and 16-bit MAXQ20 microcontrollers. The primary difference between the MAXQ10
and MAXQ20 implementations is the width of the internal data bus and ALU. The MAXQ10 design implements an 8-bit internal data
bus and ALU, while the MAXQ20 design implements a 16-bit internal data bus and ALU. This difference is most evident when comparing the instruction set, and more specifically, those operations that involve the ALU and accumulators. The registers on the MAXQ10
and MAXQ20 can be either 8 bits or 16 bits wide.
1-Wire is a registered trademark of Dallas Semiconductor Corp.
The MAXQ architecture is designed to be modular and expandable. Top-level instruction decoding is extremely simple and based on
transfers to and from registers. The registers are organized into functional modules, which are in turn divided into the System Register
and Peripheral Register groups. Figure 2-1 illustrates the modular architecture and the basic transport possibilities.
Figure 2-1. MAXQ Transport-Triggered Architecture
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Memory access from the MAXQ is based on a Harvard architecture with separate address spaces for program and data memory. The
simple instruction set and transport-triggered architecture allow the MAXQ to run in a nonpipelined execution mode where each instruction can be fetched from memory, decoded, and executed in a single clock cycle. Data memory is accessed through one of three data
pointer registers. Two of these data pointers, DP[0] and DP[1], are stand-alone 16-bit pointers. The third data pointer, FP, is composed
of a 16-bit base pointer (BP) and an 8-bit offset register (OFFS). All three pointers support post-increment/decrement functionality for
read operations and pre-increment/decrement for write operations. For the Frame Pointer (FP=BP[Offs]), the increment/decrement
operation is executed on the OFFS register and does not affect the base pointer (BP). Stack functionality is provided by dedicated
memory with a 16-bit width and a typical depth of 8 (although this varies dependent upon the MAXQ product). An on-chip memory
management unit (MMU) is accessible through system registers to allow logical remapping of physical program and data spaces, and
thus facilitates in-system programming and fast access to data tables, arrays, and constants physically located in program memory.
2.1 Instruction Decoding
Every MAXQ instruction is encoded as a single 16-bit word according to the format in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2. Instruction Word Format
Bit 15 (f) indicates the format for the source field of the instruction as follows:
• If f equals 0, the instruction is an immediate source instruction, and the source field represents an immediate 8-bit value.
• If f equals 1, the instruction is a register source instruction, and the source field represents the register that the source value will be
read from.
Bits 0 to 7 (ssssssss) represent the source for the transfer. Depending on the value of the format field, this can either be an immediate
value or a source register. If this field represents a register, the lower four bits contain the module specifier and the upper four bits contain the register index in that module.
Bits 8 to 14 (ddddddd) represent the destination for the transfer. This value always represents a destination register, with the lower four
bits containing the module specifier and the upper three bits containing the register sub-index within that module.
Since the source field is 8 bits wide and 4 bits are required to specify the module, any one of 16 registers in that module may be specified as a source. However, the destination field has one less bit, which means that only eight registers in a module can be specified
as a destination in a single-cycle instruction.
While the asymmetry between source and destination fields of the op code may initially be considered a limitation, this space can be
used effectively. Firstly, since read-only registers will never be specified as destinations, they can be placed in the second eight locations in a module to give single-cycle read access. Secondly, there are often critical control or configuration bits associated with system and certain peripheral modules where limited write access is beneficial (e.g., watchdog-timer enable and reset bits). By placing
such bits in one of the upper 24 registers of a module, this write protection is added in a way that is virtually transparent to the assembly source code. Anytime that it is necessary to directly select one of the upper 24 registers as a destination, the prefix register PFX is
used to supply the extra destination bits. This prefix register write is inserted automatically by the assembler and requires one additional execution cycle.
The MAXQ architecture is transport-triggered. This means that writing to or reading from certain register locations will also cause side
effects to occur. These side effects form the basis for the higher level op codes defined by the assembler, such as ADDC, OR, JUMP,
and so on. While these op codes are actually implemented as MOVE instructions between certain register locations, the encoding is
handled by the assembler and need not be a concern to the programmer. The registers defined in the System Register and Peripheral
Register maps operate as described in the documentation; the unused "empty" locations are the ones used for these special cases.
The MAXQ instruction set is designed to be highly orthogonal. All arithmetic and logical operations that use two registers can use any
register along with the accumulator. Data can be transferred between any two registers in a single instruction.
The MAXQ architecture provides a total of 16 register modules. Each of these modules contains 32 registers. The first eight registers
in each module may be read from or written to in a single cycle; the second eight registers may be read from in a single cycle and written to in two cycles (by using the prefix register PFX); the last sixteen registers may be read or written in two cycles (always requiring
use of the prefix register PFX).
Registers may be either 8 or 16 bits in length. Within a register, any number of bits can be implemented; bits not implemented are fixed
at zero. Data transfers between registers of different sizes are handled as shown in Table 2-1.
• If the source and destination registers are both 8 bits wide, data is transferred bit to bit accordingly.
• If the source register is 8 bits wide and the destination register is 16 bits wide, the data from the source register is transferred into
the lower 8 bits of the destination register. The upper 8 bits of the destination register are set to the current value of the prefix register; this value is normally zero, but it can be set to a different value by the previous instruction if needed. The prefix register reverts
back to zero after one cycle, so this must be done by the instruction immediately before the one that will be using the value.
• If the source register is 16 bits wide and the destination register is 8 bits wide, the lower 8 bits of the source are transferred to the
destination register.
• If both registers are 16 bits wide, data is copied bit to bit.
Table 2-1. Register-to-Register Transfer Operations
The above rules apply to all data movements between defined registers. Data transfer to/from undefined register locations has the following behavior:
• If the destination is an undefined register, the MOVE is a dummy operation but may trigger an underlying operation according to the
source register (e.g., @DP[n]--).
• If the destination is a defined register and the source is undefined, the source data for the transfer will depend upon the source module
width. If the source is from a module containing 8-bit or 8-bit and 16-bit source registers, the source data will be equal to the prefix data
concatenated with 00h. If the source is from a module containing only 16-bit source registers, 0000h source data is used for the transfer.
The 16 available register modules are broken up into two different groups. The low six modules (specifiers 0h through 5h) are known
as the Peripheral Register modules, while the high 10 modules (specifiers 6h to Fh) are known as the System Register modules. These
groupings are descriptive only, as there is no difference between accessing the two register groups from a programming perspective.
The System Registers define basic functionality that remains the same across all products based on the MAXQ architecture. This
includes all register locations that are used to implement higher level op codes as well as the following common system features.
• ALU (MAXQ10: 8 bit; MAXQ20: 16 bit) and associated status flags (zero, equals, carry, sign, overflow)
• Eight working accumulator registers (MAXQ10: 8 bit width; MAXQ20: 16 bit width), along with associated control registers
• Instruction pointer
• Registers for interrupt control, handling, and identification
• Auto-decrementing Loop Counters for fast, compact looping
• Two Data Pointer registers and a Frame Pointer for data memory access
The Peripheral Registers define additional functionality that may be included by different products based on the MAXQ architecture. This
functionality is broken up into discrete modules so that only the features that are required for a given product need to be included. Since
the Peripheral Registers add functionality outside of the common MAXQ system architecture, they are not used to implement op codes.
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2.3 Memory Organization
Beyond the internal register space, memory on the MAXQ microcontroller is organized according to a Harvard architecture, with a separate address space and bus for program memory and data memory. Stack memory is also separate and is accessed through a dedicated register set.
To provide additional memory map flexibility, an MMU allows data memory space to be mapped into a predefined program memory
segment, thus affording the possibility of code execution from data memory. Additionally, program memory space can be made accessible as data space, allowing access to constant data stored in program memory.
2.3.1 Program Memory
Program memory begins at address x0000h and is contiguous through the internal program memory. The actual size of the on-chip
program memory available for user application is product dependent. Given a 16-bit program address bus, the maximum program
space is 64kWords. Since the codewords are 16 bits, the program memory is therefore a 64k x 16 linear space.
Program memory is accessed directly by the program fetching unit and is addressed by the Instruction Pointer register. From an implementation perspective, system interrupts and branching instructions simply change the contents of the Instruction Pointer and force
the op code fetch from a new program location. The Instruction Pointer is direct read/write accessible by the user software; write access
to the Instruction Pointer will force program flow to the new address on the next cycle following the write. The content of the Instruction
Pointer will be incremented by 1 automatically after each fetch operation. The Instruction Pointer defaults to 8000h, which is the starting address of the utility ROM. The default IP setting of 8000h is assigned to allow initial in-system programming to be accomplished
with utility ROM code assistance. The utility ROM code interrogates a specific register bit in order to decide whether to execute in-system programming or jump immediately to user code starting at 0000h. The user code reset vector should always be stored in the lowest bytes of the program memory.
The program memory is normally implemented using nonvolatile memory, e.g., ROM, EEPROM, or Flash. ROM memory technology
requires program code to be masked into the ROM during chip fabrication; no write access to program memory is available. EEPROM
and Flash provide in-system programming capability but both technologies require that the memory targeted for the write operation be
unprogrammed (erased). The utility ROM provides routines to carry out the necessary operations (erase, write, verify) on these nonvolatile memories.
2.3.2 Utility ROM
A utility ROM is normally placed in the upper 32kWord program memory space starting at address 8000h. This utility ROM potentially
provides the following system utility functions:
• Reset vector
• Bootstrap function for system initialization
• In-application programming
• In-circuit debug
Following each reset, the processor automatically starts execution at address 8000h in the utility ROM, allowing ROM code to perform
any necessary system support functions. Next, the System Programming Enable (SPE) bit is examined to determine whether system
programming should commence or whether that code should be bypassed, instead forcing execution to vector to the start of user program code. When the SPE bit is set to logic 1, the processor will execute the prescribed Bootstrap Loader mode program that resides
in utility ROM. The SPE bit defaults to 0. To enter the Bootstrap Loader mode, the SPE bit can be set to 1 during reset via the JTAG
interface. When in-system programming is complete, the Bootstrap Loader can clear the SPE bit and reset the device such that the insystem programming routine is subsequently bypassed.
2.3.3 Data Memory
On-chip data memory begins at address x0000h and is contiguous through the internal data memory. The actual size of the on-chip
data memory available for the user application is product dependent. Data memory is accessed via indirect register addressing
through a Data Pointer (@DP[n]) or Frame Pointer (@BP[Offs]). The Data Pointer is used as one of the operands in a MOVE instruction.
If the Data Pointer is used as source, the core performs a Load operation that reads data from the data memory location addressed
by the Data Pointer. If the Data Pointer is used as destination, the core executes a Store operation that writes data to the data memory location addressed by the Data Pointer. The Data Pointer can be directly accessed by the user software.
The core incorporates two 16-bit Data Pointers (DP[0] and DP[1]) to support data memory accessing. All Data Pointers support indirect addressing mode and indirect addressing with auto-increment or auto-decrement. Data Pointers DP[0] and DP[1] can be used as
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post increment/decrement source pointers by a MOVE instruction or pre increment/decrement destination pointers by a MOVE instruction. Using Data Pointer indirectly with "++" will automatically increase the content of the active Data Pointer by 1 immediately following the execution of read data transfer (@DP[n]++) or immediately preceding the execution of a write operation (@++DP[n]). Using
Data Pointer indirectly with "--" will decrease the content of the active Data Pointer by 1 immediately following the execution of read
data transfer (@DP[n]--) or immediately preceding the execution of a write operation (@--DP[n]).
The Frame Pointer (BP[Offs]) is formed by 16-bit unsigned addition of Frame Pointer Base Register (BP) and Frame Pointer Offset Register
(Offs). Frame Pointer can be used as a post increment/decrement source pointer by a MOVE instruction or as a pre increment/decrement
destination pointer. Using Frame Pointer indirectly with "++" (@BP[++Offs] for a write or @BP[Offs++] for a read) will automatically increase
the content of the Frame Pointer Offset by 1 immediately before or after the execution of data transfer depending upon whether it is used
as a destination or source pointer respectively. Using Frame Pointer indirectly with "--" (@BP[--Offs] for a write or @BP[Offs--] for a read)
will decrease the content of the Frame Pointer Offset by 1 immediately before/after execution of data transfer depending upon whether it
is used as a destination or source pointer respectively. Note that the increment/decrement function affects the content of the Offs register
only, while the contents of the BP register remain unaffected by the borrow/carry out from the Offs register.
A data memory cycle contains only one system clock period to support fast internal execution. This allows read or write operations on
SRAM to be completed in one clock cycle. Data memory mapping and access control are handled by the MMU. Read/write access to
the data memory can be in word or in byte.
2.3.4 Stack Memory
A 16-bit wide on-chip stack is provided by the MAXQ for storage of program return addresses and general-purpose use. The stack is
used automatically by the processor when the CALL, RET, and RETI instructions are executed and when an interrupt is serviced; it can
also be used explicitly to store and retrieve data by using the @SP- - source, @++SP destination, or the PUSH, POP, and POPI instructions. The POPI instruction acts identically to the POP instruction except that it additionally clears the INS bit.
The width of the stack is 16 bits to accommodate the instruction pointer size. The stack depth may vary between product implementations. As the stack pointer register SP is used to hold the index of the top of the stack, the maximum size of the stack allowed for a
MAXQ product is defined by the number of bits defined in the SP register (e.g., 3 bits for stack depth of 8, 4 bits for stack depth of 16).
On reset, the stack pointer SP initializes to the top of the stack (e.g. 07h for an 8-word stack, 0Fh for a 16-word stack). The CALL, PUSH,
and interrupt vectoring operations increment SP and then store a value at @SP. The RET, RETI, POP, and POPI operations retrieve the
value at @SP and then decrement SP.
As with the other RAM-based modules, the stack memory is initialized to indeterminate values upon reset or power-up. Stack memory
is dedicated for stack operations only and cannot be accessed through program or data address spaces.
2.4 Pseudo-Von Neumann Memory Mapping
The MAXQ supports a pseudo-Von Neumann memory structure that can merge program and data into a linear memory map. This is
accomplished by mapping the data memory into the program space or mapping program memory segment into the data space.
Program memory from x0000h to x7FFFh is the normal user code segment, followed by the utility ROM segment. The uppermost part
of the 64kWord memory is the logical area for data memory when accessed as a code segment.
The program memory is logically divided into four program pages:
• P0 contains the lower 16kWords,
• P1 contains the second 16kWords,
• P2 contains the third 16kWords, and
• P3 contains the fourth 16kWords.
By default, P2 and P3 are not accessible for program execution until they are explicitly activated by the user software. The Upper
Program Access (UPA) bit must be set to logic 1 to activate P2 and P3. Once UPA is set, P2 and P3 will occupy the upper half of the
64kWord program space. In this configuration (UPA = 1), the utility ROM cannot be accessed at program memory and the physical
data memory cannot be accessed logically in program space.
The logical mapping of physical program memory page(s) into data space depends upon two factors: physical memory currently in
use for program execution; and word/byte data memory access selection. If execution is from the utility ROM, physical program memory page(s) can logically be mapped to the upper half of data memory space. If logical data memory is used for execution, physical
program memory page(s) can logically be mapped to the lower half of data memory space. If byte access mode is selected, only one
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00P0P0 and P1
01P1P0 and P1
10P2P2 and P3
11P3P2 and P3
page (16kWords) may be logically mapped, as just defined, to either the upper or lower half of data memory. If word access mode is
selected, two pages (32kWords total) may be logically mapped to data memory. To avoid memory overlapping in the byte access
mode, the physical data memory should be confined to the address range x0000h to x3FFFh in word mode. The selection of physical
memory page or pages to be logically mapped to data space is determined by the Code Access Bits (CDA1:0):
Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4 summarize the default memory maps for this memory structure. The primary difference lies in the reset default
settings for the data pointer Word/Byte Mode Select (WBSn) bits. The WBSn bits of the MAXQ10 default to byte access mode (WBSn
= 0), while the MAXQ20 WBSn bits default to word access mode (WBSn = 1).
Figure 2-3. Pseudo Von Neumann Memory Map (MAXQ10 Default)
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Figure 2-4. Pseudo Von Neumann Memory Map (MAXQ20 Default)
2.5 Pseudo-Von Neumann Memory Access
The pseudo-Von Neumann memory mapping is straightforward if there is no memory overlapping among the program, utility ROM, and
data memory segments. However, for applications requiring large-size program memory, the paging scheme can be used to selectively
activate those overlapped memory segments. The UPA bit can be used to activate the upper half of the physical program code (P2 and
P3) for program execution. When accessing the program memory as data, the CDA bits can be used to select one of the four program
pages as needed. Full data memory access to any of the four physical program memory pages is based on the assumption that the maximum physical data memory is in the range of 16k x 16. The other restriction for accessing the pseudo-Von Neumann map is that when
program execution is in a particular memory segment, the same memory segment cannot be simultaneously be accessed as data.
When executing from the lower 32k program space (P0 and P1):
• The upper half of the code segment (P2 and P3) is accessible as program if the UPA bit is set to 1.
• The physical data memory is available for accessing as a code segment with offset at xA000h if the UPA bit is 0.
• Load and Store operations addressed to physical data memory are executed as normal.
• The utility ROM can be read as data, starting at x8000h of the data space.
When executing from the utility ROM (only allowable when UPA = 0):
• The lower 32k program space (P0 and P1) functions as normal program memory.
• The upper half of the code segment (P2 and P3) is not accessible as program (since UPA = 0).
• The physical data memory is available for accessing as a code segment with offset at xA000h.
• Load and Store operations addressed to physical data memory are executed as normal.
• One page (byte access mode) or two pages (word access mode) can be accessed as data with offset at x8000h as determined by
the CDA1:0 bits.
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When executing from the data memory (only allowable when UPA = 0):
• Program flows freely between the lower 32k user code (P0 and P1) and the utility ROM segment.
• The upper half of the code segment (P2 and P3) is not accessible as program (since UPA = 0).
• The utility ROM can be accessed as data with offset at x8000h.
• One page (byte access mode) or two pages (word access mode) can be accessed as data with offset at x0000h as determined by
the CDA1:0 bits.
2.6 Data Alignment
To support merged program and data memory operation while maintaining efficiency on memory space usage, the data memory must
be able to support both byte-wide and word-wide accessing. Data is aligned in data memory as word, but the effective data address is
resolved to bytes. This data alignment allows direct program fetching in its native word size while maintaining accessibility at the byte
level. It is important to realize that this accessibility requires strict word alignment. All executable words must align to an even address
in byte mode. Care must be taken when updating the code segment in the unified data memory space as misalignment of words will
likely result in loss of program execution control. Worst yet, this situation may not be detected if the watchdog timer is also disabled.
Data memory is organized as two byte-wide memory banks with common word address decode but two 8-bit data buses. The data
memory will always be read as a complete word, independent of operation, whether program fetch or data access. The program
decoder always uses the full 16-bit word, whereas the data access can utilize a word or an individual byte.
In byte mode, data pointer hardware reads out the word containing the selected byte using the effective data word address pointer
(the least significant bit of the byte data pointer is not initially used). Then, the least significant data pointer bit functions as the byte
select that is used to place the target byte to the data path. For write access, data pointer hardware addresses a particular word using
the effective data word address while the least significant bit selects the corresponding data bank for write, leaving the contents of the
another memory bank unaffected.
2.6.1 Memory Management Unit
Memory allocation and accessing control for program and data memory can be managed by the memory management unit (MMU). A
single memory management unit option is discussed in this User Guide, however the memory management unit implementation for any
given product depends upon the type and amount of memory addressable by the device. Users should consult the individual product
data sheet(s) and/or user’s guide supplement(s) for detailed information.
Although supporting less than the maximum addressable program and data memory segments, the MMU implementation presented
provides a high degree of programming and access control flexibility. It supports the following:
• User program memory up to 32k x 16 (up to 64k x 16 with inclusion of UPA bit).
• Utility ROM up to 8k x 16.
• Data memory SRAM up to 16k x 16.
• In-system and in-application programming of embedded EEPROM, Flash, or SRAM memories.
• Access to any of the three memory areas (SRAM, code memory, utility ROM) using the data memory pointers.
• Execution from any of the three memory areas (SRAM, code memory, factory written and tested utility-ROM routines).
Given these capabilities, the following rules apply to the memory map:
• A particular memory segment cannot be simultaneously accessed as both program and data.
• The offset address is xA000h when logically mapping data memory into the program space.
• The offset for logically mapping the utility ROM into the data memory space is x8000h.
• Program memory:
- The lower half of the program memory (P0 and P1) is always accessible, starting at x0000h.
- The upper half of the program memory (P2 and P3) must be activated by setting the UPA bit to 1 when accessing for code
execution, starting at x8000h.
- Setting the UPA bit to 1 disallows access to the utility ROM and logical data memory as program.
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CDA1 = 0
CDA1 = 1
CDA1 = 1
CDA1 = 0
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Figure 2-5. CDA Functions (Word Access Mode)
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CDA0 = 1
CDA0 = 0
CDA0 = 0
CDA0 = 1
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Figure 2-6. CDA Functions (Byte Access Mode)
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- Physical program memory pages (P0, P1, P2, P3) are logically mapped into data space based upon the memory segment
currently being used for execution, selection of byte/word access mode, and CDA1:0 bit settings (described under Pseudo Von
Neumann Memory Map and Pseudo Von Neumann Memory Access.)
• Data memory
- Access can be either word or byte.
- All 16 data pointer address bits are significant in either access mode (word or byte.)
2.7 Clock Generation
All functional modules in the MAXQ are synchronized to a single system clock. The internal clock circuitry generates the system clock
from one of four possible sources:
• Internal ring oscillator
• Internal oscillator, using an external crystal or resonator
• Internal relaxation oscillator, using an external RC
• External clock signal
Figure 2-7. MAXQ Clock Sources
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The external clock and crystal are mutually exclusive since they are input via the same clock pin. The basic clock source selection is
made through two bits: RGSL and XT/RC. The RGSL bit controls selection of the internal ring oscillator for system clock generation. When
RGSL = 1, the internal ring oscillator is used for system clock generation. The RGSL bit is read/write accessible at any time and defaults
to logic 0 on power-on reset only, allowing the internal ring oscillator to be used for system clock generation until the crystal warmup
completes or until user code selects the XT
only when the internal ring oscillator is explicitly selected for system clock generation (RGSL=1). The user code then must disable the
internal ring oscillator (RGSL = 0) for the XT/RC elected clock source to take effect. Since RGSL and XT/RC reside in the same register,
an external clock source selection can be made in the same instruction as the ring oscillator is disabled. Once the ring oscillator is disabled, RGSL = 0, the RGMD bit can be used to assess when the switchover to the source defined by XT/RC has occurred. The external RC clock selection (XT/RC =0) r
selection (XT/RC = 1) r
possibilities (crystal or RC) also serves as protection against an errant change of the XT/RC bit that produces a mismatch of XTAL1,
XTAL2 pin function and external clock circuitry.
Each time code execution must start or r
lowing sequence occurs:
• Reset the crystal warmup counter, and
• Allow the required warmup delay:
- 65,536 external clock cycles if XT/RC = 1 and exiting fr
- four external clock cycles if XT/RC = 0
• During the warmup sequence, code execution may commence from the internal ring oscillator provided that one is present in the
given MAXQ device. The user code may detect when the automatic switchover from the internal ring oscillator to the selected XT/RC
ce occurs by polling the RGMD status bit. If the RGSL bit is returned to logic 1 state (inter
in progress, the crystal amplifier or RC oscillator shuts down and the warmup process terminates.
equires a 65,536-cycle count before it can be used. Requiring some type of warmup period for both external clock
AL1 pin configuration corresponding to an external RC (XT/RC =0). The XT/RC bit is writable
equires a 4-cycle count before it can be used, while the external crystal/resonator or external clock
estart (as may be the case when exiting stop mode) using the external clock source, the fol-
om stop mode
nal ring selection) while a warmup is
2.7.1 Internal Ring Oscillator
The MAXQ microcontroller can source its main clock directly from an internal ring oscillator. The ring frequency varies over process,
temperature, and supply voltage. For synchronization and timing purposes, the ring oscillator resets anytime it is selected for use as
the primary system clock. The ring oscillator clock is divided down according to the PMME, CD1:0 bit selections just the same as the
external non-ring clock possibilities. There is a four-cycle warmup delay associated with the internal ring oscillator when the system is
going through a power-on reset or returning from the Stop mode.
2.7.2 External Clock (Crystal/Resonator)
An external quartz crystal or a ceramic resonator can be connected from XTAL1 to XTAL2 as the device determining the frequency, as
illustrated in Figure 2-8. The fundamental mode of the crystal operates as inductive reactance in parallel resonance with external
capacitance to the crystal.
Crystal specifications, operating temperature, operating voltage, and parasitic capacitance must be considered when designing the
internal oscillator. To further reduce the effects of external noise, a guard ring can be placed around the oscillator circuitry.
Pins XTAL1 and XTAL2 are protected by clamping devices against on-chip electrostatic discharge. These clamping devices are diodes
parasitic to the feedback resistor Rf in the inverter circuit of the oscillator. The inverter circuit is presented as a NAND gate, which can
disable clock generation in STOP mode or if the internal ring oscillator is explicitly selected for use (i.e., RGSL = 1).
Noise at XTAL1 and XTAL2 can adversely affect on-chip clock timing. It is good design practice to place the crystal and capacitors near
the oscillator circuitry and connect to XTAL1, XTAL2, and ground with direct shot trace. The typical values of external capacitors vary
with the type of crystal used and should be initially selected based on the load capacitance as suggested by the crystal manufacturer.
For cost-sensitive applications, a ceramic resonator can be used instead of a crystal. Using the ceramic resonator may require a different circuit configuration and capacitance value.
2.7.3 External Clock (Direct Input)
The MAXQ CPU can also obtain the system clock signal directly from an external clock source. In this configuration, the clock generation circuitry is driven directly by an external clock.
To operate the core from an external clock, connect the clock source to the XTAL1 pin and leave the XTAL2 pin floating. The clock
source should be driven through a CMOS driver. If the clock driver is a TTL gate, its output must be connected to VCC through a pullup
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0001 (default)
MAXQ Family User’s Guide
resistor to ensure a satisfactory logic level for active clock pulses. To minimize system noise on the clock circuitry, the external clock
source must meet the maximum rise and fall times and the minimum high and low times specified for the clock source. The external
noise can affect clock generation circuit if these parameters do not meet the specification.
2.7.4 External RC
For timing-insensitive applications, the external RC option offers additional cost savings. The RC oscillator frequency is a function of
the supply voltage, external resistor (Rext) and capacitor (Cext) values and tolerances, and the operating temperature. In addition to
this, the oscillator frequency varies from unit to unit due to normal process parameter variation. Figure 2-9 shows how the external RC
combination is connected to the MAXQ microcontroller.
Figure 2-8. On-Chip Crystal Oscillator
Figure 2-9. RC Relaxation Oscillator
2.7.5 Internal System Clock Generation
The internal system clock is derived from the currently selected oscillator input.
By default, one system clock cycle is generated per oscillator cycle, but the number of oscillator cycles per system clock can also be
increased by setting the Power Management Mode Enable (PMME) bit and the Clock Divide Control (CD[1:0]) register bits per Table 2-2.
Table 2-2. System Clock Rate Control Settings
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2.8 Interrupts
The MAXQ provides a single, programmable interrupt vector (IV) that can be used to handle internal and external interrupts. Interrupts
can be generated from system level sources (e.g., watchdog timer) or by sources associated with the peripheral modules included in
the specific MAXQ microcontroller. Only one interrupt can be handled at a time, and all interrupts naturally have the same priority. A
programmable interrupt mask register allows software-controlled prioritization and nesting of high-priority interrupts.
2.8.1 Servicing Interrupts
For the MAXQ to service an interrupt, interrupts must be enabled globally, modularly, and locally. The Interrupt Global Enable (IGE) bit
located in the Interrupt Control (IC) register acts as a global interrupt mask. This bit defaults to 0, and it must be set to 1 before any
interrupt takes place.
The local interrupt-enable bit for a particular source is in one of the peripheral registers associated with that peripheral module, or in a
system register for any system interrupt source. Between the global and local enables are intermediate per-module and system interrupt
mask bits. These mask bits reside in the Interrupt Mask system register. By implementing intermediate per-module masking capability
in a single register, interrupt sources spanning multiple modules can be selectively enabled/disabled in a single instruction. This promotes a simple, fast, and user-definable interrupt prioritization scheme. The interrupt source-enable hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 2-10.
When an interrupt condition occurs, its individual flag is set, even if the interrupt source is disabled at the local, module, or global level.
Interrupt flags must be cleared within the user interrupt routine to avoid repeated interrupts from the same source.
Since all interrupts vector to the address contained in the Interrupt Vector (IV) register, the Interrupt Identification Register (IIR) may be
used by the interrupt service routine to determine the module source of an interrupt. The IIR contains a bit flag for each peripheral module and one flag associated with all system interrupts; if the bit for a module is set, then an interrupt is pending that was initiated by
that module. If a module is capable of generating interrupts for different reasons, then peripheral register bits inside the module provide a means to differentiate among interrupt sources.
The Interrupt Vector (IV) register provides the location of the interrupt service routine. It may be set to any location within program memory. The IV register defaults to 0000h on reset or power-up, so if it is not changed to a different address, the user program must determine whether a jump to 0000h came from a reset or interrupt source.
2.8.2 Interrupt System Operation
The interrupt handler hardware responds to any interrupt event when it is enabled. An interrupt event occurs when an interrupt flag is
set. All interrupt requests are sampled at the rising edge of the clock and can be serviced by the processor one clock cycle later,
assuming the request does not hit the interrupt exception window. The one-cycle stall between detection and acknowledgement/servicing is due to the fact that the current instruction may also be accessing the stack. For this reason, the CPU must allow the current
instruction to complete before pushing the stack and vectoring to IV. If an interrupt exception window is generated by the currently executing instruction, the following instruction must be executed, so the interrupt service routine will be delayed an additional cycle.
Interrupt operation in the MAXQ CPU is essentially a state machine generated long CALL instruction. When the interrupt handler services an interrupt, it temporarily takes control of the CPU to perform the following sequence of actions:
1) The next instruction fetch from program memory is cancelled.
2) The return address is pushed on to the stack.
3) The INS bit is set to 1 to prevent recursive interrupt calls.
4) The instruction pointer is set to the location of the interrupt service routine (contained in the Interrupt Vector register).
5) The CPU begins executing the interrupt service routine.
Once the interrupt service routine completes, it should use the RETI instruction to return to the main program. Execution of RETI
involves the following sequence of actions:
1) The return address is popped off the stack.
2) The INS bit is cleared to 0 to re-enable interrupt handling.
3) The instruction pointer is set to the return address that was popped off the stack.
4) The CPU continues execution of the main program.
Pending interrupt requests will not interrupt an RETI instruction; a new interrupt will be serviced after first being acknowledged in the
execution cycle which follows the RETI instruction and then after the standard one stall cycle of interrupt latency. This means there will
be at least two cycles between back-to-back interrupts.
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ET0, ET1
MAXQ Family User’s Guide
Figure 2-10. MAXQ Interrupt Source Hierarchy Example
2.8.3 Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Interrupt Sources
Interrupt sources can be classified as either asynchronous or synchronous. All internal interrupts are synchronous interrupts. An internal
interrupt is directly routed to the interrupt handler that can be recognized in one cycle. All external interrupts are asynchronous interrupts
by nature. When the device is not in Stop Mode, asynchronous interrupt sources are passed through a 3-clock sampling/glitch filter circuit before being routed to the interrupt handler. The sampling/glitch filter circuit is running on the undivided source clock (i.e., before
PMME, CD1:0-controlled clock divide) such that the number of system clocks required to recognize an asynchronous interrupt request
depends upon the system clock divide ratio:
• if the system clock divide ratio is 1, the interrupt request is recognized after 3 system clock;
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MAXQ Family User’s Guide
• if the system clock divide ratio is 2, the interrupt request is recognized after 2 system clock;
• if the system clock divide ratio is 4 or greater, the interrupt request is recognized after 1 system clock;
An interrupt request with a pulse width less than three undivided clock cycles is not recognized. Note that the granularity of interrupt
source is at module level. Synchronous interrupts and sampled asynchronous interrupts assigned to the same module product a single interrupt to the interrupt handler.
External interrupts, when enabled, can be used as switchback sources from power management mode. There is no latency associated with the switchback because the circuit is being clocked by an undivided clock source versus the divide-by-256 system clock. For
the same reason, there is no latency for other switchback sources that do not qualify as interrupt sources.
2.8.4 Interrupt Prioritization by Software
All interrupt sources of the MAXQ microcontroller naturally have the same priority. However, when CPU operation vectors to the programmed Interrupt Vector address, the order in which potential interrupt sources are interrogated is left entirely up to the user, as this
often depends upon the system design and application requirements. The Interrupt Mask system register provides the ability to knowingly block interrupts from modules considered to be of lesser priority and manually re-enable the interrupt servicing by the CPU (by setting INS = 0). Using this procedure, a given interrupt service routine can continue executing, only to be interrupted by higher priority
interrupts. An example demonstrating this software prioritization is provided in the Handling Interrupts section of Section 3: Programming.
2.8.5 Interrupt Exception Window
An interrupt exception window is a noninterruptable execution cycle. During this cycle, the interrupt handler does not respond to any interrupt requests. All interrupts that would normally be serviced during an interrupt exception window are delayed until the next execution cycle.
Interrupt exception windows are used when two or more instructions must be executed consecutively without any delays in between.
Currently, there is a single condition in the MAXQ microcontroller that causes an interrupt exception window: activation of the prefix
(PFX) register.
When the prefix register is activated by writing a value to it, it retains that value only for the next clock cycle. For the prefix value to be
used properly by the next instruction, the instruction that sets the prefix value and the instruction that uses it must always be executed back to back. Therefore, writing to the PFX register causes an interrupt exception window on the next cycle. If an interrupt occurs
during an interrupt exception window, an additional latency of one cycle in the interrupt handling will be caused as the interrupt will
not be serviced until the next cycle.
2.9 Operating Modes
In addition to the standard program execution mode, there are three other operating modes for the MAXQ. During Reset Mode, the
processor is temporarily halted by an external or internal reset source. During Power Management Mode, the processor executes
instructions at a reduced clock rate to decrease power consumption. Stop Mode halts execution and all internal clocks to save power
until an external stimulus indicates that processing should be resumed.
2.9.1 Reset Mode
When the MAXQ microcontroller is in Reset Mode, no instruction execution or other system or peripheral operations occur, and all
input/output pins return to default states. Once the condition that caused the reset (whether internal or external) is removed, the processor begins executing code at address 8000h.
There are four different sources that can cause the MAXQ to enter Reset Mode:
• Power-On/Brownout Reset
• External Reset
• Watchdog Timer Reset
• Internal System Reset Power-On/Brownout Reset
An on-chip power-on reset (POR) circuit is provided to ensure proper initialization on internal device states. The power-on reset circuit
provides a minimum power-on-reset delay sufficient to accomplish this initialization. For fast V
will, at a minimum, be held in reset for the power-on reset delay when initially powered up. For slow VDDsupply rise times, the MAXQ
device will be held in reset until VDDis above the power-on-reset voltage threshold. The minimum POR delay and POR voltage threshold can differ depending upon MAXQ device. Refer to the device data sheet(s) for specifics.
supply rise times, the MAXQ device
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Certain MAXQ devices may also incorporate brownout detection capability. For these devices, an on-chip precision reference and
comparator monitor the supply voltage VDDto ensure that it is within acceptable limits. If VDDis below the power-fail level, the power
monitor initiates a reset condition. This can occur either when the MAXQ is first powered up when the VDDsupply is above the POR
voltage threshold, or when V
In either case, the reset condition is maintained until V
following any necessary clock warmup delay.
When the processor exits from the power-on/brownout reset state, the POR bit in the Watchdog Control Register (WDCN) is set to 1
and can only be cleared by software. The user software can examine the POR bit following a reset to determine whether the reset was
caused by a power-on reset or by another source. External Reset
During normal operation, the MAXQ device is placed into external reset mode by holding the RST pin at logic 0 for at least four clock
cycles. If MAXQ device is in the low-power Stop mode (i.e., system clock is not active), the RST pin becomes an asynchronous source,
forcing the reset state immediately after being taken to logic 0. Once the MAXQ enters Reset mode, it remains in reset as long as the
RST pin is held at logic 0. After the RST pin returns to logic 1, the processor exits the reset state within four clock cycles and begins
program execution at address 8000h.
For many MAXQ devices, the RST pin is an output as well as an input. If a reset condition is caused by another source (such as a
brownout reset, watchdog, or internal reset), an output reset pulse is generated at the RST pin for as long as the MAXQ remains in
reset. If the RST pin is connected to an RC r
if this occurs it does not affect the internal reset condition.
drops out of tolerance from an acceptable level.
rises above the reset level V
eset circuit or a similar circuit, it may not be able to drive the output reset signal. However
. Once VDD> V
, execution may resume
, Watchdog Timer Reset
The watchdog timer is a programmable hardware timer that can be set to reset the processor in the case of a software lockup or other
unrecoverable error. Once the watchdog is enabled in this manner, the processor must reset the watchdog timer periodically to avoid
a reset. If the processor does not reset the watchdog timer before it elapses, the watchdog will initiate a reset state.
If the watchdog resets the processor, it remains in reset, and holds the RST pin low, for four clock cycles. Once the reset condition is
removed, the processor will begin executing program code at address 8000h. When a reset occurs due to a watchdog timeout, the
Watchdog Timer Reset flag in the WDCN register is set to 1 and can only be cleared by software. User software can examine this bit
following a reset to determine if that r
eset was caused by a watchdog timeout. Internal System Reset
MAXQ devices may incorporate functions that logically warrant the ability to generate an internal system reset. This reset generation
capability is assessed by MAXQ function based upon its expected use. In-system programming is a prime example of functionality that
benefits by having the ability to reset the device. The exact in-system programming protocol is somewhat device and interface specific, however, it is expected that, upon completion of in-system programming, many users want the ability to reset the system. This
internal (software-triggered) reset generation capability is possible following in-system programming.
2.9.2 Power Management Mode
There are two major sources of power dissipation in CMOS circuitry. The first is static dissipation caused by continuous leakage current. The second is dynamic dissipation caused by transient switching current required to charge and discharge load capacitors, as
well as short circuit current produced by momentary connections between V
Usually, it is the dynamic switching power dissipation that dominates the total power consumption, and this power dissipation (P
a CMOS circuit can be calculated in terms of load capacitance (CL), power-supply voltage (VDD) and operating frequency (f) as:
= CLx V
Capacitance and supply voltage are technology dependent and relatively fixed. However, the operating frequency determines the clock
rate, and the required clock rate may be different from application to application depending on the amount of processing power required.
If an external crystal or oscillator is being used, the operating frequency can be adjusted by changing external components. However,
it may be the case that a single application may require maximum processing power at some times and very little at others. Power
Management mode allows an application to reduce its clock frequency, and therefore its power consumption, under software control.
Power Management Mode is invoked by setting the PMME bit to 1. Once this bit has been set, one system clock cycle will occur every
256 oscillator cycles. All operations continue as normal in this mode, but at the reduced clock rate. Power Management Mode can be
deactivated by clearing the PMME bit to 0; the PMME bit will also be cleared automatically to 0 by any reset condition.
and ground during gate switching.
x f
) for
Maxim Integrated
MAXQ Family User’s Guide
The PMME bit may not be set to 1 if any potential switchback source is active. Attempts to set the PMME bit under these conditions
result in a no-op. Switchback
When Power Management Mode is active, the MAXQ operates at a reduced clock rate. Although execution continues as normal,
peripherals that base their timing on the system clock such as the UART module and the SPI module may be unable to operate normally or at a high enough speed for proper application response. Additionally, interrupt latency is greatly increased.
The Switchback feature is used to allow a processor running under Power Management Mode to switch back to normal mode quickly
under certain conditions that require rapid response. Switchback is enabled by setting the SWB bit to 1. If Switchback is enabled, a
processor running under Power Management Mode automatically clears the PMME bit to 0 and returns to normal mode when any of
the following conditions occur:
• An external interrupt condition occurs on an INTx pin and the corresponding external interrupt is enabled.
• An active-low transition occurs on the UART serial receive-input line (modes 1, 2, and 3) and data reception is enabled.
• The SBUF register is written to send an outgoing byte through the UART and transmission is enabled.
• The SPIB register is written in master mode (STBY = 1) to send an outgoing character through the SPI module and transmission is enabled.
• The SPI module’s SSEL signal is asserted in slave mode.
• Time-of-Day and Subsecond interval alar
Active debug mode is enter
ed either by br
om the R
ms fr
eak point match or issuance of the 'Debug' command fr
TC when enabled.
om backgr
ound mode.
2.9.3 Stop Mode
When the MAXQ is in Stop Mode, the CPU system clock is stopped, and all processing activity is halted. All on-chip peripherals requiring the system clock are also stopped. Power consumption in Stop Mode is at the lowest possible level and is basically limited to static leakage current.
Stop Mode is entered by setting the STOP bit to 1. The processor enters Stop Mode immediately once the instruction that sets the STOP
bit is executed. The MAXQ exits Stop Mode when any of the following conditions occur:
• An external interrupt condition occurs on one of the INTx pins and the corresponding external interrupt is enabled. After the interrupt returns, execution resumes after the stop point.
• An external reset signal is applied to the RST pin. After the reset signal is removed, execution r
reset state.
In some MAXQ devices, the brownout voltage detection circuitry can be disabled during Stop Mode, so a power-fail condition does
not cause a reset as it would under normal conditions. Once the processor exits Stop Mode, it resumes execution as follows:
• If the RGSL bit is set to 0, the clock sour
period, the internal ring oscillator may be used for execution. The clock source switches fr
automatically once the warmup completes. The RGMD bit can be read by the processor to determine when the switch from the ring
oscillator to the XT/RC source has occurred.
• If the RGSL bit is set to 1, the inter
ce selected by the XT/RC bit is enabled so that it may warm up/stabilize. During the warmup
nal ring oscillator will be used to resume execution and the XT/RC selected clock sour
The following section provides a programming overview of the MAXQ. For full details on the instruction set, as well as System Register
and Peripheral Register detailed bit descriptions, see the appropriate sections in this user’s guide.
3.1 Addressing Modes
The instruction set for the MAXQ provides three different addressing modes: direct, indirect, and immediate.
The direct addressing mode can be used to specify either source or destination registers, such as:
move A[0], A[1]; copy accumulator 1 to accumulator 0
push A[0]
add A[1]; add accumulator 1 to the active accumulator
Direct addressing is also used to specify addressable bits within registers.
move C, Acc.0; copy bit zero of the active accumulator
move PO0.3, #1; set bit three of port 0 Output register
Indirect addressing, in which a register contains a source or destination address, is used only in a few cases.
move @DP[0], A[0]; copy accumulator 0 to the data memory
move A[0], @SP--; where @SP-- is used to pop the data pointed to
; push accumulator 0 on the stack
;to the carry flag
;location pointed to by data pointer 0
;by the stack pointer register
Immediate addr
essing is used to provide values to be directly loaded into registers or used as operands.
move A[0], #10h; set accumulator 1 to 10h/16d
3.2 Prefixing Operations
All instructions on the MAXQ are 16 bits long and execute in a single cycle. However, some operations require more data than can be
specified in a single cycle or require that high-order register-index bits be set to achieve the desired transfer. In these cases, the prefix register module PFX is loaded with temporary data and/or required register index bits to be used by the following instruction. The
PFX module only holds loaded data for a single cycle before it clears to zero.
Instruction prefixing is required for the following operations, which effectively makes them two-cycle operations:
• When providing a 16-bit immediate value for an operation (e.g., loading a 16-bit register, ALU operation, supplying an absolute pro-
gram branch destination), the PFX module must be loaded in the previous cycle with the high byte of the 16-bit immediate value
unless that high byte is zero. One exception to this rule is when supplying an absolute branch destination to 00xxh. In this case,
PFX still must be written with 00h. Otherwise, the branch instruction would be considered a relative one instead of the desired
absolute branch.
• When selecting registers with indexes greater than 07h within a module as destinations for a transfer or registers with indexes
greater than 0Fh within a module as sources, the PFX[n] register must be loaded in the previous cycle. This can be combined with
the previous item.
Generally, prefixing operations can be inserted automatically by the assembler as needed, so that (for example)
move DP[0], #1234h
actually assembles as
move PFX[0], #12h
move DP[0], #34h
However, the operation
move DP[0], #0055h
does not require a prefixing operation even though the register DP[0] is 16-bit. This is because the prefix value defaults to zero, so the line
move PFX[0], #00h
is not required.
Maxim Integrated
MAXQ Family User’s Guide
3.3 Reading and Writing Registers
All functions in the MAXQ are accessed through registers, either directly or indirectly. This section discusses loading registers with
immediate values and transferring values between registers of the same size and different sizes.
3.3.1 Loading an 8-Bit Register With an Immediate Value
Any writeable 8-bit register with a sub-index from 0h to 7h within its module can be loaded with an immediate value in a single cycle
using the MOVE instruction.
move AP, #05h; load accumulator pointer register with 5 hex
Writeable 8-bit registers with sub-indexes 8h and higher can be loaded with an immediate value using MOVE as well, but an additional
cycle is required to set the prefix value for the destination.
move WDCN, #33h; assembles to: move PFX[2], #00h
;move (WDCN-80h), #33h
3.3.2 Loading a 16-Bit Register With a 16-Bit Immediate Value
Any writeable 16-bit register with a sub-index from 0h to 07h can be loaded with an immediate value in a single cycle if the high byte
of that immediate value is zero.
move LC[0], #0010h; prefix defaults to zero for high byte
If the high byte of that immediate value is not zero or if the 16-bit destination sub-index is greater than 7h, an extra cycle is required to
load the prefix value for the high byte and/or the high-order register index bits.
; high byte <> #00h
move LC[0], #0110h ; assembles to: move PFX[0], #01h
;move LC[0], #10h
; destination sub-index > 7h
move A[8], #0034h; assembles to: move PFX[2], #00h
;move (A[8]-80h), #34h
3.3.3 Moving Values Between Registers of the Same Size
Moving data between same-size registers can be done in a single-cycle MOVE if the destination register’s index is from 0h to 7h and
the source register index is between 0h and Fh.
move A[0], A[8]; copy accumulator 8 to accumulator 0
move LC[0], LC[1]; copy loop counter 1 to loop counter 0
If the destination register’s index is greater than 7h or if the source register index is greater than Fh, prefixing is required.
move A[15], A[0]; assembles to: move PFX[2], #00h
;move (A[15]-80h), A[0]
3.3.4 Moving Values Between Registers of Different Sizes
Before covering some transfer scenarios that might arise, a special register must be introduced that will be used in many of these
cases. The 16-bit General Register (GR) is expressly provided for performing byte singulation of 16-bit words. The high and low bytes
of GR are individually accessible in the GRH and GRL registers respectively. A read-only GRS register makes a byte-swapped version
of GR accessible and the GRXL register provides a sign-extended version of GRL.
8-bit destination ← low byte (16-bit source)
The simplest transfer possibility would be loading an 8-bit register with the low byte of a 16-bit register. This transfer does not require
use of GR and requires a prefix only if the destination or source register are outside of the single cycle write or read regions, 0–7h and
0–Fh, respectively.
move OFFS, LC[0]; copy the low byte of LC[0] to the OFFS register
move IMR, @DP[1]; copy the low byte @DP[1] to the IMR register
move WDCN, LC[0]; assembles to: move PFX[2], #00h
;move (WDCON-80h), LC[0]
Maxim Integrated
MAXQ Family User’s Guide
8-bit destination ← high byte (16-bit source)
If, however, we needed to load an 8-bit register with the high byte of a 16-bit source, it would be best to use the GR register. Transferring
the 16-bit source to the GR register adds a single cycle.
move GR, LC[0]; move LC[0] to the GR register
move IC, GRH; copy the high byte into the IC register
Two 8-bit source registers can be concatenated and stored into a 16-bit destination by using the prefix register to hold the high-order
byte for the concatenated transfer. An additional cycle may be required if either source byte register index is gr
16-bit destination is greater than 07h.
move PFX[0], IC; load high order source byte IC into PFX
move @++SP, AP; store @DP[0] the concatenation of IC:AP
To modify only the low byte of a given 16-bit destination, the 16-bit register should be moved into the GR register such that the high
byte can be singulated and the low byte written exclusively. An additional cycle is required if the destination index is greater than 0Fh.
move GR, DP[0];
move PFX[0], GRH; get the high byte of DP[0] via GRH
move DP[0], #20h; store the new DP[0] value
move PFX[1], #00h;
move GR, dst; read dst word to the GR register
move PFX[5], GRH; get the high byte of dst via GRH
move dst, src; store the new dst value
High (16-bit destination) ← 8-bit source
To modify only the high byte of a given 16-bit destination, the 16-bit register should be moved into the GR r
byte can be singulated and the high byte can be written exclusively. Additional cycles are requir
than 0Fh or if the source index is greater than 0Fh.
move GR, DP[0]; move DP[0] to the GR register
move PFX[0], #20h; get the high byte of DP[0] via GRH
move DP[0], GRL; store the new DP[0] value
move PFX[1], #00h;
move GR, dst; read dst word to the GR register
move PFX[1], #00h
move PFX[4], src; get the new src byte
move dst, GRL; store the new dst value
If the high byte needs to be clear
(example follows):
move GR, DP[0]; move DP[0] to the GR register
move DP[0], GRL; store the new DP[0] value, 00h used for high byte
ed to 00h, the operation can be shortened by transferring only the GRL byte to the 16-bit destination
move DP[0] to the GR register
; 16-bit destination sub-index: dst=10h
;8-bit source sub-index: src=11h
ed if the destination index is greater
; 16-bit destination sub-index: dst=10h
;8-bit source sub-index: src=11h
eater than 0Fh or the
egister such that the low
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