Maxim Integrated MAX1202 User Manual

_____MAX1202 Stand-Alone EV Kit
The MAX1202 EV kit provides a proven PC board lay­out to facilitate evaluation of the MAX1202. It must be interfaced to appropriate timing signals for proper operation. Refer to the MAX1202 data sheet for timing requirements.
Cut JU4 and apply the +5V analog supply between the +5V pad and the pad marked GND. Connect the VLOGIC pad to the microprocessor's power supply. Set JU1 to the 2-3 position (VSS= -5V) to allow input sig­nals between ±4V (Table 1).
_______________General Description
The MAX1202 evaluation system (EV system) is a com­plete, 8-channel data-acquisition system consisting of a MAX1202 evaluation kit (EV kit) and a Maxim 3V 68L11D microcontroller (µC) module.
The MAX1202 is a low-power, +5V, 8-channel, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that connects directly to 3V and 5V microprocessors (µPs). Windows 3.1™/ Windows 95™ software provides a handy user interface to exercise the MAX1202’s features.
Order the EV system for comprehensive evaluation of the MAX1202 using a personal computer. Order the EV kit if you have already purchased the 68L11D µC mod­ule with a previous Maxim EV system, or for custom use in other µC-based systems.
The MAX1202 EV kit and EV system can also be used to evaluate the MAX1203. Simply order a free sample of the MAX1203BCPP along with the MAX1202 EV kit. For 3V-only applications, refer to the MAX147 data sheet.
Proven PC Board LayoutComplete Evaluation SystemConvenient On-Board Test PointsData-Logging Software3V/5V Logic InterfaceFully Assembled and Tested
Evaluates: MAX1202/MAX1203
MAX1202 Evaluation Kit
Maxim Integrated Products
19-1197; Rev 0; 3/97
C1–C8, C13 9
C9, C10, C11,
C14, C15
C12 1 4.7µF, 10V tantalum capacitor
J1 1
JU1, JU2 2 3-pin jumper blocks
JU3 1 JU4 0
R1–R8 8
TP1 1 8-pin header
1 Maxim MAX1202BCPP
U2 1 Maxim ICL7660CPA U3 1 78L05 voltage regulator
2 x 20 right-angle socket
0.1µF ceramic capacitors
0.01µF ceramic capacitors
2-pin jumper block Open 300, 5% resistors
____________________Component List
___________System Component List
______________Ordering Information
For free samples & the latest literature:, or phone 1-800-998-8800
None 1 PC board None 1
Software disk, “MAX1202 EVALUATION KIT”
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
1 20-pin socket
MAX1202EVKIT-DIP 0°C to +70°C
MAX1202EVL11-DIP 0°C to +70°C Through-Hole
MAX1202EVKIT-DIP 68L11DMODULE 1 68L11D µC Module
MAX1202 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX1202/MAX1203
MAX1202 Evaluation Kit
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______________MAX1202 EV System
The MAX1202 EV system operates from a user­supplied 9V to 15V DC power supply. The Maxim 68L11D 3V µC board uses a MAX667 linear regulator to generate the 3V logic supply. The MAX1202 board uses a 78L05 linear regulator to generate its own 5V analog supply. No level translators are necessary because the MAX1202 VL pin is connected to the 3V logic supply.
Quick Start
1) Install the MAX1202 EV kit software on your comput­er by running the
program on the flop­py disk. The Windows 3.1 Program Manager (or the Windows 95 Start Menu) copies the program files and creates icons for them.
2) Check the jumper settings on the EV board. Refer to Tables 1 and 2.
3) Carefully connect the boards by aligning the EV kit’s 40-pin header with the µC module’s 40-pin connec­tor. Gently press them together. The two boards should be flush against one another.
4) Connect a 9V to 15V DC power source to the µC module at the terminal block located next to the on/off switch, in the upper-right corner of the µC module. Observe the polarity marked on the board.
5) Connect a cable from the computer’s serial port to the µC module. If using a 9-pin serial port, use a straight-through, 9-pin female-to-male cable. If the only available serial port uses a 25-pin connector, a standard 25-pin to 9-pin adapter is required. The EV kit software checks the modem status lines (CTS, DSR, DCD) to confirm that the correct port has been selected.
6) Start the MAX1202 program by opening its icon in the Program Manager (or Start Menu).
7) The program will prompt you to connect the µC module and turn its power on. Slide SW1 to the on position. Select the correct serial port and click OK. The program automatically downloads
to the module.
8) Apply input signals to the CH0–CH7 inputs at the right edge of the MAX1202 EV board. Observe the readout on the screen.
Evaluating the MAX1203
To evaluate the MAX1203, turn off the power to the EV kit, close JU3, and replace U1 with a MAX1203BCPP. Connect the external voltage reference to the VREF pad. No other hardware changes are necessary. Refer to the section
Changing the Reference Voltage.
Table 1. Jumper Functions
1-2 VSStied to GND
(default trace)
Current-sense jumper. The MAX1202 draws its +5V analog supply through this trace.
2-3 VSStied to -5V
Open VSSmust be supplied by the user.
SHDN tied to GND; power-down
SHDN tied to +5V; internal com­pensation
SHDN floating; external compen­sation
REFADJ = +5V; VREF must be supplied by the user.
REFADJ = open; VREF = 4.096V internal reference (MAX1202)
Open Do not operate kit with JU4 open.
JU1 2-3 VSStied to -5V JU2 2-3
SHDN tied to +5V
JU3 Open
REFADJ = open; VREF = 4.096V internal reference (MAX1202)
JU4 Closed
The MAX1202 draws its +5V analog supply through this trace.
Table 2. Default Jumper Settings
__Detailed Description of Software
Shutdown Power Cycling
The MAX1202 can be shut down between conversions to reduce average supply-current demand. From the “Power” menu, select full power-down (FULLPD) or fast power-down (FASTPD) mode. In fast power-down mode, the bandgap reference remains active. The amount of power saved depends primarily on how long the part is off between conversions. The conversion accuracy depends on the power-up delay, the refer­ence capacitor, and the time in power-down. Adjust off­time with the “Delay Between Samples” command. Adjust on-time with the “Power-Up Delay” command.
Using an adequate power-up delay ensures conversion accuracy during power-cycling modes. The reference must be allowed enough time to stabilize before the measurement is performed. The “Power-Up Delay” command controls power-up delay. Increase the delay until accuracy is constant. The power-up delay require­ment depends on the off-time (delay between samples) and the value of the reference capacitor (C12).
The MAX1202 EV kit software performs power-up by starting a conversion in FASTPD mode and discarding the reading. FASTPD mode turns on the reference, but leaves the MAX1202’s other circuitry powered down. An accurate reference-voltage measurement can be performed after the power-up delay is complete.
The MAX1203 requires an external reference, so FULLPD mode can always be used, assuming the exter­nal reference is always stable when measurements are performed. In this case, set power-up delay to 0.
Measuring Supply Current
On the EV board, the MAX1202 draws all of its +5V analog power through jumper JU4, which is wired closed when the board is shipped from the factory. To measure the MAX1202’s supply current, modify the board (with the power off) by cutting jumper JU4 and connecting a current meter across JU4.
Low-Speed Data Logging
The RS-232 serial link limits the data-logging sample rate to no more than 10 samples/sec. The “Log” menu can be used to write data to a user-specified file in comma-spaced-value text format. From the “Log” menu, choose “Select Channels”, and select the chan­nels you want to log. Then choose the “New Log File” command from the “Log” menu. Once a log file has been opened, it can be paused or resumed with the “Pause” command. One complete line of data is written after all enabled channels have been sampled. The first line of the log file contains the column headings. Each
subsequent line of the log file contains all enabled channels, separated by commas, tabs, or spaces. The program continues to write data to the log file until the “Done” command is selected from the “Log” menu.
High-Speed Data Sampling
The high-speed sampling commands can be used for sampling rates over 10 samples/sec. Data can be col­lected from any single channel at high speed, using the commands on the “Sample” menu. First select the num­ber of samples. Then set the sampling rate either by inserting a delay between samples, or by choosing one of the preset sample rates. Use the “Collect” command to begin collecting data. After the samples are collect­ed, the data is automatically uploaded to the host and graphed. Additionally, the data can be saved to a file.
Changing the Reference Voltage
The MAX1202 EV kit software assumes a 4.096V refer­ence voltage, unless otherwise specified. The refer­ence-voltage assumption can be changed using “Set Reference Voltage” under the “Device” menu.
If an external reference is used, it must have a tempera­ture coefficient of 20ppm/°C or less to achieve accuracy to within four LSBs over the 0°C to +70°C range. For 12­bit accuracy over this range, the reference must have a temperature coefficient of 4ppm/°C or less.
Detailed Description
________________________of Hardware
The MAX1202 (U1) is an 8-channel, 12-bit, low-power analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with serial interface and shutdown. R1–R8 and C1–C8 are anti-aliasing input filters. The analog supply rails are VDD, VSS, and GND. The digital interface is powered by the VL pin. The SHDN jumper controls hardware shutdown and selects internal/external-compensation mode. Refer to the MAX1202 data sheet for more information.
The ICL7660 (U2) is a charge pump that converts +5V to -5V for VSS.
The 78L05 (U3) is a +5V linear regulator that provides a clean analog supply for the MAX1202.
Input Filtering
The MAX1202 EV kit has an RC filter on each input with a time constant (τ) of approximately 3µs (R = 300,
C = 0.01µF). The MAX1202’s acquisition time with a 2MHz clock is 1.5µs. The RC filter’s settling time can increase the acquisition time required for full accuracy when switching input channels.
Evaluates: MAX1202/MAX1203
MAX1202 Evaluation Kit
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