Maxim Integrated HFAN-09.5.0 User Manual

Application Note:
Rev.1; 04/08
Pattern Creator/Converter Software
rn Creator/Converter Software User Manual
1 Introduction
The Pattern Creator/Converter software (available for download at: http://www.maxim- was written to facilitate the
eation and use of complicated and non-standard
c test patterns for evaluation of ICs, modules, and systems used in fiber-optic, video, backplane and other applications. This application note will step through the features and use of the Pattern Creator / Converter software and show examples on how to use the program. The software has three main sections: a Pattern Creator, a Pattern Converter and Additional Resources / Information.
Note: This software is intended to run on a windows-based desktop computer (Windows 98 or newer) with a screen resolution of 800x600 or larger. The operating system that is included with test equipment (pattern generators, oscilloscopes, etc.) will often lack the necessary installed window components to allow correct operation of the program directly on that equipment.
2 Pattern Creator
The Pattern Creator (Figure 1) allows the user to create long binary test patterns in a text file format.
To start a new pattern, click the Output File Name
button and choose a filename and location. Once the file location and name are selected, the file is created. Patterns can then be added sequentially by pressing the buttons of the various built-in pattern sequences.
The sequence of the pattern created will appear in
the Pattern Sequence box and the statistics of the pattern will be displayed in the Pattern Statistics text box. Pressing the Done button closes the text
file that was created. More details and an example of how to use the buttons and features of the Pattern Creator section will be demonstrated in the following paragraphs.
Figure 1. Pattern Creator Tab Menu
Application Note HFAN-9.5.0 (Rev.1; 04/08) Maxim Integrated Page 2 of 8
2.1 PRBS Patterns
The Pseudo Random Bit Sequences (PRBS) are generated using a software version of the conventional hardware shift register with the taps of minimum shift algorithms generated from Galois­field arithmetic (Figure 2, Table 1, see References 1 & 2). The shift register length is determined by the pattern title. For example, a PRBS 27-1 pattern would be generated using a shift register 7 bits long. Where n is the register length, the PRBS pattern contains every possible combination of n bits (except one).
PRBS Generation
PRBS Generation
n Bit Shift Register
n n-1 2 13
Figure 2. PRBS Generation
Table 1: PRBS Pattern Length / Tap Positions
(2n-1) Tap1 Tap2 Tap3 Tap4
Register Number (1 to n)
3 7 3 2 4 15 4 3 5 31 5 3 6 63 6 5 7 127 7 6 8 255 8 7 3 2
9 511 9 5 10 1023 10 7 11 2047 11 9 12 4095 12 9 8 5 13 8191 13 12 10 9 14 16383 14 13 3 2 15 32767 15 14 16 65535 16 14 13 11 17 131071 17 14 18 262143 18 11 19 524287 19 18 14 13 20 1048575 20 17 21 2097151 21 19 22 4194303 22 21 23 8388607 23 18
The mark density (100%*(number of ones / total bits)) and the transition density (100%*(number of bit transitions / total number of bits)) of PRBS patterns are approximately 50%. This approximation improves as the pattern length (shift register length) increases. Also, the maximum number of consecutive identical digits (CIDs) is equal to the register length (n) (e.g. a 223-1 PRBS has a maximum of 23 CIDs).
Pressing any of the PRBS buttons opens the option list shown in Figure 3. Using this option list, the PRBS sequence can be repeated an integer number of times or the total number of bits to write of the given PRBS can be selected. The PRBS can also be written to the file inverted or non-inverted. It is important to note that the mark density and the transition density of the pattern sequence can deviate from the 50% approximations if only part of the PRBS is written to the file.
ure 3. PRBS Options
In this software program, each PRBS register is initialized with all 1’s. Therefore, each PRBS sequence will start with the maximum CID length (e.g. the first seven bits generated from the non­inverted PRBS 2^7-1 will be all ones).
Application Note HFAN-9.5.0 (Rev.1; 04/08) Maxim Integrated Page
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