Maxim Integrated EE-Sim User Manual

EE-Sim User Manual
Online Edition
March 2014
EE-Sim User Guide
Table of Contents
1 Getting Started .............................................................................. 4
1.3.1 Using EE-Sim as a New User ............................................................5
1.3.2 Using EE-Sim as the Recipient of a Shared Design ...........................................6
1.3.3 Opening an Existing Design ............................................................7
1.3.4 Saving Changes to an Open Design ......................................................7
1.3.5 Logging Out of EE-Sim .................................................................8
1.4 Web Browser Configuration for Easy Automatic Logins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.1 Configuring Microsoft Internet Explorer for EE-Sim............................................8
1.4.2 Configuring Mozilla Firefox for EE-Sim .....................................................9
1.4.3 Configuring Google Chrome for EE-Sim ....................................................9
2 Designs, Contacts, and Sharing ................................................................ 10
2.1 Managing Your Designs ...................................................................10
2.1.1 Creating a New Contact................................................................11
2.1.2 Managing Your Contacts ...............................................................12
2.1.3 Sharing a Single Design ...............................................................13
2.1.4 Sharing Multiple Designs...............................................................14
3 DC/DC Conversion Designs ................................................................... 15
3.1 Creating a New Design ....................................................................15
3.2 Specifying Input, Output, and Other Design Requirements........................................16
3.3 Generating a Schematic and Saving Your Design ...............................................17
3.4 Next Steps..............................................................................17
3.5 Modifying Schematics.....................................................................18
3.5.1 Modifying Product Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.6 Simulation and Analysis ...................................................................20
3.6.1 Running a Simulation and Generating Waveforms ...........................................20
3.7 Generating a Summary Page and BOM (DC-DC) ...............................................22
3.7.1 Generating and Printing a Summary Page .................................................22
3.7.2 Generating and Saving a BOM ..........................................................22
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4 System Power Designs ....................................................................... 23
4.1 Creating New System Power Processor Designs ...............................................23
4.1.1 Creating a New FPGA Processor Design and Schematic......................................23
4.1.2 Creating a New Processor/SoC/Custom Load Design and Schematic ...........................24
4.2 Next Steps..............................................................................25
4.3 Modifying System Power Schematics.........................................................26
4.3.1 Adding and Connecting Product Components..............................................26
4.3.2 Selecting a Component ...............................................................28
4.4 Sequencing .............................................................................30
4.4.1 Adding a Sequencer ..................................................................30
4.4.2 Editing the Group/Rail Assignments and Viewing the Timing Diagrams ..........................31
4.5 Generating a Summary Page and BOM (System Power) .........................................31
4.5.1 Exploring the System Power Tool Summary Page ...........................................31
4.5.2 Generating and Printing a Summary Page .................................................33
4.5.3 Generating and Saving a BOM..........................................................33
5 Filter Designs............................................................................... 34
6 PLL/VCO Designs ........................................................................... 35
7 The EE-Sim Application for Windows ............................................................36
7.1 Downloading the Desktop Edition of EE-Sim....................................................36
7.2 Installing the Desktop Edition of EE-Sim .......................................................36
7.3 How to Start Using the EE-Sim Application for Windows ..........................................39
7.4 Downloading a Schematic..................................................................42
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EE-Sim User Guide

1 Getting Started

1.1 Introduction

As a registered member of the Maxim Integrated online community, you can use the Maxim EE-Sim® tool to design, simulate, analyze, and purchase a variety of analog and power solutions. You can also view customized DC/DC and sequencer recommendations for multi-rail or multi-load systems including processor, SoC, uC, and FPGA designs.
EE-Sim automatically creates a circuit schematic based on your requirements, saving you precious design time and resources. Set up and complete your simulations in just minutes. You can also take advantage of the following additional features of EE-Sim:
• Share your designs with a colleague
• Order a BOM from your distributor of choice
• Print a complete report
• Download your own free version of EE-Sim
While you are online using EE-Sim, don’t forget to explore the other features
and benets of online membership with Maxim Integrated.

1.2 Registering as a New User

This section guides new users through the registration process, setting up an
account prole, and creating login credentials.
1. Open your web browser and navigate to
2. At the top of the page, click Register. If your user name appears at the top of the page and you do not see a Register button, you are already registered and logged in. Skip the remaining steps in this procedure.
3. If you arrived at the EE-Sim page through a shared design or another web link, and you are a new user, click Register if you are a new user.
4. Enter your contact information, including your email address, and specify a password.
5. Click Submit.
6. Open the desktop application, website, or mobile device you use to access email for the account you used to register.
7. Look for a new message with the subject line Maxim Member Center Notier from the Maxim Member System. Open the message and click the activation link.
8. Congratulations! You are now a welcome new member at Maxim Integrated!
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1.3 Starting EE-Sim

As a registered user, you can now start using EE-Sim. You can start EE-Sim directly or you may start the tool as the recipient of a shared design from another user.

1.3.1 Using EE-Sim as a New User

Use the following procedure if you are new to Maxim Integrated and are using
EE-Sim for the rst time.
1. Start EE-Sim by any of the following methods: a. Navigate to, click the Design menu,
b. Search for a part and open the online product folder. For parts that
c. Create a Bookmark or Favorites link to
2. Because you already registered with Maxim Integrated, you can now click Login if you are a returning user and begin using EE-Sim. If your user name appears at the top of the page and you do not see a Login option, you are already logged in and can skip step 3.
3. On the Member Log In page:
a. In the User Name eld, enter your email address.
and then click EE-Sim.
are available in EE-Sim, an EE-Sim link will appear at the top of the part’s Description. Click the Create a design and simulate using EE-Sim link.
b. In the Password eld, enter the password for your Maxim account.
c. Click the Log In button.
4. On the EE-Sim main page:
a. Click the My Designs tab to view your saved designs, as well as
any designs that were shared with you.
b. Click the New tab to create a new design.
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1.3.2 Using EE-Sim as the Recipient of a Shared Design

The following procedure applies to users who receive an email invitation to open a shared design.
Note:IfthisisthersttimeyouarevisitingtheMaximIntegratedonlinemember  community,navigatetoand  clickRegister for Membership.See1.2HowtoRegisterasaNewUser.
1. Open the desktop application, website, or mobile device you use to access email.
2. Open the shared design’s email invitation:
a. Examine the subject line and notes at the bottom of the invitation.
The owner of the design may have included special instructions for you.
b. The name of the design and your permissions appear. For
example, you may have Read/Write permissions for one design and Read Only permissions for another design.
c. Click the accept this invitation link. If you already registered,
you can click the link to the shared design in the sender’s email invitation.
3. If you are logged in, skip ahead to the next step. If you are not logged in automatically, complete the Member Login page:
a. In the Email Address eld, enter the email address you used to
register with Maxim.
b. In the Password eld, enter the password for your Maxim account.
c. Click the Log In button.
4. On the EE-Sim main page:
a. Click the My Designs tab to view the shared design, as well as
any additional designs that you save or receive through sharing.
b. Click a design to open it.
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1.3.3 Opening an Existing Design

Use this procedure to open and resume work on a saved design. For example, you may have closed your browser or are using a different computer and want to reopen one of your designs. You can also use this procedure to open a shared design and save a copy that you can edit as the owner of the design.
1. Open your web browser and navigate to
2. If you are logged in, click Start the EE-Sim tool and skip the next step.
3. If you are not logged in automatically, click Login if you are a returning user and complete the Member Login page:
a. In the Email Address eld, enter the email address that you used
when you registered.
b. In the Password eld, enter the password for your Maxim account.
c. Click the Log In button.
d. On the Login Successful page, click Start the EE-Sim tool.
4. Click the My Designs tab.
5. On the My Designs page, click the Name link or position your mouse over a design and click the Open button.
6. In the Loading design will overwrite your existing design... message, click OK. EE-Sim opens the design at the last saved page in the design process.

1.3.4 Saving Changes to an Open Design

When you open a design, and have read/write access, you can either overwrite the original design or save your design changes as a new design.
1. Click the My Designs tab.
2. On the My Designs page, click the Name link or position your mouse over a design and click the Open button.
3. In the Loading design will overwrite your existing design... message, click OK. EE-Sim opens the design.
4. Make any desired changes to the design.
5. Click the Save button to save your design. In the Save Your Design window, click the Save button again to update the design with same
6. To save your design changes as a new design:
a. Click the Save button to save your design.
b. In the Design Name eld, enter a unique new name to differentiate
this design from your other designs, as well as the shared designs of other users. For example, save the MAXIM 17598 MyDesign-001 design as MAXIM 17598 MyDesign-002.
c. In the Design Description eld, you may enter a short description
of the modied design for yourself and any recipients with whom
you may share the design.
d. Click Save.
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1.3.5 Logging Out of EE-Sim

EE-Sim was designed with easy login/logout in mind. Follow these steps to end your session.
1. Click the Save button to save any changes you made to your design.
2. Close your browser.
Note:ThenexttimeyoustartEE-Sim,youareloggedinautomaticallyunlessyouchecked the Delete browsing history on exitoptioninyourwebbrowser.
(Optional)Tocompletelyexitthetool,clicktheMaximIntegratedlogo.Logoutof  theMaximwebsiteusingthelinkintheupper-rightcorner.
1.4 Web Browser Conguration for Easy Automatic Logins
When you log in to the Maxim Integrated website, you can rely on standard security protocols to keep you logged in as a convenience. If you return to the site and are not automatically logged back in, you will have to manually enter your login credentials again. You may encounter this behavior for any of the following reasons, all involving options available to you through your choice of supported web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari):
• You cleared your browser cookies at any time after your last successful login. Cookie settings might be cleared on a shared workstation by a network security policy, or cleared from your own PC as a personal preference, or by your anti-virus program.
• You are browsing in your web browser’s private or incognito mode.
• You are using a different browser, computer, or device from the one you used to login last time.
To allow Maxim Integrated to log you in automatically, congure your web
browser as described in the following topics.
1.4.1 Conguring Microsoft Internet Explorer for EE-Sim
Use this procedure to enable automatic logins or if you see the This page can’t be displayed error page in Internet Explorer.
1. Open Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11 for Microsoft Windows 7 or 8.
2. Click the Tools menu and select Internet Options.
3. In the Browsing History section, uncheck the Delete browsing history on exit check box. Or, if you want to check it, click Delete and uncheck the Cookies and website data check box.
4. Click the Privacy tab.
5. Click the Advanced button.
6. Select the Override Automatic Cookie Handling checkbox.
7. Select Accept for First-party Cookies and Third-party Cookies.
8. Select the Always allow session cookies check box.
9. Click the OK button.
10. Click the Advanced tab.
11. In the scrolling list of Settings, scroll down or press the Page Down key to go to the bottom of the list to the series of Security check boxes.
12. Check Use SSL 3.0 and Use TLS 1.0.
13. Click OK to close the Internet Options window.
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1.4.2 Conguring Mozilla Firefox for EE-Sim
1. From the menu bar, click on Tools.
2. From the Tools menu, select Options.
3. In the Options window, select the Privacy icon.
4. If the Firefox will drop-down option is Never remember history, cook­ies are deleted from the browser when you close it. Change the option to Remember history so that the cookie is retained between sessions.
5. If the Firefox will drop-down option is Use customer settings for
history, ensure that both the Accept cookies from sites and Accept third-party cookies boxes are checked (ON) and the Keep until
drop-down option value is set to they expire.
6. In the Options window, select the Content icon.
7. Uncheck (OFF) the check box for Block Popup Windows. Or, if you choose to have it checked (ON), add the domain to the list of Allowed Sites.
8. Check (ON) the check box for Load Images automatically.
9. Check (ON) the check box for Enable JavaScript.
10. In the Options window, select the Advanced tab.
11. Select the Security section.
12. Check (ON) the check box for Use SSL 2.0.
13. Check (ON) the check box for Use SSL 3.0.
14. Click on OK button to close the Options window.
1.4.3 Conguring Google Chrome for EE-Sim
1. Click on the Customize and Control Google Chrome menu and choose Settings.
2. Click on the Show Advanced Settings link at the bottom of the page.
3. In the Privacy section, click Content Settings.
4. Select Allow local data to be set (recommended).
5. Click Done.
6. If you ever click Clear browsing data in the Privacy section to clean up your PC or troubleshoot a separate issue that is not related to EE-Sim, remember to uncheck Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data. If checked you will have to login to EE-Sim again.
7. Click Cancel.
8. Scroll down to Network and click Change proxy settings.
9. In the Internet Properties window, click the Advanced tab.
10. In the Settings scrolling list, scroll down or press the Page Down key to go to the bottom of the list to the series of Security check boxes.
11. Check Use SSL 3.0 and Use TLS 1.0.
12. Click OK to close the Internet Properties window.
13. Close the Settings tab in Chrome.
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2 Designs, Contacts, and Sharing

2.1 Managing Your Designs

There is no particular procedure for managing your designs. As you create and share them, your design list will grow. The following graphic provides a visual summary.
MyDesigns:Clickthe My Designstab to view,manage,sort,open, share, and delete yourdesigns. If you navigateto the MyDesignspagefromanopendesign, abutton appears to take you back to the last pageyou were viewingso that youcancontinueworking on the opendesign. Thebuttonnamecorresponds to thelast EE-Sim design module youopened.Possible buttonnames include Return toDC DC Tool,Return to System Power Tool, Return toPLL Tool, orReturn toFilter Tool.
Sort Order:Clickthe column headersto toggle theascending/descendingsort order foreachcolumn.Inthis example, the entire tableofdesigns is sorted by datein descendingorder(indicatedbythearrow pointing down in theDate columnheader).
Open aDesign:Click the designname hyperlinktoopen a design.Thevaluein the Statusfielddenotesyour permissions(ReadOnly,Read/Write, orOwner).
Sharing:Position your mouse overa row in the designs table to viewits full descripti on, sharedcontacts, and permissions. Availablebuttonsinclude Open,Share, and Delete. In the topexample, theowner of aDC-DCdesignhas notshared itwith anyone. Inthebottom example, a contactperson has been grantedRead-Only permission to a System-Power design.
Navigation: Use theconvenient linksatthe bottomof the list to navigate throughmultiplepages with up to ten (10) designs appearingon eachpage.
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2.1.1 Creating a New Contact

Before sharing a design with a colleague, you must add them as a new contact.
1. Click the My Designs tab.
2. Click the Go to My Contacts button.
3. In the Add New Contact eld:
a. Enter the email address for your new contact.
b. Click Add Contact.
4. In the Invite Preview section:
a. In the Subject eld, enter a subject line for the email message to
your new contact.
b. In the Message section, enter a custom greeting to follow the
Hello line and your name as the person who wants to add you as a contact on Maxim EE-Sim. You can also add custom notes at the bottom of the invitation.
5. Click Add Designs to Share to assign permissions to one or more of your designs for your new contact to view or edit them. In the Share multiple designs... window:
a. Select the Read/Write option to enable the new contact to edit the
shared design.
b. Select the Read Only option to enable the new contact to view
your design. Your original design is preserved. The recipient can save their own new edition of the design.
c. Select the No Access option to restrict permissions. Designs with
this option are not shared.
d. Click Apply.
6. Review the invitation and click Send Invite.
Note:NewcontactsmayappearinthePending Contactssectionuntiltheyaccept yourinvitation.
7. (Optional) To revise the invitation, click Resend Invite.
8. To return to your designs, click the Go to My Designs button.
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2.1.2 Managing Your Contacts

EE-Sim helps you organize your contacts, send email invitations, and set sharing permissions for collaboration in viewing, approving, or developing new designs.
1. Click the My Designs tab.
2. Click the Go to My Contacts button.
3. In the My Contacts section:
a. Click a column header to sort your contacts by either their
email address or the number of designs you have shared with Read/Write or Read Only permissions.
b. Position your mouse over a contact to view the names of any
shared designs.
c. Click First or Last to jump to the rst or last page in the list.
d. Click Previous or Next to go back or advance one page at a time.
e. Click a page number to view that page of ten contacts. The current
page is shown with a border around its number.
4. Click Manage to set the design’s sharing permissions that you want to grant to this contact, if any. In the resulting Share multiple designs... window:
a. Click a column header to sort the list by design name or permitted
level of access.
b. Click Apply to save any new permission preferences.
c. Click Preview and Send Invitation to send your contact a
personalized message about the sharing privileges changes you just made.
d. (Optional) Click Share with a new contact to exit this window and
share designs with a new contact. To learn more, see 2.1.1 How to Create a New Contact.
5. New contacts are added to the Pending Contacts section if their email address is not recognized as an existing EE-Sim user. In the Pending Contacts section, you can perform any of the following actions:
a. Click a column header to sort your contacts by their email account,
invitation date, shared designs, or sharing action.
b. Click First or Last to jump to the rst or last page in the list.
c. Click Previous or Next to go back or advance one page at a time.
d. Click a page number to view a specic page of ten contacts. The
current page is shown with a border around its number.
e. Click Resend Invite to adjust any design sharing permissions, edit
your personalized invitation, and/or email it to the pending contact again.
6. In the Add New Contact section, enter an email address and click Add Contact to begin the sharing process or notify another contact.
7. Click Go to My Designs when nished to return to your list of designs.
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2.1.3 Sharing a Single Design

Use this procedure to share a specic design with a contact. You have two
options: start at step 1 or 2.
1. (Option 1) On the My Designs page, position your mouse over the design you want to share. In the dynamic status area that appears on the right side, click Share.
a. In the Manage Permissions window for the selected design choose
Read/Write, Read Only, or No Access for each contact in the list.
(This option enables you to share the design with multiple contacts.) b. (Optional) Click Apply to save your settings. c. Click Preview and Send Invitation.
2. (Option 2) Open a design and click the Share button in the upper-right corner of the page, if available. The Share button may not appear on all pages.
a. In the Share Your Design window, select a contact (or click
Add Contact) to enter a new contact in the Share With eld.
b. In the Set Permissions Level eld, choose Read Only or
3. In the Subject eld, enter a subject line for the email message to your new or existing contact.
4. In the Message section: a. EE-Sim shows Hello. Enter the name of the person receiving
your design.
b. EE-Sim may enter your name as the person who is sharing a
design. You can edit the name.
c. You can also add notes in the Additional comments eld at the
bottom of the invitation.
5. Review the invitation and click Send Invite.
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2.1.4 Sharing Multiple Designs

Use this procedure to share multiple designs at the same time with a single contact.
1. On the My Designs page, click Go to my Contacts.
2. On the My Contacts page, locate a specic contact in the list and click the Manage button.
3. In the Share Multiple Designs window:
a. Select Read/Write or Read Only for each design in the list. Select
No Access to disable sharing of that design.
b. (Optional) Click Apply to save your settings.
c. Click Preview and Send Invitation.
4. In the Subject eld, enter a subject line for the email message to your contact.
5. In the Message section:
a. EE-Sim shows Hello. Enter the name of the person receiving
your design.
b. EE-Sim may enter your name as the person who is sharing a
design. You can edit the name.
c. You can also add notes in the Additional comments eld at the
bottom of the invitation.
6. Review the invitation and click Send Invite.
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