The DS80C390 is a fast 8051-compatible microprocessor. The redesigned processor core executes 8051
instructions up to 3 times faster than the original for the same crystal speed. The DS80C390 supports a
maximum crystal speed of 40 MHz, resulting in apparent execution speeds of 100 MHz (approximately
2.5X). An optional internal frequency multiplier allows the microprocessor to operate at full speed with a
reduced crystal frequency, reducing EMI. A hardware math accelerator further increases the speed of 32
and 16 bit multiply and divide operations, as well as high-speed shift, normalization and accumulate
The DS80C390 features two full-function Controller Area Network (CAN) 2.0B controllers. Status and
control registers are distributed between SFRs and 512 bytes of internal MOVX memory for maximum
flexibility. In addition to standard 11-bit or 29-extended message identifiers, the device supports two
separate 8-bit media masks and media arbitration fields to support the use of higher-level CAN protocols
such as DeviceNet and SDS.
All of the standard 8051 resources such as three timer/counters, serial port, and four 8-bit I/O ports (plus
two 8-bit ports dedicated to memory interfacing) are included in the DS80C390. In addition it includes a
second hardware serial port, seven additional interrupts, programmable watchdog timer, brown-out
monitor, power-fail reset, and a programmable output clock that supports an IRDA interface. The device
provides dual data pointers with increment/decrement features to speed block data memory moves. It
also can adjust the speed of MOVX data memory access from two to twelve machine cycles for flexibility
in addressing external memory and peripherals.
The device incorporates a 4kB SRAM, which can be configured as various combinations of MOVX
memory, program memory, and optional stack memory. A 22-bit program counter supports access to a
maximum of 4 MB of external program memory and 4 MB of external data memory. A 10-bit stack
pointer addresses up to 1kB of MOVX memory for increased code efficiency.
A new Power Management Mode (PMM) is useful for portable or power-conscious applications. This
feature allows software to switch from the standard machine cycle rate of 4 clocks per cycle to 1024
clocks per cycle. For example, at 12 MHz standard operation has a machine cycle rate of 3 MHz. In
Power Management Mode at the same external clock speed, software can select 11.7 kHz machine cycle
rate. There is a corresponding reduction in power consumption when the processor runs slower.
The EMI reduction feature allows software to select a reduced electromagnetic interference (EMI) mode
by disabling the ALE signal when it is unneeded. The device also incorporates active current control on
the address and data buses, reducing EMI by minimizing transients when interfacing to external circuitry.
Part NumberPackageMax. Clock SpeedTemperature Range
DS80C390-QCR68-pin PLCC40 MHz
DS80C390-FCR64-pin LQFP40 MHz
DS80C390-QNR68-pin PLCC40 MHz
DS80C390-FNR64-pin LQFP40 MHz
0°C to +70°C
0°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C
2 of 58110199
3 of 58110199
8, 22,
40, 56
9, 25,
41, 57
17, 32,
51, 68
1, 18,
35, 52
GNDDigital Circuit Ground
Address Latch Enable - Output. When the MUX pin is low, this
pin outputs a clock to latch the external address LSB from the
multiplexed address/data bus on Port 0. This signal is commonly
connected to the latch enable of an external transparent latch. ALE
has a pulse width of 1.5 XTAL1 cycles and a period of four
XTAL1 cycles. When the MUX pin is high, the pin will toggle
continuously if the ALEOFF bit is cleared. ALE is forced high
when the device is in a Reset condition or if the ALEOFF bit is set
while the MUX pin is high.
Program Store Enable - Output. This signal is the chip enable for
external ROM memory. PSEN provides an active low pulse and is
driven high when external ROM is not being accessed.
External Access Enable - Input. This pin must be tied to GND for
proper operation.
Multiplex/Demultiplex Select - Input. This pin selects if the
address/data bus operates in multiplexed (MUX =0) or
demultiplexed ( MUX =1) mode.
211RSTReset - Input. The RST input pin contains a Schmitt voltage input
to recognize external active high Reset inputs. The pin also
employs an internal pulldown resistor to allow for a combination of
wired OR external Reset sources. An RC circuit is not required for
power-up, as the device provides this function internally.
Reset Output Low - Output. This active low signal will be
When the processor has entered reset via the RST pin,
During crystal warm-up period following power-on or Stop mode,
During a watchdog timer reset (2 cycles duration),
During an oscillator failure (if OFDE=1),
Whenever V
XTAL1, XTAL2 - Crystal oscillator pins support fundamental
mode, parallel resonant, AT cut crystals. XTAL1 is the input if an
≤ V
external clock source is used in place of a crystal. XTAL2 is the
output of the crystal amplifier.
AD0-7 (Port 0) - I/O. When the MUX pin is tied low, Port 0 is the
multiplexed address/data bus. While ALE is high, the LSB of a
memory address is presented. While ALE falls, the port transitions
to a bi-directional data bus. When the MUX pin is tied high, Port 0
functions as the bi-directional data bus. Port 0 cannot be modified
by software. The reset condition of Port 0 pins is high. No pullup
resistors are needed.
4 of 58110199
58-64,12-8, 10P1.0-P1.7Port 1 - I/O. Port 1 can function as an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port,
the non-multiplexed A0 - A7 signals (when the MUX pin =1), and
as an alternate interface for internal resources. Setting the SP1EC
bit relocates RXD1 and TXD1 to Port 5. The reset condition of Port
1 is all bits at logic 1 via a weak pullup. The logic 1 state also
serves as an input mode, since external circuits writing to the port
can overdrive the weak pullup. When software clears any port pin
to 0, a strong pulldown is activated that remains on until either a 1
is written to the port pin or a reset occurs. Writing a 1 after the port
has been at 0 will activate a strong transition driver, followed by a
weaker sustaining pullup. Once the momentary strong driver turns
off, the port once again becomes the output (and input) high state.
Port Alternate Function
582A0P1.0 T2 Exter nal I/O for Timer/Counter 2
593A1P1.1 T2EX Timer/Counter 2 Capture/Reload Trigger
604A2P1.2 RXD1 Serial Port 1 Input
615A3P1.3 TXD1 Serial Port 1 Output
626A4P1.4 INT2 External Interrupt 2 (Pos. Edge Detect)
637A5P1.5 INT3 External Interrupt 3 (Neg. Edge Detect)
648A6P1.6 INT4 External Interrupt 4 (Pos. Edge Detect)
P3.0-P3.7Port 3 - I/O. Port 3 functions as an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port,
External Interrupt 5 (Neg. Edge Detect)
A15-A8 (Port 2) - Output. Port 2 serves as the MSB for external
addressing. The port automatically asserts the address MSB during
external ROM and RAM access. Although the Port 2 SFR exists,
the SFR value will never appear on the pins (due to memory
access). Therefore accessing the Port 2 SFR is only useful for
MOVX A, @Ri or MOVX @Ri, A instructions, which use the Port
2 SFR as the external address MSB.
and as an alternate interface for several resources found on the
traditional 8051. The reset condition of Port 1 is all bits at logic 1
via a weak pullup. The logic 1 state also serves as an input mode,
since external circuits writing to the port can overdrive the weak
pullup. When software clears any port pin to 0, the device activates
a strong pulldown that remains on until either a 1 is written to the
port pin or a reset occurs. Writing a 1 after the port has been at 0
will activate a strong transition driver, followed by a weaker
sustaining pullup. Once the momentary strong driver turns off, the
port once again becomes the output (and input) high state.
PortAlternate Function
413P3.0RXD0 Serial Port 0 Input
514P3.1TXD0 Serial Port 0 Output
NC - Reserved. These pins are reserved for use with future
devices in this family and should not be connected.
6 of 58110199
The DS80C390 is a CMOS 80C32-compatible microcontroller designed for high performance. Every
effort has been made to keep the core device familiar to 80C32 users while adding many new features.
Because the device runs the standard 8051 instruction set, in general software written for existing 80C32based systems will work on the DS80C390. The primary exceptions are related to timing-critical issues,
since the high-performance core of the microcontroller executes instructions much faster than the
original. Memory interfacing is performed identically to the standard 80C32. The high-speed nature of
the DS80C390 core will slightly change the interface timing, and designers are advised to consult the
timing diagrams in this data sheet for more information.
The DS80C390 provides the same timer/counter resources, full duplex serial port, 256 bytes of scratchpad
RAM and I/O ports as the standard 80C32. Timers will default to a 12 clocks per machine cycle
operation to keep timing compatible with original 8051 systems, but can be programmed to run at the
faster 4 clocks per machine cycle if desired. New hardware functions are accessed using Special
Function Registers that do not overlap with standard 80C32 locations.
This data sheet provides only a summary and overview of the DS80C390. Detailed descriptions are
available in the corresponding user’s guide. This data sheet assumes a familiarity with the architecture of
the standard 80C32. In addition to the basic features of that device, the DS80C390 incorporates many
new features.
The DS80C390’s higher performance comes not just from increasing the clock frequency, but from a
more efficient design. This updated core removes the dummy memory cycles that are present in a
standard, 12 clocks per machine cycle 8051. In the DS80C390, the same machine cycle takes 4 clocks.
Thus the fastest instruction, 1 machine cycle, executes 3 times faster for the same crystal frequency. The
majority of instructions on the DS80C390 will see the full 3 to 1 speed improvement, while a few will
execute between 1.5 and 2.4 times faster. Regardless of specific performance improvements, all
instructions are faster than the original 8051.
Improvement of individual programs will depend on the actual mix of instructions used. Speed sensitive
applications should make the most use of instructions that are 3 times faster. However, the large number
of 3 to 1 improved opcodes makes dramatic speed improvements likely for any arbitrary combination of
instructions. These architecture improvements and the sub-micron CMOS design produce a peak
instruction cycle in 100 ns (10 MIPs). The Dual Data Pointer feature also allows the user to eliminate
wasted instructions when moving blocks of memory.
All instructions perform exactly the same functions as their 8051 counterparts. Their effect on bits, flags,
and other status functions is identical. However, the timing of instructions is different, both in absolute
and relative number of clocks. The absolute timing of software loops can be calculated using a table in
the user’s guide. However, counter/timers default to run at the traditional 12 clocks per increment. In
this way, timer-based events occur at the standard intervals with software executing at higher speed.
Timers optionally can run at the faster 4 clocks per increment to take advantage of faster processor
The relative time of two DS80C390 instructions might differ from the traditional 8051. For example, in
the original architecture the “MOVX A, @DPTR” instruction and the “MOV direct, direct” instruction
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required the same amount of time: two machine cycles or 24 oscillator cycles. In the DS80C390, the
MOVX instruction takes as little as two machine cycles or 8 oscillator cycles but the “MOV direct,
direct” uses three machine cycles or 12 oscillator cycles. While both are faster than their original
counterparts, they now have different execution times. This is because the device usually uses one
instruction cycle for each instruction byte. Examine the timing of each instruction for familiarity with the
changes. Note that a machine cycle now requires just 4 clocks, and provides one ALE pulse per cycle.
Many instructions require only one cycle, but some require five. Refer to the user’s guide for details and
individual instruction timing.
Special Function Registers (SFRs) control most special features of the microcontroller. This allows the
device to have many new features but use the same instruction set as the 8051. When writing software to
use a new feature, an equate statement defines the SFR to an assembler or compiler. This is the only
change needed to access the new function. The DS80C390 duplicates the SFRs contained in the standard
80C52. Table 2 shows the register addresses and bit locations. Many are standard 80C52 registers. The
user’s guide contains a full description of all SFRs.
An on-chip math accelerator allows the microcontroller to perform 32- and 16-bit multiplication, division,
shifting, and normalization using dedicated hardware. Math operations are performed by sequentially
loading three special registers. The mathematical operation is determined by the sequence in which three
dedicated SFRs (MA, MB and MC) are accessed, eliminating the need for a special step to choose the
operation. The normalize function facilitates the conversion of 4-byte unsigned binary integers into
floating point format. The following table shows the operations supported by the math accelerator and
their time of execution.
OperationResultExecution Time
32-bit/16-bit divide32-bit quotient, 16-bit remainder36 t
16-bit/16-bit divide16-bit quotient, 16-bit remainder24 t
16-bit/16-bit multiply32-bit product24 t
32-bit shift left/right32-bit result36 t
32-bit normalize32-bit mantissa, 5 bit exponent36 t
The following table demonstrates the procedure to perform mathematical operations using the hardware
math accelerator. The MA and MB registers must be loaded and read in the order shown for proper
operation, although accesses to any other registers can be performed between access to the MA or MB
registers. An access to the MA, MB, or MC registers out of sequence will corrupt the operation, requiring
the software to clear the MST bit to restart the math accelerator state machine. Consult the description of
the MCNT0 SFR for details of how the shift and normalize functions operate.
10 of 58110199
Divide (32/16 or 16/16)Multiply (16x16)
Load MA with dividend LSB.
Load MA with dividendLSB+1*
Load MA with dividend LSB+2*
Load MA with dividend MSB.
Load MB with divisor LSB.
Load MB with divisor MSB.
Poll the MST bit until cleared
(9 machine cycles).
Read MA to retrieve the quotient MSB.
Read MA to retrieve the quotient LSB+2.
Read MA to retrieve the quotient LSB+1.
Read MA to retrieve the quotient LSB.
Read MB to retrieve the remainder MSB.
Read MB to retrieve the remainder LSB.
*Not performed for 16 bit numerator.
Shift Right/LeftNormalize
Load MA with data LSB.
Load MA with data LSB+1.
Load MA with data LSB+2.
Load MA with data MSB.
Configure MCNT0 register as required
Poll the MST bit until cleared.
(9 machine cycles)
Read MA for result MSB.
Read MA for result LSB+2.
Read MA for result LSB+1.
Read MA for result LSB.
Load MB with multiplier LSB.
Load MB with multiplier MSB.
Load MA with multiplicand LSB.
Load MA with multiplicand MSB.
Poll the MST bit until cleared
Read MA for product MSB.
Read MA for product LSB+2.
Read MA for product LSB+1.
Read MA for product LSB.
Load MA with data LSB.
Load MA with data LSB+1.
Load MA with data LSB+2.
Load MA with data MSB.
Configure MCNT0 register as required.
Poll the MST bit until cleared
Read MA for mantissa MSB.
Read MA for mantissa LSB+2.
Read MA for mantissa LSB+1.
Read MA for mantissa LSB.
Read MCNT0.4-MCNT0.0 for exponent.
(6 machine cycles).
(9 machine cycles).
The accelerator also incorporates an automatic accumulator function, permitting the implementation of
multiply-and-accumulate and divide-and-accumulate functions without any additional delay. Each time
the accelerator is used for a multiply or divide operation, the result is transparently added to a 40-bit
accumulator. This can greatly increase speed of DSP and other high-level math operations.
The accumulator can be accessed any time the Multiply/Accumulate Status Flag (MCNT1;D2h) is
cleared. The accumulator is initialized by performing five writes to the Multiplier C Register (MC;D5h),
LSB first. The 40-bit accumulator can be read by performing five reads of the Multiplier C Register,
MSB first.
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The DS80C390 incorporates three internal memory areas:
§ 256 bytes of scratchpad (or direct) RAM
§ 4 KB of SRAM configurable as various combinations of MOVX data memory, stack memory, and
MOVC program memory
§ 512 bytes of RAM reserved for the CAN message centers.
Up to 4 MB of external memory is addressed via a multiplexed or demultiplexed 20-bit address bus/8-bit
data bus and four chip enable (active during program memory access) or four peripheral enable (active
during data memory access) signals.
Three different addressing modes are supported, as selected by the AM1, AM0 bits in the ACON SFR.
16-bit address mode
16-bit address mode accesses memory similarly to the traditional 8051. It is opcode compatible with the
8051 microprocessor and identical to the byte and cycle count of the Dallas Semiconductor High-Speed
Microcontroller family. A device operating in this mode can access up to 64 KB of program and data
memory. The device defaults to this mode following any reset.
22-bit paged address mode
The 22-bit paged address mode retains binary code compatibility with the 8051 instruction set, but adds
one machine cycle to the ACALL, LCALL, RET and RETI instructions with respect to the Dallas
Semiconductor High-Speed Microcontroller family timing. This is transparent to standard 8051
compilers. Interrupt latency is also increased by one machine cycle. In this mode, interrupt vectors are
fetched from 0000xxh.
22-bit contiguous address mode
The 22-bit contiguous addressing mode uses a full 22-bit program counter, and all modified branching
instructions automatically save and restore the entire program counter. The 22-bit branching instructions
such as ACALL, AJMP, LCALL, LJMP, MOV DPTR, RET and RETI instructions require an assembler,
compiler and linker that specifically supports these features. The INC DPTR is lengthened by one cycle
but remains byte count compatible with the standard 8051 instruction set.
Internally, the device uses a 22-bit program counter. The lowest order 22 bits are used for memory
addressing, with a special 23rd bit used to map the 4KB SRAM above the 4 MB memory space in
bootstrap loader applications. Address bits 16-23 for the 22-bit addressing modes are generated via
additional SFRs dependent on the type of instruction as shown below.
MOVX instructions using DPTRDPX;93hDPH;83hDPL;82h
MOVX instructions using DPTR1DPX1;95hDPH1;85hDPL1;84h
MOVX instructions using @RiMXAX;EAhP2;A0hRi
Addressing program memory in
22-bit paged mode
10-bit stack pointer mode--ESP;9BhSP;81h
12 of 58110199
The DS80C390 contains 4kB of SRAM that can be configured as user accessible MOVX memory,
program memory, or optional stack memory. The specific configuration and locations are governed by the
Internal Data Memory Configuration bits (IDM1, IDM0) in the Memory Control Register (MCON;C6h).
Note that when the SA bit (ACON.2) is set, the first 1kB of the MOVX data memory is reserved for use
by the 10-bit expanded stack. Internal memory accesses will not generate WR , RD , or PSEN strobes.
The DS80C390 can configure its 4kB of internal SRAM as combined program and data memory. This
allows the application software to execute self-modifiable code. The technique loads the 4kB SRAM
with bootstrap loader software, and then modifies the IDM1 and IDM0 bits to map the 4kB starting at
memory location 40000h. This allows the system to run the bootstrap loader without disturbing the 4 MB
external memory bus, making the device in-system reprogrammable for Flash or NV RAM.
*10-bit expanded stack not available in Shared Program /Data Memory mode.
Shared Program /Data
The enabling and mapping of the chip enable signals is done via the Port 4 Control Register (P4CNT;92h)
and Memory Control Register (MCON; 96h); The Extended Address and Chip Enable Generation Table
shows which chip enable and address line signals are active on Port 4. Following reset, the device will be
configured with P4.7-P4.4 as address lines and P4.3-P4.0 configured as 0-CE3, with the first program
fetch being performed from 00000h with CE0 active. The following tables illustrate which memory
ranges are controlled by each chip enable as a function of which address lines are enabled.
The DS80C390 incorporates a feature allowing PCE and CE signals to be combined. This is useful when
incorporating modifiable code memory as part of a bootstrap loader or for in-system reprogrammability.
Setting the 0PDCE3 − (MCON.3-0) bits causes the corresponding chip enable signal to function for both
MOVC and MOVX operations. Write access to combined program and data memory blocks is controlled
by the WR signal, and read access is controlled by the PSEN signal. This feature is especially useful if
the design achieves in-system reprogrammability via external Flash memory, in which a single device is
accessed via both MOVC instructions (program fetch) and MOVX Write operations (updates to code
memory). In this case, the internal SRAM is placed in the program/data configuration and loaded with a
small bootstrap loader program stored in the external Flash memory. The device then executes the
internal bootstrap loader routine to modify/update the program memory located in the external Flash
The DS80C390 allows user application software to select the number of machine cycles it takes to
execute a MOVX instruction, allowing access to both fast and slow off-chip data memory and/or
peripherals without glue logic. High-speed systems often include memory-mapped peripherals such as
LCDs or UARTs with slow access times, so it may not be necessary or desirable to access external
devices at full speed. The microprocessor can perform a MOVX instruction in as little as two machine
cycles or as many as twelve machine cycles. Accesses to internal MOVX SRAM always use two cycles.
Note that stretch cycle settings affect external MOVX memory operations only and that there is no way to
slow the accesses to program memory other than to use a slower crystal (or external clock).
External MOVX timing is governed by the selection of 0 to 7 Stretch cycles, controlled by the MD2-MD0
SFR bits in the Clock Control Register (CKCON.2-0). A Stretch of zero will result in a two-machine
cycle MOVX instruction. A Stretch of seven will result in a MOVX of twelve machine cycles. Software
can dynamically change the Stretch value depending on the particular memory or peripheral being
accessed. The default of one Stretch cycle allows the use of commonly available SRAMs without
dramatically lengthening the memory access times.
Stretch cycle settings affect external MOVX timing in three gradations. Changing the Stretch value from
0 to 1 adds an additional clock cycle each to the data setup and hold times. When a Stretch value of 4 or
above is selected, the interface timing changes dramatically to allow for very slow peripherals. First, the
ALE signal is lengthened by 1 machine cycle. This increases the address setup time into the peripheral
by this amount. Next, the address is held on the bus for one additional machine cycle increasing the
address hold time by this amount. The WR and RD signals are then lengthened by a machine cycle.
Finally, during a MOVX write the data is held on the bus for one additional machine cycle, thereby
increasing the data hold time by this amount. For every Stretch value greater than 4, the setup and hold
times remain constant, and only the width of the read or write signal is increased. These three gradations
are reflected in the AC Electrical characteristics, where the eight MOVX timing specifications are
represented by only three timing diagrams.
14 of 58110199
The reset default of one Stretch cycle results in a three cycle MOVX for any external access. Therefore,
the default off-chip RAM access is not at full speed. This is a convenience to existing designs that utilize
slower RAM. When maximum speed is desired, software should select a Stretch value of zero. When
using very slow RAM or peripherals, the application software can select a larger Stretch value.
The specific timing of MOVX instructions as a function of Stretch settings is provided in the Electrical
Specifications section of this data sheet. As an example, Table 8 shows the read and write strobe widths
corresponding to each Stretch value.
MD2 MD1 MD0Stretch
0000*20.5 t
010242 t
011353 t
100494 t
1015105 t
1106116 t
1117127 t
*All internal MOVX operations execute at the 0 Stretch setting.
** Default Stretch setting for external MOVX operations following reset.
RD, WR Pulse Width (in oscillator clocks)
(4X/ 2X = 1
CD1:0 = 00)
(4X/ 2X = 0
CD1:0 = 00)
1 t
2 t
4 t
6 t
8 t
10 t
12 t
14 t
(4X/ 2X = X
CD1:0 = 10)
2 t
4 t
8 t
12 t
16 t
20 t
24 t
28 t
(4X/ 2X = X
CD1:0 = 11)
2048 t
4096 t
8192 t
12288 t
16384 t
20480 t
24576 t
28672 t
The DS80C390 supports both the traditional 8-bit and an extended 10-bit stack pointer that improves the
performance of large programs written in high-level languages such as C. The 10-bit stack pointer
feature is enabled by setting the Stack Address Mode bit, SA (ACON.2). The bit is cleared following a
reset, forcing the device to use an 8-bit stack located in the Scratchpad RAM area. When the SA bit is
set, the device will address up to 1kB of stack memory in the first 1kB of the internal MOVX memory.
The 10-bit stack pointer address is generated by concatenating the lower two bits of the Extended Stack
Pointer (ESP;9Bh) and the traditional 8051 Stack Pointer (SP;81h). The 10-bit stack pointer cannot be
enabled when the 4kB of SRAM is mapped as both program and data memory.
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The DS80C390 contains two data pointers, DPTR0 and DPTR1, designed to improve performance in
applications that require high data throughput. Incorporating a second data pointer allows the software to
greatly speed up block data (MOVX) moves by using one data pointer as a source register and the other
as the destination register.
DPTR0 is located at the same address as the original 8051 data pointer, allowing the DS80C390 to
execute standard 8051 code with no modifications. The second data pointer, DPTR1, is split between the
DPH1 and DPL1 SFRs, similar to the DPTR0 configuration. The active data pointer is selected with the
data pointer select bit SEL (DPS.0). Any instructions that reference the DPTR (i.e., MOVX A, @DPTR),
will select DPTR0 if SEL=0, and DPTR1 if SEL=1. Because the bits adjacent to SEL are not
implemented, the state of SEL (and thus the active data pointer) can be quickly toggled by the INC DPS
instruction without disturbing other bits in the DPS register.
Unlike the standard 8051, the DS80C390 has the ability to decrement as well as increment the data
pointers without additional instructions. When the INC DPTR instruction is executed, the active DPTR
increments or decrements according to the ID1, ID0 (DPS.7-6), and SEL (DPS.0) bits as shown. The
inactive DPTR is not affected.
X00Increment DPTR0
X10Decrement DPTR0
0X1Increment DPTR1
1X1Decrement DPTR1
Another useful feature of the device is its ability to automatically switch the active data pointer after a
DPTR-based instruction is executed. This feature can greatly reduce the software overhead associated
with data memory block moves, which toggle between the source and destination registers. When the
Toggle Select bit (TSL;DPS.5) is set to 1, the SEL bit (DPS.0) is automatically toggled every time one of
the following DPTR related instructions is executed.
MOV DPTR, #data16
As a brief example, if TSL is set to 1, then both data pointers can be updated with two INC DPTR
instructions. Assume that SEL=0, making DPTR the active data pointer. The first INC DPTR increments
DPTR and toggles SEL to 1. The second instruction increments DPTR1 and toggles SEL back to 0.
The DS80C390 includes a number of unique features that allow flexibility in selecting system clock
sources and operating frequencies. To support the use of inexpensive crystals while allowing full speed
operation, a clock multiplier is included in the processor’s clock circuit. Also, in addition to the standard
16 of 58110199
80C32 Idle and power down (Stop) modes, the DS80C390 provides a new Power Management Mode.
This mode allows the processor to continue instruction execution, yet at a very low speed to significantly
reduce power consumption (below even Idle mode). The DS80C390 also features several enhancements
to Stop mode that make this extremely low power mode more useful. Each of these features is discussed
in detail below.
As mentioned previously, the microcontroller contains special clock control circuitry that simultaneously
provides maximum timing flexibility and maximum availability and economy in crystal selection. The
logical operation of the system clock divide control function is shown in Figure 2. A 3:1 multiplexer,
controlled by CD1, CD0 (PMR.7-6), selects one of three sources for the internal system clock:
§ Crystal oscillator or external clock source
§ (Crystal oscillator or external clock source) divided by 256
§ (Crystal oscillator or external clock source) frequency multiplied by 2 or 4 times.
The system clock control circuitry generates two clock signals that are used by the microcontroller. The
internal system clock provides the timebase for timers and internal peripherals. The system clock is run
through a divide by 4 circuit to generate the machine cycle clock that provides the timebase for CPU
operations. All instructions execute in one to five machine cycles. It is important to note the distinction
between these two clock signals, as they are sometimes confused, creating errors in timing calculations.
Setting CD1, CD0 to 0 enables the frequency multiplier, either doubling or quadrupling the frequency of
the crystal oscillator or external clock source. The 2X4X/ bit controls the multiplying factor, selecting
twice or four times the frequency when set to 0 or 1, respectively. Enabling the frequency multiplier
results in apparent instruction execution speeds of 2 or 1 clocks. Regardless of the configuration of the
frequency multiplier, the system clock of the microcontroller can never be operated faster than 40 MHz.
This means that the maximum crystal oscillator or external clock source is 10 MHz when using the 4X
setting, and 20 MHz when using the 2X setting.
The primary advantage of the clock multiplier is that it allows the microcontroller to use slower crystals
to achieve the same performance level. This reduces EMI and cost, as slower crystals are generally more
available and thus less expensive.
The system clock and machine cycle rate changes one machine cycle after the instruction changing the
control bits. Note that the change will affect all aspects of system operation, including timers and baud
rates. The use of the switchback feature, described later, can eliminate many of the problems associated
with the Power Management Mode.
Changing the system clock/machine cycle clock frequency
The microcontroller incorporates a special locking sequence to ensure “glitch-free” switching of the
internal clock signals. All changes to the CD1, CD0 bits must pass through the 10 (divide-by-four) state.
For example, to change from 00 (frequency multiplier) to 11 (PMM), the software must change the bits in
the following sequence: 00 -> 10 -> 11. Attempts to switch between invalid states will fail, leaving the
CD1, CD0 bits unchanged.
The following sequence must be followed when switching to the frequency multiplier as the internal time
source. This sequence can only be performed when the device is in divide-by-four operation. The steps
must be followed in this order, although it is possible to have other instructions between them. Any
deviation from this order will cause the CD1, CD0 bits to remain unchanged. Switching from frequency
multiplier to non-multiplier mode requires no steps other than the changing of the CD1, CD0 bits.
NameClocks/MCMax. External Frequency
1. Ensure that the CD1, CD0 bits are set to 10, and the RGMD (EXIF.2) bit = 0.
2. Clear the CTM (Crystal Multiplier Enable) bit.
3. Set the 2X4X/ bit to the appropriate state.
4. Set the CTM (Crystal Multiplier Enable) bit.
5. Poll the CKRDY bit (EXIF.4), waiting until it is set to 1. This will take approximately 65536 cycles
of the external crystal or clock source.
6. Set CD1, CD0 to 00. The frequency multiplier will be engaged on the machine cycle following the
write to these bits.
The microprocessor contains a safety mechanism called an on-chip Oscillator Fail Detect circuit. When
enabled, this circuit causes the processor to be held in reset if the oscillator frequency falls below TBD
kHz. In operation, this circuit complements the Watchdog timer. Normally, the watchdog timer is
initialized so that it will time-out and will cause a processor reset in the event that the processor loses
control. In the event of a crystal or external oscillator failure, however, the watchdog timer will not
function and there is the potential for the processor to fail in an uncontrolled state. The use of the
oscillator fail detect circuit forces the processor to a known state (i.e., reset) even if the oscillator stops.
The oscillator fail detect circuitry is enabled when software sets the enable bit OFDE (PCON.4) to a 1.
Please note that software must use a “Timed Access” procedure (described later) to write this bit. The
OFDF (PCON.5) bit will also be set to a 1 when the circuitry detects an oscillator failure, and the
processor is forced into a reset state. This bit can only be cleared to a 0 by a power fail reset or by
software. The oscillator fail detect circuitry will not be activated when the oscillator is stopped due to the
processor entering Stop mode.
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