Maxim Integrated 78M6618 User Manual

78M6618 PDU1 Firmware
Quick Start Guide
July 2012
Rev. 0

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 What’s Included with an EVK? ...................................................................................................... 4
1.2 What’s included with an SDK? ...................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Other Development Tools ............................................................................................................. 5
1.3.1 Socketed Flash Programming Board ................................................................................ 5
1.3.2 Compiler and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) ............................................... 6
1.3.3 In-Circuit Emulator (ICE) ................................................................................................... 6
1.3.4 TFP2 Flash Programmer ................................................................................................... 7
2 Getting Started with the EVK ............................................................................................................. 8
2.1 USB Driver Installation .................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Connecting the Evaluation Board to the PC ................................................................................. 8
2.3 Getting Ready to Measure AC Energy ......................................................................................... 8
2.4 Read Energy Measurement Data ................................................................................................. 8
2.5 Calibration ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Getting Started with the SDK ............................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Required Hardware and Software Development Tools ................................................................ 9
3.1.1 Running the PDU1 Application Software .......................................................................... 9
3.1.2 Modifying the Application Code ......................................................................................... 9
3.2 Opening the Project with Keil uVision Tools ................................................................................. 9
3.3 Rebuilding the Application .......................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Without the Boot Loader .................................................................................................. 10
3.3.2 With the Boot Loader and CRC ....................................................................................... 10
3.4 Downloading the *.abs File to the Target ................................................................................... 11
4 Getting Started with Flash Programmin g ....................................................................................... 12
4.1 Via the GUI ................................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 Via theTFP2 Flash Programming Tool ....................................................................................... 14
4.3 Via the ADM-51 Emulator ........................................................................................................... 17
5 Contact Information .......................................................................................................................... 19
Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ 19
UG_6618_122 78M6618 PDU1 Firmware Quick Start Guide

1 Introduction

The 78M6618 PDU1 Firmware is a turnkey energy measurement solution optimized for use in single-phase AC Power Distribution Units (PDUs). At the sensor interface, the 78M6618 with PDU1 Firmware provides eight sense inputs for current and two sense inputs for voltage (single-phase). At the host interface, either a UART or SPI interface can be used to issue configure the device and access the following measurement data:
RMS Voltage
RMS Current (Line1, Line2,..Line8)
Active Power (Line1, Li ne2 , ..Li ne8)
Apparent Power (Line1, Line2,..Line8)
Reactive Power (Line1, Line2,..Line8)
Power Factor (Line1, Line2,..Line8)
Energy (Line1, Line2,..Li ne 8)
Line Frequency
Fully functional demo code can be evaluated in an Evaluation Kit (EVK) and used as is in some applications. It can also serve as starting base for customization and adaptation to different system buses with an optional Software Development Kit (SDK).
This document overviews the steps for
Getting Started with the EVK
Getting Started with the SDK
Getting Started with Flash Programming
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78M6618 PDU1 Firmware Quick Start Guide UG_6618_122
Monitored Loads
(up to 8)
Host PC
AC Source
78M6618 PDU1 Eval Kit

1.1 What’s Included with an EVK?

The PDU1 Evaluation Kit (EVK) includes the 78M6618 PDU1 Board ( P/N 78M 66 18-PDU-1) demonstrating measurement and relay control of eight outlets using shunt resistors. The board incorporates the 78M6618 power and energy measurement IC, sensors, relays, and an isolated serial port connection to a Windows PC.
ICE Adaptor Board
USB Cable
CD with GUI Software and Documentation
78M6618 PDU1 Board
12VDC Power Supply
The 78M6618 on the board is pre-programmed with PDU1 Demo Code and calibrated at the factory. The energy measurement data and status is read back over the serial UART interface presente d to the PC as a virtual COM port. The 78M6618 PDU1 Evaluation Kit requires a PC with Microsoft
Windows XP or later with a USB port and a minimum 1024 x 768 video display resolution. An AC source and load complete the rest of the test setup needed to collect measurements.
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UG_6618_122 78M6618 PDU1 Firmware Quick Start Guide

1.2 What’s included with an SDK?

The SDK contains all the required elements for a variety of usages. For the user who would like to evaluate the application in their own hardware, pre-built image files are
available. Loading these image files into a 78M6618 will allo w runn ing the app l icati on as prov ide d. A demonstration PC-based graphical user interface (GUI) is also provided and may be used to send configuration commands to and read out measurement data from the PDU1 application.
Users who would like to develop their own applications have access to application level source code to use as a baseline. Energy measurement functions are provided in object code format and with a documented application programming interface (API). An SDK User Guide describes how to use development tools to modify the project code. Post processing tools, such as CRC insertion also included in the SDK package.
The 78M6618 PDU1 SDK includes the following components:
This Quick Start Guide
78M6618 PDU1 SDK 2.0 User Guide
78M6618 PDU1 Demo Application User Guide
78M6618 Firmware Boot Loader Functional Specification
78M6618 Programmer’s Reference Manual
EMSoC SDK 2.0 Serial Asynchronous Interface Protocol Specification
EMSoC SDK 2.0 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Protocol Specification

1.3 Other Development Tools

This section describes other items available for purchase through Maxim directly or Maxim’s distributors.

1.3.1 Socketed Flash Programming Board

The 78M6618 Socket Board is a socketed fixture for flash programming 78M6618 devices in small quantities. It allows for loading program memory into 78M6618 SoCs via either the In-C irc uit Emulator (ICE) interface, TFP2, or the serial Boot Loader (UART) interface if the device already contains the Boot Loader in flash. The 78M6618 Socket Board (P/N 78M6618-SOCKET68) includes:
78M6618 Socket Board and power supply
CD with USB Driver, GUI software, and documentation
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78M6618 PDU1 Firmware Quick Start Guide UG_6618_122

1.3.2 Compiler and Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Maxim recommends using the PK51 Professional Developer’s Kit b y Keil™ (, containing the µVision 4 Integrated Development Environment (IDE), complete with 8051 assembler, editor, C compiler, linker, and locator. The Demo Code shipped with the Demo Kits for Maxim AC Power Monitoring ICs was written using this tool. Keil offers the best support for the memory model of the 80515 core used in the 78M6618 ICs. It is possible to use alternative compilers, but the code for these is not supported by Maxim.
While all Demo Code is written using the standard CA51 tool by Keil, significant improvements in memory usage can be made by using the PK51 “Professional Developer’s Kit” by Keil. The PK51 contains the LX51 extended linker that can reduce code size using special optimization techniques.

1.3.3 In-Circuit Emulator (ICE)

The Signum Systems ADM-51 ( is compatible with the Keil symbolic output format and supports the 78M6618. It is useful to perform the following tasks:
Code emulation with breakpoints, watch windows, etc., with support of source code symbols
Memory monitoring and manipulation (SFRs, XRAM, I/O RAM)
Flash erase and code loading into flash memory of the 78M6618
Maxim supplies the ADM-51 to customers at a preferred price (P/N DB6612-ADM51) along with an isolated USB cable.
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