Maxim Integrated 73S1215F User Manual

Evaluation Board
Simplifying System In tegration™


The 73S1215F Evaluation Board platform is a self-contained smart car d reader development kit for the evalu ation and development of stand-alone, serial or USB connected smart card solutions with an LCD, PIN pad, or other peripherals.
The board operates with either a PC or Linux with the appropriate driver loaded, the 73S1215F Evaluation Board can be used as a smart card reader. An y host application ca n operate the smart card reader through the P C/SC comm ands to communicate with asynchronous smart cards, following T-0 and T-1 protocols, in compli ance with IS O7816-3 and EMV
4.1 stand ar ds.
host system with a USB port. When p lugg ed i nto a system

System Requi rements

A PC running Micro soft® Windows® XP or a workstation running Linux with a USB port.
24 megabytes of d i sk storage for t he application and documen tation.

Package Contents

A 73S1215F Evaluation Board (labeled 73S1215F/1209F/1200F EVAL BOARD w/USB-CCID FW).
A CD contai ning the associated drivers, applications and d ocumentation .
A USB cable, A-B, male/male, 2 meters.
A 7-12 VDC power adapter with 2.1 mm plu g ID .

Default Setup

The 73S1215F Evalu ation Board ships with a d efault config urati on suitable for use as a turnkey Transparent Sm ar t Card R eader using a CCID USB conn ect ion to comm unicate with a host PC app l ication. The board’s hardware and fi r mware are both p r e-configured to work in this state and the information in this document assumes th i s default configuration. Refer to the 73S1215F Evaluation Board User Guide for details on alternat e hardware configurati ons an d uses.

Demonst rati on H ost Appli cati on

Included on the CD i s a demonstration application named CCID-USB.exe which is located i n the “x:\yyy\12xxF Vz.zz\Host Applications\Windows App\Bin\Release” directory (where x refers to the drive, yyy refers to the direct or y t he in stallation .zip fi l e was exp anded to and z.zz is the latest ve r sion of t he firmw ar e rele ase). Th i s is a host application t hat allows:
Smart card act i vation and deactivation, in ISO or EMV mode.
Smart car d APD U commands to be exchanged with the smar t card insert ed in the board.
Star ting a test sequen ce in order to test and evaluat e the board performance ag ai nst an EMV test
Rev. 1.1 © 20 09 Teridian Semiconductor C or porati on 1
73S 1215F Evaluation Board Qu i ck Start Guide QS_1215F_007

Software Installation and Use on Windows XP

Follow these steps to install the driver and software on a PC running Wind ows XP:
Extract “12xxF CCID+DFU Vz.zz” (where z.zz is the latest versi on of the firmwar e release ) an d follow the on-screen instructions.
o Create an in stall directory. For e xample: “C:\TSC\”. o Unzip “12xxF CCID+DFU Vz.zz” to the j ust created folder. All applications and
documentation needed to run the board with a Wind ows PC will be loaded to t his folder.
Plug the supplied adapter into the PJ1 jack and a wall out l et.
Flip the ON/OFF switch to ON.
Connect the USB cable b etween the host system and the 73S1215F Evaluation Board.
The host syst em should recognize the board and star t the Add New Hardware Installation Wizard.
When the wizard prompt s, select the Teridian provided dri ver file. o To use the Teridian supplied driver, select the ccidtsc-xp.inf file located in th e “x:\yyy\12xxF
CCID+DFU Vz.zz Release\USB-CCI D Firmware\CCID USB\CCID+DFU USB Drivers\XP 32 - CCID” subdirectory. The ccistsc-xp.inf and ccidtsc-xp.sys files must be i n the sam e directory on t he host .
Follo w t he prompts until the p r ocess is completed.
Run “CCID-DFU_USB_vz.zz.exe” (l ocated in the path x:\yyy\12xxF CCID+DFU Vz.zz Release\Host
Applications\Windows App\Bin\Release Release\Host Applications\Windows App\Bin\Release) on the host system to execute the host demonstrat ion app l ication.
At this point the applica tion window sh ould appear. For ad diti onal information regardi ng the use of the Terid i an Host applicat ion, r efer to the 73S12xxF USB-CCID Host GUI Users Guide (UG_12xxF_037).

Driver and Software Installation on a Linux System

Teridian has tested this board with the Linux CCID driver v1.3.2 and PCSC-Lite v.1.4.4 (middleware) on Linux. Refer to t he 73S1215F, 73S1217F CCID USB Linux Driver Installation Guide (UG_12xxF_041) for details on the Linux software installation and usage.
© 2009 Teridian Semicond uctor Corporati on. All rights reserved. Terid i an Semiconductor Corporation is a regist er ed trademar k of Teridian Semi conductor Corporation. Simplifying System In tegration i s a trademark of Teridian Semiconductor C or poration. Microsoft, Windows and Vista are reg i stered trad emarks of Microsoft Corporation. Linux is a registered trademark of L i nus Tor valds. All other trademarks ar e the property of their r espective owners.