Simplifying System In tegration™
QS_1210F_005 August 2009
The 73S1210F Evaluation Board Lite is a serial smart card r eader d evelopment kit for the efficient
evalu ation and development of stand-alone solutions. The b oar d provides one card i nterfac e. The boar d
can be used i n conjuncti on with any Windows
app l ication can access the board through th e Teridian Pseu do-CCID (PCCID) commands to communicate
with asynchronous smart cards, following T-0 and T-1 protocols, in compli ance with ISO7816-3 and EMV
4.1 standards.
For details about use of t his development boar d in em bedded appli cations (i. e. platforms ot her than PC
Windows XP ) , refer to the 73S12xxF Pseudo-CCID Host Applica tion Guide (UG_12xxF_052) or contact
Teridian support.
XP host system that has an RS-23 2 port. The host
System Requirem ents
• A PC running M icrosoft® Windows XP and equipp ed with a serial p or t.
• Eight meg abytes of disk storag e for the Ter idian Exerciser application and documentation.
Package Contents
• A 73S1 210F/ 17/8010F Evaluation Board-Lite populated with a 73S1210F and pre-loaded with the
Teridian Pseudo-CCID firmware.
• A CD contai ning the Exerciser application generi c host driver and docu ments.
• RS-232 Serial cable, female/male, 2 meters.
• A 5V DC power supply.
Default Setup
The 73S1210F Evaluation Board-Lite ships with a default configuration su itabl e for use as a turnkey
Transparent Sm ar t Card R eader using a Pseudo-C C ID over se r ial con nection to communicate with a host
PC application. The boar d’s hardware and fir mware are pre-configured by Teridian to work in this state and
the information in this document assumes this default confi guration. Refer to the 73S1210 Evaluation-Lite
Board User Guide (UG_1217F_044) for details on alternat e hardware configurati ons an d uses.
Software Installation on Windows XP
Follow these steps usi ng a PC running Windows XP:
• Extract “PCCID V y.yy Release.zip” (where y.yy i s the latest versi on of the firmwar e r el ease).
o Create an instal l directory. For example: “C:\TSC\”.
o Unzip “PCCID V y.yy Release.zip” to the just created fol der. All ap plications and documentat ion
need ed to run the board with a Win dows PC will be load ed to t his folder.
• Connect the Serial cable between th e host system and the b oar d.
• Plug the supplied adapter into the 5V DC jack on the board.
Press th e ON/OFF button once. Th e power LE D D4 should turn on.
• At this point the applica tion i s now installed and the d evelopment board is ready to use. The provided
host applicat ion or any other host application can now be launched from Windows XP to access the
smar t card reader.
Rev. 1.1 © 20 09 Teridian Semiconductor C or porati on 1
73S 1210F Evaluation Board Lite Qu i ck Start Guide QS_1210F_005
Demonst rati on H ost Appli cati on
Included on the CD i s a demonstration application named TSCP-CCID.exe which is located in the “x:\yyy\
\PCCID Vz.zz Release\Host App l ications\Wind ows App\App\Bin\Release” d i r ectory (where x refers to the
drive, yyy refers to th e directory the installati on .zip file was expanded to and z.zz is the latest versi on of
the fi r mware release). Thi s is a h ost ap plication that allows:
• Smart card act i vation and deactivation, in ISO or EMV mode.
• Smart card APDU command s to be exch anged with the smart card inserted in the board.
• Star ting a test sequen ce in order to test and evaluat e the board performance ag ainst an EMV test
TSCP-CCID.exe to execute th e host demonstrat i on appl i cation. At this point the application window
should appear. F or additional information regardin g the use of the Teridian Host appl i cation, refer t o the
Pseudo-CCID Host GUI Users Guide (UG_12xxF_037).
Figure 1: 73S1210F Evaluation Board-Lite Configuration
Integrati on in an Em be dde d Sys te m
The 73S1210F Evaluation Board-Lite ca n also be connect ed to a host micr oprocessor in an embedded
architect ure, l ike in Poin t-of-Sales t er minals, solid-state utility meters and di gital Set-Top Boxes. In such
cases, a software Pseud o-CCID driver must be i ntegrated within the host processor embedded so ftware.
The Teridian C D provided wit h this Development Boar d incl udes the ANSI C source code of the Teridian
gen er i c driver that will allow seamless i ntegration into virtually and p r ocessor and operating system. For
add i tional information, refe r to the 73S12xxF Pseudo-CCID Host Application Guide (UG_12xxF_052).
© 20 09 Teridian Semiconductor C or porati on. All rights reserved.
Terid i an Semiconductor Corporation is a regist er ed trademark of Terid ian Semi conductor Corp or ation.
Simplifying System In tegration i s a trademark of Teridian Semiconductor C or poration.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademark s of Microsoft Corpor ation.
All other trademarks ar e the property of their r espective owners.
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