Maxim Integrated 71M6534 User Manual

Energy Meter IC Family
TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation
6440 Oak Canyon Rd., Suite 100
Ph: (714) 508-8800 Fax: (714) 508-8878
71M653X Software User’s Guide
TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than expressly contained in the Company’s warranty detailed in the TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation standard Terms and Conditions. The company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein.
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
Energy Meter IC FAMILY
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© Copyright 2005-2008 TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation
71M653X Software User’s Guide
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 11
1.1 Using this Document .............................................................................................................. 11
1.2 Related Documentation ......................................................................................................... 12
1.3 Compatibility Statement ......................................................................................................... 12
2 DESIGN GUIDE ............................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Hardware Requirements ........................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Software Requirements ......................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Software Architecture ............................................................................................................ 14
2.4 Utilities ..................................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.1 D_MERGE ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.4.2 CE_MERGE ........................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.3 BANK_MERGE ...................................................................................................................... 16
3 DESIGN REFERENCE .................................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Program Memory .................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Data Memory ........................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Programming the 71M653X Chips ........................................................................................ 18
3.4 Debugging of the 71M653X Chips ......................................................................................... 18
3.5 Test Tools ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.5.1 Running the 653X_Demo.hex Program.................................................................................. 19
3.5.2 CLI Commands ...................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.3 Command (Macro) Files ......................................................................................................... 20
4 TOOL INSTALLATION GUIDE ..................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Installing the Programs for the ADM51 Emulator ............................................................... 21
4.2 Installing the Wemu Program (Chameleon Debugger) ....................................................... 21
4.3 Installing the ADM51 USB Driver .......................................................................................... 22
4.4 Installing Updates to the Emulator Program and Hardware .............................................. 23
4.5 Creating a Project ................................................................................................................... 24
4.6 Installing the Keil Compiler ................................................................................................... 27
4.7 Creating a Project for the Keil Compiler .............................................................................. 28
4.7.1 Directory Structure ................................................................................................................. 28
4.7.2 Adjusting the Keil Compiler Settings ...................................................................................... 29
4.7.3 Manually Controlling the Keil Compiler Settings ..................................................................... 30
4.8 Output File Format .................................................................................................................. 32
4.8.1 Basic Intel Hex Format ........................................................................................................... 33
4.8.2 Intel Hex386 File Format ........................................................................................................ 34
4.9 Writing Bank-Switched Code ................................................................................................ 35
4.9.1 Hardware Overview ................................................................................................................ 35
4.9.2 Software Overview ................................................................................................................. 35
4.9.3 Software Tool Versions .......................................................................................................... 36
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
4.9.4 Setup of the Compiler Project ................................................................................................ 36
4.9.5 Startup ................................................................................................................................... 37
4.9.6 Bank-Switching Code ............................................................................................................. 37
4.9.7 Page Table Setup and Debug ................................................................................................ 37
4.9.8 Producing a Banked Hex File ................................................................................................. 39
4.9.9 Placing Interrupts in Banked Code ......................................................................................... 39
4.9.10 Calling Banked Functions via Function Pointers .................................................................... 39
4.9.11 Putting Constants in Banks .................................................................................................... 40
4.9.12 Write-Protecting Flash in the 653X ......................................................................................... 40
4.10Project Management Tools .................................................................................................... 41
4.11Alternative Compilers ............................................................................................................. 41
4.12Alternative Editors .................................................................................................................. 41
4.13Alternative Linkers ................................................................................................................. 42
5 Demo Code Description .............................................................................................................. 43
5.1 80515 Data Types and Compiler-Specific Information ....................................................... 43
5.1.1 Data Types ............................................................................................................................. 43
5.1.2 Compiler-Specific Information ................................................................................................ 46
5.2 Demo Code Options and Program Size................................................................................ 47
5.3 Program Flow .......................................................................................................................... 51
5.3.1 Startup and Initialization ......................................................................................................... 52
5.4 Basic Code Architecture ........................................................................................................ 52
5.4.1 Initialization ............................................................................................................................ 53
5.4.2 Interrupts ................................................................................................................................ 53 Counting Interrupts ................................................................................................ 54 and FWCOL1 ................................................................................................... 55 Interrupt .......................................................................................................... 55 ........................................................................................................................... 55 Isr ..................................................................................................................... 56 Interrupt .................................................................................................................. 56 XFER_BUSY, RTC and NEAR_OVERFLOW Interrupt ............................................ 56 Interrupt .............................................................................................................. 57
5.4.3 Background Tasks ................................................................................................................. 57 ...................................................................................................................... 57 Line Interpreter (CLI) ...................................................................................... 58 ............................................................................................................... 58 Read/Write ...................................................................................................... 61 Test ...................................................................................................................... 61 Factor Measurement............................................................................................. 61
5.4.4 Watchdog Timer ..................................................................................................................... 62
5.4.5 Real-Time Clock (RTC) .......................................................................................................... 62
5.5 Managing Mission and Battery Modes ................................................................................. 62
5.6 Data Flow ................................................................................................................................. 63
5.7 CE/MPU Interface .................................................................................................................... 64
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
5.8 Boot Loader ............................................................................................................................. 64
5.9 Source Files ............................................................................................................................ 6 4
5.10Auxiliary Files.......................................................................................................................... 66
5.11Include/Header Files ............................................................................................................... 66
5.11.1 OPTIONS.H ........................................................................................................................... 66
5.11.2 Register Definitions ................................................................................................................ 67
5.11.3 Other Include/Header Files .................................................................................................... 67
5.12CE Image Files ........................................................................................................................ 68
5.13Common MPU Addresses ...................................................................................................... 69
5.14Firmware Application Information ........................................................................................ 77
5.14.1 General Design Considerations ............................................................................................. 77 ................................................................................................................... 77 ............................................................................................................ 77 Switching ............................................................................................................. 77 Usage of RAM.............................................................................................. 78 Space for Speed .............................................................................................. 78 Design ................................................................................................ 78 “Glue Logic” ........................................................................................... 79 Operations ............................................................................................................ 79 with Various Current Sensors .......................................................................... 79 Interface ............................................................................................................... 79 without User Interface .................................................................................. 79 with a Computer ................................................................................. 79 of Automatic Meter Reading ........................................................................... 79 between MPU and CE ........................................................................ 80 Control .............................................................................................................. 80 Calculation of max(VA*IA, VA*IB) Option, Equation 0 ....................................... 80 Calculation of VA*IA+VB*IB+VC*IC Option, Equation 5 .................................... 81 Register Data is Stored ........................................................................................ 82 Power Failures ............................................................................................. 83 Counting ............................................................................................................. 83 Modes ............................................................................................................... 83 Performance................................................................................................ 83
5.14.2 Firmware Application: Selected Tasks ................................................................................... 84 Detection ............................................................................................................... 84 Measurement .......................................................................................... 84 Compensation for Measurements ........................................................... 85 Compensation for the RTC ..................................................................... 85 the Battery .................................................................................................... 86
5.15Alphabetical Function Reference .......................................................................................... 87
5.16Errata ........................................................................................................................................ 98
5.17Porting 71M6511/6513 Code to the 71M653x ....................................................................... 99
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
5.17.1 Flash Use ............................................................................................................................... 99
5.17.2 Extra RAM .............................................................................................................................. 99
5.17.3 CE Data Location is at XDATA 0x0000 .................................................................................. 99
5.17.4 CE Data Access is Transparent to the MPU .......................................................................... 99
5.17.5 Read-only areas in MPU RAM ............................................................................................... 99
5.17.6 CE Code Location .................................................................................................................. 99
5.17.7 CE Causes Flash Write-Protection ......................................................................................... 99
5.17.8 Watchdog Location .............................................................................................................. 100
5.17.9 Software Watchdog Now Deprecated .................................................................................. 100
5.17.10 Real Time Clock Compensation ........................................................................................... 100
5.17.11 Battery Modes ...................................................................................................................... 100
5.18Porting 71M6521 Code to the 71M653x .............................................................................. 101
5.18.1 Flash Use ............................................................................................................................. 101
5.18.2 Extra RAM ............................................................................................................................ 101
5.18.3 CE Data Location is at XDATA 0x0000 ................................................................................ 102
5.18.4 CE Data Access is Transparent to the MPU ........................................................................ 102
5.18.5 Read-only areas in MPU RAM ............................................................................................. 102
5.18.6 CE Code Location ................................................................................................................ 102
5.18.7 CE Causes Flash Write-Protection ....................................................................................... 102
5.18.8 Watchdog Location .............................................................................................................. 102
5.18.9 Software Watchdog Now Deprecated .................................................................................. 102
5.18.10 Real Time Clock Compensation ........................................................................................... 103
5.18.11 Battery Modes ...................................................................................................................... 103
5.18.12 Watchdog Reset .................................................................................................................. 103
5.18.13 Temperature Compensation ................................................................................................ 103
6 80515 MPU REFERENCE ........................................................................................................... 105
6.1 The 80515 Instruction Set .................................................................................................... 105
6.1.1 Instructions Ordered by Function ......................................................................................... 106
6.1.2 Instructions Ordered by Opcode (Hexadecimal) .................................................................. 110
6.1.3 Instructions that Affect Flags ................................................................................................ 113
7 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 115
7.1 Acronyms .............................................................................................................................. 115
7.2 Revision History ................................................................................................................... 116
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Software Structure ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3-1: Port Speed and Handshake Setup ............................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4-1, Setup of Keil Compiler for bank-switched code ............................................................................................ 36
Figure 4-2, Selecting a Bank for a File Group in Keil C .................................................................................................. 37
Figure 4-3, Setting Keil’s Linker for Bank-switched Code ............................................................................................... 38
Figure 5-1: Sag and Dip Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 5-2: Sag Event .................................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 5-3: Crystal Frequency over Temperature........................................................................................................... 85
Figure 5-4: Crystal Compensation .................................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 5-5, State Diagram of Operating Modes ............................................................................................................ 101
List of Tables
Table 3-1: Memory Map ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Table 4-1: Code Bank Memory Addresses and Availability ............................................................................................ 35
Table 5-1: Internal Data Memory Map ............................................................................................................................ 43
Table 5-2: Internal Data Types ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Table 5-3: Demo Code Versions .................................................................................................................................... 47
Table 5-4: Current Sensing Options ............................................................................................................................... 47
Table 5-5: Compensation Features ................................................................................................................................ 48
Table 5-6: Power Registers and Pulse Output Features ................................................................................................ 49
Table 5-7: Creep Functions ............................................................................................................................................ 50
Table 5-8: Operating Modes ........................................................................................................................................... 50
Table 5-9: Calibration and Various Services .................................................................................................................. 51
Table 5-10: Interrupt Service Routines ........................................................................................................................... 53
Table 5-11: Interrupt Priority Assignment ....................................................................................................................... 54
Table 5-12: MPU Memory Locations .............................................................................................................................. 74
Table 5-13: MPU Status Bits .......................................................................................................................................... 76
Table 5-14: Frequency over Temperature ...................................................................................................................... 85
Table 6-7: Notes on Data Addressing Modes ............................................................................................................... 105
Table 6-8: Notes on Program Addressing Modes ........................................................................................................ 105
Table 6-9: Arithmetic Operations .................................................................................................................................. 106
Table 6-10: Logic Operations ....................................................................................................................................... 107
Table 6-11: Data Transfer Operations .......................................................................................................................... 108
Table 6-12: Program Branches .................................................................................................................................... 109
Table 6-13: Boolean Manipulations .............................................................................................................................. 109
Table 6-14: Instruction Set in Hexadecimal Order ........................................................................................................ 110
Table 6-15: Instruction Set in Hexadecimal Order ........................................................................................................ 111
Table 6-16: Instruction Set in Hexadecimal Order ........................................................................................................ 112
Table 6-17: Instructions Affecting Flags ....................................................................................................................... 113
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
(“Licensed Software”) and provided by TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation (“TSC”), the recipient of the software (“Licensee”) accepts, and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions hereof.
TSC’s meter products: 71M6531, 71M6534, and 71M653xB. Licensee acknowledges that the Licensed Software was not designed for use with, nor has it been checked for performance with, any other devices.
: Title to the Licensed Software and related documentation remains with TSC and its licensors. Nothing contained
in this Agreement shall be construed as transferring any right, title, or interest in the Licensed Software to Licensee except as expressly set forth herein. TSC expressly disclaims liability for any patent infringement claims based upon use of the Licensed Software either solely or in conjunction with third party software or hardware.
Licensee shall not make nor to permit the making of copies of the Licensed Software (including its documentation) except as authorized by this License Agreement or otherwise authorized in writing by TSC. Licensee further agrees not to engage in, nor to permit the recompilation, disassembly, or other reverse engineering of the Licensed Software.
License Grant
ferable license to use the software solely in conjunction with the meter devices manufactured and sold by TSC.
Non-disclosure and confidentiality
Licensed Software and related documentation and information received by Licensee from TSC. All Confidential Information shall be maintained in confidence by Licensee and shall not be disclosed to any third party and shall be protected with the same degree of care as the Licensee normally uses in the protection of its own confidential information, but in no case with any less degree than reasonable care. Licensee further agrees not to use any Confidential Information received from TSC except as contemplated by the license granted herein.
Disclaimer of Warranty
Software, including any implied warranty of title, no infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, regardless of whether TSC knows or has reason to know Licensee’s particular needs. TSC does not warrant that the functions of the Licensed Software will be free from error or will meet Licensee’s requirements. TSC shall have no responsibility or liability for errors or product malfunction resulting from Licensee’s use and/or modification of the Licensed Software.
Limitation of Damages/Liability
Export: Licensee shall adhere to the U.S. Export Administration Laws and Regulations (“EAR”) and shall not export or
re-export any technical data or products received from TSC or the direct product of such technical data to any proscribed country listed in the EAR unless properly authorized by the U.S. Government.
material breach within thirty (30) days from receipt of notice from TSC. Upon termination, Licensee shall return or, at TSC’s option certify destruction of, all copies of the Licensed Software in its possession.
Law: This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. The Courts located in
Orange County, CA shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any legal action between TSC and Licensee arising out of this License Agreement.
Integration: This License Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to the subject matter hereof.
No modification of the terms hereof shall be binding unless approved in writing by TSC.
: By using the Application Programming Interface and / or other software described in this document
: The Licensed Software has been developed for use specifically and exclusively in conjunction with
: TSC grants Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, non-assignable and non-trans-
: For the purpose of this Agreement, “Confidential Information” shall mean the
: TSC makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the Licensed
: TSC shall have the right to terminate the license granted herein in the event Licensee fails to cure any
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
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71M653X Software User’s Guide


TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation’s (TSC) 71M653X single chip Energy Meter Controllers are a family of Systems­on-Chip that supports all the functionalities required to build energy meters. Demo Boards are available for each chip (71M6531, 71M6532, 71M6533, 71M6534) to allow development of embedded applications, in conjunction with an In­Circuit Emulator.
Development of a 71M653X application can be started in either 80515 assembly language, or preferably in C using the Demo Boards. TSC provides, along with the 71M653X Demo Boards, a development toolkit that includes a demonstration program (“Demo Code”) written in ANSI C that controls all features present on the Demo Boards. This Demo Code includes functions to manage the low level 80515 core such as memory, clock, power modes, interrupts; and high level functions such as the LCD, Real Time Clock, Serial interfaces and I/Os. The use of Demo Code portions will help reduce development time dramatically, since they allow the developer to focus on developing the application without dealing with the low-level layer such as hardware control, timing, etc. This document describes the different software layers and how to use them.
The Demo Code should allow customers to evaluate various resources of the 653X ICs but should not be regarded as production code. The Demo Code and all its components, with the exception of the CE code, are only example code and the use of it is “as is” and without implied guarantees. Customers may use the Demo Code as a starting point at any given released revision level but should keep themselves informed about subsequent revisions of the Demo Code. Demo Code revisions may not be directly compatible with previously released revisions and/or embedded software used by customers. Custo mers need to ad apt the Demo Code or other example code supplied by TERIDIAN Application Engineering to their own code base, and in this context TERIDIAN Semiconductor can only provide indirect assistance and support.
This Software User’s Guide provides information on the following separate subjects:
General software architecture and minimum requirements (Design Guide)
Memory model, programming, test tools (Design Reference)
Demo code structure, data flow, functions (Demo Code Description)
Installing and using the EEP, compiler, ICE (Tool Installation Guide)
Understanding and using the 80515 micro controller (80515 Reference)


The reader should have a basic familiarity with microprocessors, particularly the 80515 architecture, firmware, software development and power meter applications. Prior experience with, or knowledge of, the applicable ANSI and/or IEC standards will also be helpful.
This document presents the features included in the 71M653X Demo Boards in terms of software and some hardware. To get the most out of this document, the reader should also have available other 71M653X publications such as the 71M653X Demo Board User’s Manual, respective data-sheets, errata list and application notes for additional details and recent developments.
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71M653X Software User’s Guide


Please refer to the following documents for further information:
71M653X Demo Board User’s Manual for the IC of interest
71M653X Data Sheet for the IC of interest.
Signum Systems ADM-51 In-Circuit Emulator Manual (Software Version 3.11.4 or later)
Keil Compiler Manual (Version 7.5 or later)
μVision2 (Version 2.20a or later) Manual
TERIDIAN’s web site ( helpful information.
Questions to TERIDIAN Applications Engineering can be directed via e-mail to the address:
) should be frequently checked for updates, application notes and other


Information presented in this manual applies to the following hardware and software revisions:
71M6531 and 71M6534 Demo Code Revision 4.4.15
71M6531 and Demo Board D6531N12A1 (68-pin QFN) Revision 1.0 or later
71M6534 Demo Board D6534T4A1 (120-pin LQFP) Revision 1.0 or later
Signum Systems Wemu51 Software 4.4.11 (8/15/2007) or later
Signum Systems ADM51 firmware version 4.4.11 (2007/07/15) or later
The revision 4.15 of the Demo Board Code is the basis for all discussed sources, commands, register addresses and so forth. If applicable, known issues with revision 4.15 are disclosed within the code description, and workarounds or improvements are shown.
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71M653X Software User’s Guide


This section provides designers with some basic guidance in developing power meter applications utilizing the TSC 71M653X devices. There are two types of applications that can be developed:
Embedded application using the sources provided by TERIDIAN, or
Embedded application using only customer generated functions.


The following are the minimum hardware requirements for developing custom programs:
TERIDIAN 71M6531 Demo Board. This board interfaces with a PC via the RS232 serial interface (COM port).
AC Adaptor (AC/DC output) or variable power supply.
PC Pentium with 512MB RAM and 10GB hard drive, 1 COM port and 1 USB port, running either Windows
2000, or Windows ME or Windows XP.
Signum Systems ADM-51 In-Circuit Emulator (for loading and debugging the embedded application) and its associated cables. Signum references this device as ADM-51.


The following are the minimum software requirements for embedded application programming:
Keil Compiler version 8.03a or later.
μVision2 version 3.33 (Note: this version comes with Keil Compiler version 8.03a).
Signum Systems software Wemu51 (comes with Signum Systems ADM-51 ICE hardware).
The following software tools/programs are included in the 71M653X development kit and should be present on the development PC:
Demo Code with Command Line Interface (CLI) - Used to interface directly to metering functions and to the chip hardware.
Source files
Demo Code object file (hex file).
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
In order to generate and test software, the Keil compiler and the Signum in-circuit emulator (ICE) must be installed per the instructions in section 4. The include files and header files must also be present on the development PC. Typically, a design session consists of the following steps:
Editing C source code using µVision2
Compiling the source code using the Keil compiler
Modifying the source code and recompiling until all compiler error messages are resolved
Using the assembler and linker to generate executable code
Downloading the executable code to the ICE
Executing the code and watching its effects on the target


The 71M653X software architecture is partitioned into three separate layers:
1. The lowest level is the device or hardware layer, i.e. the layer that directly communicates with the discrete functional blocks of the chip and the peripheral components (“hardware”), such as serial interfaces, AFE, LCD etc.
2. The second layer consists of buffers needed for some functions.
3. The third layer is the application layer. This layer is partially implemented by the Demo Code for evaluation purposes, but extensions and enhancements can be added by the application software developer to design suitable electronic power meter applications.
Figure 2-1: shows the partitions of each software component. As illustrated, there are many different designs an application can develop depending on its usage. Section 5 describes in more detail the functions within each component.
Display Sensors
Figure 2-1: Software Structure
Totals (Meter Data)
Ser0 Ser1LCD
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
The Demo Code is modular. Each device in the chip and on the Demo Board has a corresponding set of driver software in the Hardware Layer. These driver software modules are very basic, enabling customers to easily locate and reuse the logic. For the serial devices and for the CE, the buffer handling has been separated from the driver modules.
Where there are several similar devices (e.g. ser0, ser1, or tmr0, tmr1), the Demo Code simulates a virtual object base class using C preprocessor macros. For example, to initialize the first serial interface, ser0, the source file can include ser0.h, and then call ser_initialize(). To transmit a byte on ser0, the file can include ser0.h, and then call ser_xmit(). The convenience is that high-level code can be ported to another device by just (for example) including ser1.h, rather than ser0.h. Just by making variables static, entire high-level protocols can be written and maintained by copying the code debugged on one device, and having it include the other device’s .h file.
The demo firmware uses this technique for the command line interface (ser0cli.c, ser1cli.c), the FLAG AMR interface (flag0.c, flag1.c) and for the software timer module (stm.c). The base-class emulation uses macros because on the 80515 MPU macros execute faster and are also more compact than the standard C++ (object-oriented) design with an implicit structure containing function pointers.
The Demo Code is also designed with an “options.h” file, which enables and disables entire features in the firmware.
The macro approach combined with the “options.h” file permitted the firmware team to adapt the same Demo Code to both the 6531 and 6534 versions.


Three utilities are offered that make it possible to perform certain operations on the object (HEX) files without having to use a compiler:
D_MERGE.EXE allows combining the object file with a text script in order to change certain default settings of the program. For example, modified calibration coefficients resulting from an actual calibration can be inserted into the object file.
CE_MERGE.EXE allows combining the object file with an updated image of the CE code.
BANK_MERGE.EXE combines the hex files the Keil tools provide for each code bank.
All utilities are executed from a DOS window (DOS command prompt). To invoke the DOS window, the “command prompt” option is selected after selecting Start – All Programs – Accessories.
The GUI subdirectory contains an unsupported MS Windows .NET implementation of a FLAG hand-held unit.

2.4.1 D_MERGE

Many changes to the firmware’s defaults can be made permanent by merging them into the object file. The first step for this is to create a macro file (macro.txt) containing the commands adjusting the I/O RAM or other defaults, such as the following commands affecting calibration:
The d_merge program updates the 653x_demo.hex file with the values contained in the macro file. The d_merge program must be in the same directory as the source files, or a path to the executable must be declared. Executing the d_merge program with no arguments will display the syntax description. To merge the file macro.txt and the object file old_653x_demo.hex into the new object file new_653x_demo.hex, use the command:
d_merge old_653x_demo.hex macro.txt new_653x_demo.hex

2.4.2 CE_MERGE

The ce_merge program updates the 653x_demo.hex file with the CE program image contained in the CE.CE file
and the data image CE.DAT. Both CE.CE and CE.DAT must be i
source format but in the compiled format (intel hex). These files will be made available from Teridian in the cases when updates to the CE images are necessary.
To merge the object file old_653x_demo.hex with CE.CE and CE.DAT into the new object file new_653x_demo.hex, use the command:
n Intel HEX format, i.e. both files are not in the
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71M653X Software User’s Guide
ce_merge old_653x_demo.hex ce.ce ce.dat 653x_demo.hex


If using Keil’s professional package, bank_merge.exe is not needed to produce Intel-386 files from banked code. Simply go to the pull-down hex file selection in the output section of the project configuration of uVision, and select “i386”. Keil’s premium OHX51 hex file converter will automatically produce a single intel-386 file containing all the code banks.
If producing banked code with Keil’s standard package, the BL51 linker is tightly coupled to the OC51 and OH51 code converters. These produce one 64K Intel hex file for each code bank. The Signum emulator and TSC’s TFP (in-circuit programmer) require that banked code be in a different format, a single Intel-386 hex file.
Bank_merge.exe is a program that converts Keils’ multiple hex files into a single Intel-386 hex file. Usage: bank_merge <Number of Banks> <ROM Size> <Input Name> <Output>\n");
<Number of Bank> - 3 for 6531, and 7 for 6534");
<ROM Size> - The memory size of ROM in kbyte (128,256,...)"
<Input> - Compiled files' name without extension"
<Output> - Output file name. Must have '.hex' extension\n");
For example:
bank_merge 3 128 banktest31 new_code.hex
This merges the three compiled hex files, banktest31.H01, banktest31.H02, banktest31.H03 and produces new_code.hex in a 128kbyte intel-386 hex file.
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71M653X Software User’s Guide


As depicted in Figure 1 of section 2, the 71M653X provides a great deal of design flexibility for the application de­veloper. Programming details are described below.


The embedded 80515 MPU within the 71M653X has separate program (128K or 256K bytes) and data memory (4K bytes). The code for the Compute Engine program resides in the MPU program memory (flash).
The Flash program memory is addressed as a 64KB block. The upper 32K is a window on a code banked. It can be
switched to other code banks by writing a banke numbe rto the banked register FL_BANK. The flash memory is further
segmented in 512-byte pages which can be individually erased. Selection of these individual blocks is accomplished using the function calls related to flash memory, which are described in more detail below.


The 71M653X has 4K bytes of Data Memory used by the embedded 80C515 MPU, and shared with the proprietary computer-engine (CE). In most configurations, the CE uses 1K of this RAM, leaving 3K for use by the MPU. See Table 3-1: for a summary.
0000-7FFF Flash Memory Non-volatile
8000-FFFF Flash Memory Non-volatile
0000-03FF Static RAM Volatile
0400-1000 Static RAM Volatile MPU data 0 3KB
2000-20FF Static RAM
Memory Type Typical Usage
Common code area for the program and non-volatile data.
Bank window code area for the program and non­volatile data. The 6531, 32, and 33 have 3 banks yielding 128K total. The 6534 has 7 banks, yielding 256K total
CE data, actual last byte may be somewhat less than 1K, depending on the CE code.
Volatile 0 256
Miscellaneous I/O RAM (configuration RAM)
Wait States
(at 5MHz)
0 32K
0 32K
0 1KB
Memory Size
Table 3-1: Memory Map
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There are two ways to download a hex file to the 71M653X Flash Memory:
Using a Signum Systems ADM-51 ICE.
Using the TERIDIAN Semiconductor Flash Download FDBM-TFP-2 Stand-Alone Module
Note: For both programming and debugging code it is important that the hardware watchdog timer is disabled. See the Demo Board User’s Manual for details.
Before downloading code to a 71M653x:
Stop the MPU
Disable the CE by writing a 0 to XDATA at address 0x2000.
Erase the flash memory.


When debugging with the ADM51 in-circuit emulator, the CE continues to run, and this disables flash memory access because the code of the CE is located in flash memory.
When setting breakpoints, only tw o breakpoints can be used, because the first two breakpoints are “hardware” breakpoints, while the rest attempt to write to flash memory.


A command line interface operated via the serial interface of the 71M653X MPU provides a test tool that can be used to exercise the functions provided by the low-level libraries. The command-line interface requires the following environment:
1) Demo Code (653X_demo.hex) must be resident in flash memory
2) The Demo Board is connected via a Debug Board to a PC running Hyperterminal or another type of terminal program.
3) The communication parameters are set at 300 bps, 7N2, XON/XOFF flow control, as described in section
3.5.1 .
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3.5.1 Running the 653X_Demo.hex Program

This object file is the 71M653X embedded application developed by TERIDIAN to exercise all low-level function calls using a serial interface. Demo Boards ship pre-installed with this program. To run this program:
Connect a serial cable between the serial port of the Debug Board RS232 and a COM port of a Windows
Open a Windows’ Hyperterminal session at 2400 or 300 bps (depending on jumper settings – see the
DBUM), 8N1, one stop bit with XON/XOFF flow control enabled. The setup dialog box is shown in Figure 3-1: Port Speed and Handshake Setup.
Power on the Demo Board and hit <CR> a few times on the PC keyboard until ‘>’ is displayed on the
Hyperterminal screen.
Type a command from the CLI Reference ( 3.5.2 )
All references to ‘c’ (lower case c) indicate any ASCII character, all other lowercase letters are one-byte
Numbers can be entered in decimal by preceding them with a plus-sign (e.g. hex 20 = +32)
The 71M653x Demo Board User’s Manual contains instructions on how to connect the serial cable.
Figure 3-1: Port Speed and Handshake Setup
Note: HyperTerminal can be found by selecting Programs ÆAccessories Æ Communications from the Windows
start menu. The connection parameters are configured by selecting File Æ Properties and then by pressing the Configure button. Port speed and flow control are configured under the General tab, bit settings are configured
by pressing the Configure button (Figure 3-1: Port Speed and Handshake Setup) as shown below.
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3.5.2 CLI Commands

The Demo Board User’s Manual (DBUM) for the 71M653x contains a complete list of the available commands.

3.5.3 Command (Macro) Files

Commands or series of commands may be stored in text (ASCII) files and sent to the 71M653X using the “Transfer – Send Text File” command of Hyperterminal or any other terminal program.
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This section provides detailed installation instructions for the Signum ADM-51 in-circuit emulator and for the Keil compiler.


The AMD51 ICE interfaces with the PC is via the USB serial interface.
The installation process consists of the following steps:
1. Installing the Chameleon Debugger used with the Signum ICE
2. Installing the ADM51 USB driver
3. Installing updates
4. Creating a project


Insert the CD from Signum Systems and connect the ICE ADM51 to the PC with the provided USB cable.
The following dialog box will appear (this dialog box also shows the release date of the program):
Click on “Chameleon Debugger” and then select “ADM51 Emulator”.
Follow the instructions given by the installation program.
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The Wemu51 program communicates with the emulator ADM51 via the USB interface of the PC. The USB driver for the ADM51 has to be installed prior to using the emulator. After plugging in the USB cable into the PC and the ADM51 ICE the status light of the ADM51 emulator should come on.
A dialog box will appear, asking you to install the ADM51 driver.
Click Next. Another dialog box will appear, asking how to search for the driver. Use the recommended method.
Click Next.
Another screen (not shown) will appear asking to locate the driver. Select Specific Path and browse to:
C:\Program Files\Signum Systems\Wemu51\Drivers\USB. Click Next.
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Click Finish.
Click Finish again.
Note: USB 1.1 is sufficient for operation of the ADM51. If higher performance is desired and no USB 2.0 port is available on the host PC, a USB 2.0 card can be installed as an option.


If the Wemu51 program is revision 3.11.4 or later, no special precautions have to be taken. Otherwise, the program should be updated using the Signum Systems web site (
When running the Wemu51 program revision 3.11.4 or later, the firmware in the ADM51 will be checked automatically. ADM51 emulators with outdated firmware will not function properly. The Wemu51 will offer an automatic update for the ADM51, if necessary. For a successful upgrade it is vital to follow the instructions on screen precisely.
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Double click on the WEMU51 icon to start the Chameleon debugger.
Click Project/Create New Project. The following screen will appear:
Follow the instructions of the Create Project Wizard by selecting Next.
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When prompted for the project name to be used, type a convenient project name. Click Next.
When prompted for the project directory to be used, select an existing folder on the PC. Do NOT select any folder in the Wemu51 installation directory! Click Next.
When prompted for the emulator to be used, select ADM51 Emulator. Click Next.
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When prompted for the communication device to be used, select USB ADM51. Click Next.
When prompted for the processor to be used, select the correct IC. Click Next.
Click Finish.
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After inserting the Keil CD-ROM into the CD drive of the PC, the on-screen instructions should be followed to install the Keil compiler.
The installer will display the following screen:
Select Install Products & Updates
Select C51 Compiler and Tools
Follow the on-screen instructions of the installation program. When prompted for the add-on disk, insert the disk in the
floppy drive and click Next or browse to the location of the files (if they were previously copied to the hard drive of the
PC) by clicking Browse.
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4.7.1 Directory Structure

The following directory structure is established when the files from the archive are unpacked while maintaining the structure of subdirectories:
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\CE
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\CLI
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\docs
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\flag
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\IO
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\Main
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\Main_653x_CLI
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\Meter
<drive letter>:\…\meter project\Util
The project control file 653X_demo.uv2 will be in the directory <drive letter>:\…\meter project. The Keil compiler can be
configured easily by loading the file 653X_demo.uv2, using the Project Menu and selecting the Open Project
The window shown below should appear when the project control file is opened.
The Project Workspace screen on the left side of the window shows the main components of the source (CE, CLI, IO, Main, Meter, Utils) in folders. Folders can be opened by clicking on the plus sign next to them. Opening the folders will display the source files associated with them.
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It should be noted that not all header files are physically present in the project directory. The files absacc.h, string.h, ctype.h, and setjmp.h are provided by the compiler manufacturer, and they are located in the Keil\C51\INC directory.

4.7.2 Adjusting the Keil Compiler Settings

Once, the Keil compiler is installed, the most convenient method to start the project is to double-click on the file 653x.UV2 (or 653x.UV3). This will start the Keil compiler with the proper settings stored in the 653x.UV2 file.
Directory structures and drive names vary from PC to PC. The settings for the compiler can be adjusted using the following method:
1. Select “target1” in the leftmost window.
2. Select “project” from the top menu and then select “options for target 1”.
3. Select the “C51” tab.
4. Click the button right next to the “Include Paths” window. Three paths will be listed, pointing to meter projects, meter projects\demo, and meter projects\demo\header files.
5. If necessary, delete these path entries (X button) and replace them with the corresponding path entries for your PC ( button).
The dialog box should look like shown below. After making the necessary changes, the project file (653X_demo.UV2) should be stored.
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4.7.3 Manually Controlling the Keil Compiler Settings

If the method described in section “Adjusting the Keil Compiler Settings” is not used, the Keil compiler settings can also be controlled manually.
The target options should be selected in order to adapt the compiler controls properly to the target. The uVision compiler environment is started by selecting Programs Æ Keil Æ uVision2. uVision should start up and present the following window:
Under Project Æ Options for Target1, select the Device tab and check the selected device. Newer versions of the Keil
Compiler offer selection of TERIDIAN (labeled “TDK”) 71M653x devices:
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