Maxim Integrated 6612-OMU-S2-URT-V1-13 User Manual

Simplifying System IntegrationTM
Firmware Description Document
December 21, 200 9
Rev. 1.1
6612_OMU_S2_URT_V1_13 Firmware Description Document FDD_6612_010
© 20 09 Teridian Semiconductor Cor poration. All rights res er ved. Terid i an Semiconductor Corp or ation is a registered trademark of Teridian Semiconductor Cor poration. Simplifying Syst em Integrat i on is a trademark of Teridian Semi condu ct or Corporat ion . All other t r ademar ks are the property of their respective owners.
Terid i an Semiconductor Corpor ation makes no warrant y for the us e of i ts pr oducts, other than expr essly contained in the Company’s warranty detailed in the Teridian Semiconduct or C or poration standard Terms and C onditi ons. The company assumes no respon sibility for any errors wh ich may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifi cations detailed herein at any tim e without notice and does not make any c omm i tment to update the information contained herein. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to veri fy that th i s docum ent is curren t by compari ng it to the latest version on http://w w w. or by checking with your sales represen tativ e.
Terid i an Semiconductor Corp., 6440 Oak Canyon, Suite 100 , Irvine, CA 92618
TEL (714) 508-8800, FAX (714) 508-8877,
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FDD_6612_ 010 6612_OMU_S2_URT_V1_13 Firmware Description Document
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Description of Basic Measurement Equations ............................................................................. 5
3 Serial Communication ................................................................................................................... 6
4 Command Line Interface ............................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Identification and Information Com mands ................................................................................. 6
4.2 Reset C omm ands .................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 MPU Data Access Command ................................................................................................... 7
4.3.1 Individual Address Read .............................................................................................. 7
4.3.2 Cons ecuti ve Read ....................................................................................................... 7
4.3.3 Block Reads ................................................................................................................ 8
4.3.4 Concatenated Reads ................................................................................................... 8
4.3.5 MPU/XD AT A Ac ce s s Co m mands ................................................................................ 8
4.4 Auxiliary Comman ds ................................................................................................................ 9
4.4.1 Repeat Command ....................................................................................................... 9
4.5 Calib r ation C omm ands ........................................................................................................... 10
4.5.1 Complete Cal ibrat i on Com mand ( “ Singl e Command Calibration”) .............................. 10 CAL C ommand............................................................................................ 10 CALW Comm and ........................................................................................ 10
4.5.2 A tomic Calibration Commands................................................................................... 11 CLV C ommand............................................................................................ 11 CLI Command ............................................................................................. 11 CLT Command ............................................................................................ 12
4.6 CE Data Access Commands .................................................................................................. 13
4.6.1 Single Regis ter CE Access ........................................................................................ 13
4.6.2 Cons ecuti ve CE Reads.............................................................................................. 13
4.6.3 U Command .............................................................................................................. 14
4.7 CE Control C om mands .......................................................................................................... 15
4.7.1 CE Data Write ........................................................................................................... 15
4.7.2 Turn Off CE Command .............................................................................................. 15
4.7.3 U Command .............................................................................................................. 15
4.7.4 Turn On CE Com mand .............................................................................................. 15
4.8 I/O RAM (Con fi guration RAM) Command ............................................................................... 16
5 MPU Measurement Outputs ........................................................................................................ 17
6 Configuration Parameter Entry ................................................................................................... 38
6.1 MPU Parameters ................................................................................................................... 38
6.2 CE Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 46
7 Address Content Summary ......................................................................................................... 50
8 Contact Information ..................................................................................................................... 55
Revision History .................................................................................................................................. 56
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Table 1: Measu r ement Equation s Definitions ........................................................................................... 5
Table 2: Ou tlet 1 MPU Outputs for Narr owband Method Table 3: Ou tlet 1 MPU Outputs for Wideband Meth od Table 4: Outlet 2 MPU Outputs for Nar r owband Method Table 5: Ou tlet 2 MPU Outputs for Wideband Meth od Table 6: Combined Outlets MPU Outputs for Narrowband Method Table 7: Combined Outlets MPU Outputs for Wideband Method Table 8: MPU Parameters Table 9: CE Parameters Table 10: MPU Outp ut Summary Chart Table 11: MPU Input Summary Chart Table 11: CE Inpu t Summary Chart
......................................................................... 17
............................................................................ 21
......................................................................... 25
............................................................................ 30
......................................................... 34
............................................................ 36
..................................................................................................................... 38
........................................................................................................................ 46
.................................................................................................. 50
.................................................................................................... 53
....................................................................................................... 54
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1 Introduction
This document describes the firmware 6612_OMU_S2_URT_V1_13, which can be used with the Teridian 78M6612 dual outlet power and energy measurement IC. This firmware is designed for sing le phase measurem ent systems usi ng current shunts as the current sensors, but current transform er sensors may also b e used i f desired.
Applicability of this firmware is with the Teridian 78M6612 OMU Demo Unit and the Teridian 78M6612 AC-PMON Demo Board. The demo vehicles are cali brated and the user can i m mediately access measurem ent dat a such as Watts, Voltage, Current, accumulated Energy an d line frequen cy. RTC (real time clock) is n ot suppor ted by this firmware.
All measu r ement calcul ations are com puted by the 78M 66 12 and this i nformation is comm unicated to the host processor. All communi cation between the 78M6612 and the host proc essor occ urs over a serial interface (UART0) on the TX and RX pins of the 78M6612 device. The following sections detail the commands to be sent by the host to configure the 78M6612 and for accessin g measurement information.

2 Description of Basic Measurement Equations

The Ter idian 78M6612 with fi r mware 6612 _OMU_S2_URT_1_13 provides the user with two types of continuously updating measurem ent data (on 1 sec ond increments by default). One is defined as “Narrowband” (NB) and the other is defined as “Wideband” (WB).
Narrowband measurements are typically used by util ities wh er e the measured waveforms ar e assumed to be si nusoidal.
Wideband measurements are gen er ally of interest when measuring nonlinear systems such as swit ched mode power su pplies that tend t o have non-sinusoidal waveforms.
Table 1 lists the basic measurement equations for the Narrowband and the Wideband methods.
Table 1: Measurement Equations Definitions
Symbol Parameter Narrowband Equation Wideband Equation
V RMS Voltage
I RMS Current I = S/V I = √∑i(t)2
P Active Power P = (i(t) * v(t)) P = (i(t) * v(t)) Q
PF Power Factor P/S P/S PA Phase Angle ATAN (Q/P) ATAN (Q/P)
V = √∑v(t)2 V = √∑v(t)2
Q = (i(t) * v(t)shift 90º)
S = √(P2 + Q2) S = V * I
Q = √(S2 – P2)
Both types of measurement outp uts are continuously available to t he us er . To obtain measurement outputs, the ser i al UART interface betw een the 78M6612 and the host process or m ust be set up and is described in the next section.
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3 Serial Communication

The serial communicati on with the 78M6612 t akes pl ace over a UA R T (UART0) interface. The default settings for the UART of the 78M6612 are given below:
Bau d Rate: 38400bps Data B its: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
The hos t’s ser i al int erface p or t is required to implement these settings on its U ART. To verify communication between t he hos t and the 78M66 12, th e host must send a <CR> (carri age return) to the 78M6612. Communication is verified when the 78M6612 returns a > (greater than sign) known as the command prompt. An example is given below:
The host sends the following to the 78M6612: <CR> The 78M6612 sends the following back to the host: >
Commands the host may sen d to th e 78M6612 in order for the host to configure the 78 M 6612 or to receive the measurement data are given i n the next section.

4 Command Line In ter f ace

Firmware 6612_O M U_S2_U RT_V1_13 contain s an ins truction set called the Command Line Inter fac e (CLI), which facilitates communication via U ART between the 78M6612 and the host proces sor. The CLI provid es a set of commands which are used by the host to configure and t o obtain in formation from the 78M6612.

4.1 Identification and Information Commands

The I comm and is us ed to identify the revisions of Demo Code and the contained CE code. The host sends the I comman d to the 78 M 6612 as follows:
>I<CR> The 78M6612 will send back to the host the following: TSC 78M6612 OMU S2 URT v1.13, July 20 2009(c)2008 Teridi an Semiconductor Cor p.
All Rights Reserved CE6612_OMU_S2_A01_V1_2 >
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4.2 R eset Comman ds

A soft r eset of the 78M6612 can be perfo r med by using the Z command. The soft reset restarts code execution at addr 0000 bu t does not alter flash contents. To issue a soft r eset to the 7 8M6612, th e host sends the following:
>Z<CR> The W command ac ts like a hard ware reset. The energy accumulators i n XRAM will r etain their values.
Z Reset
Description: Allows the u ser to cause soft r esets. Usage: Z Soft reset.
W Simulates wat chd og reset .

4.3 MPU Data Access Command

The most per tinent is the M PU data ac cess com mand. All the measu r ement c al culations are stored in the MPU data ad dresses of the 78M6612. The host requests measur ement information using th e M PU data access command wh ich is a right parenthesis
) To request i nformation, the host sends the MPU data ac cess com mand, the add r ess (in hex) which is
requested, the format in which the data is desi r ed (Hex or D ecimal ) and a c ar r iage r eturn. The c ontent s of the addres ses that would be requested by the host ar e contained in Section 5.

4.3.1 Individual Address Read

The hos t can r eques t the information in hex or decimal format. $ requests information in hex, and ? requests information i n decimal. When reques ting i nformation in decimal, the dat a is preceded by a + or a -. The exception is )AB? which returns a string (see page 39).
An example of a comm and requestin g the measured power in Watts from Outlet 1 (locat ed at address 0x08) in decim al is as follows:
>)08?<CR> An example of a comm and requestin g the measured power in Watts from Outlet 1 (locat ed at address
0x08) in hex is as follows: >)08$<CR>

4.3.2 Consecutive Read

The hos t can r eques t information from consecu tive addresses by add i ng additional ? for decimal or add i tional $ for hex.
An example of requests for the contents in decimal of ten consecutive addr esses starting with 0x12 is: >)12??????????<CR> An example of requests for the contents in hex of ten consecutive addresses starting with 0x12 would be: >)12$$$$$$$$$$<CR>
Note: The num ber of ch ar acters per line is limited to no more th an 60. Rev. 1.1 7
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4.3.3 Block Reads

The bloc k read c omm and can al so be used to read consecutive registers: )saddr:eaddr? For decim al format or )sad dr:eaddr$ for hex format where saddr i s the start address and eaddr is the final address.
The following block read command requests the Outlet 1 wideband inform ation contain ed in Table 4 in deci mal format:

4.3.4 Concatenated Reads

Multiple commands can also be added on a single line. R eques ting in formation in decimal from two locati ons an d the block c om mand from above are given below:
>)12?)15?)20:3D?<CR> Note: The num ber of ch ar acters per line is limited to no more th an 60.

4.3.5 MPU/XDATA Access Commands

) MPU Data Access
Description: Allows user to r ead from and write to MPU data space. Usage: ) {Starting MPU Data Add res s } {option}…{op tion}<CR> Command
)saddr? <CR> Read the reg ister in decimal. )saddr?? <CR> Read t wo consecutive r egisters in decimal. )saddr???<CR> Read three consecutive registers in decimal.
Block read comm and in decimal format. Read consecutive regis ters starting with starting add r ess saddr and ending with add r ess eaddr.
Results given in decimal. )saddr$<CR> Read the reg ister word in hex. )saddr$$ <CR> Read two consecutive register words in hex. )saddr$$$<CR> Read three consecutive register words in hex.
Block read comm and in hex format. R ead
consecutive regis ters starting with starting
add r ess saddr and ending with add r ess eaddr.
Results given in hex. )saddr=n<CR> Write th e value n to address saddr in hex format. )saddr=n=m<CR> Write the values n and m to two consec utive
add r esses starting at saddr in hex format. )saddr=+n<CR> Write the valu e n to address saddr in decimal
format. )saddr=+n=+m<CR> Writ e the valu es n and m to two con secutive
add r esses starting at saddr in decimal format.
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Examples: )08$<CR> Reads data word 0x08 in hex format.
)08$$<CR> Reads data words 0x08, 0x09 in hex format. )08$$$<CR> Reads data words 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A in hex
format. )28:4D$ Read Outlet 1 narrowband data words in hex. )08?<CR> Reads data word 0x08 in decimal format. )08??<CR> Reads data words 0x08, 0x09 in decimal format. )08???<CR> Reads data words 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A in decimal
format. )28:4D? Read Outlet 1 narrowband d ata words in dec imal. )04=12345678<CR> Writes word @ 0x04 in hex format. )04=12345678=9876ABCD<CR> Writes two words starting @ 0x04 in hex format. )04=+123<CR> Writes two words starting @ 0x04 in decimal
format. )04=+123=+334<CR> Writes two words starting @ 0x04 in decimal
MPU or XDATA space is the add r ess range for the MPU XRAM (0x00 to 0x7F). Addresses from 0x80 to FF wrap to 0x00 to 0x7F. The MPU regist er s differ in size, LSBs and format.

4.4 Auxiliary Commands

4.4.1 Repeat Command

The repeat comm and can be useful for monitoring measu r ements and i s efficien t in demands from the host.
If the host reques ts line frequ ency, alar m st atus, Irms nb overcurrent event count, Vrms SAG event count, Vrms overvoltage event count , voltage, power, and ac cumulated energy measur em ents for Out let 1 with the fol l owing command st r i ng:
>)01????????<CR> If the host then desires t his s am e r eques t without issuing another c om mand, the rep eat command can be
used: >, (no carriage retu r n needed for t he repeat comm and) The hos t only needs to send one character rather than an entire string.
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Description: Various Commands: , Typing a comma (“, ” ) r epeats the c om mand
issued from the pr evious command line. This is very helpful when ex amin ing the value at a certai n address ove r time, such as the CE DRAM address for the temp er ature.
/ The slash (“/”) is useful to s eparate c omm ents
from comm ands when sendi ng macro text files via the serial inter face. All character s in a li ne after the slash are i gnored.

4.5 Calibration Commands

Using the pr ecision source met hod, th e user provides a precis i on voltage an d precision current load i s provid ed to the device for cal i bration. The 6612_OMU_S2_URT_V1_13 fir mware provid es commands to calibrate the measurement units. For l i near current sens or s, suc h as current shunt, no phase c al ibration is necessary.
There ar e two types of calibr ation commands. The first type provides compl ete calibration. The s econd group, called atomic calib r ation commands, provides calibration for individual portions of the IC.

4.5.1 Complete Calibration Command (“Single Command Calibration”)

There ar e two ca libration comm ands in this first group: CAL and CALW. Only one of these commands is needed to calib r at e the System/Unit.
To use these commands, a p r ecision voltage source and a precisi on current source are r equir ed CAL Command
To use the CAL command, enter the following: >CAL<CR> The respon se is: TCal OK
VCal OK ICal 0 OK >
The dev i ce would calibrate the temper ature (reads CE register 71, enters i t into MPU register C0, and saves to flash) , calibrate t he voltage (adjusts CAL VA and CAL VB registers and saves them to flas h), and finally calibrate the cur r ent (adjusts CAL IA r egister and saves to flash). CALW Command
To use the CALW comm and, enter the following: >CALW<CR> The response is: TCal OK
VCal OK WCal 0 OK >
10 Rev. 1.1
FDD_6612_ 010 6612_OMU_S2_URT_V1_13 Firmware Description Document The dev i ce will calibr ate th e temperature, calibrate the volt age, and finally calibrate the pow er and save
all values to flash . The commands are summari zed in the table below:
CALx Complete Calibration Commands
Description: Allows the u ser to Cali brate the IC . Usage: CAL Calibrates temperatu r e, th en voltage,
and finally current for Outlet 1.
CAL2 Calib r ates temperature, then voltage,
and finally current for Outlet 2.
CAL3 Calib r ates temperature, then voltage,
and finally current for both Outlet1 and Outlet 2.
CALW Calib r ates temperature, then voltage,
and finally power for Outlet 1.
CALW2 Calibrates temperatu r e, th en voltage,
and finally power for Outlet 2.
CALW3 Calibrates temperatu r e, th en voltage,
and finally power for both Outlet1 and Outlet 2.

4.5.2 Atomic Calibration C omm ands

The atomic cal i brati on commands prov i de individual calibration of voltage, current, temperature, watts and a sequen ce of these resul ts in providing ful l calibr ation for the unit. CLV Command
An example of an atom ic calibration command would be to calibrate voltage with the CLV com mand. The CLV comman d calibr ates voltage to the target value and tolerance and saves the coefficients to flash. The CLV command exam ple is given below:
>CLV<CR> The response is: VCal OK
> CLI Command
The us er can then cali brate the current on Outlet 1 using the CLI1 command. The CLI1 command calibrates the current on Outl et 1 to t he target value and tolerance an d saves t he coe fficients t o fl ash. The CLI1 command example is given below:
>CLI1<CR> The response is: ICal 0 OK
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6612_OMU_S2_URT_V1_13 Firmware Description Document FDD_6612_010 CLT Command
The CLT command is used for the temperature c alibration. With this com mand, the contents of CE register 71 are read and entered into MP U regis ter C0 and the content s are saved to flash. The CL T command example i s given below::
>CLT<CR> The response is: TCal OK
> A summary of th e atomic calibration com mands are given i n the table below:
CLxx Atomi c Calibration Commands
Description: Allows t he us er to Calibrate individual sections of th e IC. Usage: CLV Calib r ates voltage only.
CLI1 Cali brate c urren t on Outlet 1 only. CLI2 Cali brate c urren t on Outlet 2 only. CLI3 Cali brate for cur r ent on both Outlet 1 and
Outlet 2 only . CLW1 Calibrate for power on Outlet 1 only. CLW2 Calibrate for power on Outlet 2 only. CLW3 Calibrate for power on Outlet 1 and Outlet 2
only. CLT Calib r ate temperat ure onl y.
The commands that follow are mainly for advanced users and are included for reference only. These commands are not needed to operate the 78M6612 OMU or AC-PMON demo kits.
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4.6 CE Data Acc es s Co m ma nds

The CE is the main signal processing unit in the 78M6612. The us er writes to the CE dat a space are mainly for calibration purposes.
The 78M6612 OMU demo units and 78M6612 AC-PMON demo units come pre-calibrated. N o user writes to the CE data spac e ar e necessary.
For the advanced u ser, d etails of CE dat a access commands are g i ven. The com mands simil ar to th e MPU ac cess except that ] is used for the CE data access com mand.
The host requests access to information from the CE dat a space using the CE d ata access c ommand which is a right bracket:
] To request i nformation, the host sends the CE data access command, the address (in hex) which is
requested, the format in which the d ata is desi r ed (hex or decimal) and a carriage return. The content s of the addresses that would be requested by the host are contained in Section 5.
The hos t can r eques t the information in hex or decimal format. $ requests i nformation in hex and ? requests information i n decimal.

4.6.1 Single Register CE Access

An example of a comm and requestin g the c al ibration constant for curr ent on Outlet 1 (located at ad dress 0x08) in decimal is as follows:
>]08?<CR> An example of a comm and requestin g the c al ibration constant for curr ent on Outlet 1 (located at ad dress
0x08) in hex is as follows: >]08$<CR>

4.6.2 Consecutive CE Reads

The hos t can r eques t information form consecu tive addresses by add i ng additional ? for decimal or add i tional $ for hex.
An example of requests for the contents in decimal of ten consecutive addr esses starting with 0x08 would be: >]08??????????<CR> An example of requests for the contents in hex of ten consecutive addresses starting with 0x08 would be: >]08$$$$$$$$$$<CR> Note: The num ber of ch ar acters per line is limited to no more th an 60.
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4.6.3 U Command

The U command is used for updating defaul t values of the CE Data in flash. The descr i ption is given in the CE cont r ol Command section.
Add i tional examples are provided in the table that follows:
] CE Data Access
Description: Allows user to r ead from and write to CE data space. Usage: ] {S tarting CE Data Addres s}{option}… { option}<CR> Command
Examples: ]40$<CR> Reads C E data word 0x4 0 in hex.
]saddr?<CR> R ead 32-bit word in decimal. ]saddr??<CR> R ead two consecu tive 32-bit words in decimal. ]saddr???<CR> R ead three consecutive 32-bit words in decimal. ]saddr$<CR> R ead 32-bit words in hex. ]saddr$$<CR> R ead two consecu tive 32-bit words in hex. ]saddr$$$<CR> R ead three consecutive 32-bit words in hex. ]U<CR> Update default versi on of CE Data in
FLASH. Important: The CE must be
stopped (CE0) before issuing this command! Also, remember to restart
by executing the CE1 command prior to attempting measurements.
]40$$<CR> Reads CE data words 0x40 and 0x41 in hex. ]40$$$<CR> Read s CE data words 0x40, 0x41 and 0x42 in
hex. ]40?<CR> Reads CE data words 0x40 in decimal. ]40??<CR> Reads CE data words 0x40 and 0x41 in decimal. ]40???<CR> Reads CE data words 0x40, 0x41 and 0x42 in
decimal. ]7E=12345678=9876ABCD<CR> Writes word at 0x7E (hex format). ]7E=12345678=9876ABCD<CR> Writes two words star ting at 0x7E (hex format) . ]7E=+2255<CR> Write th e value 2255 in decimal to locati on 0x7 E. ]7E=+2255=+456<CR> Write th e value 2255 in decimal to locati on 0x7 E
and the value 456 in decimal to location 0x8E.
CE data space is the address range for the C E DRA M (0 x1000 to 0x13FF). All CE data words are in 4-byte (32-bit) format. The offs et of 0 x100 0 does n ot have to be entered when using the ] command, thus typing ]A? will access t he 32-b i t word located at the byte add r ess 0x1000 + 4 * A = 0x1028 .
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4.7 CE Control Commands

The most per tinent comm and is the enable comm and, CEn. It is mai nly used to turn the CE on or off such that the CE data contents can be updated in flash using the U command. The CE i s normally on but in order to update the CE data entry, the CE must first be turned off using the CE0.

4.7.1 CE Data Write

If the cal coeffici ent for t he IA curren t input is changed: >]08=FFFFC9B0<CR>

4.7.2 Tu rn Off CE Command

For this valu e to be t he default valu e, th e U command is used. The CE m ust first be tu r ned off u sing the CE0 comman d:

4.7.3 U Command

The U command is now iss ued to change the default value set above as follows: >]U<CR>

4.7.4 Turn On CE Command

The CE must then be turned on using the CE1 command: >CE1<CR> The default value for the CA L IA coefficient is now changed in the CE Data spac e and i s updated i n
Flash. The CE C ontrol Commands are highlight ed in the table below:
C Compute Engine Control
Description: Allows the user t o enabl e and c onfigure the com pute engine. Usage: C {option} {argu ment}<CR> Command
Examples: CE0<CR> Disables the CE.
CEn<CR> Compute Engine Enable (1 E nable, 0  Dis-
CTn<CR> Select input n for TMUX output pi n. Enter n in
hex notation. CREn<CR> RTM out put control ( 1 Enab le, 0 Disable) CRSa.b.c.d<CR> Selects CE addresses for RTM outpu t.
(maximu m of four).
CE1<CR> Enables the CE . CT1E<CR> S elects the CE_BUSY signal for t he TMUX
outpu t pi n.
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4.8 I/O RAM (Configuration RAM) Command

The RI command is used for al teri ng the I/O RAM contents. This is usually n ot necess ary as the FW defaults these s ettings appropriat ely.
One case where t he RI com mand could be used would be to speed up the ac cumulation interval f or energy measurements. If the accumulation interval is to be r educ ed by h alf from its default value, the following command is entered:
>RI1=+30<30> More details on the accumulation in terval are given in Section 5.
R DIO and SFR Control
Description: Allows the us er to read from and write to I/O RA M.. Usage: RI {option} {register} … {option } <CR > Command
Combinations: Example: RI60$$$$<CR> Read all four RTM probe registers.
Configuration RAM space is the address r ange 0x2 000 to 0x20FF. This RAM c ontains registers used for configuring basic hardware and functional properties of the 78M6612 and is organized in bytes (8 bits). The 0x2000 offset is automatically added when the command RI is typed.
RIx…<CR> Select I/ O RAM location x (0x2000 offset is
automatically added).
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Minimum Temperature Alarm.
Definiti o n for Status Register

5 MPU Measurement Outputs

This section describes the measurement outputs that can be obtained. Energy outputs are accumulated numbers. The default accumulation interval is 1 second (999.75 ms). The host access i ng the measurement in formation from the 78M6612 more frequently will not resu lt in any upd ate in the information. The ac cumulation interval is set by the following:
0.01666 * SUM_CYCLES[5:0] (in sec onds ) wh er e SUM_CYCLE[5:0] are r egister bits in the I/O RA M that can be bet ween 15d and 63d (default is 60d ) . SUM_CYCLES must never be set below 15 (0.250 seconds).
The us er can reduce the accu m ulati on cycle wit h the RI command. To reduce the accu m ulati on interval to 0.5 seconds, enter the following via the UART:
RI1=+30<CR> A )U c om mand will preserve the new accu mul ation value across power resets, by writing them to flash.
Table 2 list s the Narrowband outputs for Outlet 1.
Table 2: Outlet 1 MPU Outputs for Narrowband Method
Alarm Status 02
00 0.1 °C Temperature difference from 22 °C.
01 0.1 Hz Line Frequency.
LSB Comment Example
Bit 0 –
Bit 1 – Maximum Temperature
Bit 2 – Minimum Frequency Alarm.
Bit 3 – Maximum Frequency Alarm.
Bit 4 - SAG Voltage Alarm.
Bit 5 – MINVA under minimum
voltage on VA input.
Bit 6 – MAXVA over maximum
voltage on VA input.
Bit 7 – MAXIA_NB maximum
narrowband current exc eeded on
Outlet 1.
Bit 8 – MAXIA_WB maximum
wideband current exceeded on
Outlet 1.
Bit 9 – PFA_NB negative –
Narrowband Power Factor Negative
Threshold Alarm fo r Outlet 1.
Bit 10 – PFA_NB positive
Narrowband Power Factor Positive
Threshold Alarm for Outlet 1.
Bit 11 – PFA_WB negative -
Wideband Power Factor Negative
Threshold Alarm for Outlet 1.
If external temperature is 32 °C
If the line frequency is 60 Hz:
Alarms become “1” when
thresholds exceeded.
Note: Additional Status Alert is
Located at addr 0xBD
(see Table 8)
Note: When AC voltage input is
less than or equal to 10 V
Only MINVA alarm is active.
All measurements are
forced to 0 except power factor, which is forced to 1.
Note: The frequency
measurement is forced to 0 as
long as the SAG voltage alarm
is active.
Rev. 1.1 17
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