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Terid i an Semic onductor Corp., 6440 Oak C anyon, Su ite 100 , Irvine, CA 92618
TEL (714) 508-8800, FAX (714) 508-8877, http://www.teridian.com
Table 2: Outlet 1 MPU Output s for Narrowband Method
Table 3: Outlet 1 MPU Outputs for Wid eband M ethod
Table 4: Outlet 2 MPU Output s for Narrowband Method
Table 5: Outlet 2 MPU Output s for Wideband M ethod
Table 6: Combined Out lets MPU Outputs for Narrowb and M ethod
Table 7: Combined Out lets MPU Outputs for Wideband Method
Table 8: MPU Parameters
Table 9: CE Parameters
Table 10: MPU Output Summar y Chart
Table 11: MPU Input Summary Chart
Table 12: C E Input Summary Chart
This document describes the firmware 6612_OMU_S2+2_URT_V1_14, which c a n be use d wi th t he
Teridian 78M6612 power and energy measurement IC. This firmware provides simple methods for
calibration, rel ay control, and access to measurement data su ch as W atts, Voltage, Cur r ent, accumulated
Energy and line frequency. It is optimized for measurement of up to two single phase A C loads using
current shun ts as the current sensors, but Current Transformer (CT) sen sors may also be used if desired.
All meas urement cal culations are computed by the 78M6612 and communicated to the host processor
over a serial interfac e ( UART0) on the TX an d RX pins of the 78M6612 devic e. RTC (real time clock),
LCD D r iver, and Battery Modes ar e not s uppor ted by t his fir mware. Additio na l 78M6612 hardware
utilized by this firmware includes:
• DIO20 used as a configurabl e status alarm output pin
• DIO4, DIO5, and DIO8 as LED outputs for Active, Ready, and Faul t st atus
• DIO7 and DIO19 used as co nfigurable relay control ouputs
• DIO6 used as an opti onal pu lse output
The follo wing s ections detai l th e commands t o be sent by the hos t to configure the 78M6612 and for
accessing measurement information.
2 Description of Basic Measurement Equations
The Teridian 78M6612 with firmware 6612_OMU_S2+2_URT_V1_14 provides the user with two types of
continuously u pdati ng m easurement data (on 1 second incremen ts by default). One is defined as
“Narrowband” (NB) and the other is defined as “Wideband” (WB).
Narrowband meas urement s are typical ly used by uti l ities where the meas ured waveforms are
assumed to be sin usoidal.
Wideband measurements are generally of interest when measuring nonlinear systems such as
switched mode power su ppl ies that tend to have non -sinusoidal waveforms. This firmware
utilizes an effective samp ling rate of 3641 sam ples per sec ond.
Table 1 lists the basic measurement equations for the Narrowband and the Wideband methods.
Table 1: Measurement Equations Definitions
Symbol Parameter Narrowband Equation Wideband Equation
V RMS Voltage V = √∑v(t)2 V = √∑v(t)2
I RMS Current I = S/V
P Active Power P = ∑ (i(t) * v(t)) P = ∑ (i(t) * v(t))
PF Power Factor P/S P/S
PA Phase Angle ACOS (P/S) ACOS (P/S)
Q = ∑ (i(t) * v(t)shift 90º)
S = √(P2 + Q2) S = V * I
I = √∑i(t)2
Q = √(S2 – P2)
Both typ es of meas urement ou tputs ar e continuously available to th e user. To obtai n measurem ent
outputs, the serial UART interfac e between the 78M6612 and the host pr ocessor m ust be set up and is
described in the next section.
The serial comm unication with th e 78M6 612 tak es place over a UART (UAR T0) interfac e. The d efaul t
settings for the UART of the 78M6612, as implemented i n this firm ware, are given below:
Bau d Rate: 38400bps
Data B its: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
The hos t’s s er ial interface port is required to i mp lement these s ettings on its UART. To verify
communication between the host and the 78M6612, the host must send a <CR> ( carriage return) to the
78M6612. Communication is verified when the 78M6612 returns a > (greater than sign) known as the
command prompt. An example is given below:
The host sends the following to the 78M6612:
The 78M6612 sends the following back to the host:
Commands the host may send to the 78M6612 in order for the host to configur e the 78M6612 or to
receive the measurement data are given in the next sec tion .
Firmware 6612_OMU_S 2+2_URT_V1_14 implements an instruction set called the Command Line
Interface (CLI), which facilitates communication via U ART between the 78M6612 and the host proces sor.
The CLI provides a set of commands wh ich are u sed by the host to confi gur e and to obtain information
from t he 78M 6612.
4.1 Identification and Information Commands
The I command is used to identi fy the re visions of Demo Cod e and the c ontain ed CE code. The host
sends th e I command to th e 78M66 12 as follows:
The 78M6612 will send back to the host the following:
TSC 78M6612 OMU S2+2 URT v1.14, Feb 09 2010(c)2009 Teridian S emiconductor Corp .
All Rights Reserved
4.2 R eset Comman ds
A soft r eset of the 78M66 12 can be performed by usin g the Z com mand . The soft r eset res tarts code
execution at ad dr 000 0 but does not al ter flash con tents. To issue a soft r eset to the 78M6612, the host
sends the following:
The W command acts like a h ar dware reset. The energy accu mu lators i n XRA M will retain their values.
Z Reset
Description: Allows the user to caus e soft resets.
Usage: Z Soft reset.
The most p er tin ent is the MPU data acces s command. All the measurement calc ulations are stored i n the
MPU data addres ses of the 78M6612. The h ost requests measu r ement i nform ation u sing the MPU data
access command which is a right parenthesis
To request information, th e host sends the MPU data access command, the addres s (in hex) which is
requested, the format in which the dat a i s desired (Hex or Decimal) and a carr i age r eturn. Th e cont ents
of the addresses that would be request ed by the h ost are c ontai ned in Section 5.
4.3.1 Individual Address Read
The hos t can request the information in hex or decimal format. $ requests in formation in hex, and ?
requests information in decimal. When requesting information in decimal, the data is prec eded by a + or
a -. The exception is )AB? which returns a string (see the AB description).
An example of a command requesting the meas ured power in Watts from Outlet 1 (located at address
0x08) in decimal is as follows:
An example of a command requesting the meas ured power in Watts from Outlet 1 (located at address
0x08) in hex is as follows:
4.3.2 Consecutive Read
The hos t can request in formation from con secutive addresses by ad din g additional ? for decimal or
add i tion al $ for h ex.
An example of requests for the c ontents in decim al of ten c onsecuti ve addresses starting with 0x12 is:
An example of requests for the c ontents in hex of ten consecutive addresses starting with 0x12 would be:
Note: The number of c haracters p er line is limited to no more than 60.
The block read command can also be used to read consecutive registers: )saddr:eaddr? For decimal
format or )saddr:eaddr$ for hex fo r mat where saddr is the start address and eaddr is the final ad dress .
The following block r ead command r equest s the Outlet 1 wideband information contai ned i n Table 4in
deci mal format:
4.3.4 Concatenated Reads
Multipl e commands c an al so be added on a single line. Reques ting information i n decimal from two
locati ons and the bloc k command from above are given below:
Note: The number of c haracters p er line is limited to no more than 60.
Description: Allows user t o r ead from an d write to MPU data space.
Usage: ) {Starting MPU Data Address} {opt ion}…{option}<CR>
Examples: )08$<CR> Reads data word 0x08 in hex format.
)saddr? <CR> Read the regist er in decimal.
)saddr?? <CR> Read two consecut i ve regi sters i n decimal.
)saddr???<CR> Read three consecut ive registers in decimal.
Block read command in decimal format. Read
consecutive regi sters starting with starting
add r ess saddr and endi ng with addres s eaddr.
Results given in decimal.
)saddr$<CR> Read the register word in hex.
)saddr$$ <CR> Read two consecutive register words in hex.
)saddr$$$<CR> Read three consecutive register words in hex.
Block read command in hex format. Read
consecutive regi sters starting with starting
add r ess saddr and endi ng with addres s eaddr.
Results given in hex.
)saddr=n<CR> Write the value n to add r ess saddr in hex format.
)saddr=n=m<CR> Write th e values n and m to two consecu tive
add r esses s tarti ng at saddr in hex format.
)saddr=+n<CR> Write the value n to addres s saddr in decimal
)saddr=+n=+m<CR> Write the values n and m to two cons ecut ive
add r esses s tarti ng at saddr in decimal format.
)08$$<CR> Reads data words 0x08, 0x09 in hex format.
)08$$$<CR> Reads data words 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A in hex
)28:4D$ Read Outlet 1 narrowband data words in hex.
)08?<CR> Reads data word 0x08 in decimal format.
)08??<CR> Reads data words 0x08, 0x09 in decimal format.
)08???<CR> Reads data words 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A in decimal
)28:4D? Read Outlet 1 wideband data words in decimal.
)04=12345678<CR> Writes word @ 0x04 in hex format.
)04=12345678=9876ABCD<CR> Writes two words starting @ 0x04 in hex format.
)04=+123<CR> Writes word @ 0x04 in d ecim al format.
)04=+123=+334<CR> Writes two words starting @ 0x04 in decimal
MPU or XDATA space is th e address r ange for the MPU X RA M ( 0x00 to 0x7F). Addresses
from 0x80 to FF wrap to 0x00 to 0x7F. The MPU reg isters differ in size, L SBs and format.
The repeat c ommand can be usefu l for monitoring m easuremen ts and i s efficient in demands from the
If the host requ ests l ine freq uency, alarm st atus, Irms nb overc urrent event count, Vrms SAG event count,
Vrms overvoltage even t cou nt, voltage, power, an d acc umu l ated energy measurements for Outlet 1 with
the fol l owing c om mand string:
If the host then desires this same request without iss uing another command, the repeat command c an be
>, (no carriage return needed for the repeat command)
The hos t onl y needs to sen d one charact er r ather than an entire string.
Description: Various
Commands: , Typing a c om ma (“,”) repeats t he command
issued from the previous com mand l ine. This is
very helpful when exami ning the value at a
certai n address over time, such as the CE
DRAM addr ess for the temperature.
/ The slash (“/”) is useful to separ ate comments
from commands when sending m acro text fi les
via the serial interface. Al l characters i n a line
after the slash ar e ignored.
Using th e pr ecision sou r ce method, the u ser provides a precis i on voltage and precision cu r r ent l oad to
the device fo r calib r ati on. The 6612_OMU_S2+2_URT_V1_14 firmware provides commands to calibrate
the measurement units. For lin ear current sensors, su ch as current shunt, no phase calibration is
There ar e two types of c alibration commands. The first type provides complet e calib r ation. The second
group, called atomic calib r ation commands, provides calibration for individual portions of the IC.
There ar e two calib r ation commands in this first grou p: CAL and CALW. Only one of these commands
is needed to calib r at e the System/Unit.
To use these c ommands, a precision voltage s ource and a precision current source are requi r ed CAL Command
To use the CA L command, enter the following :
The response is:
ICal 0 OK
The dev i ce would cal ibrate th e temperature (reads CE register 71, ent er s it into MPU register C0, and
saves to flash), cal ibrate th e voltage (adj ust s CAL VA and CAL VB r egisters and saves th em to flash),
and finally calibrate th e current (adju sts CAL IA regist er and saves to flash).
To use the CALW comm and, enter the following:
The response is:
WCal 0 OK
The dev i ce will calibrate t he temperatu r e, calibrate the voltage, and finally calibrate the po wer and s ave
all values t o flash.
The commands are summarized in the table below:
CALx Complete Calibration Commands
Description: Allows the user to Calibr ate the IC.
Usage: CAL Calibrates temperature, then voltage,
and finally current for Outlet 1.
CAL2 Calib r ates t emp er ature, then volt age,
and finally current for Outlet 2.
CAL3 Calib r ates t emp er ature, then volt age,
and finally current for both Outlet1 and
Outlet 2.
The atomic c al ibration c ommands provide individual calibration of voltage, cur r ent, temperature, watts
and a sequence of these result s in providing fu l l calibration for the unit. CLV Command
An example of an atomic c alibration comm and would be to calibrate volt age with t he CLV command. The
CLV command calibrates voltage to t he target value and tolerance and s aves the coefficien ts t o flash.
The CLV command example is gi ven below:
The response is:
> CLI Command
The us er can then calibrate the cu r r ent on Outlet 1 using the CLI1 command. The CLI 1 comm and
calibrates the current on Outlet 1 to the target valu e and tol er ance and saves the c oefficients to fl ash.
The CLI1 command example is given below:
The response is:
ICal 0 OK
> CLP Command
The us er can calibrate for phase added by a current transformer by using the CLP command. The CLP
command calib r ates th e phase on Outlet 1 to the target valu e and toleran ce and saves the coefficient to
flash. An example of th e procedure is given below.
App l y a c ontrol led precision vol tage and current s ig nal at a set ph ase angle.
The CLT command is us ed for the temperature calib r ation. Wi th this command, the content s of CE
register 71 are read and entered i nto MPU r egister C0 and the c ontents are saved to flash. Th e C LT
command exampl e i s given below:
The response is:
A summary of the atomic calibration commands are gi ven in the table below:
CLxx Atomic Calibration
Description: Allows the user to Calib r ate individ ual sections of the IC.
Usage: CLV Calibrates volt age only.
CLI1 Calib r ate current on Outlet 1 only.
CLI2 Calib r ate current on Outlet 2 only.
CLI3 Calib r ate for current on both Outl et 1 and Outlet 2
CLW1 Calibrate for power on Outlet 1 only.
CLW2 Calibrate for power on Outlet 2 only.
CLW3 Calibrate for power on both Outlet 1 and Outlet 2.
CLP Cal ibrate for phase on Outlet 1 only. Generally only
used when using cu r r ent transformers.
CLP2 Calibrate for phase on Outlet 2 only. Generally onl y
used when using cu r r ent transformers.
CLP3 Calibrate for phase on both Outlet 1 and Outlet 2.
Gener ally on ly used when using cu r r ent transformers.
CLT Calib r ate temperature only.
The commands that follow are mainly for advanced users and are included for reference only.
The CE i s the main signal proces sing unit in the 78M6612. The user writes to the C E data space are
mainly for calibration purposes. For the advanc ed user, details of CE data access commands are
described. Th e commands similar to th e M PU access except that ] is u sed for the CE data access
The hos t request s access to inform ation from the CE data space using the CE data access command
which is a right bracket:
To request information, th e host sends the CE data access c ommand, the address (in hex) which is
requested, the format in which the data is desired (hex or decimal) and a car r iage return. The cont ents of
the addr esses that would be r equested b y the host are contained in Section 5.
The hos t can request the information in hex or decimal format. $ requests information in hex and ?
requests information in decimal.
4.6.1 Single Register CE Access
An example of a command requesting the calibration constant for c urrent on Outlet 1 (located at address
0x08) in decimal is as follows:
An example of a command requesting the calibration cons tant for current on Outlet 1 (located at ad dress
0x08) in hex is as follows:
4.6.2 Consecutive CE Reads
The hos t can request in formation form con secutive addresses by ad din g additional ? for dec imal or
add i tion al $ for h ex.
An example of requests for the c ontents in decim al of ten c onsecutive addresses starting with 0x08 would be:
An example of requests for the contents in hex of ten consecutive addresses starting with 0x08 would be:
Note: The number of c haracters p er line is limited to no more than 60.
The U command is used for updat ing default values of the CE Data in flash . The desc r ipt i on is given i n
the CE control Command secti on.
Additional examples are pro vided i n the table that follows:
] CE Data Access
Description: Allows user t o r ead from an d write to CE data s pace.
Usage: ] {S tarting CE Data Add r ess}{option}…{option}<CR>
Examples: ]40$<CR> Reads CE data word 0x40 in hex.
CE data space is the address range for the CE DRAM (0x1000 to 0x13FF). All CE data words
are in 4-byte (32-bit) format. The offset of 0x1000 does not have to be entered when using the
] command, thus typing ]A? will ac cess the 32-bit word located at the byte address 0x1000 + 4
* A = 0x1028.
]saddr?<CR> R ead 32-bit word in decimal.
]saddr??<CR> R ead two consecutive 32-bit words in decimal.
]saddr???<CR> R ead three consecutive 3 2-bit words in decimal.
]saddr$<CR> R ead 32-bit words in hex.
]saddr$$<CR> R ead two consecutive 32-bit words in hex.
]saddr$$$<CR> R ead three consecutive 32-bit words in hex.
]U<CR> Update default version of CE Data in
FLASH. Important: The CE must be
stopped (CE0) before issuing this
command! Also, remember to restart
by executing the CE1 command prior to
attempting measurements.
]40$$<CR> Reads CE data words 0x40 and 0x41 in hex.
]40$$$<CR> Reads CE dat a words 0x40, 0x41 and 0x42 in
]40?<CR> Reads CE data words 0x40 in decimal.
]40??<CR> Reads CE data words 0x40 and 0x41 in decimal.
]40???<CR> Reads CE dat a words 0x40, 0x41 and 0x42 in
]7E=12345678<CR> Writes word at 0x7 E (hex format).
]7E=12345678=9876ABCD<CR> Wri tes two words s tarting at 0x7E (hex format).
]7E=+2255<CR> Write the value 2255 in decimal to l ocation 0x7E.
]7E=+2255=+456<CR> Write the value 2255 in decimal to l ocation 0x7 E
The most p er tin ent command is the enable c om mand , CEn. It is mainly used to t urn the C E on or off
such th at the CE data contents can be updated in flash using the U comm and. The CE is n or mally on but
in order to update the CE data entry, the CE must first be turned off using the CE0.
4.7.1 CE Data Write
If the cal coefficient for the IA current inp ut is ch anged:
4.7.2 Tu rn Off C E Command
For this value to b e the default value, th e U command is used. The CE must first be turned off using the
CE0 command:
4.7.3 U Command
The U command is now is sued to change the default value set above as foll ows:
4.7.4 Turn On CE Command
The CE must then be turned on using the CE1 comm and:
The default value for th e C AL IA coefficient is now changed in the CE Data space and is updated in
The CE C ontrol Command s are highlighted in the table below:
C Compute Engine Control
Description: Allows the us er to enable an d configure the c om pute engine.
Usage: C {option} {argument}<CR>
Examples: CE0<CR> Disables the CE.
CEn<CR> Compute Engine Enable (1 Enable,
0 Disable)
CTn<CR> Select input n for TMUX out put pin. Enter n i n hex
CREn<CR> RTM output cont r ol ( 1 Enable, 0 Disable)
CRSa.b.c.d<CR> Selects CE addresses for RTM output. (maximum
of four ).
CE1<CR> Enables th e C E.
CT1E<CR> Selects t he CE_ BUSY signal for the TMUX output
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