The MAX1454 evaluation system (EV system) includes
one MAX1454 master board and one MAX1454 evaluation kit (EV board). The MAX1454 daughter board
system (DB system) includes one MAX1454 daughter
board and one MAX1454 EV board. The EV system,
when combined with the DB system, provides a proven
design to evaluate up to 15 MAX1454 precision sensor signal conditioners. The EV system also includes
Windows XPM-, Windows VistaM-, and WindowsM 7-compatible software that provides a simple graphical user
interface (GUI) for exercising the features of the IC. The
master board includes interface circuitry to communicate between the IC and the host computer, circuitry to
address each of the 15 devices in a fully loaded system,
and circuitry to connect to the EV board in position 1.
The EV board comes installed with a MAX1454AUE/V+ in
a 16-pin TSSOP package. The daughter board includes
circuitry and relays to connect to the EV board. Each
position in the system, with the exception of position 1,
requires a daughter board and an EV board. Therefore,
to evaluate 15 MAX1454 devices, one EV system and
14 DB systems are required. Figure 1 shows a partially
expanded system, for four positions.
SUSB Powered
SEvaluates Up to 15 MAX1454 Devices
SDaughter Board and EV Board Powered by the
Master Board
SSensor Socket on the EV Board
SOn-Board ADC to Read the OUT Voltage of the
SWindows XP-, Windows Vista-, and Windows
7-Compatible Software
SUser-Friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI)
SProven PCB Layout
SFully Assembled and Tested
Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.
Figure 1. MAX1454 EV System (4-Position System, Expandable to 15 Positions)
Windows, Windows XP, and Windows Vista are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Note: In the following sections, software-related items
are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items
directly from the EV system software. Text in bold and underlined refers to items from the Windows operating
The EV system is fully assembled and tested. Follow the
steps below to verify board operation:
1) Visit to download
the latest version of the EV system software, 1454Rxx.
ZIP. Save the EV system software to a temporary
folder and uncompress the ZIP file.
2) Install the EV system software and USB driver
on your computer by running the INSTALL.EXE
program inside the temporary folder. The program
files are copied to your PC and icons are created
in the Windows Start | Programs | Maxim EVKIT Software | MAX1454 menu. During software installation, some versions of Windows may show a warning message indicating that this software is from an
unknown publisher. This is not an error condition and
it is safe to proceed with installation. Administrator
privileges are required to install the USB device driver
on Windows.
3) Verify that all jumpers (JU1–JU7) are in their default
positions, as shown in Table 1.
4) Connect the J3 connector of the master board to the J1
connector of the EV board with the provided flex cable.
5) Connect the USB cable from the PC to the master
board. A Windows message appears when connecting the master board to the PC for the first time.
Each version of Windows has a slightly different message. If you see a Windows message stating ready to use, then proceed to the next step. Otherwise,
open the USB_Driver_Help_200.PDF document in the
Windows Start | Programs | Maxim EVKIT Software | MAX1454 menu to verify that the USB driver was
installed successfully.
6) Start the EV system software by opening its icon in
the Start | Programs | Maxim EVKIT Software | MAX1454 menu. The EV system software main window appears, as shown in Figure 2.
7) The EV system software automatically detects the
MAX1454, and a is displayed under Device #1.
8) In the Output MUX group box (Figure 2), select VDD
from the Signal drop-down list.
9) Press the Read Output button and verify that the
returned value that appears next to the button is
approximately 2.5V.
Table 1. Master Board Jumper Settings (JU1–JU7)
*Default position.
1-2*EV system powered by the USB.
2-3Connect an external 5V supply to the DVDD and DGND connector.
1-2*The on-board LDO (U13) provides 3V output to the EV system.
OpenDisconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U13).
1-2*The on-board LDO (U14) provides 2.5V output to the EV system.
OpenDisconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U14).
1-2*The on-board LDO (U15) provides 5V output to the EV system.
OpenDisconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U15).
1-2Selects 3.3V to connect to the VDDX of the active device.
1-3Selects EXT_VDD to connect to the VDDX of the active device.
1-4*Selects 5V to connect to the VDDX of the active device.
1-2*The 3.3V output of the on-board LDO (U19) connects to pin 2 of jumper JU5.
OpenDisconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U19).
1-2*The 5V output of the on-board LDO (U21) connects to pin 1 of jumper JU5.
2-3Disconnects the output of the on-board LDO (U21).
Table 2. Daughter Board Jumper Settings (JU1)
*Default position.
1-2*Daughter board powered by master board
2-3Connect an external 5.5V supply to the DVDD and GND connector
The MAX1454 EV system software (Figure 2) has all the
functions to configure the MAX1454. When the software
starts up, it scans the system and determines the number
and position of operational MAX1454 present in the system. The first operational MAX1454 device is selected,
powered up, and initialized to communicate in digital
Evaluates: MAX1454
If the number or the positions of the operational devices
on the system is changed, press the Scan button. After
the Scan button is pressed, the EV system checks
every position of the system (1 through 15) and identifies all positions with operating devices. If the device is
present, the software displays a . Otherwise, the
software displays a . The value in the Selected Device
drop-down list identifies the active device-under-test
System Power/DIO
To power off the system, press the OFF radio button in
the System Power/DIO group box. Press the ON radio
button to power up the system and the previously selected MAX1454 device. The selected device is initialized to
communicate in digital mode.
The Command edit box can be used to enter and
execute any of the commands listed in the Interpreter Definition section. The Return Message is shown at the
right of the Command edit box.
Register Settings Tab
After the software starts up and is connected to an active
device selected in the Selected Device drop-down list,
the default register values on the Register Settings tab
sheet (Figure 2) are written in the active MAX1454 registers. Through the software, all parameters with a white
window area can be edited by the user. The parameters
can be edited by typing a new value in the edit box,
selecting from a drop-down list, or by pressing a button.
The revised value is automatically written to the corresponding MAX1454 register. All entries can be in hexadecimal or decimal format, except the FSODAC/ODAC Index, which must be in decimal format.
Values in each one of the FSODAC, FSOTCDAC,
ODAC, and OTCDAC registers can be changed by its
corresponding block, as explained in Figure 3. The sign
bit does not apply to FSODAC and FSOTCDAC. The
Configuration Register 1 register (CONFIG1) value is
updated automatically as the ODAC and OTCDAC sign
Figure 3. Register Controls
bits are changed. Values for these parameters can be
selected to be in decimal or hexadecimal format. Refer to
the MAX1454 IC data sheet for acceptable values.
The IRO and PGA control block set values of IRO (including IRO sign) and PGA values. Configuration Register 1 (CONFIG1) value is updated automatically as these
parameters are updated. Values for these parameters
can be selected to be in decimal or hexadecimal format. Refer to the MAX1454 IC data sheet for acceptable
Sensor Polarity
This button corresponds to the PGA Sign bit in the
Configuration Register 1 (CONFIG1). To invert the
polarity of the input signal, press to switch to negative.
The Configuration Register 1 (CONFIG1) value is
updated automatically as the PGA sign bit is changed.
Functional Buttons
The Update Registers from Flash button updates all
DAC and configuration registers from the flash memory
of the active DUT. FSODAC and ODAC are updated
from the lookup tables’ locations pointed to by the
The Copy Registers to Flash button copies the register values shown on the GUI to the flash memory of the
active DUT. All 176 locations of the FSODAC lookup
table in the flash memory are filled with the value in the
FSODAC register shown on the GUI. All 176 locations of
the ODAC lookup table in the flash memory are filled with
the value in the ODAC register shown on the GUI.
The Copy Registers to All Devices button does the
same as the Copy Registers to Flash, except that action
is performed on all operational DUTs in the system.
The Read T-Index button reads the internal temperature
ADC and displays the return value in decimal format. The
T-Index value is applied to the temperature conversion
formula given in the MAX1454 IC data sheet and the
resulting value (in NC) is displayed.
The CMRATIO drop-down list in the Programmable
Current Source box selects the desired current-
mirror ratio for sensor excitation. It corresponds to the
CMRATIO bits in the Configuration Register 1. Refer to
the MAX1454 IC data sheet for details.
Output MUX
Select the IC output signal from the Signal drop-down
list within the Output MUX group box. Refer to Table 19
(ALOC definition) in the MAX1454 IC data sheet for more
information about the available signals.
Select the duration for which the selected Signal remains
available on the OUT/DIO pin from the Duration dropdown list. A readout device (e.g., voltmeter) is required
to read the output.
Press the Read Output button to execute the read analog command that outputs the selected Signal onto the
OUT/DIO pin.
Switch to Analog
Press the Switch to Analog button to put the active DUT
into fixed analog mode. In this mode, the device does not
respond to commands. Press the Scan button to return to
the digital programming mode.
User Data
The general-purpose user data is diplayed in the User
Data Page 0 and User Data Page 1 memo boxes.
Configuration Register 1 (CONFIG1)
The Configuration Register 1 group box displays the
current value of the CONFIG1 register.
Configuration Register 2 (CONFIG2)
Items in this group box correspond to parameters in the
CONFIG2 register. Refer to the MAX1454 IC data sheet
for the definition of each parameter.
Power-Up Configuration (PWRUPCFG)
Items in this group box correspond to parameters in
the PWRUPCFG register. Refer to the MAX1454 IC data
sheet for the definition of each parameter.
ADC Reading Tab
The master board has an on-board 16-bit ADC device
(MAX1134) to read the voltage of the OUT/DIO signal of
the MAX1454. The ADC Reading tab sheet (Figure 4)
has a Scope to display the output of the ADC. When the
IC is operating in analog mode, check the Auto Read
OUT/DIO checkbox to start the ADC conversion. The
Scope receives new ADC values approximately every
300ms. If the IC is operating in digital mode, when the
Auto Read OUT/DIO checkbox is checked the software
triggers the Read Output button approximately every
300ms on the Register Settings tab sheet and displays
the ADC return values on the Scope. The Scope displays the last 250 readings. Check the Save Data to File checkbox to start saving the ADC data along with
the message in the Note edit box to a file. The user is
prompted for a file name.
Flash Tab
The Flash tab sheet (Figure 5) is used to read or modify
the contents of the internal flash memory of the active IC.
To read the flash memory, press the Read from DUT Flash button. The contents of the FSODAC and ODAC
lookup tables are shown in the FSODAC/ODAC Lookup Table. The user can use the DEC button to switch the
values in the FSODAC/ODAC Lookup Table between
hexadecimal format and decimal format. The CONFIG1,
flash memory values are shown in the corresponding
edit boxes at the right. The general-purpose user data is
displayed in the User Data Page 0 and User Data Page 1 memo boxes.
Press the Save Flash to File button to save the contents
of the flash to a file. The user is prompted for a file name.
There are two ways to modify the contents of the flash
1) Manually change the contents on this tab sheet and
press the Write to DUT Flash button to write the contents to the active device. The Write to All Devices
button does the same thing except that it writes to all
devices on the EV system.
2) Press the Load Flash from File button to copy the
contents of a file to the flash memory of the active
device. The user is prompted for a file name.
Press the Read from File button to update the contents
of the Flash tab sheet from a file. The user is prompted
for a file name.
Log File Tab
In the Log File tab sheet (Figure 6), the Command
Log memo box logs the interpreter commands (see the
Interpreter Definition section) that were executed. When
the user checks the Save Command Log to File checkbox, the software begins to record the commands to a file
specified by the user until the Save Command Log to File checkbox is unchecked. To execute the commands
from a file, press the Execute Commands from File but-
ton. To clear the Command Log memo box, press the
Clear Command Log button.
The Communication Log memo box is very similar to
the Command Log memo box. The difference is that the
Communication Log logs both the executed interpreter
commands and the return messages from the EV system.
Check the Save Communication Log to File checkbox
to start saving the commands and return messages
to a file. Press the Clear Communication Log button
to clear the Communication Log. Uncheck the Save Communication Log to File checkbox to stop saving
the commands and return messages to a file.