8051 Pin- and Instruction-Set Compatible
Four 8-Bit I/O Ports
Three 16-Bit Timer/Counters
256 Bytes Scratchpad RAM
Large On-Chip Memory
16kB Program Memory
1kB Extra On-Chip SRAM for MOVX
Selects Internal ROM Size from 0 to 16kB
Allows Access to Entire External Memory Map
Dynamically Adjustable by Software
Useful as Boot Block for External Flash
High-Speed Architecture
4 Clocks/Machine Cycle (8051 = 12)
Runs DC to 33MHz Clock Rates
Single-Cycle Instruction in 121ns
Dual Data Pointer
Optional Variable Length MOVX to Access
Fast/Slow RAM/Peripherals
Power Management Mode
Programmable Clock Source to Save Power
CPU Runs from (crystal/64) or (crystal/1024)
Provides Automatic Hardware and Software Exit
EMI Reduction Mode Disables ALE
Two Full-Duplex Hardware Serial Ports
High Integration Controller Includes:
The DS87C520/DS83C520 EPROM/ROM high-speed microcontrollers are fast 8051-compatible
microcontrollers. They feature a redesigned processor core without wasted clock and memory cycles. As
a result, the devices execute every 8051 instruction between 1.5 and 3 times faster than the original for
the same crystal speed. Typical applications will see a speed improvement of 2.5 times using the same
code and the same crystal. The DS87C520/DS83C520 offer a maximum crystal speed of 33MHz,
resulting in apparent execution speeds of 82.5MHz (approximately 2.5X).
The DS87C520/DS83C520 are pin compatible with all three packages of the standard 8051, and include
standard resources such as three timer/counters, serial port, and four 8-bit I/O ports. They feature 16kB of
EPROM or mask ROM with an extra 1kB of data RAM. Both OTP and windowed packages are
Besides greater speed, the microcontroller includes a second full hardware serial port, seven additional
interrupts, programmable Watchdog Timer, Brownout Monitor, and Power-Fail Reset. The device also
provides dual data pointers (DPTRs) to speed block data memory moves. It also can adjust the speed of
MOVX data memory access from two to nine machine cycles for flexibility in selecting external memory
and peripherals.
A new Power Management Mode (PMM) is useful for portable applications. This feature allows software
to select a lower speed clock as the main time base. While normal operation has a machine cycle rate of 4
clocks per cycle, the PMM runs the processor at 64 or 1024 clocks per cycle. For example, at 12MHz,
standard operation has a machine cycle rate of 3MHz. In Power Management Mode, software can select
either 187.5kHz or 11.7kHz machine cycle rate. There is a corresponding reduction in power
consumption when the processor runs slower.
The EMI reduction feature allows software to select a reduced emission mode. This disables the ALE
signal when it is unneeded.
The DS83C520 is a factory mask ROM version of the DS87C520 designed for high-volume, costsensitive applications. It is identical in all respects to the DS87C520, except that the 16kB of EPROM is
replaced by a user-supplied application program. All references to features of the DS87C520 will apply to
the DS83C520, with the exception of EPROM-specific features where noted. Please contact your local
Dallas Semiconductor sales representative for ordering information.
Digital Circuit Ground
Reset Input. The RST input pin contains a Schmitt voltage input
to recognize external active high Reset inputs. The pin also
employs an internal pulldown resistor to allow for a combination
of wired OR external reset sources. An RC is not required for
power-up, as the device provides this function internally.
Crystal Oscillator Pins. XTAL1 and XTAL2 provide support for
parallel-resonant, AT-cut crystals. XTAL1 acts also as an input if
there is an external clock source in place of a crystal. XTAL2
serves as the output of the crystal amplifier.
Program Store-Enable Output. This active-low signal is
commonly connected to optional external ROM memory as a chip
enable. PSEN provides an active-low pulse and is driven high
when external ROM is not being accessed.
Address Latch Enable Output. The ALE functions as a clock to
latch the external address LSB from the multiplexed address/data bus
on Port 0. This signal is commonly connected to the latch enable of an
external 373 family transparent latch. ALE has a pulse width of 1.5
XTAL1 cycles and a period of four XTAL1 cycles. ALE is forced
high when the DS87C520/DS83C520 are in a reset condition. ALE
can also be disabled and forced high by writing ALEOFF = 1
(PMR.2). ALE operates independently of ALEOFF during external
memory accesses.
Port 0 (AD0–7), I/O. Port 0 is an open-drain, 8-bit, bidirectional I/O
port. As an alternate function Port 0 can function as the multiplexed
address/data bus to access off-chip memory. During the time when
ALE is high, the LSB of a memory address is presented. When ALE
falls to a logic 0, the port transitions to a bidirectional data bus. This
bus is used to read external ROM and read/write external RAM
memory or peripherals. When used as a memory bus, the port
provides active high drivers. The reset condition of Port 0 is tri-state.
Pullup resistors are required when using Port 0 as an I/O port.
Port 2 (A8–15), I/O. Port 2 is a bidirectional I/O port. The reset
condition of Port 2 is logic high. In this state, a weak pullup holds
the port high. This condition also serves as an input mode, since
any external circuit that writes to the port will overcome the weak
pullup. When software writes a 0 to any port pin, the
DS87C520/DS83C520 will activate a strong pulldown that
remains on until either a 1 is written or a reset occurs. Writing a 1
after the port has been at 0 will cause a strong transition driver to
turn on, followed by a weaker sustaining pullup. Once the
momentary strong driver turns off, the port again becomes both the
output high and input state. As an alternate function Port 2 can
function as MSB of the external address bus. This bus can be used
to read external ROM and read/write external RAM memory or
Port 3, I/O. Port 3 functions as both an 8-bit, bidirectional I/O
port and an alternate functional interface for External Interrupts,
Serial Port 0, Timer 0 and 1 Inputs, and RD and WR strobes. The
reset condition of Port 3 is with all bits at a logic 1. In this state, a
weak pullup holds the port high. This condition also serves as an
input mode, since any external circuit that writes to the port will
overcome the weak pullup. When software writes a 0 to any port
pin, the DS87C520/DS83C520 will activate a strong pulldown that
remains on until either a 1 is written or a reset occurs. Writing a 1
after the port has been at 0 will cause a strong transition driver to
The DS87C520/DS83C520 are fully static CMOS 8051-compatible microcontrollers designed for high
performance. In most cases, the DS87C520/DS83C520 can drop into an existing socket for the 8xc51
family to improve the operation significantly. While remaining familiar to 8051 family users, the devices
have many new features. In general, software written for existing 8051-based systems works without
modification on the DS87C520/DS83C520. The exception is critical timing since the high-speed
microcontrollers performs instructions much faster than the original for any given crystal selection. The
DS87C520/DS83C520 run the standard 8051 family instruction set and are pin compatible with DIP,
PLCC, or TQFP packages.
The DS87C520/DS83C520 provide three 16-bit timer/counters, full-duplex serial port (2), 256 bytes of
direct RAM plus 1kB of extra MOVX RAM. I/O ports have the same operation as a standard 8051
product. Timers will default to a 12-clock per cycle operation to keep their timing compatible with
original 8051 family systems. However, timers are individually programmable to run at the new four
clocks per cycle if desired. The PCA is not supported.
The DS87C520/DS83C520 provide several new hardware features implemented by new special function
registers. A summary of these SFRs is provided below.
The DS87C520/DS83C520 feature a high-speed 8051-compatible core. Higher speed comes not just from
increasing the clock frequency but also from a newer, more efficient design.
This updated core does not have the dummy memory cycles that are present in a standard 8051. A
conventional 8051 generates machine cycles using the clock frequency divided by 12. In the
DS87C520/DS83C520, the same machine cycle takes 4 clocks. Thus the fastest instruction, 1 machine
cycle, executes three times faster for the same crystal frequency. Note that these are identical instructions.
The majority of instructions on the DS87C520/DS83C520 will see the full 3-to-1 speed improvement.
Some instructions will get between 1.5 and 2.4 to 1 improvement. All instructions are faster than the
original 8051.
The numerical average of all opcodes gives approximately a 2.5 to 1 speed improvement. Improvement of
individual programs will depend on the actual instructions used. Speed-sensitive applications would make
the most use of instructions that are three times faster. However, the sheer number of 3 to 1 improved
opcodes makes dramatic speed improvements likely for any code. These architecture improvements
produce a peak instruction cycle in 121ns (8.25 MIPs). The Dual Data Pointer feature also allows the user
to eliminate wasted instructions when moving blocks of memory.
All instructions perform the same functions as their 8051 counterparts. Their effect on bits, flags, and
other status functions is identical. However, the timing of each instruction is different. This applies both
in absolute and relative number of clocks.
For absolute timing of real-time events, the timing of software loops can be calculated using a table in the
High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide. However, counter/timers default to run at the older 12 clocks
per increment. In this way, timer-based events occur at the standard intervals with software executing at
higher speed. Timers optionally can run at 4 clocks per increment to take advantage of faster processor
The relative time of two instructions might be different in the new architecture than it was previously. For
example, in the original architecture, the “MOVX A, @DPTR” instruction and the “MOV direct, direct”
instruction used two machine cycles or 24 oscillator cycles. Therefore, they required the same amount of
time. In the DS87C520/DS83C520, the MOVX instruction takes as little as two machine cycles or eight
oscillator cycles but the “MOV direct, direct” uses three machine cycles or 12 oscillator cycles. While
both are faster than their original counterparts, they now have different execution times. This is because
the DS87C520/DS83C520 usually use one instruction cycle for each instruction byte. The user concerned
with precise program timing should examine the timing of each instruction for familiarity with the
changes. Note that a machine cycle now requires just 4 clocks, and provides one ALE pulse per cycle.
Many instructions require only one cycle, but some require five. In the original architecture, all were one
or two cycles except for MUL and DIV. Refer to the High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide for
details and individual instruction timing.
Special Function Registers (SFRs) control most special features of the DS87C520/DS83C520. This
allows the DS87C520/DS83C520 to have many new features but use the same instruction set as the 8051.
When writing software to use a new feature, an equate statement defines the SFR to an assembler or
compiler. This is the only change needed to access the new function. The DS87C520/DS83C520
duplicate the SFRs contained in the standard 80C52. Table 1 shows the register addresses and bit
locations. The High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide describes all SFRs.
Like the 8051, the DS87C520/DS83C520 use three memory areas. The total memory configuration of the
DS87C520/DS83C520 is 16kB of ROM, 1kB of data SRAM and 256 bytes of scratchpad or direct RAM.
The 1kB of data space SRAM is read/write accessible and is memory mapped. This on-chip SRAM is
reached by the MOVX instruction. It is not used for executable memory. The scratchpad area is 256 bytes
of register mapped RAM and is identical to the RAM found on the 80C52. There is no conflict or overlap
among the 256 bytes and the 1kB as they use different addressing modes and separate instructions.
The erasure window of the windowed CERDIP should be covered without regard to the
programmed/unprogrammed state of the EPROM. Otherwise, the device may not meet the AC and DC
parameters listed in the data sheet.
On-chip ROM begins at address 0000h and is contiguous through 3FFFh (16kB). Exceeding the
maximum address of on-chip ROM will cause the device to access off-chip memory. However, the
maximum on-chip decoded address is selectable by software using the ROMSIZE feature. Software can
cause the DS87C520/DS83C520 to behave like a device with less on-chip memory. This is beneficial
when overlapping external memory, such as Flash, is used. The maximum memory size is dynamically
variable. Thus a portion of memory can be removed from the memory map to access off-chip memory,
and then restored to access on-chip memory. In fact, all of the on-chip memory can be removed from the
memory map allowing the full 64kB memory space to be addressed from off-chip memory. ROM
addresses that are larger than the selected maximum are automatically fetched from outside the part via
Ports 0 and 2. A depiction of the ROM memory map is shown in Figure 2.
The ROMSIZE register is used to select the maximum on-chip decoded address for ROM. Bits RMS2,
RMS1, RMS0 have the following effect.
The reset default condition is a maximum on-chip ROM address of 16kB. Thus no action is required if
this feature is not used. When accessing external program memory, the first 16kB would be inaccessible.
To select a smaller effective ROM size, software must alter bits RMS2–RMS0. Altering these bits
requires a Timed-Access procedure as explained later.
Care should be taken so that changing the ROMSIZE register does not corrupt program execution. For
example, assume that the DS87C520/DS83C520 are executing instructions from internal program
memory near the 12kB boundary (~3000h) and that the ROMSIZE register is currently configured for a
16kB internal program space. If software reconfigures the ROMSIZE register to 4kB (0000h–0FFFh) in
the current state, the device will immediately jump to external program execution because program code
from 4kB to 16kB (1000h–3FFFh) is no longer located on-chip. This could result in code misalignment
and execution of an invalid instruction. The recommended method is to modify the ROMSIZE register
from a location in memory that will be internal (or external) both before and after the operation. In the
above example, the instruction which modifies the ROMSIZE register should be located below the 4kB
(1000h) boundary, so that it will be unaffected by the memory modification. The same precaution should
be applied if the internal program memory size is modified while executing from external program
Off-chip memory is accessed using the multiplexed address/data bus on P0 and the MSB address on P2.
While serving as a memory bus, these pins are not I/O ports. This convention follows the standard 8051
method of expanding on-chip memory. Off-chip ROM access also occurs if the EA pin is a logic 0. EA
overrides all bit settings. The PSEN signal goes active (low) to serve as a chip enable or output enable
when Ports 0 and 2 fetch from external ROM.
Figure 2. ROM Memory Map
Unlike many 8051 derivatives, the DS87C520/DS83C520 contain on-chip data memory. They also
contain the standard 256 bytes of RAM accessed by direct instructions. These areas are separate. The
MOVX instruction accesses the on-chip data memory. Although physically on-chip, software treats this
area as though it was located off-chip. The 1kB of SRAM is between address 0000h and 03FFh.
Access to the on-chip data RAM is optional under software control. When enabled by software, the data
SRAM is between 0000h and 03FFh. Any MOVX instruction that uses this area will go to the on-chip
RAM while enabled. MOVX addresses greater than 03FFh automatically go to external memory through
Ports 0 and 2.
When disabled, the 1kB memory area is transparent to the system memory map. Any MOVX directed to
the space between 0000h and FFFFh goes to the expanded bus on Ports 0 and 2. This also is the default
condition. This default allows the DS87C520/DS83C520 to drop into an existing system that uses these
addresses for other hardware and still have full compatibility.
The on-chip data area is software selectable using 2 bits in the Power Management Register at location
C4h. This selection is dynamically programmable. Thus access to the on-chip area becomes transparent to
reach off-chip devices at the same addresses. Th
setting. When desiring maximum speed, software should select a Stretch value of 0. When using very
slow RAM or peripherals, select a larger Stretch value. Note that this affects data memory only and the
only way to slow program memory (ROM) access is to use a slower crystal.
Using a Stretch value between 1 and 7 causes the microcontroller to stretch the read/write strobe and all
related timing. Also, setup and hold times are increased by 1 clock when using any Stretch greater than 0.
This results in a wider read/write strobe and relaxed interface timing, allowing more time for
memory/peripherals to respond. The timing of the variable speed MOVX is in the Electrical Specifications section. Table 3 shows the resulting strobe widths for each Stretch value. The memory
Stretch uses the Clock Control Special Function Register at SFR location 8Eh. The Stretch value is
selected using bits CKCON.2–0. In the table, these bits are referred to as M2 through M0. The first
Stretch (default) allows the use of common 120ns RAMs without dramatically lengthening the memory
The timing of block moves of data memory is faster using the Dual Data Pointer (DPTR). The standard
8051 DPTR is a 16-bit value that is used to address off-chip data RAM or peripherals. In the
DS87C520/DS83C520, this data pointer is called DPTR0, located at SFR addresses 82h and 83h. These
are the original locations. Using DPTR requires no modification of standard code. The new DPTR at SFR
84h and 85h is called DPTR1. The DPTR Select bit (DPS) chooses the active pointer. Its location is the
lsb of the SFR location 86h. No other bits in register 86h have any effect and are 0. The user switches
between data pointers by toggling the lsb of register 86h. The increment (INC) instruction is the fastest
way to accomplish this. All DPTR-related instructions use the currently selected DPTR for any activity.
Therefore it takes only one instruction to switch from a source to a destination address. Using the Dual
Data Pointer saves code from needing to save source and destination addresses when doing a block move.
The software simply switches between DPTR0 and 1 once software loads them. The relevant register
locations are as follows:
DPL 82h Low byte original DPTR
DPH 83h High byte original DPTR
DPL1 84h Low byte new DPTR
DPH1 85h High byte new DPTR
DPS 86h DPTR Select (lsb)
Along with the standard Idle and power down (Stop) modes of the standard 80C52, the
DS87C520/DS83C520 provide a new Power Management Mode. This mode allows the processor to
continue functioning, yet to save power compared with full operation. The DS87C520/DS83C520 also
feature several enhancements to Stop mode that make it more useful.
Power Management Mode offers a complete scheme of reduced internal clock speeds that allow the CPU
to run software but to use substantially less power. During default operation, the DS87C520/DS83C520
use four clocks per machine cycle. Thus the instruction cycle rate is Clock/4. At 33MHz crystal speed,
the instruction cycle speed is 8.25MHz (33/4). In PMM, the microcontroller continues to operate but uses
an internally divided version of the clock source. This creates a lower power state without external
components. It offers a choice of two reduced instruction cycle speeds (and two clock sources - discussed
below). The speeds are (Clock/64) and (Clock/1024).
Software is the only mechanism to invoke the PMM. Table 4 illustrates the instruction cycle rate in PMM
for several common crystal frequencies. Since power consumption is a direct function of operating speed,
PMM 1 eliminates most of the power consumption while still allowing a reasonable speed of processing.
PMM 2 runs very slow and provides the lowest power consumption without stopping the CPU. This is
illustrated in Table 5.
Note that PMM provides a lower power condition than Idle mode. This is because in Idle mode, all
clocked functions such as timers run at a rate of crystal divided by 4. Since wake-up from PMM is as fast
as or faster than from Idle, and PMM allows the CPU to operate (even if doing NOPs), there is little
reason to use Idle mode in new designs.
Table 4. Machine Cycle Rate
11.0592 2.765 172.8 10.8
16 4.00 250.0 15.6
25 6.25 390.6 24.4
33 8.25 515.6 32.2
Table 5. Typical Operating Current in PMM
11.0592 13.1 5.3 4.8
16 17.2 6.4 5.6
25 25.7 8.1 7.0
33 32.8 9.8 8.2
14 of 45
(1024 CLOCKS)
(1024 CLOCKS)
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