3.3V Single-Piece 4Mb Nonvolatile SRAM
with Clock
4 _____________________________________________________________________
Note 1: IRQ/FT and RST are open-drain outputs and cannot source current. External pullup resistors should be connected to these
pins to realize a logic-high level.
Note 2: These parameters are sampled with a 5pF load and are not 100% tested.
Note 3: t
is specified as the logical AND of CE with WE for SRAM writes, or CS with WE for RTC writes. tWPis measured from
the latter of the two related edges going low to the earlier of the two related edges going high.
Note 4: t
and t
are measured from WE going high.
Note 5: t
and t
are measured from CE going high for SRAM writes or CS going high for RTC writes.
Note 6: t
is measured from the earlier of CE or WE going high for SRAM writes, or from the earlier of CS or WE going high for
RTC writes.
Note 7: In a power-down condition, the voltage on any pin may not exceed the voltage on V
Note 8: The expected t
is defined as accumulative time in the absence of VCCstarting from the time power is first applied by the
user. Minimum expected data-retention time is based upon a maximum of two +230°C convection reflow exposures, followed by a fully charged cell. Full charge occurs with the initial application of V
for a minimum of 96 hours. This parame-
ter is assured by component selection, process control, and design. It is not measured directly during production testing.
Note 9: WE is high for any read cycle.
Note 10: OE = V
or VIL. If OE = VIHduring write cycle, the output buffers remain in a high-impedance state.
Note 11: If the CE or CS low transition occurs simultaneously with or latter than the WE low transition, the output buffers remain in a
high-impedance state during this period.
Note 12: If the CE or CS high transition occurs prior to or simultaneously with the WE high transition, the output buffers remain in a
high-impedance state during this period.
Note 13: If WE is low or the WE low transition occurs prior to or simultaneously with the related CE or CS low transition, the output
buffers remain in a high-impedance state during this period.
(TA= +25°C.)