MAXIM DS21354, DS21554 Technical data

3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
The DS21354/DS213554 single-chip transceivers (SCTs) contain all the necessary functions to connect to E1 lines. The devices are upward-compatible versions of the DS2153 and DS2154 SCTs. The on-board clock/data recovery circuitry coverts the AMI/HDB3 E1 waveforms to an NRZ serial stream. Both devices automatically adjust to E1 22AWG (0.6mm) twisted­pair cables from 0 to over 2km in length. They can generate the necessary G.703 waveshapes for both 75W coax and 120W twisted cables. The on-board jitter attenuator (selectable to either 32 bits or 128 bits) can be placed in either the transmit or receive data paths. The framer locates the frame and multiframe boundaries and monitors the data stream for alarms. It is also used for extracting and inserting signaling data, Si, and Sa-bit information. The on-board HDLC controller can be used for Sa-bit links or DS0s. The devices contain a set of internal registers that the user can access to control the operation of the units. Quick access through the parallel control port allows a single controller to handle many E1 lines. The devices fully meet all the latest E1 specifications, including ITU-T G.703, G.704, G.706, G.823, G.732, and I.431, ETS 300 011, 300 233, and 300 166, as well as CTR12 and CTR4.
§ Complete E1 (CEPT) PCM-30/ISDN-PRI
Transceiver Functionality
§ On-Board Long- and Short-Haul Line Interface
for Clock/Data Recovery and Waveshaping
§ 32-Bit or 128-Bit Crystal-Less Jitter Attenuator
§ Frames to FAS, CAS, CCS, and CRC4 Formats
§ Integral HDLC Controller with 64-Byte Buffers
Configurable for Sa Bits, DS0, or Sub-DS0 Operation
§ Dual Two-Frame Elastic Store Slip Buffers that
can Connect to Asynchronous Backplanes up to
§ Interleaving PCM Bus Operation
§ 8-Bit Parallel Control Port that can be used
Directly on Either Multiplexed or Nonmultiplexed Buses (Intel or Motorola)
§ Extracts and Inserts CAS Signaling
§ Detects and Generates Remote and AIS Alarms
§ Programmable Output Clocks for Fractional E1,
H0, and H12 Applications
§ Fully Independent Transmit and Receive
§ Full Access to Si and Sa Bits Aligned with
CRC-4 Multiframe
§ Four Separate Loopback Functions for Testing
§ Large Counters for Bipolar and Code Violations,
CRC4 Codeword Errors, FAS Word Errors, and E Bits
§ IEEE 1149.1 JTAG-Boundary Scan Architecture
§ Pin Compatible with DS2154/52/352/552 SCTs
§ 3.3V (DS21354) or 5V (DS21554) Supply; Low-
Power CMOS
§ 100-pin LQFP package (14mm x 14mm)
DS21354LN -40°C to +85°C 100 LQFP
DS21554LN -40°C to +85°C 100 LQFP
0°C to +70°C 100 LQFP
0°C to +70°C 100 LQFP
Note: Some revisions of this device may incorporate deviations from published specifications known as errata. Multiple revisions of any device may be simultaneously available through various sales channels. For information about device errata, click here:
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REV: 021004
DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 6
1.1. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................7
1.2. DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................................8
2. BLOCK DIAGRAM .............................................................................................................. 9
3. PIN DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................ 10
3.1. PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................14
3.1.1. Transmit-Side Pins ..............................................................................................................................14
3.1.2. Receive-Side Pins ...............................................................................................................................17
3.1.3. Parallel Control Port Pins ....................................................................................................................20
3.1.4. JTAG Test Access Port Pins...............................................................................................................22
3.1.5. Interleave Bus Operation Pins ............................................................................................................22
3.1.6. Line Interface Pins ..............................................................................................................................23
3.1.7. Supply Pins .........................................................................................................................................24
4. PARALLEL PORT............................................................................................................. 25
4.1. REGISTER MAP ........................................................................................................................................25
5. CONTROL, ID, AND TEST REGISTERS .......................................................................... 30
5.1. POWER-UP SEQUENCE ..........................................................................................................................30
5.2. SYNCHRONIZATION AND RESYNCHRONIZATION ...............................................................................32
5.3. FRAMER LOOPBACK ...............................................................................................................................36
5.4. AUTOMATIC ALARM GENERATION ........................................................................................................38
5.5. REMOTE LOOPBACK ...............................................................................................................................40
5.6. LOCAL LOOPBACK ...................................................................................................................................40
6. STATUS AND INFORMATION REGISTERS .................................................................... 43
6.1. CRC4 SYNC COUNTER............................................................................................................................45
7. ERROR COUNT REGISTERS........................................................................................... 50
7.1. BPV OR CODE VIOLATION COUNTER ...................................................................................................50
7.2. CRC4 ERROR COUNTER.........................................................................................................................51
7.3. E-BIT COUNTER .......................................................................................................................................51
7.4. FAS ERROR COUNTER .................................................................................................................................52
8. DS0 MONITORING FUNCTION ........................................................................................ 53
9. SIGNALING OPERATION................................................................................................. 56
9.1. PROCESSOR-BASED SIGNALING ..........................................................................................................56
9.2. HARDWARE-BASED SIGNALING ............................................................................................................58
9.2.1. Receive Side .......................................................................................................................................58
9.2.2. Transmit Side ......................................................................................................................................59
10. PER-CHANNEL CODE GENERATION AND LOOPBACK............................................... 60
10.1. TRANSMIT-SIDE CODE GENERATION ................................................................................................60
10.1.1. Simple Idle Code Insertion and Per-Channel Loopback .....................................................................60
10.1.2. Per-Channel Code Insertion ...............................................................................................................61
10.2. RECEIVE-SIDE CODE GENERATION...................................................................................................62
11. CLOCK BLOCKING REGISTERS..................................................................................... 63
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
12. ELASTIC STORES OPERATION...................................................................................... 65
12.1. RECEIVE SIDE .......................................................................................................................................65
12.2. TRANSMIT SIDE.....................................................................................................................................65
13. ADDITIONAL (SA) AND INTERNATIONAL (SI) BIT OPERATION.................................. 66
13.1. HARDWARE SCHEME ...........................................................................................................................66
13.2. INTERNAL REGISTER SCHEME BASED ON DOUBLE FRAME .........................................................66
13.3. INTERNAL REGISTER SCHEME BASED ON CRC4 MULTIFRAME....................................................68
14. HDLC CONTROLLER FOR THE SA BITS OR DS0 ......................................................... 70
14.1. GENERAL OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................................70
14.2. HDLC STATUS REGISTERS..................................................................................................................71
14.3. BASIC OPERATION DETAILS ...............................................................................................................72
14.3.1. Example: Receive an HDLC Message................................................................................................72
14.3.2. Example: Transmit an HDLC Message...............................................................................................72
14.4. HDLC REGISTER DESCRIPTION..........................................................................................................73
15. LINE INTERFACE FUNCTIONS........................................................................................ 80
15.1. RECEIVE CLOCK AND DATA RECOVERY.......................................................................................................81
15.2. TRANSMIT WAVESHAPING AND LINE DRIVING ..............................................................................................81
15.3. JITTER ATTENUATOR..................................................................................................................................82
15.4. PROTECTED INTERFACES ...........................................................................................................................86
15.5. RECEIVE MONITOR MODE ..........................................................................................................................89
16.1. INSTRUCTION REGISTER.............................................................................................................................95
16.2. TEST REGISTERS.......................................................................................................................................96
17. INTERLEAVED PCM BUS OPERATION.......................................................................... 98
17.1. CHANNEL INTERLEAVE ...............................................................................................................................99
17.2. FRAME INTERLEAVE ...................................................................................................................................99
18. FUNCTIONAL TIMING DIAGRAMS................................................................................ 100
18.1. RECEIVE .................................................................................................................................................100
18.2. TRANSMIT ...............................................................................................................................................104
19. OPERATING PARAMETERS.......................................................................................... 111
20. AC TIMING PARAMETERS AND DIAGRAMS ............................................................... 112
20.1. MULTIPLEXED BUS AC CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................112
20.2. NONMULTIPLEXED BUS AC CHARACTERISTICS..........................................................................................115
20.3. RECEIVE-SIDE AC CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................................117
20.4. TRANSMIT AC CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................................121
21. PACKAGE INFORMATION............................................................................................. 124
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
Figure 2-1. DS21354/554 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 15-1. Basic External Analog Connections .............................................................................................................. 83
Figure 15-2. Optional Crystal Connection........................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 15-3. Jitter Tolerance................................................................................................................................................. 84
Figure 15-4. Jitter Attenuation .............................................................................................................................................. 84
Figure 15-5. Transmit Waveform Template ........................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 15-6. Protected Interface Example for the DS21554 ............................................................................................ 87
Figure 15-7. Protected Interface Example for the DS21354 ............................................................................................ 88
Figure 15-8. Typical Monitor Port Application .................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 16-1. JTAG Functional Block Diagram.................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 16-2. TAP Controller State Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 94
Figure 17-1. IBO Basic Configuration Using Four SCTs .................................................................................................. 99
Figure 18-1. Receive-Side Timing...................................................................................................................................... 100
Figure 18-2. Receive-Side Boundary Timing (with Elastic Store Disabled)................................................................. 100
Figure 18-3. Receive-Side 1.544MHz Boundary Timing (with Elastic Store Enabled) .............................................. 101
Figure 18-4. Receive-Side 2.048MHz Boundary Timing (with Elastic Store Enabled) .............................................. 101
Figure 18-5. Receive-Side Interleave Bus Operation, Byte Mode ................................................................................ 102
Figure 18-6. Receive-Side Interleave Bus Operation, Frame Mode ............................................................................. 103
Figure 18-7. Transmit-Side Timing .................................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 18-8. Transmit-Side Boundary Timing (with Elastic Store Disabled)................................................................ 104
Figure 18-9. Transmit-Side 1.544MHz Boundary Timing (with Elastic Store Enabled) ............................................. 105
Figure 18-10. Transmit-Side 2.048MHz Boundary Timing (with Elastic Store Enabled) ........................................... 105
Figure 18-11. Transmit-Side Interleave Bus Operation, Byte Mode ............................................................................. 106
Figure 18-12. Transmit-Side Interleave Bus Operation, Frame Mode.......................................................................... 107
Figure 18-13. G.802 Timing ................................................................................................................................................ 108
Figure 18-14. DS21354/DS21554 Framer Synchronization Flowchart ........................................................................ 109
Figure 18-15. DS21354/DS21554 Transmit Data Flow .................................................................................................. 110
Figure 20-1. Intel Bus Read Ac Timing (BTS = 0/MUX = 1)........................................................................................... 113
Figure 20-2. Intel Bus Write Timing (BTS = 0/MUX = 1)................................................................................................. 113
Figure 20-3. Motorola Bus AC Timing (BTS = 1/MUX = 1) ............................................................................................ 114
Figure 20-4. Intel Bus Read AC Timing (BTS = 0/MUX = 0).......................................................................................... 115
Figure 20-5. Intel Bus Write AC Timing (BTS = 0/MUX = 0) .......................................................................................... 116
Figure 20-6. Motorola Bus Read AC Timing (BTS = 1/MUX = 0).................................................................................. 116
Figure 20-7. Motorola Bus Write AC Timing (BTS = 1/MUX = 0) .................................................................................. 116
Figure 20-8. Receive-Side AC Timing ............................................................................................................................... 118
Figure 20-9. Receive System Side AC Timing................................................................................................................. 119
Figure 20-10. Receive Line Interface AC Timing............................................................................................................. 120
Figure 20-11. Transmit-Side AC Timing............................................................................................................................ 122
Figure 20-12. Transmit System Side AC Timing.............................................................................................................. 123
Figure 20-13. Transmit Line Interface Side AC Timing................................................................................................... 123
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
Table 3-1. Pin Description Sorted by Pin Number ............................................................................................................. 10
Table 3-2. Pin Description by Symbol ................................................................................................................................. 12
Table 4-1. Register Map Sorted by Address ...................................................................................................................... 25
Table 5-1. Device ID Bit Map ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Table 5-2. SYNC/RESYNC Criteria ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Table 6-1. Alarm Criteria ....................................................................................................................................................... 46
Table 14-1. HDLC Controller Register List ......................................................................................................................... 70
Table 15-1. Line Build-Out Select in LICR for the DS21554 ............................................................................................ 81
Table 15-2. Line Build-Out Select in LICR for the DS21354 ............................................................................................ 82
Table 15-3. Transformer Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 82
Table 15-4. Receive Monitor Mode Gain ............................................................................................................................ 89
Table 16-1. Instruction Codes for IEEE 1149.1 Architecture ........................................................................................... 95
Table 16-2. ID Code Structure.............................................................................................................................................. 96
Table 16-3. Device ID Codes................................................................................................................................................ 96
Table 16-4. Boundary Scan Control Bits............................................................................................................................. 97
Table 17-1. IBO Master Device Select ................................................................................................................................98
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
The DS21354/DS21554 are superset versions of the popular DS2153 and DS2154 SCTs offering the new features listed below. All the original features of the DS2153 and DS2154 have been retained, and the software created for the original devices is transferable into the DS21354/DS21554.
New Features in the DS21354 and DS21554
HDLC controller with 64-Byte Buffers for Sa Bits or DS0s or Sub DS0s 14 Interleaving PCM Bus Operation 17 IEEE 1149.1 JTAG-Boundary Scan Architecture 16
3.3V (DS21354 Only) Supply 1.1 and 2 Line Interface Support for the G.703 2.048 Synchronization Interface 15 Customer Disconnect Indication (...101010...) Generator 5.6 Open-Drain Line Driver Option 5.6
Additional Features in the DS21354 and DS21554
Option for nonmultiplexed bus operation 1.1 and 20.2 Crystal-less jitter attenuation 15.3 Additional hardware signaling capability including:
Receive signaling reinsertion to a backplane multiframe sync Availability of signaling in a separate PCM data stream
Signaling freezing Interrupt generated on change of signaling data Improved receive sensitivity: 0 to -43dB 1.1 Per-channel code insertion in both transmit and receive paths 10 Expanded access to Sa and Si bits 13 RCL, RLOS, RRA, and RAIS alarms now interrupt on change of state 6
8.192MHz clock synthesizer 1.1 Per-channel loopback 10 Addition of hardware pins to indicate carrier loss and signaling freeze 1.1 Line interface function can be completely decoupled from the framer/formatter to allow:
Interface to optical, HDSL, and other NRZ interfaces
“tap” the transmit and receive bipolar data streams for monitoring purposes
Be able to corrupt data and insert framing errors, CRC errors, etc. Transmit and receive elastic stores now have independent backplane clocks 1.1 Ability to monitor one DS0 channel in both the transmit and receive paths 8 Access to the data streams in between the framer/formatter and the elastic stores 1.1 AIS generation in the line interface that is independent of loopbacks 1.1 and 5 Transmit current limiter to meet the 50mA short circuit requirement 15 Option to extend carrier loss criteria to a 1ms period as per ETS 300 233 5.4 Automatic RAI generation to ETS 300 011 specifications 5.4
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
1.1. Functional Description
The analog AMI/HDB3 waveform off the E1 line is transformer coupled into the RRING and RTIP pins of the DS21354/554. The device recovers clock and data from the analog signal and passes it through the jitter attenuation mux to the receive-side framer where the digital serial stream is analyzed to locate the framing/multiframe pattern. The DS21354/DS21554 contain an active filter that reconstructs the analog­received signal for the nonlinear losses that occur in transmission. The devices have a usable receive sensitivity of 0 to -43dB, which allows the device to operate on cables over 2km in length. The receive­side framer locates FAS frame and CRC and CAS multiframe boundaries as well as detects incoming alarms including, carrier loss, loss of synchronization, AIS, and Remote Alarm. If needed, the receive­side elastic store can be enabled to absorb the phase and frequency differences between the recovered E1 data stream and an asynchronous backplane clock, which is provided at the RSYSCLK input. The clock applied at the RSYSCLK input can be either a 2.048MHz/4.096MHz/8.192MHz clock or a 1.544MHz clock.
The transmit-side framer is totally independent from the receive side in both the clock requirements and characteristics. Data off a backplane can be passed through a transmit-side elastic store if necessary. The transmit formatter provides the necessary frame/multiframe data overhead for E1 transmission.
Reader’s Note: This data sheet assumes a particular nomenclature of the E1 operating environment. In each 125ms frame, there are 32 eight-bit time slots numbered 0 to 31. Time slot 0 is transmitted first and
received first. These 32 time slots are also referred to as channels with a numbering scheme of 1 to 32. Time slot 0 is identical to channel 1, time slot 1 is identical to Channel 2, and so on. Each time slot (or channel) is made up of eight bits, which are numbered 1 to 8. Bit number 1 is the most significant bit (MSB) and is transmitted first. Bit number 8 is the least significant bit (LSB) and is transmitted last. The term “locked” refers to two clock signals that are phase or frequency locked, or derived from a common clock (i.e., a 1.544MHz clock may be locked to a 2.048MHz clock if they share the same 8kHz component). Throughout this data sheet, the following abbreviations are used:
FAS Frame-Alignment Signal
CAS Channel-Associated Signaling
MF Multiframe
Si International Bits
CRC4 Cyclical Redundancy Check
CCS Common-Channel Signaling
Sa Additional Bits
E-Bit CRC4 Error Bits
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
1.2. Document Revision History
012799 Initial release
Corrected TSYSCLK and RSYSCLK timing and added 4.096MHz and 8.192MHz timing
020399 Corrected definition and label of TUDR bit in the THIR register.
021199 Corrected address of IBO register in text.
040199 Added Receive Monitor Mode section
041599 Added section on Protected Interfaces
050799 Corrected pin number and description of FMS in JTAG section
072999 Added list of tables and figures
Added 10mF cap to interface examples
Corrected definition of DS in pin description.
072401 Typo corrected in JTAG Test Access Port Pins.
Added note to the Receive Information Register, FAS Resync Criteria Met. Corrected Figures 20-1, 20-2, 20-3 with respect to CS.
Corrected typo in Figure 18-14 (RCR1.1 reference corrected).
Corrected formatting issues.
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Figure 2-1. DS21354/554 Block Diagram
8.192MHz Clock
DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
Receive Side
Clock / Data
Reco very
Framer Loopback
Remote Loopback
Jitter Attenuator
Either transmit or receive path
Local Loopback
Line I/F
Timing Control
Sync Control
Transmit Side
Sa / DS0
(routed to all blocks)
Parallel & Test Control Port
D0 to D7 /
AD0 to AD7
A0 to A6
ALE(AS) / A7
RD*(DS*) WR*(R/W*) BTS CS*
Sa / DS0
16.384 MH z
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
Table 3-1. Pin Description Sorted by Pin Number
1 RCHBLK O Receive Channel Block 2 JTMS I IEEE 1149.1 Test Mode Select 3 8MCLK O 8.192 MHz Clock 4 JTCLK I IEEE 1149.1 Test Clock Signal 5
6 RCL O Receive Carrier Loss 7 JTDI I IEEE 1149.1 Test Data Input
8, 9, 15,
23, 26, 27,
N.C. No Connect. Do not connect any signal to this pin. 28 10 JTDO O IEEE 1149.1 Test Data Output
11 BTS I Bus Type Select 12 LIUC I Line Interface Connect 13 8XCLK O Eight Times Clock 14 TEST I Test 16 RTIP I Receive Analog Tip Input 17 RRING I Receive Analog Ring Input 18 RVDD Receive Analog Positive Supply
19, 20, 24 RVSS Receive Analog Signal Ground
21 MCLK I Master Clock Input 22 XTALD O Quartz Crystal Driver 25
29 TTIP O Transmit Analog Tip Output 30 TVSS Transmit Analog Signal Ground 31 TVDD Transmit Analog Positive Supply 32 TRING O Transmit Analog Ring Output 33 TCHBLK O Transmit Channel Block 34 TLCLK O Transmit Link Clock 35 TLINK I Transmit Link Data 36 CI I Carry In 37 TSYNC I/O Transmit Sync 38 TPOSI I Transmit Positive Data Input 39 TNEGI I Transmit Negative Data Input 40 TCLKI I Transmit Clock Input 41 TCLKO O Transmit Clock Output 42 TNEGO O Transmit Negative Data Output 43 TPOSO O Transmit Positive Data Output
44, 61,
45, 60, 80,
DVDD Digital Positive Supply
DVSS Digital Signal Ground
46 TCLK I Transmit Clock 47 TSER I Transmit Serial Data 48 TSIG I Transmit Signaling Input
I IEEE 1149.1 Test Reset, Active Low
O Interrupt, Active Low
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
49 TESO O Transmit Elastic Store Output 50 TDATA I Transmit Data 51 TSYSCLK I Transmit System Clock 52 TSSYNC I Transmit System Sync 53 TCHCLK O Transmit Channel Clock 54 CO O Carry Out 55 MUX I Bus Operation 56 D0/AD0 I/O Data Bus Bit0/Address/Data Bus Bit 0 57 D1/AD1 I/O Data Bus Bit1/Address/Data Bus Bit 1 58 D2/AD2 I/O Data Bus Bit 2/Address/Data Bus 2 59 D3/AD3 I/O Data Bus Bit 3/Address/Data Bus Bit 3 62 D4/AD4 I/O Data Bus Bit4/Address/Data Bus Bit 4 63 D5/AD5 I/O Data Bus Bit 5/Address/Data Bus Bit 5 64 D6/AD6 I/O Data Bus Bit 6/Address/Data Bus Bit 6 65 D7/AD7 I/O Data Bus Bit 7/Address/Data Bus Bit 7 66 A0 I Address Bus Bit 0 67 A1 I Address Bus Bit 1 68 A2 I Address Bus Bit 2 69 A3 I Address Bus Bit 3 70 A4 I Address Bus Bit 4 71 A5 I Address Bus Bit 5 72 A6 I Address Bus Bit 6 73 ALE (AS)/A7 I Address Latch Enable/Address Bus Bit 7 74 75 76 77
WR (R/W)
I Read Input (Data Strobe), Active Low I Chip Select, Active Low I Framer Mode Select
I Write Input (Read/Write), Active Low 78 RLINK O Receive Link Data 79 RLCLK O Receive Link Clock 82 RCLK O Receive Clock 85 RDATA O Receive Data 86 RPOSI I Receive Positive Data Input 87 RNEGI I Receive Negative Data Input 88 RCLKI I Receive Clock Input 89 RCLKO O Receive Clock Output 90 RNEGO O Receive Negative Data Output 91 RPOSO O Receive Positive Data Output 92 RCHCLK O Receive Channel Clock 93 RSIGF O Receive Signaling Freeze Output 94 RSIG O Receive Signaling Output 95 RSER O Receive Serial Data 96 RMSYNC O Receive Multiframe Sync 97 RFSYNC O Receive Frame Sync 98 RSYNC I/O Receive Sync 99 RLOS/LOTC O Receive Loss Of Sync/ Loss Of Transmit Clock
100 RSYSCLK I Receive System Clock
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
Table 3-2. Pin Description by Symbol
3 8MCLK O 8.192MHz Clock 13 8XCLK O Eight-Times Clock 66 A0 I Address Bus Bit 0 67 A1 I Address Bus Bit 1 68 A2 I Address Bus Bit 2 69 A3 I Address Bus Bit 3 70 A4 I Address Bus Bit 4 71 A5 I Address Bus Bit 5 72 A6 I Address Bus Bit 6 73 ALE (AS)/A7 I Address Latch Enable/Address Bus Bit 7 11 BTS I Bus Type Select 36 CI I Carry In 54 CO O Carry Out 75
56 D0/AD0 I/O Data Bus Bit0/ Address/Data Bus Bit 0 57 D1/AD1 I/O Data Bus Bit1/ Address/Data Bus Bit 1 58 D2/AD2 I/O Data Bus Bit 2/Address/Data Bus 2 59 D3/AD3 I/O Data Bus Bit 3/Address/Data Bus Bit 3 62 D4/AD4 I/O Data Bus Bit4/Address/Data Bus Bit 4 63 D5/AD5 I/O Data Bus Bit 5/Address/Data Bus Bit 5 64 D6/AD6 I/O Data Bus Bit 6/Address/Data Bus Bit 6 65 D7/AD7 I/O Data Bus Bit 7/Address/Data Bus Bit 7
44, 61, 81, 83 DVDD Digital Positive Supply 45, 60, 80, 84 DVSS Digital Signal Ground
76 FMS I Framer Mode Select 25
4 JTCLK I IEEE 1149.1 Test Clock Signal
7 JTDI I IEEE 1149.1 Test Data Input 10 JTDO O IEEE 1149.1 Test Data Output
2 JTMS I IEEE 1149.1 Test Mode Select
12 LIUC I Line Interface Connect 21 MCLK I Master Clock Input 55 MUX I Bus Operation
8, 9, 15, 23, 26,
27, 28
N.C. No Connect. Do not connect any signal to this pin.
1 RCHBLK O Receive Channel Block 92 RCHCLK O Receive Channel Clock
6 RCL O Receive Carrier Loss 82 RCLK O Receive Clock 88 RCLKI I Receive Clock Input 89 RCLKO O Receive Clock Output 74
85 RDATA O Receive Data 97 RFSYNC O Receive Frame Sync 79 RLCLK O Receive Link Clock
I Chip Select, Active Low
O Interrupt
I IEEE 1149.1 Test Reset, Active Low
I Read Input (Data Strobe), Active Low
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
78 RLINK O Receive Link Data 99 RLOS/LOTC O Receive Loss of Sync/Loss of Transmit Clock 96 RMSYNC O Receive Multiframe Sync 87 RNEGI I Receive Negative Data Input 90 RNEGO O Receive Negative Data Output 86 RPOSI I Receive Positive Data Input 91 RPOSO O Receive Positive Data Output 17 RRING I Receive Analog Ring Input 95 RSER O Receive Serial Data 94 RSIG O Receive Signaling Output 93 RSIGF O Receive Signaling Freeze Output 98 RSYNC I/O Receive Sync
100 RSYSCLK I Receive System Clock
16 RTIP I Receive Analog Tip Input 18 RVDD Receive Analog Positive Supply
19, 20, 24 RVSS Receive Analog Signal Ground
33 TCHBLK O Transmit Channel Block 53 TCHCLK O Transmit Channel Clock 46 TCLK I Transmit Clock 40 TCLKI I Transmit Clock Input 41 TCLKO O Transmit Clock Output 50 TDATA I Transmit Data 49 TESO O Transmit Elastic Store Output 14 TEST I Test 34 TLCLK O Transmit Link Clock 35 TLINK I Transmit Link Data 39 TNEGI I Transmit Negative Data Input 42 TNEGO O Transmit Negative Data Output 38 TPOSI I Transmit Positive Data Input 43 TPOSO O Transmit Positive Data Output 32 TRING O Transmit Analog Ring Output 47 TSER I Transmit Serial Data 48 TSIG I Transmit Signaling Input 52 TSSYNC I Transmit System Sync 37 TSYNC I/O Transmit Sync 51 TSYSCLK I Transmit System Clock 29 TTIP O Transmit Analog Tip Output 31 TVDD Transmit Analog Positive Supply 30 TVSS Transmit Analog Signal Ground 77
WR (R/W)
I Write Input (Read/Write), Active Low
22 XTALD O Quartz Crystal Driver
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
3.1. Pin Function Description
3.1.1. Transmit-Side Pins
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TCLK Transmit Clock Input
A 2.048MHz primary clock. Used to clock data through the transmit side formatter.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TSER Transmit Serial Data Input
Transmit NRZ serial data. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK when the transmit side elastic store is disabled. Sampled on the falling edge of TSYSCLK when the transmit side elastic store is enabled.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TCHCLK Transmit Channel Clock Output
A 256kHz clock that pulses high during the LSB of each channel. Synchronous with TCLK when the transmit side elastic store is disabled. Synchronous with TSYSCLK when the transmit side elastic store is enabled. Useful for parallel to serial conversion of channel data.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TCHBLK Transmit Channel Block Output
A user-programmable output that can be forced high or low during any of the 32 E1 channels. Synchronous with TCLK when the transmit side elastic store is disabled. Synchronous with TSYSCLK when the transmit-side elastic store is enabled. Useful for blocking clocks to a serial UART or LAPD controller in applications where not all E1 channels are used such as Fractional E1, 384kbps (H0), 768kbps, or ISDN–PRI. Also useful for locating individual channels in drop-and-insert applications, for external per-channel loopback, and for per-channel conditioning. See Section 12 for details.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TSYSCLK Transmit System Clock Input
1.544MHz, 2.048MHz, 4.096MHz, or 8.192MHz clock. Only used when the transmit-side elastic store function is enabled. Should be tied low in applications that do not use the transmit-side elastic store. See Section 17
for details on 4.096MHz and 8.192MHz operation using the Interleave Bus Option.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TLCLK Transmit Link Clock Output
4kHz to 20kHz demand clock (Sa bits) for the TLINK input. See Section 17 for details.
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TLINK Transmit Link Data Input
If enabled, this pin will be sampled on the falling edge of TCLK for data insertion into any combination of the Sa bit positions (Sa4 to Sa8). See Section 13 for details.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TSYNC Transmit Sync Input/Output
A pulse at this pin will establish either frame or multiframe boundaries for the transmit side. Via TCR1.1, the DS21354/DS21554 can be programmed to output either a frame or multiframe pulse at this pin. This pin can also be configured as an input via TCR1.0. See Section 18 for details.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TSSYNC Transmit System Sync Input
Only used when the transmit-side elastic store is enabled. A pulse at this pin will establish either frame or multiframe boundaries for the transmit side. Should be tied low in applications that do not use the transmit-side elastic store.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TSIG Transmit Signaling Input Input
When enabled, this input will sample signaling bits for insertion into outgoing PCM E1 data stream. Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK when the transmit-side elastic store is disabled. Sampled on the falling edge of TSYSCLK when the transmit-side elastic store is enabled.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TESO Transmit Elastic Store Data Output Output
Updated on the rising edge of TCLK with data out of the transmit-side elastic store whether the elastic store is enabled or not. This pin is normally tied to TDATA.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TDATA Transmit Data Input
Sampled on the falling edge of TCLK with data to be clocked through the transmit-side formatter. This pin is normally tied to TESO.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TPOSO Transmit Positive Data Output Output
Updated on the rising edge of TCLKO with the bipolar data out of the transmit-side formatter. Can be programmed to source NRZ data via the Output Data Format (TCR2.2) control bit. This pin is normally tied to TPOSI.
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Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TNEGO Transmit Negative Data Output Output
Updated on the rising edge of TCLKO with the bipolar data out of the transmit-side formatter. This pin is normally tied to TNEGI.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TCLKO Transmit Clock Output Output
Buffered output of signal that is clocking data through the transmit-side formatter. This pin is normally tied to TCLKI.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TPOSI Transmit Positive Data Input Input
Sampled on the falling edge of TCLKI for data to be transmitted out onto the T1 line. Can be internally connected to TPOSO by tying the LIUC pin high. TPOSI and TNEGI can be tied together in NRZ applications.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TNEGI Transmit Negative Data Input Input
Sampled on the falling edge of TCLKI for data to be transmitted out onto the T1 line. Can be internally connected to TNEGO by tying the LIUC pin high. TPOSI and TNEGI can be tied together in NRZ applications.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TCLKI Transmit Clock Input Input
Line interface transmit clock. Can be internally connected to TCLKO by tying the LIUC pin high.
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3.1.2. Receive-Side Pins
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RLINK Receive Link Data Output
Updated with the fully recovered E1 data stream on the rising edge of RCLK.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RLCLK Receive Link Clock Output
4kHz to 20kHz clock (Sa bits) for the RLINK output. See Section 13 for details.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RCLK Receive Clock Output
2.048MHz clock that is used to clock data through the receive-side framer.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RCHCLK Receive Channel Clock Output
A 256kHz clock that pulses high during the LSB of each channel. Synchronous with RCLK when the receive-side elastic store is disabled. Synchronous with RSYSCLK when the receive-side elastic store is enabled. Useful for parallel to serial conversion of channel data.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RCHBLK Receive Channel Block Output
A user-programmable output that can be forced high or low during any of the 32 E1 channels. Synchronous with RCLK when the receive-side elastic store is disabled. Synchronous with RSYSCLK when the receive-side elastic store is enabled. Useful for blocking clocks to a serial UART or LAPD controller in applications where not all E1 channels are used such as Fractional E1, 384kbps service, 768kbps, or ISDN–PRI. Also useful for locating individual channels in drop-and-insert applications, for external per-channel loopback, and for per-channel conditioning. See Section 10 for details.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RSER Receive Serial Data Output
Received NRZ serial data. Updated on rising edges of RCLK when the receive-side elastic store is disabled. Updated on the rising edges of RSYSCLK when the receive-side elastic store is enabled.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RSYNC Receive Sync Input/Output
An extracted pulse, one RCLK wide, is output at this pin that identifies either frame or CAS/CRC multiframe boundaries. If the receive-side elastic store is enabled, then this pin can be enabled to be an input at which a frame or multiframe boundary pulse synchronous with RSYSCLK is applied.
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Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RFSYNC Receive Frame Sync Output
An extracted 8kHz pulse, one RCLK wide, is output at this pin that identifies frame boundaries.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RMSYNC Receive Multiframe Sync Output
If the receive-side elastic store is enabled, an extracted pulse, one RSYSCLK wide, is output at this pin that identifies multiframe boundaries. If the receive-side elastic store is disabled, then this output will output multiframe boundaries associated with RCLK.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RDATA Receive Data Output
Updated on the rising edge of RCLK with the data out of the receive-side framer.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RSYSCLK Receive System Clock Input
1.544MHz, 2.048MHz, 4.096MHz, or 8.192MHz clock. Only used when the receive-side elastic store function is enabled. Should be tied low in applications that do not use the receive-side elastic store. See Section 17 for details on 4.096MHz and 8.192MHz operation using the Interleave Bus Option.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RSIG Receive Signaling Output Output
Outputs signaling bits in a PCM format. Updated on rising edges of RCLK when the receive-side elastic store is disabled. Updated on the rising edges of RSYSCLK when the receive-side elastic store is enabled.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RLOS/LOTC Receive Loss of Sync / Loss of Transmit Clock Output
A dual function output that is controlled by the TCR2.0 control bit. This pin can be programmed to either toggle high when the synchronizer is searching for the frame and multiframe or to toggle high if the TCLK pin has not been toggled for 5ms.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RCL Receive Carrier Loss Output
Set high when the line interface detects a carrier loss.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RSIGF Receive Signaling Freeze Output
Set high when the signaling data is frozen via either automatic or manual intervention. Used to alert downstream equipment of the condition.
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Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
8MCLK 8MHz Clock Output
An 8.192MHz clock output that is referenced to the clock that is output at the RCLK pin.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RPOSO Receive Positive Data Input Output
Updated on the rising edge of RCLKO with bipolar data out of the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RPOSI.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RNEGO Receive Negative Data Input Output
Updated on the rising edge of RCLKO with the bipolar data out of the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RNEGI.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RCLKO Receive Clock Output Output
Buffered recovered clock from the T1 line. This pin is normally tied to RCLKI.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RPOSI Receive Positive Data Input Input
Sampled on the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked through the receive-side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied together for a NRZ interface. Can be internally connected to RPOSO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RNEGI Receive Negative Data Input Input
Sampled on the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked through the receive-side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied together for a NRZ interface. Can be internally connected to RNEGO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RCLKI Receive Clock Input Input
Clock used to clock data through the receive-side framer. This pin is normally tied to RCLKO. Can be internally connected to RCLKO by tying the LIUC pin high.
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3.1.3. Parallel Control Port Pins
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
INT Interrupt Output
Active-low, open-drain output that flags host controller during conditions and change of conditions defined in the Status Registers 1 and 2 and the HDLC Status Register.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
FMS Framer Mode Select Input
Selects the DS2154 mode when high or the DS21354/DS21554 mode when low. If high, the JTRST is internally pulled low. If low, JTRST has normal JTAG functionality. This pin has a 10kW pullup resistor.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TEST Tri-State Control Input
Set high to tri-state all output and I/O pins (including the parallel control port). Set low for normal operation. Useful in board-level testing.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
MUX Bus Operation Input
Set low to select nonmultiplexed bus operation. Set high to select multiplexed bus operation.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
AD0 to AD7 Data Bus [D0 to D7] or Address/Data Bus Input
In nonmultiplexed bus operation (MUX = 0), serves as the data bus. In multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 1), serves as an 8-bit multiplexed address/data bus.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
A0 to A6 Address Bus Input
In nonmultiplexed bus operation (MUX = 0), serves as the address bus. In multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 1), these pins are not used and should be tied low.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
BTS Bus Type Select Input
Strap high to select Motorola bus timing; strap low to select Intel bus timing. This pin controls the function of the RD (DS), ALE (AS), and WR (R/W) pins. If BTS = 1, then these pins assume the function listed in parentheses ().
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Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RD (DS) Read Input—Data Strobe Input
In Intel Mode, RD determines when data is read from the device. In Motorola Mode, DS is used to write to the device. See the Bus Timing Diagrams section.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
CS Chip Select Input
Must be low to read or write to the device. CS is an active-low signal.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
ALE (AS)/A7 Address Latch Enable (Address Strobe) or A7 Input
In nonmultiplexed bus operation (MUX = 0), serves as the upper address bit. In multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 1), serves to demultiplex the bus on a positive-going edge.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
WR (R/W) Write Input (Read/Write) Input
WR is an active-low signal.
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3.1.4. JTAG Test Access Port Pins
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
JTRST IEEE 1149.1 Test Reset Input
This signal is used to asynchronously reset the test access port controller. At power up, JTRST must be toggled from low to high. This action will set the device into JTAG DEVICE ID mode enabling the test
access port features. This pin has a 10kW pullup resistor. When FMS = 1, this pin is tied low internally. Tie JTRST low if JTAG is not used and the framer is in DS21354/DS21554 mode (FMS low).
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
JTMS IEEE 1149.1 Test Mode Select Input
This pin is sampled on the rising edge of JTCLK and is used to place the test access port into the various defined IEEE 1149.1 states. This pin has a 10kW pullup resistor.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
JTCLK IEEE 1149.1 Test Clock Signal Input
This signal is used to shift data into JTDI on the rising edge and out of JTDO on the falling edge.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
JTDI IEEE 1149.1 Test Data Input Input
Test instructions and data are clocked into this pin on the rising edge of JTCLK. This pin has a 10kW pullup resistor.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
JTDO IEEE 1149.1 Test Data Output Output
Test instructions and data are clocked out of this pin on the falling edge of JTCLK. If not used, this pin should be left unconnected.
3.1.5. Interleave Bus Operation Pins
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
CI Carry In Input
A rising edge on this pin causes RSER and RSIG to come out of high-Z state and TSER and TSIG to start sampling on the next rising edge of RSYSCLK/TSYSCLK beginning an I/O sequence of 8 or 256 bits of data. This pin has a 10kW pullup resistor.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
CO Carry Out Output
An output that is set high when the last bit of the 8 or 256 IBO output sequence has occurred on RSER and RSIG.
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3.1.6. Line Interface Pins
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
MCLK Master Clock Input Input
A 2.048MHz (±50ppm) clock source with TTL levels is applied at this pin. This clock is used internally for both clock/data recovery and for jitter attenuation. A quartz crystal of 2.048MHz may be applied across MCLK and XTALD instead of the TTL level clock source.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
XTALD Quartz Crystal Driver Output
A quartz crystal of 2.048MHz may be applied across MCLK and XTALD instead of a TTL level clock source at MCLK. Leave open circuited if a TTL clock source is applied at MCLK.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
8XCLK Eight-Times Clock Output
A 16.384MHz clock that is frequency locked to the 2.048MHz clock provided from the clock/data recovery block (if the jitter attenuator is enabled on the receive side) or from the TCLKI pin (if the jitter attenuator is enabled on the transmit side). Can be internally disabled via TEST2 register if not needed.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
LIUC Line Interface Connect Input
Tie low to separate the line interface circuitry from the framer/formatter circuitry and activate the TPOSI/TNEGI/TCLKI/RPOSI/RNEGI/RCLKI pins. Tie high to connect the line interface circuitry to the framer/formatter circuitry and deactivate the TPOSI/TNEGI/TCLKI/RPOSI/RNEGI/RCLKI pins. When LIUC is tied high, the TPOSI/TNEGI/TCLKI/ RPOSI/RNEGI/RCLKI pins should be tied low.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RTIP and RRING Receive Tip and Ring Input
Analog inputs for clock recovery circuitry. These pins connect via a 1:1 transformer to the E1 line. See Section 15
for details.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TTIP and TRING Transmit Tip and Ring Output
Analog line-driver outputs. These pins connect via a step-up transformer to the E1 line. See Section 15 for details.
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3.1.7. Supply Pins
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
DVDD Digital Positive Supply Supply
5.0V ±5% (DS21554) or 3.3V ±5% (DS21354). Should be tied to the RVDD and TVDD pins.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RVDD Receive Analog Positive Supply Supply
5.0V ±5% (DS21554) or 3.3V ±5% (DS21354). Should be tied to the DVDD and TVDD pins.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TVDD Transmit Analog Positive Supply Supply
5.0V ±5% (DS21554) or 3.3V ±5% (DS21354). Should be tied to the RVDD and DVDD pins.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
DVSS Digital Signal Ground Supply
0.0V. Should be tied to the RVSS and TVSS pins.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
RVSS Receive Analog Signal Ground Supply
0.0V. Should be tied to DVSS and TVSS.
Signal Name: Signal Description: Signal Type:
TVSS Transmit Analog Signal Ground Supply
0.0V. Should be tied to DVSS and RVSS.
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
The DS21354/DS21554 are controlled through either a nonmultiplexed (MUX = 0) or a multiplexed (MUX = 1) bus by an external microcontroller or microprocessor. The device can operate with either Intel or Motorola bus timing configurations. If the BTS pin is tied low, Intel timing is selected; if tied high, Motorola timing is selected. All Motorola bus signals are listed in parentheses (). See the timing diagrams in Section 18 for more details.
4.1. Register Map
Table 4-1. Register Map Sorted by Address
00 R BPV or Code Violation Count 1 VCR1 01 R BPV or Code Violation Count 2 VCR2 02 R CRC4 Error Count 1/FAS Error Count 1 CRCCR1 03 R CRC4 Error Count 2 CRCCR2 04 R E-Bit Count 1/FAS Error Count 2 EBCR1 05 R E-Bit Count 2 EBCR2 06 R/W Status 1 SR1 07 R/W Status 2 SR2 08 R/W Receive Information RIR
09 Not used (set to 00h) 0A Not used (set to 00h) 0B Not used (set to 00h) 0C Not used (set to 00h) 0D Not used (set to 00h) 0E Not used (set to 00h)
0F R Device ID IDR
10 R/W Receive Control 1 RCR1
11 R/W Receive Control 2 RCR2
12 R/W Transmit Control 1 TCR1
13 R/W Transmit Control 2 TCR2
14 R/W Common Control 1 CCR1
15 R/W Test 1 TEST1 (set to 00h)
16 R/W Interrupt Mask 1 IMR1
17 R/W Interrupt Mask 2 IMR2
18 R/W Line Interface Control Register LICR
19 R/W Test 2 TEST2 (set to 00h) 1A R/W Common Control 2 CCR2 1B R/W Common Control 3 CCR3 1C R/W Transmit Sa Bit Control TSaCR 1D R/W Common Control 6 CCR6 1E R Synchronizer Status SSR
1F R Receive Non-Align Frame RNAF
20 R/W Transmit Align Frame TAF
21 R/W Transmit Non-Align Frame TNAF
22 R/W Transmit Channel Blocking 1 TCBR1
23 R/W Transmit Channel Blocking 2 TCBR2
24 R/W Transmit Channel Blocking 3 TCBR3
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25 R/W Transmit Channel Blocking 4 TCBR4
26 R/W Transmit Idle 1 TIR1
27 R/W Transmit Idle 2 TIR2
28 R/W Transmit Idle 3 TIR3
29 R/W Transmit Idle 4 TIR4 2A R/W Transmit Idle Definition TIDR 2B R/W Receive Channel Blocking 1 RCBR1 2C R/W Receive Channel Blocking 2 RCBR2 2D R/W Receive Channel Blocking 3 RCBR3 2E R/W Receive Channel Blocking 4 RCBR4
2F R Receive Align Frame RAF
30 R Receive Signaling 1 RS1
31 R Receive Signaling 2 RS2
32 R Receive Signaling 3 RS3
33 R Receive Signaling 4 RS4
34 R Receive Signaling 5 RS5
35 R Receive Signaling 6 RS6
36 R Receive Signaling 7 RS7
37 R Receive Signaling 8 RS8
38 R Receive Signaling 9 RS9
39 R Receive Signaling 10 RS10 3A R Receive Signaling 11 RS11 3B R Receive Signaling 12 RS12 3C R Receive Signaling 13 RS13 3D R Receive Signaling 14 RS14 3E R Receive Signaling 15 RS15
3F R Receive Signaling 16 RS16
40 R/W Transmit Signaling 1 TS1
41 R/W Transmit Signaling 2 TS2
42 R/W Transmit Signaling 3 TS3
43 R/W Transmit Signaling 4 TS4
44 R/W Transmit Signaling 5 TS5
45 R/W Transmit Signaling 6 TS6
46 R/W Transmit Signaling 7 TS7
47 R/W Transmit Signaling 8 TS8
48 R/W Transmit Signaling 9 TS9
49 R/W Transmit Signaling 10 TS10 4A R/W Transmit Signaling 11 TS11 4B R/W Transmit Signaling 12 TS12 4C R/W Transmit Signaling 13 TS13 4D R/W Transmit Signaling 14 TS14 4E R/W Transmit Signaling 15 TS15
4F R/W Transmit Signaling 16 TS16
50 R/W Transmit Si Bits Align Frame TSiAF
51 R/W Transmit Si Bits Non-Align Frame TSiNAF
52 R/W Transmit Remote Alarm Bits TRA
53 R/W Transmit Sa4 Bits TSa4
54 R/W Transmit Sa5 Bits TSa5
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55 R/W Transmit Sa6 Bits TSa6
56 R/W Transmit Sa7 Bits TSa7
57 R/W Transmit Sa8 Bits TSa8
58 R Receive Si Bits Align Frame RSiAF
59 R Receive Si Bits Non-Align Frame RSiNAF 5A R Receive Remote Alarm Bits RRA 5B R Receive Sa4 Bits RSa4 5C R Receive Sa5 Bits RSa5 5D R Receive Sa6 Bits RSa6 5E R Receive Sa7 Bits RSa7
5F R Receive Sa8 Bits RSa8
60 R/W Transmit Channel 1 TC1
61 R/W Transmit Channel 2 TC2
62 R/W Transmit Channel 3 TC3
63 R/W Transmit Channel 4 TC4
64 R/W Transmit Channel 5 TC5
65 R/W Transmit Channel 6 TC6
66 R/W Transmit Channel 7 TC7
67 R/W Transmit Channel 8 TC8
68 R/W Transmit Channel 9 TC9
69 R/W Transmit Channel 10 TC10 6A R/W Transmit Channel 11 TC11 6B R/W Transmit Channel 12 TC12 6C R/W Transmit Channel 13 TC13 6D R/W Transmit Channel 14 TC14 6E R/W Transmit Channel 15 TC15
6F R/W Transmit Channel 16 TC16
70 R/W Transmit Channel 17 TC17
71 R/W Transmit Channel 18 TC18
72 R/W Transmit Channel 19 TC19
73 R/W Transmit Channel 20 TC20
74 R/W Transmit Channel 21 TC21
75 R/W Transmit Channel 22 TC22
76 R/W Transmit Channel 23 TC23
77 R/W Transmit Channel 24 TC24
78 R/W Transmit Channel 25 TC25
79 R/W Transmit Channel 26 TC26 7A R/W Transmit Channel 27 TC27 7B R/W Transmit Channel 28 TC28 7C R/W Transmit Channel 29 TC29 7D R/W Transmit Channel 30 TC30 7E R/W Transmit Channel 31 TC31
7F R/W Transmit Channel 32 TC32
80 R/W Receive Channel 1 RC1
81 R/W Receive Channel 2 RC2
82 R/W Receive Channel 3 RC3
83 R/W Receive Channel 4 RC4
84 R/W Receive Channel 5 RC5
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
85 R/W Receive Channel 6 RC6
86 R/W Receive Channel 7 RC7
87 R/W Receive Channel 8 RC8
88 R/W Receive Channel 9 RC9
89 R/W Receive Channel 10 RC10 8A R/W Receive Channel 11 RC11 8B R/W Receive Channel 12 RC12 8C R/W Receive Channel 13 RC13 8D R/W Receive Channel 14 RC14 8E R/W Receive Channel 15 RC15
8F R/W Receive Channel 16 RC16
90 R/W Receive Channel 17 RC17
91 R/W Receive Channel 18 RC18
92 R/W Receive Channel 19 RC19
93 R/W Receive Channel 20 RC20
94 R/W Receive Channel 21 RC21
95 R/W Receive Channel 22 RC22
96 R/W Receive Channel 23 RC23
97 R/W Receive Channel 24 RC24
98 R/W Receive Channel 25 RC25
99 R/W Receive Channel 26 RC26 9A R/W Receive Channel 27 RC27 9B R/W Receive Channel 28 RC28 9C R/W Receive Channel 29 RC29 9D R/W Receive Channel 30 RC30 9E R/W Receive Channel 31 RC31
9F R/W Receive Channel 32 RC32 A0 R/W Transmit Channel Control 1 TCC1 A1 R/W Transmit Channel Control 2 TCC2 A2 R/W Transmit Channel Control 3 TCC3 A3 R/W Transmit Channel Control 4 TCC4 A4 R/W Receive Channel Control 1 RCC1 A5 R/W Receive Channel Control 2 RCC2 A6 R/W Receive Channel Control 3 RCC3 A7 R/W Receive Channel Control 4 RCC4 A8 R/W Common Control 4 CCR4 A9 R Transmit DS0 Monitor TDS0M
AA R/W Common Control 5 CCR5 AB R Receive DS0 Monitor RDS0M AC R/W Test 3 TEST3 AD Not used (set to 00h) AE Not used (set to 00h)
AF Not used (set to 00h) B0 R/W HDLC Control Register HCR B1 R/W HDLC Status Register HSR B2 R/W HDLC Interrupt Mask Register HIMR B3 R/W Receive HDLC Information Register RHIR B4 R/W Receive HDLC FIFO Register RHFR
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B5 R/W Interleave Bus Operation Register IBO B6 R/W Transmit HDLC Information Register THIR B7 R/W Transmit HDLC FIFO Register THFR B8 R/W Receive HDLC DS0 Control Register 1 RDC1 B9 R/W Receive HDLC DS0 Control Register 2 RDC2
BA R/W Transmit HDLC DS0 Control Register 1 TDC1 BB R/W Transmit HDLC DS0 Control Register 2 TDC2 BC Not used (set to 00h) BD Not used (set to 00h)
BE Not used (set to 00h) BF Not used (set to 00h)
Note 1:
Note 2:
Test Registers are used only by the factory. These registers must be cleared (set to all zeros) on power-up initialization to ensure proper operation.
Register banks Cxh, Dxh, Exh, and Fxh are not accessible.
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DS21354/DS21554 3.3V/5V E1 Single-Chip Transceivers
The operation of the DS21354/DS21554 is configured via a set of 10 control registers. Typically, the control registers are only accessed when the system is first powered up. Once the device has been initialized, the control registers need only to be accessed when there is a change in the system configuration. There are two receive control registers (RCR1 and RCR2), two transmit control registers (TCR1 and TCR2), and six common control registers (CCR1 to CCR6). Each of the 10 registers is described in this section.
There is a device identification register (IDR) at address 0Fh. The MSB of this read-only register is fixed to a one, indicating that an E1 SCT is present. The next three MSBs are used to indicate which E1 device is present—DS2154, DS21354, or DS21554. The T1 pin-for-pin compatible SCTs have a logic zero in the MSB position with the following three MSBs indicating which T1 SCT is present—DS2152, DS21352, or DS21552. Table 5-1 represents the possible variations of these bits and the associated SCT.
Table 5-1. Device ID Bit Map
DS2152 0 0 0 0 DS21352 0 0 0 1 DS21552 0 0 1 0
DS2154 1 0 0 0 DS21354 1 0 0 1 DS21554 1 0 1 0
The lower four bits of the IDR are used to display the die revision of the chip. The test registers at addresses 09, 15, 19, and AC hex are used by the factory in testing the DS21354/DS21554. On power-up, the test registers should be set to 00h in order for the DS21354/DS21554 to operate properly. Certain bits of TEST3 are used to select monitor mode functions. Please see Section 15.5 for further details.
On power-up, after the supplies are stable the DS21354/DS21554 should be configured for operation by writing to all the internal registers (this includes setting the test registers to 00h) since the contents of the internal registers cannot be predicted on power-up. The LIRST (CCR5.7) should be toggled from zero to one to reset the line-interface circuitry (it will take the device about 40ms to recover from the LIRST bit being toggled). Finally, after the TSYSCLK and RSYSCLK inputs are stable, the ESR bits (CCR6.0 and CCR6.1) should be toggled from a zero to a one (this step can be skipped if the elastic stores are disabled).
Power-Up Sequence
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