DL7612 LoRa Module
Version: LoRa_DL7612_Datasheet_V1.1
Date: 2018-07-30
Maxiiot Ltd.
Document Revision Record
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DL7612 is a low power,LoRaWAN based wireless communication module for 863-928MHz band. It
integrated with Semtech SX1276 RF chip and ambiQ micro Apollo1 MCU, DL7612 can achieve a
sensitivity of over -139dBm,The high sensitivity combined with the integrated +18.6dBm power amplifer
yields industry leading link budget making it optimal for any application requiring range or robustness.
Product Features
LoRaWAN technique
Frequency:ISM band, 863~928MHz Optional.
Hig sensitivity: down to -139dBm
+18.6dBm constant RF output
25mW RF transimission, 7 level adjustable
Effective communication range : 3~5KM
Ultral low power consumption, a single battery pack can work 3-5 years
Small size designed for quick integration of end nodes to LoRaWAN
Dimensions:22.0*15.0*2.7mm (W*L*H)
RoHS compliant
Low power consumption IoT application
Home and Building Automation
Wireless Alarm and Security Systems
Industrial Monitoring and Control
Long range Irrigation Systems
Smart Environmental Monitoring
Smart Cities
Smart Agriculture
Automated Meter Reading
Location Monitoring
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1.General Description
The DL7612 incorporates the LoRaTMspread spectrum modem which is capable of achieving
significantly longer range than existing systems based on FSK modulation. At maximum data rates of
LoRaTMthe sensitivity is 8dB better than FSK, but using a low cost bill of materials can improve receiver
sensitivity. LoRaTMalso provides significant advances in selectivity and blocking performance, further
improving communication reliability. For maximum flexibility the user may decide on the spread
spectrum modulation bandwidth (BW), spreading factor (SF) and error correction rate (CR). Another
benefit of the spread modulation is that each spreading factor is orthogonal - thus multiple transmitted
signals can occupy the same channel without interfering. This also permits simple coexistence with
existing FSK based systems.The DL7612 offer bandwidth options ranging from 7.8 kHz to 500 kHz with
spreading factors ranging from 6 to 12, and covering upper UHF bands.
1.1 Simplified Block Diagram
1.2 Product Versions
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The features of the two product variants are detailed in following table.
863~870MHz band,Suitable for Europe
902~928MHz band,Suitable for
America ,Australia, Asia, Korea, Japan etc...
1.3 Pin Diagram
1.3.1 Pin Arrangement Diagram
1.3.2 Pin Description
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