MAX CPM 1005U User Manual

The manual corresponds to BepopPC EX CD-ROM.
Note that other Bepop PC/Bepop PC EX CD-ROM versions may require completely different operating
systems and operating methods.
The CD-ROM is compatible with Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7 . Keep this manual together with CPM-100G5/CPM-100HG5. It is prohibited to reproduce part or all of the manual without our permission. The information in the Manual is subject to change without prior notice.
Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7
안전 지침
- CPM-100G5/CPM-100HG5 -
The Manual provides the following information.
Be sure to read it before installing into your personal computer.
CONTENTS For details of BepopPC EX, see PDF Manual.
[Preparing the CPM-100G5/CPM-100HG5] ................................................ 2
Be Sure to Read ........................................................................................ 2
Precautions for Use ................................................................................. 3
1 Confirming the Package Contents ...................................................... 4
2 Component Units and Their Functions ............................................... 4
3 Working with the Tape roll .................................................................. 5
4 Working with the Ink Ribbon Cassette ............................................... 6
5 Working with the Cutting Tool ............................................................ 7
[Installing the BepopPC EX Software] .................................................. 16
Notes ....................................................................................................... 16
6 What is Possible with BepopPC EX ................................................... 22
7 Important: Read before Installation ................................................. 23
7.1 Environment of PCs Capable of Running with This Software .............................................................. 23
7.2 Precautions for Installation ..................................................................................................................... 23
7.3 Restrictions and Other Precautions ................ エラー! ブックマークが定義されていません。
8 Installation and Uninstallation .......................................................... 24
8.1 Setup Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 24
8.2 Installing BepopPC EX Software ............................................................................................................. 25
8.3 Uninstalling BepopPC EX ........................................................................................................................ 30
8.4 Installing only the Printer Driver ............................................................................................................. 31
8.5 Uninstalling the Printer Driver ................................................................................................................. 32
9 Setting the IP Address of the CPM-100HG5 ..................................... 33
9.1 Restrictions for LAN Connection ............................................................................................................ 33
9.2 Setting the IP Address of the CPM-100HG5 ........................................................................................... 34
10 Usage of BepopPC EX (1): Input and Output of Characters ............................ 36
10.1 Inputting the Characters .......................................................................................................................... 36
10.2 Outputting to Bepop ................................................................................................................................. 37
10.3 Checking the Remaining Tape roll Length ............................................................................................. 37
11 Usage of BepopPC EX (2): Import of Logo or Mark .......................... 38
11.1 Reading the Logo or Mark from the Scanner ......................................................................................... 38
11.2 Calling the Saved Symbol (When Using for BepopPC EX) ................................................................... 40
12 Troubleshooting ................................................................................ 41
Trademarks used in this manual * Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Denotes what you should be aware of. A specific caution is given in or close to this symbol. Denota “a lo que debería estar atento”. Se da una precaución específica en este símbolo o
cerca de él.
Denotes what you must not do. A specific prohibition is given in or close to this symbol.
Denota “lo que no debe hacer”. Se da una prohibición específica en este símbolo o cerca de
Denotes what you must do. A specific instruction is given in this symbol. Denota “lo que debe hacer”. Se da una instrucción específica en este símbolo.
For the customers in the USA
[Preparing the CPM-100G5/CPM-100HG5]
Be Sure to Read Asegúrese de leer
The Manual and product use various indications to ensure that you can use the machine safely and correctly. The following describes the indications: El Manual y el producto vienen con varias indicaciones para asegurarse de que puede usar la máquina de forma correcta y segura. A continuación encontrará las indicaciones:
Never disassemble or remodel the machine – it could result in a fire, electric shock, or trouble.
Do not insert any foreign object into the machine, such as a finger, pen, wire, etc., – it could result in a fire, electric shock, or
Use the supplied power cord.
Not using it could result in a fire or electric shock.
Obtain power directly from an AC120V 60Hz electrical outlet. Do not put multiple loads on the electrical outlet – it could cause a
Do not modify the power cord. Never place a heavy object on a power cord – it may damage the cord, resulting in a fire or electric shock. Do not use a bundled power cord.
The emitted heat may cause a fire or malfunction. Be sure to unbundle the power cord before use.
Do not connect or disconnect a power plug with a wet hand – You could receive an electric shock. Do not operate the machine with wet hands or wet clothes.
You could receive an electrical shock.
Do not place paper or cloth on the machine when it is connected to an outlet.
Doing so could cause a fire or malfunction.
When disconnecting the power plug, hold it directly; never pull on the power cord.
Pulling on the cord can damage it, resulting in a fire or electrical shock.
Ensure that no water or chemicals are splashed over the machines. If water, etc., gets inside for some reason, disconnect the
power plug immediately from the electrical outlet, and contact your dealer for repair. If the machine is used in such a state, it could malfunction or result in a fire or electric shock.
Never put a hand or an object into a cutter section – it can both cause machine trouble and personal injury.
Run the machine only on the indicated supply voltage – use of any other voltage could result in a fire or trouble. Be sure to ground the machine.
Otherwise, if a short circuit occurs, a fire or electric shock may result.
Clean the power plug periodically.
Dust accumulated over a long period could cause a fire or trouble.
Keep a cutting tool (blade) out of the reach of children. If swallowed, seek immediate medical attention.
Do not use the machine if it has a symptom of a problem, such as smoke, abnormal sound, or foul odor – such use could result
in a fire or electric shock. In such a case, immediately disconnect the power plug from the electrical outlet, and contact your dealer for repair.
Do not share an electrical outlet with any device (air conditioner, refrigerator, microwave, office automation equipment, etc.) that
requires a large capacity – it could lower the supply voltage and cause the machine to malfunction.
Install the machine on a flat surface. Do not install in an unstable location, such as on a wobbly platform or an inclined surface.
The machine could fall over or fall from the platform and cause injury or malfunction.
Do not use the machine under direct sunlight, in a hot, humid location, or when there is condensation.
It may cause unstable operation or a malfunction.
Do not place paper or cloth on the machine – it could result in a fire or trouble.
Never touch the thermal head. Immediately after printing, it is very hot and could burn you. Also, if the thermal head is thumbed,
it may cause trouble.
Clean the power plug periodically – dust accumulated over a long period could cause a fire or trouble. When disconnecting the power plug, hold it directly – never pull on the power cord. Pulling on the cord can damage it, resulting in
a fire or electric shock.
When printing or cutting does not function properly due to jamming of an adhesive tape roll, ink ribbon, or foreign object inside
the machine, be sure to turn off the power before eliminating jamming – Otherwise, you could be injured by abrupt activation of the machine could cause an injury.
When opening or closing a door cover, be careful not to get a hand, etc., caught. When moving the machine, be sure to disconnect the power plug from the electrical outlet, close the door cover and hold the
[Precautions for Use]
sides of the body to carry it – neglecting this may damage the plug or cord and cause a fire or electrical shock, as well as this could cause an injury or trouble.
When replacing the cutting tool (blade) or mounting/dismounting a tape roll, be sure to turn off the power. Otherwise, you could
be injured by abrupt activation of the machine.
Note that the cutting edge of the replacement blade is very sharp. Do not touch the tip of the cutting tool (blade) – you may be
When not using the machine for a long time, such as consecutive holidays, be sure to disconnect the power plug from the
electrical outlet, for safety.
Data saved in a personal computer cannot be saved permanently. We cannot be responsible for damage due to loss of data
attributable to trouble or repair, or lost profit.
Do not directly touch the connector with hand. Static electricity may cause trouble.
MAX will not be held responsible for any damages that occur as a result of not following the
instructions in this manual, damages and lost profits resulting from not being able to use the
machine (malfunction), or any relevant secondary damages.
Nunca desmonte o remodele la máquina, ya que esto podría provocar un incendio, una descarga eléctrica u otros problemas.
No inserte ningún objeto extraño en la máquina, como dedos, bolígrafos, cables, etc., ya que podría provocar un incendio, una
descarga eléctrica o lesiones.
Use el cable de alimentación provisto.
No usarlo podría provocar un incendio o una descarga eléctrica.
Obtenga energía directamente de un tomacorriente. No coloque cargas múltiples en el tomacorriente dado que podría provocar
un incendio.
No modifique el cable de alimentación. Nunca coloque un objeto pesado sobre un cable de alimentación, ya que este podría dañar el cable, lo que causaría un incendio
o una descarga eléctrica.
No use un cable de alimentación atado. El calor emitido podría ocasionar un incendio o un fallo de funcionamiento. Asegúrese de desatar el cable de alimentación antes
de usarlo.
No conecte ni desconecte un enchufe con las manos mojadas. Podría recibir una descarga eléctrica. No opere la máquina con las manos o ropa mojadas.
Podría recibir una descarga eléctrica.
No apoye papel o tela en la máquina cuando esté conectada a un tomacorriente.
Esto podría ocasionar un incendio o un fallo de funcionamiento.
Cuando desconecte el tomacorriente, sosténgalo directamente; nunca tire del cable de alimentación. Esto podría dañarlo, lo que ocasionaría un incendio o una descarga eléctrica. Asegúrese de no derramar agua ni químicos sobre las máquinas. Si agua u otro elemento ingresa por cualquier motivo,
desconecte el enchufe del tomacorriente de inmediato y comuníquese con el distribuidor para que lo repare. Si la máquina se usa en tal estado, podría fallar o provocar un incendio o una descarga eléctrica.
Nunca coloque la mano o un objeto dentro de la sección de corte, ya que puede ocasionar fallos en el funcionamiento de la
máquina y lesiones personales.
Utilice la máquina solo en el voltaje de suministro indicado; el uso de cualquier otro voltaje podría ocasionar un incendio o fallos. Asegúrese de poner a tierra la máquina.
De lo contrario, si ocurriera un cortocircuito, este podría provocar un incendio o una descarga eléctrica.
Limpie el enchufe regularmente.
El polvo acumulado durante mucho tiempo podría provocar un incendio o fallos.
Mantenga la herramienta de corte (la cuchilla) fuera del alcance de los niños. En caso de que se la traguen, busque atención
médica de inmediato.
No use la máquina si muestra indicios de un problema, como humo, ruido anormal u olor fétido, ya que dicho uso podría
provocar un incendio o una descarga eléctrica. En ese caso, desconecte el enchufe del tomacorriente de inmediato y comuníquese con el distribuidor para que la repare.
No comparta un tomacorriente con otro dispositivo (aire acondicionado, refrigerador, microondas, equipo de automatización de
oficina, etc.) que requiera gran capacidad. Esto podría disminuir el voltaje de suministro y resultar en el mal funcionamiento de la máquina.
Instale la máquina sobre una superficie plana. No la instale en un lugar inestable, como por ejemplo, sobre una plataforma poco
firme o superficie inclinada. La máquina podría caerse y provocar lesiones o desperfectos.
No use la máquina bajo luz solar directa, en un lugar caluroso y húmedo o cuando haya condensación.
Podría provocar funcionamiento inestable o un fallo de funcionamiento.
No coloque papel o tela en la máquina, ya que podría provocar un incendio o fallos.
Nunca toque el cabezal térmico. Luego de imprimir está muy caliente y podría causarle quemaduras. Además, si el cabezal
térmico está accionado, podría ocasionar problemas.
Limpie el enchufe regularmente, ya que el polvo acumulado con el tiempo podría ocasionar un incendio o fallos. Cuando desconecte el enchufe, sosténgalo directamente; nunca tire del cable de alimentación. Esto podría dañarlo y ocasionar
un incendio o una descarga eléctrica.
Cuando no pueda imprimir o cortar de forma adecuada a causa del atasco de un vinilo adhesivo, una cinta entintada o la
[Precauciones de uso]
presencia de un objeto extraño dentro de la máquina, asegúrese de apagar el suministro de energía antes de eliminar el atasco. De lo contrario, podría lesionarse por la activación abrupta de la máquina.
Cuando abra o cierre la tapa, tenga cuidado de que la mano, etc. no quede atrapada. Cuando mueva la máquina, asegúrese de desconectar el enchufe del tomacorriente, cerrar la tapa y agarrar los laterales del
cuerpo para transportarlo. De lo contrario, podría dañar el enchufe o el cable y ocasionar un incendio o una descarga eléctrica, así como también provocar lesiones o fallos de funcionamiento.
Cuando reemplace la herramienta de corte (la cuchilla) o monte/desmonte un vinilo, asegúrese de apagar el suministro de
energía. De lo contrario, podría lastimarse a causa de la activación abrupta de la máquina.
Tenga en cuenta que el borde cortante de la cuchilla de repuesto es muy filoso.
No toque la punta de la herramienta de corte (la cuchilla) o podría lastimarse.
Cuando no use la máquina durante mucho tiempo, como feriados consecutivos, asegúrese de desconectar el enchufe del
tomacorriente, por seguridad.
Los datos almacenados en una computadora personal no se pueden almacenar de forma permanente. No seremos
responsables de los daños ocasionados por pérdida de datos atribuibles a fallos o reparaciones, ni por pérdida de ganancias.
No toque directamente el conector con la mano. La electricidad estática puede ocasionar problemas.
Printer section Printing method
Thermal transfer
Printing density
Printing speed
25 mm/sec. (1/sec.)
Cutter section Resolution
0.025 mm/step (0.001/step)
Cutting speed
120 mm/sec. (4.7/sec.) at maximum
Maximum output range
100 mm (3.9) x 2000 mm (78.7)
USB2.0 full speed
USB2.0 full speed
LAN 10baseT/100baseTX
Working environment
Temperature: 10-35C (50-95°F),
Humidity: 35-80 % (No dew condensation allowed)
Power source
AC 100 - 240 V 50/60 Hz 1A
Power consumption
85 W
Outer dimensions
330 mm (13.0) x 320 mm (12.6) x 320 mm (12.6)
(W) x (D) x (H)
Mass (Main body only)
9 kg (19.8lbs.)
Descargos de responsabilidad
MAX no será responsable de ningún daño que ocurra como resultado de no seguir las
instrucciones en este manual, daños y pérdida de ganancias por no poder usar la máquina
(fallos de funcionamiento) ni ningún daño secundario relevante.
*Design, specifications, and the like are subject to change without notice.
FCC Notice
(Class A: CPM-100G5/CPM-100HG5)
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
ADDRESS : 257 East 2nd Street Mineola, NY 11501, U.S.A.
PHONE : (516)741-3151 FAX : (516)741-3272
This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference; and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
ADDRESS : 257 East 2nd Street Mineola, NY 11501, U.S.A.
PHONE : (516)741-3151 FAX : (516)741-3272
<1> CPM-100G5/CPM-100HG5
<2> AC cable
<3> Blade (1 pc.)
<4> Tweezers
<5> Squeegee
<6> Tool Holder
(Attached upon shipment)
<7> Tool holder
replacing spanner
<8> Application
Software CD
<9> Installation Manual
(this manual)
Door Cover
Vinyl Outlet
LED Lamp
Cutting Pressure Control Dial
Power Key
Vinyl Feed Key (Forward)
Vinyl Feed Key (Back)
Scissors Key
Handle (Right and Left)
Opening/Closing Lever
Thermal Head
Cutting Tool
Cutting Head
Vinyl Retainer
Dust Removal Lever (Silver)
Power Connector
Vinyl Holder
USB Connector
LAN Connector
(Only CPM-100HG5)
1. Confirming the Package Contents
Open the package and confirm that all of the following items are included.
2. Component Units and Their Functions
[Front of Main Body] [Back of Main Body]
[Main Key Functions]
Power key : Used to turn on/off the power. Tape roll feed keys : Used to feed the tape roll. LED lamp : Illuminated in green when the Power switch is turned on. It is illuminated or blinks in red when informing you of an error.
1. After turning off the power, pull up the door cover
opening/closing lever to open the door cover.
2. Lift up the dust removal lever (silver).
3. Place the Bepop tape roll on the tape roll holder.
4. Put the tape roll through under the dust removal lever
5. Pull out the tape roll forward to put it through under two tape
roll retaining rollers.
6. Align the holes in the tape rolls with the right and left
sprocket pins.
7. Lower the dust removal lever (silver) to retain the tape roll.
8. Close the door cover until it clicks to lock.
Dust Removal Lever (Silver)
Vinyl Holder
* Put it through over a
black roller.
Vinyl Retaining Roller
Vinyl Retaining Roller
Black Roller
Dust Removal Lever (Silver)
When loading the vinyl, be sure to turn off the power. Otherwise, you could be injured if the machine is activated abruptly.
Cuando cargue el vinilo, asegúrese de apagar el suministro de energía. De lo contrario, podría lesionarse si la máquina se activa de forma abrupta.
3. Working with the Tape roll
Loading the Tape roll
1. Pull up the opening/closing lever to open the door cover.
2. Holding the ink ribbon cassette so that its sponge faces
downward, turn the ribbon gear in the arrow-indicated direction as shown in the figure to take up the slack of the ink ribbon.
3. Fit the claws of the ink ribbon cassette into the slots in the
back of the door cover.
4. Turn the ink ribbon cassette upward, using the claws as
leverage. Push it in firmly until the ink ribbon locks with a click sound.
Removing the Ink Ribbon Cassette from the CPM-100G5/CPM-100HG5
1. Open the door cover. Pushing the snap of the ink ribbon
cassette, pull it out.
2. Lift the cassette upward and pull it out.
Do not touch the thermal head to prevent a burn. It could burn you.
No toque el cabezal térmico a fin de evitar quemaduras. Podría quemarse.
4. Working with the Ink Ribbon Cassette
Inserting the Ink Ribbon Cassette
Note : CPM-100G5 / HG5 printers work properly only with SL-R1xxT xxxxx-C (such as SL-R101T Black-C) ribbon cassettes. For further details, please contact MAX Bepop CPM-100G5/HG5 distributors and dealers.
1. After turning off the power, pull up the opening/closing lever
to open the door cover.
2. Move the cutting head to the center manually.
3. Using an accessory spanner, turn the tool holder in the
counterclockwise direction to remove it. (Use the larger end of the spanner.)
4. Turn the cap (top) of the tool holder in the counterclockwise
direction to remove it.
5. Prepare a new cutting tool (blade) and remove its protective
6. Holding a cutting edge (protective cap attached side)
downward, insert the blade lightly into the center of the holder. DO NOT push the blade into the holder otherwise this will not cut correctly.
* When replacing the blade, remove the old one first.
7. Tighten the holder cap. The share point will be projected
appropriately by tightening the cap firmly.
8. Clamp the tool holder manually onto the cutting head.
* When moving or carrying the printer, make sure to remove the blade beforehand. Otherwise, the tip of the blade may be damaged and result in improper cutting.
Store the cutting tool (blade) out of the reach of children. If swallowed accidentally, seek medical attention immediately.
Prior to mounting/dismounting the cutting tool (blade), be sure to turn off the power. You could be injured if the machine is activated abruptly. Do not touch the tip of the cutting tool (blade) to prevent an injury.
Use the larger end.
Guarde la herramienta de corte (la cuchilla) fuera del alcance de los niños. En caso de que se la traguen accidentalmente, busque atención médica de inmediato.
Antes de montar o desmontar la herramienta de corte (la cuchilla), asegúrese de apagar el suministro de energía. Podría lesionarse si la máquina se activa de forma abrupta. No toque la punta de la herramienta de corte (la cuchilla) a fin de evitar lesiones.
5. Working with the Cutting Tool
Installing (Replacing) the Cutting Tool
잘못 다루었을 경우, 사용자가 사망 또는 중상을 입을 가능성이 있으므로 절대로 해서는 안 되는 일이 적혀 있습니다.
잘못 다루었을 경우, 사용자가 장애를 입을 위험성이 있으므로 절대로 해서는 안 되는 일이나 물적 손해를 입을 가능성이 있으므로 절대로 해서는 안 되는 일이 적혀 있습니다. 또한, 작성하신 데이터가 소실될 가능성이 있으므로 절대로 해서는 안 되는 일이 적혀있습니다.
[주의해야 할 것]을 의미합니다. 이 기호 속이나 가까운 표시는 구체적인 주의내용입니다.
[해서는 안 될 것]을 의미합니다. 이 기호 속이나 가까운 표시는 구체적인 금지내용입니다.
[해야만 할 것]을 의미합니다. 이 기호 속의 표시는 구체적인 지시내용입니다.
For the customers in Korea
[CPM-100G5/CPM-100HG5 사용하시기 전에]
꼭 읽어 주십시오
사용 상의 주의 - 한국 EMC 요구 사항
이 기기는 가정용(B급)으로 전자파적합등록을 한 기기로서 주로 가정에서 사용하는 것을 목적으로 하며, 모든 지역에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 동 기기의 EMC 등록 인증번호(Certification No.)는 MRZ-CPM-100A(A)입니다.
표시에 관하여
이 취급설명서 및 상품은 본 기기를 안전하고 올바르게 사용하실 수 있도록 여러 가지 표시를 사용하고 있습니다. 그 표시 및 의미는 다음과 같습니다.
표시에 관하여
+ 32 hidden pages