Maverick Nica User Manual

Headset User Manual
Than k you for pur chasing th e Nica Blueto oth Headse t; we hope you enjoy us ing it. Th e team at Mav erick is d edi cated to maki ng beautif ul, technical ly innovative products for people who appreciate ho w an objec t looks as mu ch as how it works. Chec k www.maverickl for additi ona l informat ion on Nica , new prod uct s, and acc essories.
drive safely
Plea se check y our local law s concerning use of mob ile phones whil e driving. So me laws ma y ban phone u sage entir ely, whil e othe rs may req uir e you to u se a handsfre e headset lik e Nica.
Your Nica hea dset is de sig ned to wor k with the Ma verick Car Dock that plu gs into yo ur cigarette lighter. The Car Do ck prov ides a con ven ient locat ion to store and charge yo ur Nica in t he car.
Alwa ys abide b y t he law and drive safely.
Uniq ue boom-le ss, open air design – no p rotrusion
into your ear
Able to receiv e c alls while charging on the Desk D ock
or C ar Dock
Nois e-cancella tio n technolo gy for excell ent sound,
espe cially in the car
Rech argeable b att ery
Slid ing power swi tch – simp le to tell if Nica is o n o r off
3.5 hours talk ti me / 100 hours stan dby time
0.5 ounces (14 gr ams)
Oper ating rang e u p to 30 fe et (10 meters )
Magn etic attac hme nt to char ging docks fo r effortle ss
char ging
Auto matic reco nne ction to y our phone whe n used
with the Nica Car Dock
Head set and Ha nds -free Blue tooth profile s
Blue tooth vers ion v1.2 comp atible
nica features and specifications
fig. 1
rig ht
ear c re sc ent
sli di ng pow er but to n
vol um e
dow n
but to n
cha rg in g soc ke t
spe ak er por t
lef t ea r
cre sc en t
plu g
ans we r
but to n
vol um e
up bu tt on
LED lig ht
pairing – first time setup
Befo re you use Ni ca, you mu st pair it wi th your Bl uet ooth­enab led phone:
1. P ut Nica in pa iring mode : Turn on Nic a b y sliding the Power swit ch. (See a rro w in fig. 3). The LED w ill blink twi ce every few seconds.
a. Hold down the Ans wer button as shown in fig.4
unti l the LED fla shes blue and red.
2. S et your Bl uet ooth phone to look for Nica:
a. Find your phon e’s B luetooth s ett ings, whic h are usually
loca ted in the SE TUP or CON NECTIONS menu . Look for th e word Blu etooth, or th e Bluetoot h l ogo:
Diff erent phon es have diffe rent choices in the Blu eto oth
menu , such as:
i. look for devic es, or ii. add devices, o r iii. discover
charging nica
Plug the AC ad apt er into an AC outlet, t hen connec t t he AC adap ter to the De sk Dock as shown in fig ure 2. Pla ce Nica on t op of the Des k Dock to begin chargin g. The mag net ic atta chment wil l p ull Nica o nto the Desk Dock in th e c orrect orie ntation. I t i s best to charge Nica f ully befor e u sing it fo r the firs t time. Th is takes abou t one hour.
The LED light on Nica will shine solid r ed while N ica is chargi ng. When Nica is f ull y charged, the red ligh t will tur n o ff.
If N ica is pow ere d on while on the dock, the LED l igh t will als o blin k blue eve ry few se conds. Nic a is fully fu nctional w hil e char ging. If N ica is connec ted to your p hone (desc rib ed below) you can answer ca lls with N ica by simply plac ing Nica o n y our ear an d pressing th e Answ er button.
For the best p erf ormance, w e recommend that you charg e N ica daily.
fig. 3 fig. 4
fig. 2
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