Mastech MS6531ABC, MS6531B/C, MS6531A, MS6531A/C User Manual

5. Dis tance t o Spot Ra tio
The di stanc e to spot r atio (D :S) for t his met er is: 12 :1. Exam ple: Me asure ment fr om a dist ance of 3 00mm aw ay will p roduc e a measu remen t spot of a pprox . 25mm in diam eter. F igure 1 s hows a di agram o f how dis tance t o spot r atio wo rks.
1. Lase r Sight
2. Infr ared Se nsor
3. Meas ureme nt Trigg er
4. Batt ery Cov er
5. Type- K Therm ocoup le Jack
6. Mode B utton
7. Lase r/Bac kligh t Butto n
8. Temp. Un it Butt on
9. LCD Di splay
1. Display Hold
2. Main Measurement Display
3. Mode
4. Secondary Measurement Display
5. Fahrenheit
6. Celsius
7. Low Battery
8. Low Alarm Indication
9. High Alarm indication
10. Buzzer Indication
11. Measurement Indication
12. Measurement Lock
13. Laser Pointers On/Off
8. Dis play De scrip tion
02 05
9. Ope ratin g Instr uctio ns
9.1 Me asure ment
1. Poin t the met er at the o bject t o be meas ured.
2. Hold d own the t rigge r to begi n measu remen t. The “ ”sy mbol fl ashes o n the top o f the dis play to ind icate m easur ement i s takin g place .
3. The ma in meas ureme nt disp lay sho w the cur rent temp eratu re read ing of th e measu red sur face.
4. Rele ase the t rigge r and “HO LD”sy mbol wi ll appe ar in the uppe r left co rner an d the dis play wi ll hold t he last r eadin g.
5. The me ter’s a uto off f uncti on will t urn off th e meter 30s af ter rel easin g the tri gger.
Note :
- Envi ronme ntal te mpera ture ca n affect t he accu racy of the re ading . It is rec ommen ded the m eter be p lace in t he meas ureme nt envi ronme nt for 30 m in. prio r to taki ng meas ureme nt.
- Lase r can be tu rned off f or meas ureme nts at cl ose rang e to cons erve ba ttery p ower.
9.2 Se tting s Emis sivit y: defa ult emi ssivi ty is 0.9 5
To chang e emiss ivity : press “ MODE” u ntil th e botto m left show s the “E” s ymbol w ith two a rrows p ointi ng up and d own. Pres s the up an d down bu ttons t o adjus t the emi ssivi ty. Emis sivit y range : 0.1-1 .0.
Memo ry: To save re ading s: pres s “MODE ” unit “M EM” app ears in t he bott om left c orner o f the dis play. Pre ss the tr igger t o save the di splay ed read ing.
MS6531A/C TK: -40~1080°C/-40~1976°F IR: -6 0~0°C /-76~ 32°F: ± 4°C/7 .2°F IR: 0~400°C/32~752°F: ±1.5%, ±2°C/3.6°F
IR: 400~800°C/752~1472°F: ±2%, ±2°C/3.6°F TK: -40~1080°C/-40~1976°F: ±1.5%, ±3°C/5.4°F
MS65 31A IR: - 60~50 0°C/- 76~93 2°F
Accu racy
6. Techn ical Sp ecifi catio ns
User’s Manual
MS6531B/C IR: -40~800°C/-40~1472°F
9.3 Ba ttery R eplac ement
When t he batt ery is ru nning l ow, the sy mbol wi ll appe ar indi catin g the bat tery ne eds to be r eplac ed. Open t he batt ery cov e and rep lace th e old bat tery wi th a new 9V b atter y.