Mastech ms5908 Operation Manual

mA VA ms
L - N
L - E
N - E
Z - L
Z - N
Z - E
12 A 15 A 20 A
V Vd Z
Circuit Analyzer
Operation Manual
01 02
General Instructions
This ci rcuit ana lyzer is a sp ecial tes t device desig ned for AC low -voltag e distrib ution lin e quick fault l ocation . With simp le operat ion, accu rate measu rement an d other fea tures, it c an detect multi ple probl ems on a line , such as cau sing to elect ric shock , electri cal fire, a bnormal o peratio n of equi pment, et c.
TRMS me asuring AC v oltage
Artif icial loa d 12A, 15A, 2 0A measuri ng line dro p Measu ring phas e voltage , neutral l ine (zero l ine)
volta ge to earth , peak volt age, freq uency
Measu ring phas e (live lin e), neutr al line (ze ro line),
earth l ine condu ctor impe dance
Ident ifying 3- wire sock et connec tion mode ( zero
for lef t and live fo r right, ha ving eart h line or not )
Test the re liabili ty of resid ual curre nt device ( RCD)
and res ponse act ion time
Test the re liabili ty of GFCI ac tion and re sponse
actio n time
Backl ight func tion and da ta hold fun ction
Do not us e this inst rument wi thout rea ding, under standin g and follo wing the in structi ons in this m anual. Re ad and foll ow them car efully, as well a s all warni ngs and ins tructio ns marked on the in strumen t!
To prev ent damag es to the ins trument , it should not be us ed for meas uring the o utput of UP S equip ment, nor f or measur ing adjus table lig ht and squ are wave ge nerator !
For mea suremen t accuren cy during r epeated usage , allow at le ast 30 seco nds betwe en two conse cutive me asureme nts to faci litate equip ment cool ing when me asuring v oltage drop an d cable imp edance.
To ensu re accura te measur ement dat a, please check w hether th ere is impo rtant loa d or heavy load in t he line bef ore testi ng. Turn of f the heavy load, i f necessa ry, then re test.
03 04
1. Input for testing
2. Display
3. Power switch key “
4. Main test item selection key “ ”
5. Data hold key “
6. Backlight function key “ ”
7. Sub test item up selection key “ ”
8. Sub test item down selection key “
9. Test key “ ”
mA VA ms
L - N
L - E
N - E
Z - L
Z - N
Z - E
12 A 15 A 20 A
V Vd Z
05 06
L - N N - E
Volta ge (V ): eal ti me displa y of cable co nnectio n
statu s and displ ay the volt age drop of c urrent lo ad and mea suremen t results o f phase vol tage drop TRMS. This test i tem inclu des 3 subme nus, name ly load wi th 12A, 15A an d 20A. Pres s Up “ ”or Down “ ” selec tion key on t he sub test i tem to ente r the relev ant test it em. One ana log load ca n be added to l ive line (p hase line) a nd zero lin e (neutra l line) for t he analys er to meas ure the vol tage drop , and then ca lculate t he volta ge drop of 12 A, 15A and 20A lo ad separa tely. Under t he approp riate tes t functio n, press th e test key “ ” to te st.
Menu Operation
The mai n test item s of the anal yser are lo cated on the bot tom of disp lay, incl uding fiv e test item s, namel y: voltag e (V), volt age drop (V d), imped ance (Z), R CD and GFCI . Press the m ain test item se lection k ey “ ” to selec t relevan t test item .
V Vd Z
Volta ge (V): rea l time disp lay of TRMS of pha se
volta ge, wirin g status an d frequen cy. This test it em inclu des 3 subme nus, name ly phase vo ltage (L_ N) TRMS, v oltage to e arth of neu tral line ( zero line ) (N_E) TRMS, pea k voltage ( Peak). Pr ess Up “ ” or Down “ ” selecti on key on the s ub test ite m to enter t he releva nt test ite m.
07 0 8
Z - L Z - N Z - E
RCD: re al time dis play of lin e connect ion statu s,
and dis play curr ent RCD tri gger curr ent and tri p time. The analy ser simul ates curr ent great er than 30mA bet ween live l ine and ear th line to te st the perfo rmance of r esidual c urrent de vice. Pre ss the test ke y “ ”to test.
GFCI: r eal time di splay of li ne connec tion stat us, and dis play curr ent GFCI tr igger cur rent and tr ip time. " GFCI" (Gr ound Faul t Circuit I nterrup ter) is a fault l eakage pr otector t o earth. The tester simul ates curr ent great er than 5mA be tween liv e line an d earth lin e to test the p erforma nce of GFCI . Press t he test key “ ” t o test.
12 A 15 A 20 A
Imped ance (Z): r eal time di splay of li ne connec tion
statu s and frequ ency, and d isplay of t he impeda nce test re sults. This test it em includ es 4 submen us, namel y phase lin e (live lin e), condu ctor impe dance (Z_L) , neutral l ine (zero l ine) cond uctor imp edance (Z_N) , erath lin e conduct or impeda nce (Z_E) , avail able shor t-circu it curren t (ASCC). P ress Up “ ”or Dow n “ ” selecti on key on the s ub test item to e nter the re levant te st item. The Ava ilable Sh ort-Cir cuit Curr ent (ASCC ) feature can mea sure the cu rrent pas sing thro ugh break er when th e lines are c omplete ly short- circuit ed. Under t he approp riate tes t functio n, press th e test key “ ” to te st.
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