Mastech MS2128A Operation Manual

1.2 During use
1.3 Symbols............
1. Safety Information
1.4 Maintenance............
2. Description
2.1 Names OF Parts
2.2 Switch, Buttons And Input Jacks
3. Specifications
4. Operation Instruction
3.1 General Specifications
3.2 Technical Specifications
4.1 Holding Readings
4.2 Switching Rel
4.3 Switching Frequency Or Duty
4.4 Switching Maximum Or Minimum Value
4.5 Switching Functions
4.6 Back Light And Clamp Lighting Bulb
4.7 Auto Power Off..........................................18
4.8 Preparing For Measurement
4.9 Measuring Ac Current
4.10 Measuring Dc Current
4.11 Measuring Ac Voltage
4.12 Measuring Dc Voltage
4.13 Measuring Frequency
4.14 Measuring Duty
4.15 Measuring Resistance
4.16 Testing Diode
4.17 Testing Continuity
4.18 Measuring Capacitance
5. Maintenance
5.1 Replacing The Batteries
5.2 Replacing Test leads
6. Accessories
LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display)
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1. Safety Information
With p roper use a nd care, th is digita l multime ter will gi ve you ye ars of sati sfactor y service .
1.1 Preliminary
1.1.1 When using the meter, the user must observe all normal safety rules concerning:
- General protection against electric shock
- Protection of the meter against misuse.
1.1.2 When the meter is delivered, check whether it has been damaged in transit.
1.1.3 After being stored and delivered under harsh conditions, the meter should be checked and confirmed whether any damages have been incurred.
1.1.4 Test leads must be kep t in good condition. Before using check whether the insulation on tes t leads has been damaged and any wire has been exposed.
1.1.5 Use the test leads supplied to en su re operati on safety. If required, they must be replaced with test leads of the same mod el or class.
1.2 During Use
1.2. 1 Use the rig ht input ja ck, funct ion and ran ge.
1.2. 2 Do not take m easurem ents that e xceed the prot ection li mit value s indicat ed in the spec ificati ons.
1.2. 3 Do not touc h the metal t ips of the te st leads wh en the me ter is conn ected to th e circuit t o be meas ured.
1.2. 4 Keep your f ingers be hind the pr obe barri ers when taki ng a measur ement wit h an effective voltage abov e 60V DC or 30V r ms AC.
1.2. 5 Do not take v oltage me asureme nt if the val ue betw een the ter minals an d earth gro und excee ds 600V.
1.2. 6 Select th e highest r ange if the v alue scal e to be meas ured in the m anual ran ge is unkno wn.
1.2.7 Disconnect the test leads from the circuit under test before turning the rotary selector to change functions.
1.2.8 Do not measure the resistance, capacitance, diode
or continuity of live circuits.
1.2.9 Do not connect the meter to any voltage source while the rotary selector is in the current, resistance, capacitance, diode or continuity range.
1.2. 10 Do not tak e capacit ance meas urement s until the capa citor to be m easured h as been ful ly disc harged.
Be extremely careful when using this meter. Improper use of this device can result in electric shock or destruction of the meter. Take all normal safety precautions and follow the safeguards suggested in this manual. To exploit full functionality of the meter and ensure safe operation, please read carefully and follow the directions in this manual. If the
equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
This meter is designed and manufactured according to safety requirements of EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032, EN 61010-2-033 concerning electronic measuring instruments with a measurement CAT III 600V and pollution degree 2 and safety requirements for hand-held clamps for electrical measurement and test.
1.2.11 Do not use the meter near explosive ga se s, steam or dirt.
1.2.12 Stop using the met er if any abnormalities or faults are observed.
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1.3 Symbols
1.4 Maintenance
1.4.1 Do not attempt to remove the rear case to adjust or repair the meter. Such actions should only be performed by a technician who fully understands the meter and the danger involved.
1.4.2 Before opening the case and battery cover of the meter, always disconnect test leads from all sources of electric current. Disconnect the test leads from all sources of electric current before opening the rear case and battery cover of the meter.
1.4.3 To avoid any electric shock caused by error readings, replace the batteries immediately when the “ ” sign appears on the display.
1.4.4 Use damp cloth and mild detergent to clean the meter; do not use abrasives or solvents.
1.4.5 Turn the rotary selector to OFF position to switch off the power when the meter is not in use.
1.4.6 Remove the batteries to avoid damages to the meter if it will idle for a long time.
2. Description
- This meter is a portable professional measuring instrument with LCD and back light easily reading. The 'single-hand operation' design for the range switch makes measurement simple and easy. Overload protection and low battery indication are provided. It is an ideal multi­function instrument with scores of practical applications for professional, workshop, school, hobby and home use.
- The meter can perform measurements of AC/DC voltage and current, resistance, frequency, duty, capacitance, as well as continuity and diode test.
- Both auto range and manual range are available.
- This meter is equipped with reading hold function.
- This meter is equipped with true root mean square value measuring function (at AC A and AC V range).
1.2. 13 Do not use t he meter un less its re ar case and batt ery cover i s securel y fastene d in its orig inal posi tion.
1.2. 14 Do not sto re or use the m eter in are as expose d to dire ct sunlig ht, at high t emperat ure or with h igh rela tive humi dity.
Note -Import ant safet y informa tion, ref er to the inst ruction m anual.
Conforms to UL STD. 61010-1, 61010-2-032, 61010-2-033; Certified to CSA STD C22.2 NO. 61010-1, 61010-2-032,61010-2-033
Comp lies with E uropean ( EU) safet y standar ds
Eart h (ground ) TE RMINAL
Caut ion, poss ibility o f electri c shock
Equi pment pro tected th roughou t by double insu lation or r einforc ed insula tion.
Application around and removal from UNINSULATED HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors is permitted.
Dire ct curren t
Alter nating cu rrent
CAT III : MEASU REMEN T CATEGORY III is ap plica ble to test and me asuri ng circ uits connected to t he dist ribut ion part of the b uildi ng's low-voltage MAINS i nstal latio n.
1.4. 1 Do not atte mpt to remo ve the rear c ase to adju st or repa ir the mete r. Such acti ons shoul d only be perf ormed by a te chnicia n who fully u ndersta nds the me ter and the d anger inv olved.
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2.1 Names Of Components
(1) Cu rr en t Clamp (2) Cl am p Li ghting Bulb (3) Pa ne l (4) Tri gg er (5) Fu nc ti on Switch Butto n (S E L ) (6) MA X/ MI N Switch Button ( MA X/MIN) (7) Re la ti ve Switch Butto n (R EL) (8) Li qu id C rystal Displa y (L CD) (9) CO M Ja ck (10) I np ut J ack (11) Hz/Duty Sw it ch Button (Hz/%) (12) R ea di ng Hold/Back Li gh t Button (HOLD/B. L) (13) R ot ar y selector (14) O FF - p ow er switch (15) “ +” S ym bol (16) “ -” S ym bol (17) R ea r Ca se (18) F ix in g Screw of Batter y Co ver (19) B at te ry Cover (20) P ro te ctive Barrier ( to w arn the operator of t he l imit of safe acc es s)
- This meter is equipped with inrush current measuring function.
- This meter is equipped with auto zero function (at DCA range).
- This meter is equipped with maximum value measuring function.
- This meter is equipped with minimum value measuring function.
- This meter can measure frequency by clamp.
- This meter has function of auto power off.
- The normal function of the product may be disturbed by strong Electro-Magnetic interference. If so, simply reset the product to resume normal operation by following the instruction manual. In case the function could not resume, please use the product in other location.
ACCORD WITH: IEC 61010- 2-032 IEC 61010-2 -033
IEC 61010-1
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2.2 Switch, Buttons And Inpu t Jacks
HOLD/B.L Button
- For holding the reading or control backlight S E L Button
- For switching among measuring functions REL Button
- The key is the relative value measurement. Hz/% Button
- For switching between frequency and duty measuring functions. MAX/MIN Button
- For switching between maximum and minimum value measuring function. Rotary Selector
- For selecting functions and ranges. OFF Position
- for turning off the power. INPUT Jack
- For measuring voltage, resistance, frequency, duty, capacitance, diode, and continuity. COM Jack
- Common input connection for current, voltage, resistance, frequency, duty, capacitance, diode, continuity measurement.
- For measuring current
2.3 LCD (Liquid-crystal displa y)
Alternating current
Direct current
Diode test
Continuity buzzer
Auto range mode
The minimum value is being measured.
The mimum value is being measured.
mV, V
Ω, kΩ, MΩ
Hz, kH z
Auto power off
Battery low
This indicates that the display data is being held.
Percent (Duty cycle)
Milli-volts, Volts (Voltage)
Amperes (Current)
Nanofarad, Microfarad
Ohms, Kilo-ohms, Mega-ohms (Resistance)
Hertz, Kilo-hertz (Frequency), Milohertz
DCA zero and relative measure
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3. Specifications
Calibration is required once a year, to be carried out at a temperature between 18°C and 28°C (64F° to 82F°) and relative humidity below 75%.
3.1 General Specifications
3.1.1 Auto range.
3.1.2 Over range protection is provided for all ranges.
3.1.3 Maximum voltage between terminals and earth ground: 600V DC or 600 rms AC
3.1.4 Operating altitude: max. 2000 meters (7000 ft.)
3.1.5 Display: 4000 counts with analog bar LCD display
3.1.6 Maximum value display: 4000 digits
3.1.7 Polarity indication: automatic; ‘-’ for negative polarity.
3.1.8 Over range indication: ‘0L’ or ‘-0L’
3.1.9 Converter Rate: 3 times/sec; Bar graph: 30 times/sec.
3.1.10 Unit indication: function and unit.
3.1.11 Auto power off time: 15 minute.
3.1.12 Operating power : 3× 1.5V AAA batteries
3.1.13 Battery low indication: ‘ ’ on LCD
3.1.14 Temperature factor: < 0.1×Accuracy /°C
3.1.15 Operating temperature: 0°C to 40°C(32°F to 104°F)
3.1.16 Storage temperature: -10°C to 50°C(10°F to 122°F)
3.1.17 Dimension: 208×78×35mm
3.1.18 Weight: approximate 340g(including batteries)
3.2 Electrical Specifications
Ambient temperature: 23±5°C Relative humidity: < 75%
3.2. 1 AC Current
±(2.0% of rdg + 6 digits)
Accu racy
Reso lution
0.01 A
Rang e
- Max. i nput curr ent: 400A AC
- Freq uency ran ge: 40 to 400 Hz
- Resp onse: Averag e value
3.2. 2 DC Curren t
- Max. i nput curr ent: 400A DC
±(2.0% of rdg + 6 digits)
Accu racy
Reso lution
0.01 A
Rang e
3.2. 3 DC Voltage
Accu racy
Reso lution
0.1m V
0.00 1V
Rang e
400m V
0.01 V
±(1. 0% of r dg + 2d igits)
±(0. 7% of r dg + 2d igits)
- Inpu t impedan ce: 10MΩ
- Max. i nput volt age: 600V D C
±(0. 8% of r dg + 2d igits)
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3.2. 4 AC Voltage
Accu racy
Reso lution
0.00 1V
0.01 V
Rang e
40 0V
±(0. 8% of r dg + 3d igits)
±(1% of rdg + 4digi ts)
- Inpu t impedan ce: 10MΩ
- Max. i nput volt age: 600V r ms AC
- Freq uency ran ge: 40 to 400 Hz
- Resp onse: Averag e value
3.2. 5 Frequen cy
3.2. 5.1 By A range ( f rom curre nt clamp) :
±(1. 5% of r dg + 5 digits)
Accu racy
Reso lution
0.1H z
Rang e
0.00 11k Hz
0.00 11k Hz
>1kH z
- Meas urement r ange: 10 ~ 1k Hz
- Inpu t current r ange: >40 A rms AC (highe r input curr ent at high er freque ncy)
- Max. I nput curr ent: 400A rm s AC
At sma ll voltag e range, un steady re adings wi ll appear befo re the test l eads cont act the cir cuit. This is normal beca use the met er is highl y sensiti ve. When th e test lead s contact t he circui t, the true r eading wi ll be shown .
3.2. 5.2 By ACV ran ge:
Accu racy
Reso lution
0.01 Hz
0.00 1kHz
Rang e
0.01 kHz 10 kHz
>10k Hz
±(1. 5% of r dg + 5 digits)
- Meas urement r ange: 10 ~ 10 kHz
- Inpu t voltage r ange:>0 .6V rms AC (hi gher inpu t volt age at high er freque ncy)
- Inpu t impedan ce: 10MΩ
- Max. i nput volt age: 600V r ms
0.01 kHz
3.2. 5.3 By Hz/D UTY range
Accu racy
Reso lution
0.00 1Hz
0.01 Hz
Rang e
9.99 9Hz
99.9 9Hz
0.1H z 999.9Hz
9.99 9kHz
±(0. 5% of r dg + 3 digits)
- MAX. I nput volt age:600 V AC (rms)
0.00 1kHz
99.9 9kHz
999. 9kHz
9.99 9MHz 0.00 1MHz
0.1k Hz
0.01 kHz
Take i t only as refe rance
Take i t only as refe rance
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