Mastech MS2128, MS2108T Operation Manual

MS2128, MS2108T
1.1 Preliminary
1.2 During use
1. Safety Information
1.4 Maintenance............
2. Description
2.1 Names OF Parts
2.2 Switch, Buttons And Input Jacks
2.3 Names OF Parts
3. Specifications
4. Operation Instruction
3.1 General Specifications
3.2 Technical Specifications
4.1 Holding Readings
4.2 Switching Ranges
4.3 Switching Frequency Or Duty
4.4 Switching Maximum Or Minimum Value
4.5 Switching Functions
4.6 Back Light And Clamp Lighting Bulb
4.7 Auto Power Off...........................................18
4.8 Preparing For Measurement
4.9 Measuring Ac Current
4.10 Measuring Inrush Current
4.11 Measuring Dc Current
4.12 Measuring Ac Voltage
4.13 Measuring Dc Voltage
4.14 Measuring Frequency
4.15 Measuring Duty
4.16 Measuring Resistance
4.17 Testing Diode
4.18 Testing Continuity
4.19 Measuring Capacitance
5. Maintenance
5.1 Replacing The Batteries
5.2 Replacing Test Leads
6. Accessories
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1. Safety Information
Wi th pro per use and ca re, this di gital mul time ter will gi ve yo u year s of sat isf acto ry servic e.
1.1 Preliminary
1.1.1 When us ing the m eter, th e user mu st obse rve all normal safe ty rule s conce rning :
- Gene ral pro tecti on agai nst ele ctric s hock
- Prot ectio n of the me ter aga inst mi suse.
1.1.2 When th e meter i s deliv ered, c heck wh ether i t has been damaged in tran sit.
1.1.3 After be ing sto red and d elive red und er hars h condition s, the me ter sho uld be ch ecked a nd conf irmed whether any d amage s have be en incu rred.
1.1.4 Test leads mu st be kep t in good c ondit ion. Be fore using check w hethe r the ins ulati on on tes t leads h as been damaged and any wire h as been e xpose d.
1.1.5 Use the t est lea ds supp lied to e nsure o perat ion safety. If requi red, th ey must b e repla ced wit h test le ads of the same mod el or cla ss.
1.2 During Use
1.2.1 Use the r ight in put jac k, func tion an d range .
1.2.2 Do not ta ke meas ureme nts tha t excee d the protectio n limit v alues i ndica ted in th e speci ficat ions.
1.2.3 Do not to uch the m etal ti ps of the t est lea ds when the meter is co nnect ed to the c ircui t to be mea sured .
1.2.4 Keep yo ur fing ers beh ind the p robe ba rrier s when taking a meas ureme nt with a n effecti ve volt age abo ve 60V DC or 30V rms AC .
1.2.5 Do not ta ke volt age mea surem ent if th e value between the t ermin als and e arth gr ound ex ceeds 6 00V.
1.2.6 Selec t the hig hest ra nge if th e value s cale to b e measured in t he manu al rang e is unkn own.
1.2.7 Disconnect the test leads from the circuit under test before turning the rotary selector to change functions.
1.2.8 Do not measure the resistance, capacitance, diode or continuity of live circuits.
1.2.9 Do not connect the meter to any voltage source while the rotary selector is in the current, resistance, capacitance, diode or continuity range.
1.2.10 Do not t ake cap acita nce mea surem ents un til the capacitor t o be meas ured ha s been fu lly dis charg ed.
Be extremely careful when using this meter. Improper use of this device can result in electric shock or destruction of the meter. Take all normal safety precautions and follow the safeguards suggested in this manual. To exploit full functionality of the meter and ensure safe operation, please read carefully and follow the directions in this manual. If the
equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
This meter is designed and manufactured according to safety requirements of EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032, EN 61010-2-033 concerning electronic measuring instruments with a measurement CAT III 600V and pollution degree 2 and safety requirements for hand-held clamps for electrical measurement and test.
1.2.11 Do not use the meter near explosive gases, steam or dirt.
1.2.12 Stop using the meter if any abnormalities or faults are observed.
1.2.13 Do not use the meter unle ss its rear case and battery cover is securely fastened in its original position.
1.2.14 Do not store or use the meter in areas exposed to direct sunlight, at high temperature or with high relative humidity.
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1.3 Symbols
1.4 Maintenance
1.4.1 Do not attempt to remove the rear case to adjust or repair the meter. Such actions should only be performed by a technician who fully understands the meter and the danger involved.
1.4.2 Before opening the case and battery cover of the meter, always disconnect test leads from all sources of electric current. Discon nect the test le ads fr om all sou rces of electric current before opening the rear case and battery cover of the meter.
1.4.3 To avoid any electric shock caused by error readings, replace the batteries immedi ately when the “ ” sign
appears on th e displ ay.
1.4.4 Use dam p cloth a nd mild d eterg ent to cl ean the meter; do not u se abra sives o r solve nts.
1.4.5 Turn the r otary s elect or to OFF p ositi on to swi tch off the power whe n the met er is not i n use.
1.4.6 Remov e the bat terie s to avoi d damag es to the meter if it wil l idle fo r a long ti me.
2. Description
- This meter is a portable professional measuring instrument with LCD and back light easily reading. The 'single-hand operation' design for the range switch makes measurement simple and easy. Overload protection and low battery indication are provided. It is an ideal multi­function Instrument with scores of practical applications for professional, workshop, school, hobby and home use.
- The meter can perform measurements of AC/DC voltage and current, resistance, frequency, duty, capacitance, as well as continuity and diode test.
- Both auto range and manual range are available.
- This meter is equipped with reading hold function.
- This meter is equipped with true root mean square value measuring function (at AC A and AC V range).
- This meter is equipped with inrush current measuring function.
- This meter is equipped with auto zero function (at DCA range).
- This meter is equipped with maximum value measuring function.
- This meter is equipped with minimum value measuring function.
- This meter can measure frequency by clamp.
- This meter has function of auto power off.
Note-Impo rtant s afety i nform ation , refer t o the instructi on manu al.
Conforms to UL STD. 61010-1, 61010-2-032, 61010-2-033; Certified to CSA STD C22.2 NO. 61010-1, 61010-2-032,61010-2-033
Complies with Euro pean (E U) safe ty stan dards
Earth (grou nd) TERMI NAL
Caution, po ssibi lity of e lectr ic shoc k
Equipment protec ted thr ougho ut by dou ble insulatio n or rein force d insul ation .
Application around and removal from UNINSULATED HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors is permitted.
Direct curr ent
Alternatin g curre nt
CAT II I : M EASU REME N T CATEG ORY II I i s a ppli c able to te s t a nd meas uring c i rcui t s conne cted to th e d istri buti o n par t o f t he buil ding ' s l ow-v oltag e M AINS in stall atio n .
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2.1 Names Of Components
(1) Current C lamp (2) Clamp Lighting B ulb (3) Panel (4) Trigger (5) Functio n Switc h Butto n (S E L) (6) MAX/MIN S witch B utton ( MAX/M IN) (7) Auto/Man ual Swi tch But ton (RA N) (8) Liquid Crystal D ispla y (LCD) (9) COM Jack (10) Input Ja ck (11) Hz/Duty Swi tch But ton (Hz /%) (12) Reading Hold/ Back Li ght But ton (HO LD/B. L) (13) Rotary s elect or (14) OFF - powe r switc h (15) “+” Symb ol (16) “-” Symb ol (17) Rear Cas e (18) Fixing S crew of B atter y Cover (19) Batter y Cover (20) Protec tive Ba rrier ( to warn t he oper ator of t he limi t of safe a ccess )
- The normal function of the product may be disturbed by strong Electro-Magnetic interference. If so, simply reset the product to resume normal operation by following the instruction manual. In case the function could not resume, please use the product in other location.
ACCORD WITH: IEC 61010- 2-032 IEC 61010-2 -033
IEC 61010-1
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2.2 Switch, Buttons And Input Jacks
HOLD/B.L Button
- For holding the reading or control backlight S E L Button
- For switching among measuring functions RAN Button
- For switching between auto and manual ranges. Hz/% Button
- For switching between frequency and duty measuring functions. MAX/MIN Button
- For switching between maximum and minimum value measuring function. Rotary Selector
- For selecting functions and ranges. OFF Position
- for turning off the power. INPUT Jack
- For measuring voltage, resistance, frequency, duty, capacitance, diode, and continuity. COM Jack
- Common input connection for current, voltage, resistance, frequency, duty, capacitance, diode, continuity measurement.
- For measuring current
2.3 LCD (Liquid-crystal di spl ay)
Alternating current
Direct current
Diode test
Continuity buzzer
Auto range mode
Manual range mode
The minimum value is being measured.
The maximum value is being measured.
mV, V
Ω, kΩ, MΩ
Hz, kHz
μF, mF
DCA zero
Auto power off
Battery low
True RMS
This indicates that the display data is being held.
Inrush current is being measured.
Percent (Duty cycle)
Milli-volts, Volts (Voltage)
Amperes (Current)
Micro-farad, Milli-farad (Capacitance)
Ohms, Kilo-ohms, Mega-ohms (Resistance)
Hertz, Kilo-hertz (Frequency)
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3. Specifications
Calibration is required once a year, to be carried out at a temperature between 18°C and 28°C (64°F to 82°F) and relative humidity below 75%.
3.1 General Specificatio ns
3.1.1 Auto range and manual range options are available.
3.1.2 Over range protection is provided for all ranges.
3.1.3 Maximum voltage between terminals and earth ground: 600V DC or True RMS AC
3.1.4 Operating altitude: max. 2000 meters (7000 ft.)
3.1.5 Display: LCD
3.1.6 Maximum value display: 6599 digits for MS2128 6599 digits for MS2108T
3.1.7 Polarity indication: automatic; ‘-’ for negative polarity.
3.1.8 Over range indication: ‘0L’ or ‘-0L’
3.1.9 Sampling Time: approx. 0.4 second per sample
3.1.10 Unit indication: function and unit.
3.1.11 Auto power off time: 30 min.
3.1.12 Operating power : 1.5V×3 AAA batteries
3.1.13 Battery low indication: ‘ ’ on LCD
3.1.14 Temperature factor: < 0.1×Accuracy /°C
3.1.15 Operating temperature: 0°C to 40°C(32°F to 104°F)
3.1.16 Storage temperature: -10°C to 50°C(10°F to 122°F)
3.1.17 Dimension: 208×78×35mm
3.1.18 Weight: approximate 340g(including batteries)
3.2 Electrical Specif ica tio ns
Ambient temperature: 23±5°C Relative humidity: < 75%
3.2.1 TRUE RMS For measuring non-sinusoidal waveforms, test error which is occurred by using True RMS measurement techniques is less than by using traditional average-reading techniques. Both sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal waveforms can be tested by True RMS Clamp Meter exactly. At AC A & AC V ranges, even short two test probes there are still1-50 digits might be displayed on LCD. This is normal. Test result will not be affected. At AC A and AC V range, True RMS value can be tested only when input signal is more than 2% of full range. To ensure the precision of test result, input signal should be: AC voltage: > 13 mV AC current: > 1.3A
3.2.2 AC Cur rent
±(3.0% of rdg + 10 digits)
Resolutio n
- Max. input cu rrent : 600A
- Frequency r ange: 4 0 to 400H z
- Response: t rue roo t mean sq uare va lue
3.2.3 Inrus h Curre nt
±(10.0% of rdg + 60 digits)
<60A take it only as refe rance
Resolutio n
- Integrati on Time: 1 00ms
- Measureme nt rang e: 30 ~ 600 A
- Max. input cu rrent : 600A
- Frequency r ange: 4 0 to 400H z
- Response: t rue roo t mean sq uare va lue
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3.2.4 DC Curr ent
- Max. input cu rrent : 600A DC
±(3.0% of rdg + 10 digits)
Resolutio n
3.2.5 DC Voltage
±(0.8% of rdg + 3digits)
Resolutio n
- Input imped ance: 1 0MΩ
- Max. input vo ltage : 600V DC
±(1. 0% of rdg + 5digits)
At small volt age ran ge, uns teady r eadin gs will a ppear before the te st lead s conta ct the ci rcuit . Th is is nor mal because the m eter is h ighly s ensit ive. Wh en the te st leads conta ct the ci rcuit , the tru e readi ng will b e shown .
3.2.6 AC Voltag e
±(1.2% of rdg + 5digits)
Resolutio n
±(1.5% of rdg + 10digits)
±(1.5% of rdg + 10digits)
- Input imped ance: 1 0MΩ
- Max. input vo ltage : 600V Tru e RMS AC
- Frequency r ange: 4 0 to 400H z
- Response: t rue roo t mean sq uare va lue
At small volt age ran ge, uns teady r eadin gs will a ppear before the te st lead s conta ct the ci rcuit . Th is is nor mal because the m eter is h ighly s ensit ive. Wh en the te st leads conta ct the ci rcuit , the tru e readi ng will b e shown .
3.2.7 Frequ ency By A range ( from curre nt clam p):
±(1.5% of rdg + 5 d igits )
Resolutio n
Take it only as referance
- Measureme nt rang e: 10 ~ 1kH z
- Input curre nt rang e: >10A Tru e RMS AC (hi gher in put current at hi gher fr equen cy)
- Max. Input cu rrent : 600A True R MS AC
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