01 02
Make sure to read and follow all safety procedures to
avoid electric shock and/or injury. If the equipment
is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer,
the protection provided by the equipment may be
The met er is a saf e, reliable, yet small ha ndhel d 3 ½
digital clamp me ter. Capable of measuring AC curren t,
AC/DC voltage, r esist ance and continuity, it’s ideal for
both home users an d profe ssionals.
3. Ensure the mete r works p roperly by testing a know n
voltage first. I f not wor king properly, have th e meter
serviced befor e using .
4. Never exceed th e prote ction limit values indi cated
in the specifica tions f or each range of measurem ent.
5. Always use cauti on when making voltage
measurements a bove 60 V dc or 30V ac rms.
6. Make sure to use th e corre ct input jack, function a nd
range when measu ring.
7. Do not place the me ter in an y environment with dust ,
explosive gas or v apor.
8. Always keep fing ers behind the probe barriers.
9. Connect the com mon tes t lead first, then the hot le ad.
Disconnect in re verse o rder.
10. Turn off power and discharge capacit ors bef ore
measuring resi stanc e, diodes or continuity.
11. Fail ure to fo llow safety guideline s may pre vent the
meter’s built in protecti on from w orking properly.
12. To avoid d amage o r incorrect readings, c heck fo r AC
voltage presen t befor e making DC voltage
measurements .
13. Do not use the met er with t he battery cover not
securely in plac e.
14. When the “ ”symb ol appe ars, replace the batter ies
to avoid incorre ct read ings
15. Before openi ng the case, always disconnect t est
leads from all ene rgize d circuits.
16. Only use the tes t leads p rovided with the meter.
Replace only wit h simil ar leads with matching
specificatio ns.
17. Do not touch inp ut jack s during measurement to
avoid electric s hock.
18. Before switc hing fu nctions, remove test le ads fro m
an circuit.
2.Safety Instru ctions
The meter is designed and manufactured according
to safety requirements of EN 61010-1:2010,
EN 61010-2-032:2012, EN 61010-2-033:2012 on electronic
measuring instrument and hand held digital multipurpose
meter. And conforms to UL STD.61010-1,61010-2-032,
61010-2-033, Certified to CSA STD.C22.2 NO.61010-1,
61010-2-032, 61010-2-033.The product meets with the
requirements of 600V CAT III and pollution degree 2.
• All safety guidel ines outlined should be follow ed
otherwise the pr otect ion provided by the instr ument
may be impaired.
• Warning symbols in the manua l alert u sers of potential
dangerous situ ations.
• Precautions ar e to prev ent the user from damagin g
the instrument o r the tes t object.
2.1 Precaution s
To avoid poss ible el ectric shock, personal injur y or
damage to the mete r, please observe the following :
1. Before using th e meter, c heck the meter for damage
during transpo rt.
2. Check the test le ads for d amage to the insulation o r
wires before use .