Mastech MS2015B User Manual

AC Digital Clamp Meter
User Manual
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1. Safety Information.............................1
1.1 Preliminary...............................................1
1.2 Usage ......................................................1
1.3 Symbols...................................................3
1.4 Maintenance...........................................3
2. Description........................................4
2.1 Part Name................................................5
2.2 Switch, Button and
Input Jack Description..........................7
2.3 LCD Display.............................................7
3. Specifications...................................9
3.1 General ...................................................9
3.2 Technical Indicators................................10
4. Operating Guidance........................13
4.1 Reading Hold.........................................13
4.2 Relative Measurement............................13
4.3 Manual Measuring Range Choice............14
4.4 Function Switch.....................................14
4.5 Back light and
Clamp Head light...................................14
4.6 Automatic Power-Off.................................15
4.7 Measurement Preparation........................16
4.8 Current Measurement ..............................16
4.9 AC voltage Measurement..........................17
4.10 DC Voltage Measurement........................18
4.11 Measure Frequency................................19
4.12 Resistance Test.....................................19
4.13 Diode Test.............................................20
4.14 Circuit Continuity Test.............................20
4.15 Capacitance Measurement.....................21
4.16 Temperature Measurement.....................21
5. Maintenance......................................22
5.1 Replace Battery.........................................22
5.2 Replace Probe..........................................22
6. Accessries..........................................22
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1. Safety Information
The me ter mee ts GB/T 139 78-92 d igital multimeter general tec hnolo gy cond ition s, GB4793.1-19 95 (IEC -6101 0-1, IE C-610 10-2-032) electroni c measureme nt inst rumen t safety requirements w ith seco ndary p ollut ion and o ver-voltage standar d CATll 100 0V. Please foll ow the sa fety op eration guidelines to e nsure the sa fe use The me ter wil l provi de sati sfactory service to you i f you use and prote ct it app ropri ately.
1.1 Preparation
1.1. 1 When us ing the m eter, th e user should comply with stan dard sa fety ru les:
- Gene ral sho ck prot ectio n
- Prev ent mis using t he meter Afte r recei ving th e meter, p lease check for
dama ge that m ay have o ccurr ed during the transport .
1.1. 3 If the me ter has b een sto red and shipped under
hard c ondit ions, p lease c heck and confirm whet her or no t the met er is damaged.
1.1. 2
1.2 Usage
1.2. 1 When us ing, se lect th e right function and meas uring r ange.
1.2. 2 Don't e xceed ing ind icated values in each meas uring r ange.
1.2. 3 When me asuri ng circ uits with the meter conn ected , do not to uch the p robe tip (metal pa rt).
Plea se part icula rly note that inap propr iate use ma y cause s hock or d amage to the meter. In use , users s hould c omply with commo n safe ty proc edure s and completely follow t he safe ty meas ures st ated in the operation man ual. In ord er to mak e full us e of the meter's func tions a nd ensu re safe operatio n, plea se care fully r ead and f ollow the proced ures in t he oper ation m anual .
1.1. 4 Probe s hould b e in good c ondition. Before use, plea se chec k wheth er the pr obe insulation is dama ged, an d wheth er meta l wire is bare.
1.1. 5 Use the p robe ta ble pro vided with the meter to ensu re safe ty. If neces sary, be replaced with anot her ide ntica l probe o r one with the same spec ifica tion.
1.2. 4 When me asuri ng, if th e voltage to be measured is more t han 60 V DC o r 30 V AC (RMS ), alwa ys keep your f inger s behin d the fin ger protection device .
1.2. 5 Do not me asure b etwee n measuring end and grou nd that i s more th an 600 V.
1.2. 6 For man ual mea surin g range, when the value to be mea sured i s unkno wn in adv ance, choose the high est mea surin g range f irst and then lower rang es in seq uence u ntil th e correct range is found.
1.2. 7 Befor e rotat ing sel ector switch to change meas uring f uncti on, rem ove the probe from the circ uit to be m easur ed.
1.2. 8 Don't m easur e resis tors, capacitors, dio des and circ uits co nnect ws to pow er.
1.2. 9 Durin g the tes t of curr ent, resistors, capac itors , diod es and ci rcuit c onnec tions, be careful to avoi d conn ectin g the met er with the voltage source.
1.2. 10 Do not m easur e capac itance before capacit or is disc harge d compl etely.
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1.3 Symbols
Note ( Impor tant sa fety information. Ref er to the op erati on manu al)
Doub le insu latio n protection (class II)
CAT III Acco rding t o pulse v oltage tolerance
prot ectio n level p rovided by IEC 61010-1 stan dard ov ervol tage (installation) l evel II I and poll ution d egree 2 . The mete r compl ies wit h EU standard Grou nding
1.4 Maintenance
1.4. 1 Don't t ry to ope n the met er bottom case to adjust
or rep air. Suc h opera tions c an only be performed by tec hnici ans who f ully un derstand the meter and el ectri cal sho ck haza rd.
1.4. 2 Befor e openi ng the me ter bottom case or batter y
cove r, remov e probe f rom the c ircuit to be mea sured .
2. Description
- The mete r is a port able, p rofes sional measuring inst rumen t with LC D displ ay and back light for easy read ing by us ers. Me asuri ng range switch is operat ed by sin gle han d for eas y opera tion with overload prot ectio n and low b atter y indicator. It is an ideal mult ifunc tion me ter for p rofessionals, facto ries, scho ols, fa ns and fa mily us e.
- The mete r is used t o measu re AC curr ent, AC voltage, DC vol tage, f reque ncy, duty ra tio, resistanc e, capa citan ce meas ureme nt, temperature, NCV an d circ uit con necti on, and t o make diode tests.
- The mete r has an au to meas uring r ange function.
- The mete r has a tes t data du al disp lay function.
- The mete r has a rea ding ho ld func tion.
- The mete r has a rel ative t est fun ction.
- The mete r has max . and min . displ ay function.
- The mete r has a man ual mea surin g range selection func tion.
- The mete r has a bac k light f uncti on.
- The mete r has a aut o power -off func tion.
1.4. 4 Clean t he mete r with da mp cloth and mild dete rgent . Do not us e abras ives or solvents.
1.4. 5 Power o ff t he mete r when th e meter is not used. Swit ch the me asuri ng rang e to OFF position.
1.4. 6 If the me ter is no t used fo r long time, remove the batt ery to pr event t he meter being damaged.
1.2. 11 Do n ot use th e meter i n explo sive gas, vapor or
dust y envir onmen t.
1.2. 12 If you f ind any a bnorm al phenomena or failure
on the m eter, st op usin g it immediately.
1.2. 13 The mete r shoul d not be us ed unless the bottom
case a nd the ba ttery c over are completely fast ened in t heir or igina l places.
1.2. 14 Don' t store o r use the m eter in direct sunlight ,
high t emper ature o r high hu midity.
1.4. 3 To avo id wron g readi ngs cau sing electric shock, when “ ”appe ars on th e meter display, repl ace the b atter y immed iately.
Dangerous e lectr ic cond uctor.
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