Safety Requirements
The MS200 9A digital c lamp meter has been designe d
accordi ng to Safet y Standard IEC61010-1
IEC6101 0-2-032 f or electronic measuring i nstrume nts
and hand- held curr ent clamps. It conforms to sa fety
standar ds for doub le insulation CAT III 600 V and
grade 2 for p ollutio n.
Safety Signs
Impor tant safet y sig n. Refer to th e operatio n manual.
Danger hi gh voltag e.
Double in sulatio n (Safety equipment with cl ass II).
Ground (e arth).
Allow to be u sed aroun d conductors without
danger to l ife.
• Before us ing this me ter, please read carefully t his
user manu al and pay sp ecial attention to “warni ng”
content . Please fo llow the “warning” instru ctions.
• To meet the saf ety requi rements, only use probe
supplie d with the me ter. If the probe is replaced,
a new one wit h the same mo del or same electric
specifi cation sh ould be used.
• Before us ing it, ple ase check the meter and probe
for any dam age or abno rmal condition. If an
abnorma l situati on appears (for example: ba re
probe, en closure d amage, no liquid crystal di splay,
etc), don 't use the me ter.
• When the me ter is meas uring, don't touch the unus ed
input ter minal.
• Be carefu l when meas uring voltage greater tha n 60V
DC and 30V AC. D on't allo w fingers to touch or block
part of the p robe.
• When you ca n't deter mine the size range of signal t o
be tested , please sw itch the function measuri ng range
to the maxi mum posit ion, then gradually selec t lower
ranges un til the cor rect range is found. Do not exc eed
the input l imit spec ified in each measuring ran ge.
• Don't mea sure volt age greater than the upper li mit for
each rang e.
• Before ch anging th e function measuring rang e switch
to a diff erent pos ition, se t the probe and the ci rcuit
being tes ted to an ope n state.
• Before on line resi stance measurement, tur n off all
power sup plies in ci rcuit and release all charg es on
both ends o f capacit or.
• Don't exp ose the met er exposure to strong light , high
tempera ture or moi sture (humidity).
• Don't tou ch bare wir es, connectors or circuit s being
measure d.
• Before op ening the m eter back cover, make sure tha t
the probe i s removed f rom the circuit to be measure d.
• Only wet cl oth and a sma ll amount of detergent can
be used for c leaning t he meter. Don't use chemical
solvent s to wipe the m eter case.
• If you find a ny abnorm al conditionon the meter, st oop
using the m eter imme diately and have it repaire d.
• Repair th e meter wit h the help of a trained technic ian.