Mastech M320C User Manual

01 04
Gene ral Des cript ion
This co mpact d igita l multi meter i s desig ned to me asure AC and DC Vo ltage s, AC and DC c urren t, Resi stanc e, Diod e and to pe rform a udibl e Conti nuity c hecks w ith accu racy an d ease. Smal l and lig htwei ght, wi th a carr ying ca se and te st lead s woun d on its Bo dy, this in strum ent wil l provi de you ye ars of sat isfac tory se rvice . Auto po wer-o ff funct ion ext ends th e batte ry life . If no key- input s happe n aroun d 30 minu tes, th is mete r will be turn ed off aut omati cally.
1. Sele ct Butt on Mome ntary -type p ush swit ch for me asuri ng func tions s elect .
2. HOLD B utton Mome ntary -type p ush swit ch for da ta hold .
3. Func tion Sw itch Rota ry swit ch for sele cting f uncti ons.
Main tenan ce
• Befo re open ing cas e, alwa ys disc onnec t test be ads from a ll ener gized c ircui ts.
• For co ntinu ous pro tecti on agai nst fir e, repl ace fus e only with r ating s; F 400m A/300 V (Quick Ac ting) .
• Neve r use the m eter un less th e back co ver is in p lace and fa stene d compl etely.
• Do not u se abra sives o r solve nts on th e meter. To cle an it use s only a da mp clot h and mil d deter gent.
Safe ty Symb ols
Spec ifcat ion
Accu racy is g uaran teed fo r 1 year, 23°C ±5°C, less th an 75% RH .
DC Volt age
AC Volt age
Overlo ad protec tion: 300 V DC or rms AC for al l ranges Input Im pedance :10MΩ Freque ncy range : 50Hz to 400 Hz, 50 to 60H z for 300V range. Respon se: Average r espondi ng, calib rated in rm s of a sine wav e
DC Cur rent
Overload Protection: F 400mA/300V fuse
Overload protection: 300V DC or rms AC for all ranges Input Impedance: 10MΩ
±0.8% of rdg ±4 dgts
±0.8% of rdg ±4 dgts
±0.8% of rdg ±4 dgts
Range 4V 40V 300V
Resolution 1mV 10mV 1V
Range Accuracy
±2.0% of rdg ±3dgts
±2.0% of rdg ±3dgts
Range Accuracy
±0.5% of rdg ± 3dgt
0.1mV 4V 40V
±0.5% of rdg ± 3dgt
±0.8% of rdg ±3dgt
1mV 10mV
±0.8% of rdg ±3dgt
300V 400mA MA X
300V 400m A MAX
AC Cur rent
Over load Pr otect ion: F 40 0mA/3 00V fus e.
Range Accuracy
±3.0% of rdg ± 4dgts
±3.0% of rdg ± 4dgts
Audible Continuity Test
Built-in bu zzer sounds whe n resistance is less than 50 ±20Ω.
Overload Pr otection:25 0V rms ac
4. Test Lead s Red te st lead f or posi tive (+ ) and blac k test le ad for nega tive (- )
5. LCD Di splay 3 ¾ digi ts, 7 seg ment, maxi mum 399 9 count s.
Saf ety info rmati on
This m eter ha s been de signe d accor ding to E N6101 0-1, EN61 010-2 -030, EN610 10-2- 033, 30 0V CAT III an d poll ution 2. Foll ow all sa fety an d opera ting in struc tions t o ensur e the mete r is used s afely a nd is kep t in good c ondit ion Wit h prop er use an d care, y our dig ital mu ltime ter wil l give yo u year s of sati sfact ory ser vice.
Dur ing use
• Neve r excee d the pro tecti on limi t indic ated in t he spec ifica tions f or each r ange of m easur ement .
• Neve r use the m eter to m easur e volta ges tha t might exce ed 300V a bove ea rth gro und in ca tegor y III inst allat ions
• Alway s be care ful whe n worki ng with v oltag es abov e 60v dc o r 30v ac rm s. keep f inger s behin d the pro be barr iers wh ile mea surin g.
• Do not p erfor m resis tance m easur ement s on live c ircui ts.
• Insp ect tes t leads a nd prob es for cr acks, b reaks o r craz es in the i nsula tion be fore us ing the m eter
If the eq uipme nt is use d in a mann er not sp ecifi ed by
manuf actur er, the pr otect ion pro vided b y equi pment ma y be impa ired .
Impo rtant s afety i nform ation , refer t o the inst ructi on manu al.
Fuse m ust be re place d with ra tings s pecif ied in the m anual .
AC (Alt ernat ing Cur rent) DC (Dir ect Cur rent)
Earth(ground) TERMINAL Equipment protected throughout by double insulation.
CAT III: Applicable to test and measuring circuits connected to the distribution part of the building's low-voltage MAINS installation.Example:fixed equipment switchboards,circuit breakers,wiring,including cables,bus bars,junction boxes, switches,sockets,utput terminals on devices for industrial use and other equipment.
European union directives
CONFORMS TO UL STD. 61010-1, 61010-2-030, 61010-2-033, 61010-031; CERTIFIED TO CSA STD. C22.2 No.61010-1,61010-2-030, 61010-2-033,
R-0 0-05- 1659
Resi stanc e
General Characteristics
DC Cur rent Me asure ment
1. Set t he func tion sw itch at m A positi on. And pu sh SELE CT
butto n for DC.
2. Open t he circ uit in wh ich the c urren t is to be me asure d, and conne ct Test lea ds in ser ies wit h the cir cuit.
3. Read c urren t value o n the LCD d ispla y along w ith the p olari ty of red le ad conn ectio n.
Maxi mum Ope n Circu it Volta ge:0. 65V Over load Pr otect ion: 25 0V rms ac f or all ra nges
Range Accuracy
±1.0% of rdg ±3dgts
400kΩ 0.1kΩ
4MΩ 1kΩ
±2.0% of rdg ±4dgts
±1.0% of rdg ±3dgts ±1.0% of rdg ±3dgts ±1.0% of rdg ±3dgts ±1.0% of rdg ±3dgts
Diod e test
Show t he appr ox. forw ard vol tage dr op of the d iode.
Overload Pr otection: 250 V rms ac
Range Accuracy
±0.5% of rdg ±3dgts
10kHz 0.01kHz
100kHz 0.1kHz
±0.5% of rdg ±3dgts ±0.5% of rdg ±3dgts ±0.5% of rdg ±3dgts ±0.5% of rdg ±3dgts
Freq uency
Overlo ad Prote ction: 30 0V DC or rms AC fo r all range s Sensit ive: 500 mV RMS
Capa citan ce
Range Accuracy
±5% of rdg ±10 dgts
±4% of rdg ±5d gts ±3% of rdg ±3dgts ±3% of rdg ±3dgts
±3% of rdg ±3dgts
±3% of rdg ±3dgts
Overlo ad prote ction: 25 0Vp
Environme nt conditions : Pollution d egree: 2. Altitude < 20 00 m. Operating t emperature:
0~40°C (32° F to 104°F), (<80% R H, non-conden sing)
Storage tem perature:
-10~50°C( 14°F to 122°F), ( <70% RH, batter y removed)
Maximum vol tage between te rminals and eart h
ground:CAT III 30 0V Fuse Protec tion F 400mA/300 V Power suppl y 3V battery, SR44 or LR4 4 X 2 Display LCD, 3 999 counts, upd ates 2-3/sec. Measuring m ethod Dual-slo pe integratio n A/D converter Over range in dication Figur e”OL” on the disp lay Polarity in dication “-”di splayed for neg ative polarit y Operating t emperature 0° Cto 40°C (32°F to 10 4°F) Storage tem perature -10° C to 50°C (10°F to 122 °F) Low battery i ndication “
appears on t he display
Size 120X70X 18mm Weight Approx.110 g including batt eries
Operating Instruction
DC Volta ge Meas ureme nt
1. Set the func tion switch at V po sition. And push SE LECT button for DC .
2. Connect te st leads across t he source or load u nder measureme nt. The Polarity o f red lead connec tion will be indicated a t the same time as th e Voltage value.
AC Volta ge Meas ureme nt
1. Set the func tion switch at V position . And push SELECT
button for AC.
2. Connect te st leads across t he source or load be ing measured
and read the vo ltage value on th e LCD display.
AC Cur rent Me asure ment
1. Set t he func tion sw itch at m A positi on. And pu sh SELE CT butto n for AC.
2. Open t he circ uit in wh ich the c urren t is to be me asure d, and co nnect Test l eads in s eries w ith the c ircui t and read L CD disp lay.
Resi stanc e Measu remen t
1. Set t he func tion sw itch at Ω p ositi on. (Not e: The pol arity o f red lea d is posi tive” +”)
2. Conn ect tes t leads a cross t he resi stor to b e measu red and re ad LCD di splay.
3. If the r esist or bein g measu red is co nnect ed to a cir cuit, turn o ff power o f the cir cuit an d disch arge al l capac itors befo re appl ying te st lead s.
4. When m easur ing res istan ce abov e 1MΩ, th e meter w ill take a f ew seco nds to ge t stabl e readi ng .It is n ormal f or high r esist ance me asure ment.
Freq uency M easur ement
1. Set th e funct ion swi tch at Hz p ositi on.
2. Conn ect tes t leads a cross t he sour ce or loa d being meas ured an d read th e frequ ency va lue on th e LCD di splay.
Capa citan ce Meas ureme nt
1. Set th e funct ion swi tch at Ca pacit ance po sitio n.
2. Conn ect tes t leads a cross t he sour ce or loa d being meas ured an d read th e capac itanc e value o n the LCD di splay.
Diod e Test
1. Set t he func tion sw itch at p ositi on.(N ote: The pola rity of r ed lead i s Posit ive”+ ”)
2. Conn ect the r ed test l ead to th e anode o f the dio de to be tes ted and t he Blac k lead to t he cath ode of th e diode .
3. The app rox. fo rward v oltag e drop of t he diod e will be disp layed . If the Co nnect ion is re verse d; only f igure “OL” will ap pear on t he LCD di splay.
Audi ble Con tinui ty test
1. Set t he func tion sw itch at p ositi on. And pu sh SELE CT butt on for co ntinu ity
2. Conn ect tes t leads t o two poi nts of th e circu it to be tes ted. If the R esist ance is l ess tha n 50±20 Ω, buzz er will s ound.
Data H old Appl icati on
HOLD b utton i s used to h old a mea surin g resul t. When this b utton i s Pushe d, LCD wi ll keep t he last r eadin g until push ing thi s butto n again o r rotat ing the f uncti on swit ch.
Batt ery&F use Rep lacem ent
If the s ign app ears on t he LCD di splay, it i ndica tes that t he batt ery sho uld be re place d. Remo ve the sc rew on the ba ck cove r and ope n the Cas e. Repl ace the e xhaus ted batt eries ( SR44 or L R44) wi th same t ypes. Fuse r arely n eed rep lacem ent and b low alm ost alw ays as a res ult of Op erato r's err or .Ope n the cas e and rep lace blow n fuse wi th same r ating s(F40 0mA/3 00V)
Warni ng
Caut ion:
Befo re atte mptin g to open t he case , alway s be sure t hat test l eads ha ve been d iscon necte d from me asure ment circ uit. Cl ose cas e and tig hten Sc rews co mplet ely bef ore usin g the met er to avo id elec trica l shock h azard . For pr otect ion aga inst fi re, rep lace fu se only w ith the spec ified r ating s: F 400m A/300 V.
Batt ery
Carr ying Ca se
Oper ating m anual
Acce ssori es
4pcs ( Sr44 or L r44) 1pcs 1pcs
To avoid electric shock, make sure the probes are disconnected from the measured circuit before removing the rear cover. Make sure the rear cover is tightly screwed before using the instrument.
Usin g this ap plian ce in an en viron ment wi th a stro ng radi ated ra dio-f reque ncy ele ctrom agnet ic fiel d (app roxim ately 3 V/m), m ay infl uence i ts meas uring accu racy. The m easur ing res ult can b e stron gly devi ating f rom the a ctual v alue.
If the t est lea ds need t o be repl aced, y ou must u se a new on e which s hould m eet EN 61 010-0 31 stan dard, rate d CAT III 300 V, 0.4A or bet ter.
Repl acing t est lea ds
Repl ace tes t leads i f leads b ecome d amage d or worn .