Screen Mount Kit
Accessory Mounts
© 2013 Martin Professional A/S
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M-Series Components
Screen Mounting Kit
M6 allows to attach VESA 100mm compatible screens to the outside of the desk, including the two screen
This allows for example to replace the internal screen with an additional playback module and use the M6 screen
on an external mounting arm, or add additional screens to the console as needed. The M6 supports a total of
four displays.
M6 offers support for two external screen mounting kits.
To accomplish this a few items are required:
1. Martin M6 screen mount kit, PN 91613109
Included items: console bracket, screen bracket, 4 screws, cable
2. Manfrotto Magic Arm 244N http://www.manfrotto.com/variable-friction-arm
3. Martin M-Series Touch Screen Module PN 91613108 (or other VESA compatible screen)
© 2013 Martin Professional A/SM-Series 3.0