Marshall Electronics VS-PTC-50 User Manual

Marshall Electronics
Camera PTZ/On-Screen Display Menu
Mini Joystick Controller
Broadcast A/V Division
User Manual
Thank you for purchasing this Marshall Electronic’s product.
Please read the User Manual thoroughly before attempting to setup & use.
If you have any problems with this product please contact Marshall Electronics.
The LCD screen can be damaged by excessive pressure, direct sunlight, or liquids. Joystick and keyboard should be used in environments within the temperature and
humidity range specied. Please follow instructions dened in this manual for setup and operation.
List Of Items
1. Power adapter (Input: 100-240VAC 50/60Hz, Output: DC 12V)
2. Users Manual
Keyboard Specs
Item Parameters
Power Supply DC12V 1A ±10%
Temperature -10°C ~ 55°C
Humidity ≤90%RH (No cream node)
Communication RS485 Half-duplex
Baud Rate 2400bps, 4800bps, 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps
Screen 128*32 LCD screen
Package Size 180 (L) x 165 (W) x 90 (H)mm
1.1 Function Keys On Front Panel
Patter n
Prese t
RunA ut o
Setu p
7 89
1. Joystick
2. LCD screen
3. Function keys
4. Speed dome Setup
Ca m
Nea r
Ope n
Aux on
Clos e
Aux off
and recall keys
(Esc) Exit key: exit and back to previous menu;
(Setup) Setup key: press and hold for 3s to setup keyboard’s parameter.
(F1) Adjust the control speed, it has 4 level: 1, 2, 3, 4
(Preset) Preset special status of ptz (including direction and zoom times).
This key should be used together with number key;
(Shot) Recall special status of ptz (including direction and zoom times).
This key should be used together with number key.
(Pattern) Start/stop pattern record: press for 3 seconds to start pattern
record, after all operation, press this key again to stop pattern
record, this key should be used together with number key.
(Run) Recall the stored pattern, this key should be used together with
number key.
(0) ~ (9) Number key: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
(Auto) Control ptz rotate in horizontal direction automatically or clear
input number: when user input some numbers, press this key
can delete the numbers, else it will control ptz rotate in horizontal
direction automatically.
(Cam) Address selection key: select ptz address; this key should be
used together with number key.
(Tele) Zoom in: zoom in the object, enlarge the object size.
(Wide) Zoom out: zoom out the object, reduce the object size.
(Open) Iris + / enlarge iris.
(Close) Iris - / reduce iris.
(Far) Focus+ / adjust the lens focus on distant object.
(Near) Focus- / adjust the lens focus on near object.
(Aux on) Aux on: turn on ptz’s aux. This key should be used together
with number key; directly press this key without keying in any
number, the controlled ptz ID will add 1.
(Aux off) Aux off: turn off ptz’s aux. This key should be used together
with number key; directly press this key without keying in any
number, the controlled ptz ID will take away 1.
(Aux off) Press and hold for 3s to recall number 95 preset, normally it will
be opening the menu of ptz.
2 3
introducti on
LCD Screen1.2
1.3 Joystick Control
pt z addr X XX P: Pelco D B:24 00
Press eac h funct ion key, LC D screen will show r elevant information, press And hol d
th e key, rele vant information will sh ow w hile release i t will disappear. When the re
is n o operation over 30s, it will get into power-save mode(its backl ight will be turned
off), it will sho w standby image, d etails as bellow :
Wh en cont rol speed dome and m ounting plate
introd uct ion
Aux off aux of fturn off ptzs aux. function , this ke y should be used together with numb er key; directly press this key without keying in any number, the controlled p tz ID will ta ke away 1.
press joystickpress and hol d for 3s to r ecall number 95 pr es et , normall y it wi ll be ope
ni ng the me nu of ptz.
LCD Screen1.2
1.3 Joystick Control
pt z addr X XX P: Pelco D B:24 00
Press eac h funct ion key, LC D screen will show r elevant information, press And hol d
th e key, rele vant information will sh ow w hile release i t will disappear. When the re
is n o operation over 30s, it will get into power-save mode(its backl ight will be turned
off), it will sho w standby image, d etails as bellow :
Wh en cont rol speed dome and m ounting plate
Operating Operating Operating Operating
Ou tput Co ntrol
Ou tput Co ntrol
Ou tput Co ntrol
Ou tput Co ntrol
Up war d
Le ft
Ri ght
Wh en cont rol Setup of keybo ard con troller:
introd uct ion
Aux off aux of fturn off ptzs aux. function , this ke y should be used together with numb er key; directly press this key without keying in any number, the controlled p tz ID will ta ke away 1.
press joystickpress and hol d for 3s to r ecall number 95 pr es et , normall y it wi ll be opening t he menu o f ptz.
2.1 Introduction To single-press Keys And Combined Keys
2.2.1 Select PTZ ID:
select speed dome or decoder whose ID is 28: press 28Cam in turn,
LCD will display as below(corresponding protocol and baud rate will also be showed).
2.2 Detailed introduction to combined keys
2.1.1 Single-press key: When single key is pressed, the corresponding PTZ will respond.
Single-press keys include: Near , Fa r , Tele , Wide , O pen , Clo se ,
Auto, F1 , Run , Esc ,joystick
2.1.2 Combined key operations mean 2 or more keys, or key and joystick are pressed,
the corresponding PTZ will respond.
The operations include:Preset,Pattern,Shot,Cam,Setup】.
2.1 Introduction To single-press Keys And Combined Keys
2.2.1 Select PTZ ID:
select speed dome or decoder whose ID is 28: press 28Cam in turn,
LCD will display as below(corresponding protocol and baud rate will also be showed).
2.2.2 set and recall pattern:
Set patte rnsel ect P TZ ad dr., pres spatt ernk ey an d hol d fo r mor e tha n 3s,
LCD will display:
2.2 Detailed introduction to combined keys
PT Z add r0 P PelcoD B 240 0
: :
2.1.1 Single-press key: When single key is pressed, the corresponding PTZ will respond.
Single-press keys include: Near , Fa r , Tele , Wide , O pen , Clo se ,
Auto, F1 , Run , Esc ,joystick
2.1.2 Combined key operations mean 2 or more keys, or key and joystick are pressed,
the corresponding PTZ will respond.
The operations include:Preset,Pattern,Shot,Cam,Setup】.
2.1 Introduction To single-press Keys And Combined Keys
2.2.1 Select PTZ ID:
select speed dome or decoder whose ID is 28: press 28Cam in turn,
LCD will display as below(corresponding protocol and baud rate will also be showed).
2.2.2 set and recall pattern:
Set patte rnsel ect P TZ ad dr., pres spatt ernk ey an d hol d fo r mor e tha n 3s,
LCD will display:
Oper ate j oysti ck to cont rol P TZ m o ving to r eleva nt p o sitio n, adjust zoom time.
After setup, press
patternkey to finish, LCD will display:
2.2 Detailed introduction to combined keys
PT Z add r0 P PelcoD B 240 0
: :
PT Z add r Patter n reco rd
02 8
2.1.1 Single-press key: When single key is pressed, the corresponding PTZ will respond.
Single-press keys include: Near , Fa r , Tele , Wide , O pen , Clo se ,
Auto, F1 , Run , Esc ,joystick
2.1.2 Combined key operations mean 2 or more keys, or key and joystick are pressed,
the corresponding PTZ will respond.
The operations include:Preset,Pattern,Shot,Cam,Setup】.
1.2 LCD Screen
Pressing and holding each function key will engage the LCD screen and relevant information will appear. When function keys are released they will disappear. When there is no operation within 30 seconds the LCD and keyboard will go into power-save mode (backlight will turn off and standby image will appear).
Operating Operating Operating Operating
1.3 Joystick Control
When control speed dome and mounting plate:
Ou tput Co ntrol
Ou tput Co ntrol
Up war d
pt z add r XX X P: PelcoD B: 240 0
Ou tput Co ntrol
Le ft
Ou tput Co ntrol
Ri ght
When control Setup of keyboard controller:
Operating Operating Operating Operating
Ou tput Co ntrol
Me nu tu rned up
Ou tput Co ntrol
Me nu tu rned do wn
Ou tput Co ntrol
Parameter of the left
Ou tput Co ntrol
Parameter of the right
2.1 Introduction to single-press keys and combined keys
2.1.1 Single-press key: When single key is pressed, the corresponding PTZ will respond.
Single-press keys include: Near, Far, Tele, Wide, Open, Close, Auto, F1, Run, Esc, joystick.
2.1.2 Combined key operations mean 2 or more keys, or key and joystick are pressed, the corresponding PTZ will respond.
Single-press keys include: Near, Far, Tele, Wide, Open, Close, Auto, F1, Run, Esc, joystick.
The operations include: Preset, Pattern, Shot, Cam, Setup.
2.2 Detailed introduction to combined keys
2.2.1 Select PTZ ID:
select speed dome or decoder whose ID is 28: press 2, 8, Cam in turn, LCD will display as below (corresponding protocol and baud rate will also be showed).
2.2.2 Set and recall pattern:
Set pattern: select PTZ addr., press (Pattern) key and hold for more than 3s, LCD will display:
Operate joystick to control PTZ moving to relevant position, adjust zoom time. After setup, press (Pattern) key to nish, LCD will display:
Recall pattern: press (Run) key PTZ will run in the certain route which recorded in relevant pattern; Press any single-press key will stop pattern scan and back to normal status.
Note: This keyboard supports setting one pattern at present.
2.2.3 Set and recall preset point:
Set preset point 1: key in (1), press (Preset). Recall preset point 2: key in (2), press (Shot).
2.2.4 Turn on/Turn off aux function:
Turn on: need to open number 1 aux. function, press (1), press (AUX on). Turn off: need to close number 1 aux. function, press (1), press (AUX off).
PT Z add r0 P PelcoD B 240 0
: :
PT Z add r: ④ Patter n reco rd
PT Z add r02 Patter n stop
02 8
4 5
+ 4 hidden pages