Introducingthe AFD100– a dual mode, all-valve 100 Watthead thatrevisits thelegendarytones of oneof, if not the mostimportant,rock
albumsof the lastthree decades. As well as reproducing whatis regardedby many as the “Ultimate Rock Sound”, theAFD100 also contains
some truly awesome features,the firstbeing Marshall’s new electronic power attenuation. This incredible technology allows you toprecisely
adjustthe maximumpower output of theAFD100without losing anyof that sought-aftertone. No limited wattagechoices to click between and
no compromising yourtone, justsmooth and consistent powerattenuation thatis simple touse and makes theAFD100 ideal for stage, studio
and home use.
The Presence,Bass, Middle and Treble controls dictate the overall toneof the AFD100’shighly interactiveEQ section,meaning that changes
to onewill affectthe parameters ofthe others.This allowsfor a greater rangeof tonal possibilities,plus a morefluid and dynamic wayof
controllingyour sound.
The power ampvolume is controlled usingthe Master, while pre-amp distortionis governedby the Gain.By using these twocontrols, and
depending onyour guitarand playingstyle, it ispossible todial in bothclassic high gainSlash tonesand bitingbright cleans, witheverything
in between.Again, theoverall output volume of the AFD100 canbe governedby the Powercontrol.
The twin modes– #34 andAFD – are based ontwo of Slash’s legendary tones. The firstis taken from Slash’s ‘modded’JCM800 2203
(complete withstenciled34 on the side) thathe has usedsince the late ’80s. Thesecond provides an additional gainstage and isof course
ased onthe infamous ‘AppetiteAmp’, widely believed tobe a modified1959 Tremolo from the mid ’70s.Both modesprovide a unique,
harmonicallyrich, natural valve-driventone, ideal for thick crunchy rhythm andwild soaring solosalike. Aswith traditionalMarshall amplifiers,
theAFD100 provides twosensitivity inputoptions – one highand one low. Either inputcan be usedand is a matter of personaltaste.
TheAFD100 rearpanel features a series EffectsLoop, whereyou can connect anyoutboard stomp boxes and/orrack equipment youmay
have.The ReturnLevel control allows you todial in theexact amountof EffectsLoop signalyou want and can even be used as asecond
mastervolume whenleft unconnected,providinga boost of upto +10dB orattenuatingthe signalto a lower volume.A valvefault indicator
and self-biasing circuitryhave been includedas well, ensuring that anymaintenancecan be carried outquickly andthat the amplifier’sbias is
alwayscorrectlyconfigured.You canalso chooseto have other typesof popularoctal pentode or tetrodepower valvesinstalled(see Rear
Panelfeatures, section3). This work shouldalways beundertakenby a qualified engineer – ask yourlocal Marshall dealer for more
information.The included two-way footswitchconnects viathe rear panel also, allowing forquick #34/AFD modechanges andEffects Loop
Cosmetically, theAFD100 blends key characteristics ofboth an old-school‘seventies’style headand a mighty JCM800. Themodern silver
paneland matchingknobs alsopay homageto the 2555 Silver Jubileeson which Marshall’s inaugural Slash Signatureamplifier was based.
Classic blackLevant vinyl covering, a small vintagescript logo and white piping complete the uniquelivery ofthis incredible tone machine.
We recommendthat you read through theinformationin this owners manual carefully before poweringup your AFD100 toensure youget
the best out ofyour new amplifier.
Copyright:David Phillips - www.armarketing.co.uk
I wouldlike to thank youpersonallyfor choosingthis limited AFD100 Slash
ignature Series Amplifier– our tribute to oneof the greatest rock tones
ever recordedand one of the mostinfluentialguitaristsof the past
25 years.
I haveknown Slashsince the early ’90s and Ihave rarelymet a more
humblerock star. I remember when we launchedthe JCM Slash
SignatureAmplifier back in 1996, thefirst signature Marshallamp ever,
Slashwas utterlyflattered bythe conceptand kept asking “Why me?”My
easonwas, and still is, that in addition tobeing a trulygreat guitarist,
Slashpersonifiesthe spiritof rock ’n ’roll. That Silver Jubilee re-issue
provedto be a hugesuccess andhas paved the way for numerous
Marshall Signature Series amplifiers eversince. So,when Slash came to
us withthe idea ofrecreatinghis fabledAppetite ForDestructiontone,
I immediatelyput the challengeto the Marshall team. Thiswould be no
easy task as,unlike mostsignature models,there was nooriginal amplifier
to examine andreplicate.Our Engineers hadto rely on studyingthe
original recordingsand information from Slashhimself tofind that elusive
sound.Yet, after countlesshours of researchand development, thefirst
prototypes were readyfor the ultimatetest – a worldtour! I’mpleased to
say this latest addition tothe MarshallSignaturerange is nowa
permanent fixture inSlash’s rig.
This projectrepresentedanother first forMarshall, asevery stageof
developmentwas made public through theAFD100.com website. From
initial research, includingthe intriguingAFD amplifier back-story, to
prototypes andfull production models,every move was documentedand
followed by thousandsof fans around theglobe. Visitors tothe site were
also treatedto engineerblogs, newsupdates andeven behind-the-scenes
videofootage, aswell as beingable to post comments andask questions
directly to the Marshall team. It wasa great experience, one which I’m
sure we’ll useagain.
I wouldlike to take thisopportunityto wish youevery success withyour
newAFD100 SlashSignatureSeries Amplifierand I hopeit brings you
many years ofplaying pleasure.
Welcome to the Marshall family.
Yours Sincerely
Dr JimMarshall OBE