Marshall Amplification 1992LEM User Manual

From Jim Marshall
Congratulations on your purchase of the 1992LEM Super Bass Head. There have been many guitarists who have loyally used Marshall amplifiers throughout their careers, none more so than my good friend and rock ʻnʼ roll institution Lemmy Kilmister. As my way of saying thank you for years of un-wavering support itʼs my pleasure to put his name next to mine on his very own Signature Series amplifier.
This 100W all-valve amplifier has been based on Lemmyʼs most favoured head out of his extensive 1992 Super Bass collection, an amp he affectionately named Murder One. Made in 1976 it was this amplifier that had been at the core of Lemmyʼs sound both in the studio and out on the road for over 30 years, until that is we presented him with the first 1992LEM prototypes. My R&D engineers have worked closely with Lemmy in the development of this, our first Signature Series bass amplifier, to ensure precise recreation of Murder Oneʼs tone and feel.
As frontman of the legendary hard rock band Motörhead, Lemmy has toured the world performing to thousands of fans every night and always with his reliable backline of Marshall amplifiers and huge custom built speaker cabinets, a truly awe inspiring sight to behold. The 1992LEM prototypes were put through their paces during Motörheadʼs 2007 world tour and proved just as dependable as the ever faithful Murder One (which is now enjoying a well earned retirement). Knowing the 1992LEM could stand up to the most rigorous of challenges it makes me immensely proud that the quality of tone, build and reliability are still at the heart of our amplifiers.
I have met with Lemmy many times over the years and it was good to catch up again during this particular project. Itʼs always a privilege to spend time with someone who is as passionate about music and tone as I am, particularly when they have found that tone in a Marshall amplifier. You can read Lemmyʼs thoughts on the 1992LEM and discover the story behind our long association together over the next few pages of this handbook.
I sincerely hope that this Limited Edition landmark in Marshallʼs history will provide you with countless hours of playing pleasure. I would like to wish you every success with your new amplifier and welcome you to the ever increasing Marshall family.
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Jim Marshall OBE
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