From Jim Marshall
I am reallypleased that you have chosen this 1959RR Randy Rhoads Signature Series Super
Lead 100W head. It is only the fourth signature amplifier that we have produced and I feelit is
a great addition to this selectrange.
I first met Randy whenhe came tothe factory in January 1980.He had not long ago joined
Ozzy Osbourne and they were workingon theirfirst album. He came hereknowing exactly
what hewaslooking for, he just needed to find the amplifier thatwasgoing tobe capable of
delivering thepower,the tone, and thereliability that hewanted, but was alsoin keeping with
theimage thathe was to be recognised by.
Randy almost found everything he was searching for inastandard1959 head, but the tone
was not quite right. He spentsome time with my Service Manager, explaining theslight
differencehe was lookingfor, and afterafew trials we wereable to fit a modificationwhich
made the subtle change to the standard toneof the1959.
Randy left thefactoryto proudlystand infrontof his whiteMarshallstack for all of his hugely
successful, but sadly too brief careerwith Ozzy Osbourne.In this time the legendary guitarist
couldbe seen by thousands of fans,performing in front ofhisMarshallstack – a sight to
behold and a triumphant assault on theears.
Our design team havespent many hoursinvestigating the original Randy Rhoads amplifier,
speaking to the Randy Rhoads family, talkingto people who knewRandyand heard him play,
and talking to the ServiceManager who was atthe factory whenRandycame in and made
themodification tothe amplifier.The resultof all this hardwork is the amplifier you have just
purchased – based onthe classic whitehead that Randy bought in1980.
As withall MarshallAmplifiers,when you plug intothe 1959RR, whether onasmall or large
stage, you can do so with theconfidencethataccompanies all of our products,
Yours Sincerely,
Photo © Jay Banbury
Dr Jim Marshall OBE and daughter
Victoria (Managing Director)
Dr. Jim Marshall OBE
Dear Randy fan,
I sincerely hope that your Limited Edition, white Marshall Randy Rhoads Tribute ampgivesyouas much pleasure as the original gave Randy. I canremember him
callingme from England the dayhe wentto theMarshallfactoryto get it and hewasso excited about it hejust couldn’t containhimself. He’d justspent the morning
thereand he said,“guess what?They’regoing to modify it for methe exact way I want it!” Healso told methat it was going to be whiteandhe was very excited
aboutthat toobecause he really wanted itto bethatcolour. He was completedelatedaboutthe amplifier being customised personally for himandhe was also
totally enthused by hisvisit to Marshall. He just wenton and on about how great itwasto see everythingthatwent onthere and also meetsome of the people
behind the company!
The fact that somany people still listen toRandy’s music and somany young playersof today cite him as a major influence makes mevery proudandIreally
appreciate it. Randy really loved the Marshall soundandMarshallwasdefinitely the amplifier tohave inhis eyes – especially a whiteone! I thinkit is just greatthat
Marshall have done this specialamp in honour of Randy’s memory because it lines him up there with all thegreats. Thisis a huge compliment toRandyandIam
extremelygratefulto Dr.Jim Marshalland his company for doingsuchaprestigious thingin my son’sname.
Randy achieved such a lot in a very short time and I hope thatthisamplifier will inspire your playing asmuchas it did his!
I did something you'll
appreciate - I went to the Marshall
factory and ordered my own amps,
I had them beefed up and modified
there, I got them in white! A stack is
really cheap here! I got a stack for
$500, brand new, so I bought two
of them, the ones I was using were
rented and it was costing more
money than owning them.
postcard fromRandy to Kevin DuBrow(RIP) and Drew Forsyth