During repairs/service interventions,
observe the protective measures against
damage due to ESD.
*Marquette Hellige GmbH considers itself
responsible for the effects on safety ,
reliability, and performance of the equipment, only if:
-assembly operations, extensions,
readjustments, modifications, or
repairs are carried out by
Marquette Hellige GmbH or by
persons authorized by MarquetteHellige GmbH,
-the electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the applicable national and local requirements,
-the instrument is used in accordance
with the instructions for use.
*This manual contains service information;
operating instructions are provided in the
operator’s manual of the instrument.
*This manual is in conformity with the
instrument at printing date.
*All rights are reserved for instruments,
circuits, techniques, and names appearing
in the manual.
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Servicing Instructions 227 470 35 B - 97.12
Revision History
Each page of this manual has the document number followed by a revision letter, located at the top
of the page. This letter identifies the manual update level. The latest letter of the alphabet
corresponds to the most current revision of the document.
The revision history of this manual is summarized below.
September 1997AInitial release of Dervicing Instructions
November 1997BUpdate type of appliance, changed partnumber
of the PCBs
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Servicing Instructions 227 470 35 B - 97.12
1 Do cumentation and nomenclature of Marquette Hellige instrument part N os
1. 1 Co nfig uration o f i nstrum ent part N o
The instrument part No comprises 8 digits, the first 6 digits determining the instrument type, the last
2 digits the instrument version. The language is determined by configuration, thus having no
influence on the part No.
E.g.Instrument TypeVersion
MicroSmart without measurement, IR101 134 01
MicroSmart with measurement, IR101 134 02
1. 2 Co nfig uration o f the PC B part N os
388 xxx yy Spare part numbers for the operative PCBs.
The instrument documentation, e.g., reference diagrams, circuit diagrams and parts lists are listed
under this part No.
The 388 number is located on the barcode label.
Configuration of the barcode labels:
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303 xxx yySpare part numbers for PCBs tested especially thoroughly
303 numbers are only given to PCBs where the level of testing applied to 388 PCBs is inadequate
for implementation when servicing in the field, or where only a complete set of PCBs can be
replaced in the field.
In addition to a barcode label (388 number) 303 part Nos also have an additional label with a 303
number and are to be found in the spare parts list under this number.
389 xxx yyReplacement numbers for defective PCBs
Where servicing is required 389 PCBs are available for the replacement of some PCBs. When using
a replacement PCB (389 part No) the defective PCB is to be returned to the Freiburg factory.
Replacement PCB part Nos are included in the spare parts li st.
389 PCBs have an additional adhesive label.
1. 3 Instrument s tatus do cume ntatio n (nom inal s tatus)
Due to the hardware and software combination unambiguous documentation of the instrument
assembly status is necessary, also in the event of repairs.
This documentation comprises the following documents and measures:
Master Record Index (MRI)
This document is a component of this instrument documentation.
This document states the combination of permissible hardware and software for a particular
instrument version. The permissible PCB Index is given in the “Index” column with each update
delivered. Further permissible PCB Indexes are given in the “compatible” column. The PCB Index
can be found in the PCB barcode label.
Produc t Status Index
This document is created during manufacture. The Product Status Index documents the
hardware/software product status.
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2 Description of the unit
These service instructions for the V2.x version of the unit describe both the MicroSmart as well as
the MicroSmart MC. Unless a note appears to the contrary, this description applies to both the
MicroSmart and the MicroSmart MC.
MicroSmart is a portable cardiograph with integrated printer drive. It is designed to record, register
and process ECG signals. It is designed both for mains and battery operation, operation without
battery is also possible. A power supply unit and battery are integrated in the unit.
MicroSmart MC also includes in the "Auto" mode the measurement of the ECGs and registration
of the measurement results.
MicroSmart und MicroSmart MC are based on the same hardware platform.
The following versions of MicroSmart are available:
101 134 01MicroSmart (international)100...240V~
101 134 02MicroSmart MC (international), measurement + IR 100...240V~
101 134 03MicroSmart (Asia)100...240V~
101 134 04MicroSmart M (USA), measurement100...240V~
101 134 05MicroSmart MC (Asia), measurement + IR100...240V~
101 134 06MicroSmart (USA)100...240V~
101 134 07MicroSmart (inter. 5-pin)100...240V~
The hardware consists of the following function blocks:
- MicroSmart PCB
- power supply module
- battery
- keyboard
- printer drive
The following function blocks are implemented as PCBs.
- MicroSmart PCB
- power supply
The patient input, which is a component of the MicroSmart PCB, is mounted on the power supply
module and connected to the MicroSmart PCB via a flexible supply line.
The intended use, the functions available and operation of MicroSmart are described in the
instructions for use.
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2. 1 B lo ck diag ram, total unit
System inlet
Operator panel
Lpl. MicroSmart
Patient input
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2.2 Mechanical structure
The major mechanical components of MicroSmart are the top and bottom s hell. The bottom shell
is the basic element carrying the following sub-assembli es:
- Power supply module with system inlet, power supply unit and patient input.
- Battery
- Thermal array drive with paper magazine
- PCB MicroSmart with display
The top shell holds the keyboard which is linked to the PCB MicroSmart via a flexible cable.
The 15-pin inlet plug for
linked to the PCB MicroSmart via a flexible cable.
3 Description of the function
The description of the individual function blocks follows the Block diagram of the total unit in
chapter 1.1
3. 1 Po we r s upply m odule
The power supply module comprises the following functions:
- System inlet with fuses
- Extended range power supply
- Patient input
These components are mounted on a carrier plate bolted into the bottom shell of the enclosure.
3.1.1 System inlet
and the func tion bl ocks of the P plans .
connecting the patient lead is located at the power supply module. It is
The system inlet is defined as a system inlet module. It includes a three-pin IEC plug and two size
5 X 20 fuses accessible from the outside. The module is a component with snap-type function.
The system inlet is designed as "Universal Input", with the effect that no adjustment to the system
voltage ranges 100V~ ... 120V~ or 220V~ ... 240V~ is required.
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3. 1.2 Exte nded rang e pow er supply
The AC/DC power supply is designed as a universal extended range power supply. The power
supply unit is purchased complete and mounted on the carrier plate. The power supply supplies an
output voltage of 15.6V, from which all required voltages are generated.
- Input voltage range:90VAC...264VAC
- Frequency range:49Hz...65Hz
- Output:40W max.
- Efficiency 70%
- Output voltage:+15.6V ± 2%
- Output current:2.6A max.
- Short-circuit-proof
- Approvals: IEC601, UL544, CSA22.2-125, VDE750
The connection between the AC/DC power supply and the PCB MicroSmart is implemented with
a 2-pin lead as follows:
- on the AC/DC power supply: plugged
-on the PCB MicroSmart:plugged
3.2 Battery
The battery is a rechargeable, maintenance-free lead battery. The battery is purchased complete and
mounted on the bottom shell of the enclosure.
- Rated voltage: 12V
- Rated capacity: 1.2Ah
The connection between the battery and the PCB MicroSmart is implemented with a 2-pin lead as
- on the battery: plugged
- on the PCB MicroSmart: plugged
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3. 3 Printed c irc uit bo ard (PCB ) M icroS mart
The PCB MicroSmart holds the entire electronics of the unit. The electronics comprise the following
function groups:
On-Off electronics
Battery charge
Input voltage monitoring
Voltage supply +5V
Controller (Motorola 68332)
EPROM 512KByte
RAM 256KByte (MicroSmart) or 512KByte (MicroSmart MC)
Configuration memory (EEPROM) 256Byte
Reset Generation
Alarm signal output
Real-time clock, buffered
Keyboard interface
IR interface (MicroSmart MC only)
supply and monitoring
recording and pre-processing (floating side)
- Protective input circuit
- Pre-amplifier
- AD converter
- PACE identification
- Electrode label
- Conductor label
- Filter and interface module
- Current supply
- Reference edit
Array control
Temperature monitoring
Motor control
Voltage supply +24V
Photoelectric barrier analysis
electroni cs and display
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3. 3.1 V oltag e suppl y and mo nitoring
On-Off electronics
Z502, Z503
The unit is switched on and off via the ON/OFF key (on the membrane keypad). Enabling and
disabling operates via a toggle function: if the unit is switched off, press the ON/OFF key to switch
the unit on. If the unit is switched on, press the ON/OFF key to switch the unit off. The processor
can switch the unit off via the signal lead "G_OFF" if:
-the input voltage is too low (exhaustive discharge protection for the battery)
-the unit is not operated for any length of time (approx. 5 minutes)
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B attery c harge
Battery charge
Current query
Voltage query
The battery is charged by means of a special charging IC (UC3906) for lead batteries. The circuitry
monitors the charging current and the charge voltage. The charging IC has the same "temperature
coefficient" as a lead battery, with the effect that the battery charge is optimized over the specified
temperature range. The circuit operates as a "DUAL LEVEL FLOAT CHARGER", with three
distinct charging states:
- high current bulk charge state
- over-charge state
- float state
A charging cycle begins with "high current bulk charge state". In this state t he battery is charged
with a constant current ( I
) while the battery voltage is monitored. The "over-charge state" sets
in as soon as a certain voltage value ( U12 ) is reached. In this state the battery volt age is kept at
a certain value ( UOC ), while the charging current is monitored. If the charging current drops to
a certain value ( IOC ), the "float state" sets in. At this point in time the battery capacity has risen
to almost 100%. In the "float state" the battery voltage is regulated to a precise value ( UF ).
The following values for voltage and current are selected when charging the 12V lead bat tery:
= 250mA
= 13.5V
UOC= 14.2V
IOC = 25mA
= 13.7V
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Input vo ltage moni to ring
Input vo l tage
The input voltage is monitored. If it drops to 11.3V, the LED_Bat lights up. This indicates that the
battery is in need of recharging. If the input voltage drops further to 10.3V, the signal "Batt_low"
will be activated. This signal is scanned by the processor. If it is active, the processor will deactivate
the unit (exhaustive discharge protection for the battery).
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V oltag e suppl y + 5V
5V DC/DC converter
A 500KHz step-down switching regulator is used to generate the 5V voltage. The high-rate
switching frequency allows the entire circuit to be built up with SMD components. The switching
regulator is the module type LT1376. All the functions necessary for a step-down regulator are
integrated in this module.
Input voltage 10V...16V
Output voltage +5 V ± 2%
Output current min. 100 mA, max. 700 mA
Efficiency > 80%
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3.3.2 Computer
Inte rf a ce
Control Bus
Address Bus
Data Bus
Acoustic signal
display control
At the actual core of the unit is the Motorola Controller 68332 with the following integrated
-CPU32, computer core, internal 32 bit register, external 16 bit processing
-TPU, independent timing processor
- QSM with SCI for the implementation of a single RS 232 interface and a serial QSPI port
with up to 16 channels.
-SIM with Chipselect generation, system monitoring, clock synthesizer
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ROM comprises one 4MBit EPROM module (= 512KByte). The data bus width is 16Bit. Chipselect
is the CSBOOT of the 68332.
RAM comprises a maximum of four static RAM modules with 128KByte each. The data bus width
is 16Bit. Each RAM chip receives its own chip-select signal (separate chip-select for High and Low
Byte) from the controller. This means that the RAM address is software-configurable. The basic
MicroSmart unit is only equipped with two RAMs, corresponding to a memory area of 256KByte.
The memory capacity can be extended to 512KByte by adding two more RAMs. Access time is 70
ns, this means that access is allowed
A serial EEPROM is used for the non-volatile memory. This is connected to the QSPI interface of
the 68332. The EEPROM has a memory area of 2048 Bit. (= 256Byte)
w itho ut W ait S tates .
Reset Generation
Reset Generation is implemented with an integrated monitor module. It includes the voltage
monitoring with Reset Generation.
Acoustic signal output
The MicroSmart has a sound output for acoustic status/alarm signals. The pitch is selected via a TPU
channel of the 68332 (signal name: Beep). In addition, the volume can be varied in 3 stages. Volume
is set via the 3 signals LAUT1, LAUT2 and LAUT3.
Real-time clo ck
Provides the time and date. During operation it is supplied by the Supply logic; when the unit is
turned off, the unit switches over automatically to a 3V lithium cell which preserves the data. The
control signals for the clock (chipselect- read/write signal) are generated directly by the controller
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Keyboard interface
MicroSmart´s keyboard interface comprises a 5x5 matrix, although only a 4x4 matrix is required and
led to the keyboard. This allows 16 keys to be implemented. The keys are polled in cycles. To do
so, bit combinations are written into a buffer module (column) in cycles. An input module (row)
polled in cycles identifies if a key has been pressed (the combination of output pattern and input
pattern allows the pressed key to be determined).
The keyboard interface is located on the top byte of the data bus. The bits D8..D12 are used for the
keyboard (both input and output).
Both the output buffer and the input buffer are selected via a separate chipselect signal (chipselect
signal of the 68332).
The top two bits (D13...D15) of the input buffer are assigned with additional functions:
D13:Hardware configuration bit (function undetermined) for future extensions
Default: 0
D14:Battery monitor bit:D14 = 1 ==> battery voltage < 11.3V
D14 = 0 ==> battery voltage > 11.3V
D15:Battery monitor bit:D15 = 1 ==> battery voltage < 10.3V
D15 = 0 ==> battery voltage > 10.3V
In addition to the 16 keys of the 4x4 matrix, the keyboard includes a key for switching the unit on
and off. Due to its special hardware configuration, this key is not integrated in the matrix.
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The keyboard also includes 4 LEDs which are selected via the keyboard interface.
Line LED: This LED is supplied directly from the 15V of the power supply. It shows
whether the unit is mains-operated (LED on) or supplied from battery (LED
LED LOBAT:This LED is switched on and off by the controller. It shows that the battery
is in need of a recharge. A LOW level at the signal LED_LOBAT_ activates
the LED.
LED START:This LED indicates the status of the unit. It means that the unit is in an active
state ! (processing, printing, etc. in progress). A LOW level at the signal
LED_START_ activates the LED.
LED STOP:This LED indicates the status of the unit. It means that t he unit is in a passive
state ! (processing, printing, etc. not in progress). A LOW level at the signal
LED_STOP_ activates the LED.
IR interface
The MicroSmart MC is equipped with an IRDA interface.
The IRDA interface is selected via the RS232 interface of the 68332.
(Signals TXD and RXD of the ’332).
In addition, an output port of the ’332 determines if the IRDA module (TOI3232) is in the
configuration or in the communication mode.
Configuration signal: IR_BR_D = 0 ==> communication mode
IR_BR_D = 1 ==> configuration mode
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3.3.3 ECG recording and pre-processing
Patient lead
Sigma - Delta
Protective input circuit
Pr e-a mp lifier
PACE - det ect ion
(analo g)
Sigma - Delta
+ 5 V
- 5 V
Non Floating
DC input
125 kHz
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Servicing Instructions 227 470 35 B - 97.12
The ASIC chipset HECTOR, consisting of 3 Ics, is used for ECG editing on the floating side. The
MicroSmart uses 2 ICs type SDM_HEC2 as AD converters and one IC type DIGI_HEC2 as filter
and interface module. Together with the protective input circuit, a floating power supply and an
interface insulated via optical coupler, the ECG editing is the floating section of MicroSmart and
is part of the PCB MicroSmart. Discrete analog components and a PIC processor are used for PACE
ECG pre-processing comprises the following functional groups:
- Protective input circuit
- Pre-amplifier
- AD-converter
- PACE detection
- Electrode label
- Lead label
- Filter and interface module
- Power supply
- Reference editing
Prote ctiv e input c ircui t
The protective input circuit is designed for the connection of 9 input electrodes and a push-pull
modulation, and includes 2 surge diverters and 18 high voltage diodes attached directly behind each
patient lead, as well as a hybrid (ECG input) which ensures the safety of the patient and of the
electronic components. Protection is only assured if a patient lead with series resistors of 8 k is
Overvoltages reaching the input are limited in the first stage to 90 V through surge diverters and
high voltage diodes. The voltage then passes via a 47 K resistor from each input electrode on the
hybrid to 2 silicon diodes which limit the voltage to 1.2 V before it reaches the downstream
operations amplifier via 100 . The overvoltages reaching the push-pull modulation output are also
limited to 1.2 V by two high voltage diodes over 3.3 K and by two more diode line sections, while
the downstream operations amplifier is protected by 6.8 K .
Patient safety is assured by the above two diodes on the hybrid ’ECG Input’ and by the serial
resistance of 47 K . In case of a defective input amplifier, the supply voltage of ± 5 V can reach
the input. The 100 resistor on the hybrid limits the current flow to the diode, preventing damage
to the diode and limiting the supply voltage to 1.2 V. These 1.2 V are transmitted to the patient over
47 K . The current flowing through it is limited to < 50 µA by the 47 K .
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Pre-amplifie r
The 9 connectable electrode signals are transmitted to 9 low-noise operations amplifiers behind the
protective input circuit. These operations amplifiers amplify the input signals by the factor 3.8. This
pre-amplification is necessary in order to maintain the maximum noise value of 15 µVpp over the
entire system.
The R electrode is used as reference for the other electrodes, with the effect that the difference to
the R electrode always applies after each input amplifier. This means that the signal L-R is
available at the output of the operations amplifier for the L electrode. This configuration is necessary
in order to obtain a common-mode rejection in addition to the push-pull modulation. The signal for
the push-pull modulation is taken from the R electrode. The lead-offs are computed in the software
from these differential signals, with the R electrode being ignored through the renewed differential
formation in the appropriate lead-offs. The 8 differential signals which remain from the original 9
electrode signals are transmitted to the modulators via a first order low pass with 1 kHz cut-off
AD co nverter
After the pre-amplifiers the signals are transmitted to analog-digital converters. The AD converters
are the modulator type. Two ICs of type SDM_HEC2 are used, each of which include 5
converters. The components for the internal integrators, used to adapt the modulators to their task,
are connected to the pins IM2x, OUT2x, REFx, OUT1x and IM1x. Each differential signal at the
output of the AD converter is resolved to 18 bit. With reference to the patient input, one LSB
corresponds to 5µV. Conversion is parallel in all channels, i.e. without any time offset. The scanning
frequency is 1kHz. Using the appropriate control words, it can also be set for 500 Hz and 2 kHz.
A square-wave signal is visible at the outputs OUT1 thru OUT5, which occurs synchronous with
the SWITCH signal. The duty factor of this square-wave signal depends on the input signal. This
data stream reaches the IC of type Typ DIGI_HEC2.
PA CE detec tio n
After the pre-amplifiers the 8 electrode signals lead to a multiplexer 1:8. Using the 3 outputs OP1,
OP3 and OP4 of the chip Chips DIGI_HEC2 the multiplexer selects the electrode to be used for
PACE detection. The selected signal is routed via a first order high pass with 23 Hz cut-off
frequency and amplified by the factor 1,000. The signal then reache a window comparator with a
4,5 mV threshold with reference to the input.
The 2 outputs of the window comparator are put to a PIC processor for further PACE analysis. This
processor supplies a PACE bit if the appropriate signals of the window comparators apply and if the
pulse duration is 2ms. The overshoot of the PACE pulse is suppressed by the PIC processor.
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Electrode labeling
The 18 bit result of the analog-digital conversion shows if one or more differential signals are
overloaded, i.e. if the differential voltage with reference to the patient input is greater than 0.6V. A
hysteresis of 15 mV (0.6 - 0.615 V) is provided for the query. The query takes place simultaneously
for all 8 channels. The information (1 bit/channel) is transferred to the CPU via the serial port in
the word Electrode label.
The overload of a channel can be caused by excessive polarization voltage (>600 mV) or by a
detached electrode. In the latter case a voltage of 1 V is transmitted to the amplifier inputs via the
100 M resistors on the protective input circuit.
One more circuit section is provided which handles the electrode error signal for the R and N
electrodes, because these cannot be detected individually with the converter overload. The
information is transmitted via INP1 and INP2 of the input port of ASIC DIGI_HEC2 in the status
Lead labeling
Different leads can be connected to the patient input. The MicroSmart is designed for use with a 5
and 10 wire patient lead. Lead labeling is identified by means of different voltage values. For this
purpose the 10 wire lead holds a 402 resistor which, together with the series resistor, generates a
voltage in the range of 8.66 mV - 9.19 mV. A voltage in the range of 4.76 mV - 5.05 mV with a
resistance of 221 is generated through the 5-wire lead. The voltage is measured with the ninth
modulator of the ASIC SDM_HEC2. This means that the chip set must be configured for the
transmission of 9 channels.
Curre nt suppl y
A DC-DC converter is used which generates two alternating secondary voltages from the primary
5V with 125 kHz cycle. Two stabilized direct voltages of +5V and -5V are then generated from both
of these alternating voltages. The 125 kHz cycle is delivered by the CPU. To suppress radiated
noise, a reactor is provided in the current supply.
Reference voltage editing
The reference voltage has values between + 2.5 V and - 2.5 V. Special emphasis is placed on low
intrinsic noise because it directly affects the results of the modulator. The low pass immediately
following the reference element with a cut-off frequency of 8 Hz serves the same purpose. A
compromise had to be found between low noise and rapid stability of the reference voltage
immediately after enabling.
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Fil ter and interface modul e
This IC (DIGI_HEC2) essentially incorporates the filter functions and the serial interface.
Fundamentally, the transfer bandwidth is 0 - 250 Hz for a scanning frequency of 1 kHz and 500 Hz,
with the upper cut-off frequency determined by a sinc filter of the 3rd order. The lower cut-off
frequency can be set within the range of 0.039 - 79.6 Hz (4.08 - 0.002s) by selecting the time
constant. Selecting this time constant also causes the separation of the DC content, which may be
superimposed over the ECG signal as polarization voltage. An IIR filter algorithm is used. The
algorithm only captures the lower 12 bits of the 18 bit result. This means that any sudden changes
at the input are always represented as changes with amplitudes < 20 mV. Limiting the display range
to ± 10 mV and selecting a suitable value query prevents sudden changes over the entire display
range when exceeding the range limits. A saturation value is delivered at about 10 mV, until the
measuring signal returns to within the display range.
For the useful signal transfer (ECG signal) the lower 12 bits are transferred with the selected
scanning frequency. However, there is also the option of using the appropriate control words for
special function tests to transfer the upper 12 bits without DC separation. In this case 1 LSB
corresponds to 320 µV. Possible function checks include testing the signal path, measuring the
polarization voltage, measuring the electrode impedance and testing the serial data transfer, all by
activating these functions by using the appropriate control words.
Measurements of the polarization voltage are allowed by transferring the upper 12 bits of the
converter result (1 LSB = 320 µV).
During the serial data test, a test word transmitted by the CPU will be returned immediately
thereafter by the ASIC DIGI_HEC2.
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3.3.4 Drive electronics and display
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T he rm a l arra y c o nt ro l
As the data output to the printhead is relatively time-consuming, special hardware has been provided
which relieves the processor of this task.
To drive the printhead, the CPU data for a printline are written block by block and at high speed
into a FIFO. A start signal generated by the CPU informs the printhead control TPH_CONTROL
(seated in a CPLD) that output to the thermal printhead can begin. Several "state machines" within
the TPH_CONTROL read 80 bytes from the FIFO and transmit the serialized data to the printhead.
At the end of the transfer the CPLD generates the latch signal for the array and the trigger signal
for the heat duration generation.
The speed-related heat duration is software-selected. The heat duration value is gained via the pulsepause ratio of a TPU channel functioning as PWM channel. After the PWM signal has been routed
via a low pass, a DC voltage proportional to the PWM ratio which is used for setting the heat
duration. With each trigger pulse for the heat duration generation, a capacitor charged via a constant
current source is discharged and a heat durati on cycle is started. The linear voltage increase at the
capacitor is compared in a comparator with the analog value supplied by the PWM channel. If the
analog value is exceeded, the heat duration pulse is terminated. In addition, the heat duration is
adjusted as a factor of the printhead substrate temperature. The temperature-dependent voltage
obtained via the array thermistor is added to the PWM voltage supplied by the TPU channel in a
summing amplifier.
The supply voltage of the thermal array can be switched off via the power switch if:
- array voltage < 19.2V
- reset active
- motor not running
- array overheated
Tem perature mo nitoring
An array excess temperature monitoring device is fitted to protect the thermal array. Using a
comparator, the voltage of the thermistor is compared with a reference value. If the array
temperature of 60°C is exceeded, the comparator signals this to the processor.
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M o tor c o n tro l
The stepping motor is controlled in three stages. A TPU channel is used in the controller 68332
which generates the frequency of the stepping sequence. Using this frequency, the "state machine"
FSM_STEPPER generates the sequence for the quater step operation of the stepping motor in the
complex PLD. From the control sequence the motor driver module generates the signals for both
motor windings in two full bridges. To reduce power loss, the windings are controlled with constant
The motor speed is set via the frequency of the stepping sequence. To avoid stepping loss, the
software changes the frequency of the stepping sequence when the motor is started.
The "state machine" has one input allowing the direction of rotation to be changed.
Once the motor is started, the processor does not require any more processing power for the motor.
No compensation is required for the motor. The internal TPU stepping motor control is not used
because it is designed for a positioning system and would constantly require CPU power for
continuous operation. To save energy during printing breaks, the motor driver is released or locked
via the lead MOTOR_INH_.
Pho toelectric barrier analysis
The reflective light barrier has several functions:
-checks if paper is available
-mark reader in case of Z-fold paper
-identifying an open paper
-monitors if motor runs when using Z-fold paper
The paper signal PAPER_ERR_ reaches the CPLD via a comparator. The error state is stored in the
CPLD (signal PAPER_).
PAPER_ERR_ = PAPER_ = low no paper, flap open, or mark below sensor
The processor polls the lead PAPER_ and resets the signal PAPER_ back to high via the lead
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