Marquette MAC1200 Service Manual

MAC 1100/1200
Servicing Instructions
Version 1.1
227 492 20 SA(e) Revision D
During repairs/service interventions, observe the protective measures against damage due to ESD.
sible for the effects on safety, reliability, and performance of the equipment, only if:
- assembly operations, extensions, readjustments, modifications, or repairs are carried out by Marquette Hellige or by persons authorized by Marquette Hellige,
- the electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the applicable national and local require­ments, and
- the instrument is used in accordance with the instructions for use.
* This manual contains service informati-
on; operating instructions are provided in the user manual of the instrument.
* This manual is in conformity with the
instrument at printing date.
* All rights are reserved for instruments,
circuits, techniques, and names appearing in the manual.
Marquette Hellige GmbH
Printed in Germany
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1 Device description_______________________________________________________7
1.1 Block circuit diagram of entire instrument_______________________________________ 9
1.2 Mechanical components ___________________________________________________ 10
2 Functional description __________________________________________________11
2.1 Switching power supply ___________________________________________________ 11
2.2 PCB NC Battery Charge __________________________________________________ 11
2.2.1 Charging circuit for the NC battery _______________________________________________ 11
2.2.2 Device behavior depending on the state of battery charge______________________________ 12
2.3 PCB Control CS_CI ______________________________________________________ 12
2.3.1 Generation of internal power supplies _____________________________________________ 13
2.3.2 Switch On/Off circuit__________________________________________________________ 13
2.3.3 ECG recording and front-end processing___________________________________________ 14
2.3.4 Controller core_______________________________________________________________ 15
2.3.5 Real time clock ______________________________________________________________ 16
2.3.6 Memory ____________________________________________________________________ 16
2.3.7 LCD graphics display interface __________________________________________________ 17
2.3.8 Keypad interface _____________________________________________________________ 17
2.3.9 Printhead control _____________________________________________________________ 18
2.3.10 Motor control________________________________________________________________ 18
2.3.11 RS-232 interface _____________________________________________________________ 19
2.3.12 Buzzer _____________________________________________________________________ 19
2.4 PCB Modem Supply CS_M ________________________________________________ 19
2.5 Internal interfaces________________________________________________________ 19
2.5.1 Mechanical interfaces _________________________________________________________ 19
2.5.2 Electronic interfaces __________________________________________________________ 20 Interface to the switching power supply__________________________________________ 20 Interface to the PCB NC battery charge__________________________________________ 20 Interface to the LCD Graphics Display __________________________________________ 21 Interface to the keypad_______________________________________________________ 21 Interface to the printhead_____________________________________________________ 22 Interface to the motor________________________________________________________ 23 Interfaces for production tests _________________________________________________ 23 Interface to PCB Modem Supply CS_M _________________________________________ 24
2.6 Interfaces to peripherals___________________________________________________ 25
2.6.1 Electronic interfaces __________________________________________________________ 26 RS-232 interface ___________________________________________________________ 26 Patient input_______________________________________________________________ 27
2.7 Software Updates ________________________________________________________ 28
2.8 Limitations______________________________________________________________ 28
3 System test functions____________________________________________________29
3.1 General information ______________________________________________________ 29
3.2 Test start _______________________________________________________________ 29
3.3 Display test______________________________________________________________ 30
3.4 Keyboard test____________________________________________________________ 31
3.5 Motor test_______________________________________________________________ 31
3.6 Test results______________________________________________________________ 32
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3.7 Self-test_________________________________________________________________ 32
3.8 Recording test ___________________________________________________________ 33
3.9 V24 tests ________________________________________________________________ 33
3.10 Time and date ___________________________________________________________ 35
3.11 Electrode test____________________________________________________________ 35
3.12 Time constant ___________________________________________________________ 36
3.13 Setting the device model___________________________________________________ 36
3.14 Switching over the program for interpretation ________________________________ 38
3.15 Pace enhance ____________________________________________________________ 39
3.16 Serial number ___________________________________________________________ 39
4 Repair instructions _____________________________________________________41
4.1 Safety instructions________________________________________________________ 41
4.2 Replacing components ____________________________________________________ 41
5 Troubleshooting tips____________________________________________________45 6 Adjustment instructions_________________________________________________49 7 Servicing and maintenance ______________________________________________51
7.1 Technical inspection ______________________________________________________ 51
7.1.1 Visual check_________________________________________________________________ 51
7.1.2 Test functions________________________________________________________________ 52 Recommended testing instruments and accessories_________________________________ 52 Test preparations ___________________________________________________________ 52 Operating and display unit performance tests _____________________________________ 52 Test for recording speeds 25 and 50 mm/s _______________________________________ 53 Device Test result check _____________________________________________________ 53 RS-232 interface test ________________________________________________________ 53 Analysis of the ECG signals and HR value _______________________________________ 53 Pacemaker identification test__________________________________________________ 54 Identification of disconnected electrodes_________________________________________ 55 Checking the charge status of the NC battery ___________________________________ 55
7.1.3 Safety Analysis Tests__________________________________________________________ 55 General information_________________________________________________________ 55 Protective Earth Resistance Test _______________________________________________ 56 Measurement of Leakage Current ______________________________________________ 56 Enclosure Leakage Current Test ____________________________________________ 56 Patient Leakage Current Test_______________________________________________ 57
7.2 Maintenance, cleaning, disinfection _________________________________________ 58
8 Parts List _____________________________________________________________59 9 Specifications__________________________________________________________63 10 Device Documents ____________________________________________________71
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Revision History
Each page of this manual has the document number followed by a revision letter, located at the top of the page. This letter identifies the manual update level. The latest letter of the alphabet corresponds to the most current version of the document.
The revision history of this manual is summarized below.
Date ECO No Revision Remarks
March 05,1999 A V 1.0, initial release May 10, 1999 062 136 B Software Package for
MAC 1100/1200 (Software change) page 55, new MRI
June 29, 1999 062727 C Pin 4 – Coding pin, page 19,
Supplementation to chapter 3.4; page 29 Software Release V 5.02 page 55, new MRI, PCB Control CS_CI , Sheet 9 new Index PCB Control CS_C, new Index PCB Battery Charge CS_CI, new Index
February 4, 2000 062920 D Device Version V1.1 with Remote
Start Input, internal Modem Supply (MAC1200 US device only) and Software Release V5.1
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1 Device description
This Service Manual describes device version V1.1 of MAC1100 and MAC1200. The MAC1100 is a portable electrocardiograph with an integrated printing unit.
They are used to acquire, record and process ECG signals. The integrated LCD graphics Display shows 3 ECG channels. It also displays status
information, filter settings, speed/format, gain and the status of the electrodes. With the setup feature, the user is able to setup the device and the modes for his
own needs. The MAC1100 offers 2 modes of operation: Automatic (12-lead) and Manual (6-
lead). Transmission of one in the automatic mode aquired ECG to the MUSE or CardioSys system directly or via a modem.
It is designed for line-power operation. In addition, a NC-battery with a charging circuit can be integrated into the instrument as a separate option.
In addition, a pump for the KISS system can be integrated into the instrument as a separate option.
The patient cable for the acquisition of ECG signals is connected by means of a 15­pin connector as used with MAC 500. Patient cables used with MAC 1000 cannot be connected to the MAC 1200.
The MAC1200 has all features of the MAC1100, in addition, the following features are included:
- NC battery with charging circuit is integrated in general
- Arrhythmia as third mode of operation
- Automatic mode with CSI protocol for transmission
- Automatic mode with interpretation (Option)
- Automatic mode with storage for up to 40 ECGs (option)
The acquired ECGs can be transmitted to MUSE or CardioSys directly or via a Modem.
MAC1100/1200 with version V1.1 has all features of the version V1.0 described above, additionally version V1.1 has a Remote Start Input, an internal Modem
Power Supply (MAC1200 US device only) and the new Software Release V5.1.
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Variants of the MAC1100/1200
The complete list of the variants is included in Section 8 “Parts List”.
The following table gives an overview of the different device models of the MAC1100/1200.
With version V1.1, the ASIA device models are identical to the INTERNATIONAL device models, because the Manufacturer ID is GE marquette in general now, so special ASIA device models are not required any longer.
Device Device Model ManufacturerIDKeypad Labeling Mains Voltage
INT GE marquette Icons International 230V
Europe 2 GE marquette Text International 230V
MAC1200 USA GE marquette Text USA 115V
RUSS GE marquette Kyrillian International 230V
Hardware functional blocks:
MAC1100 and MAC1200 comprises of the same hardware functional blocks. Differences between both are mentioned. List of the main functional blocks:
Switching power supply NC Battery for MAC1100 only as an option PCB NC Battery charge for MAC1100 only as an option PCB Control CS_CI PCB Modem Supply CS_M for MAC1200 US device only,
from version V1.1
Printing unit Keypad ¼ VGA graphics display, monochrome
The description of the functional blocks is valid for MAC1100 and MAC1200. Differences between MAC1100 and MAC1200 in single functional blocks are mentioned within the description of such blocks.
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1.1 Block circuit diagram of entire instrument
MAC1100/1200 Version V1.1
PCB Modem Supply
Modem Supply
(MAC1200 US only)
Logic Supply
+5V +3.3V
Analog Supply
Real Time
Display Supply
Interface (not in US Device)
PCB Control CS_CI
LCD Grafics Display
1/4 VGA Monochrome
Thermal Printhead
Printing Unit
Option Pump
(not in US Device)
Line Power
with Fuse
Power Supply
Line Power, NC Battery
NC Battery
NC Battery
No Modem Supply, No buffered ECG RAM, NC Battery as Option.
Modem Supply in US device only, Option Pump not in US device.
V 1.1
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1.2 Mechanical components
The main mechanical components comprise the upper and lower shell of the MAC1100/1200.
The lower shell serves as a basic unit to receive the following assemblies:
Line power input module with fuse Switching power supply NC Battery PCB NC Battery Charge PCB Control CS_CI PCB Modem Supply CS_M Graphics display Thermal printing unit Paper container
The upper shell accommodates the keypad, which is connected to the PCB Control CS_CI via a 26-pin connector.
The MAC1100/1200 can be opened by releasing 5 screws at the bottom of the lower shell, opening the paper flap and lifting up the upper shell a little bit to remove the keypad cable from the PCB Control CS_CI. The upper shell then can be removed completely.
To replace the NC Battery, the battery flap at the bottom of the lower shell must first be unlocked with a screw-driver before it can be removed.
The 15-pin input connector to connect the patient cable and the 9-pin connector for the RS-232 interface are located directly on the PCB Control CS_CI.
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2 Functional description
The block circuit diagram of the entire instrument in Section 1.1 and the functional blocks of circuit diagram sheets (P-plans) describe the individual functional blocks.
2.1 Switching power suppl y
The switching power supply generates the fundamental device voltage for the PCB Control CS_CI and for the PCB NC Battery Charge.
It has the following input specifications: Input voltage range: 85 ... 264V ac
Line frequency range: 47 ... 65 Hz The output voltage is +26.5 V dc, the maximum load is 1.5A.
2.2 PCB NC Battery Charge
MAC1200 and MAC1100 with the option “Battery” can operate battery powered. With a new, fully charged NC battery, in Automatic Mode up to 50 ECG can be recorded.
The PCB NC Battery Charge, controls and monitors the charging process, depending on the status of the battery and the status of the device.
Section 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 is not valid for MAC1100 without option “Battery”.
2.2.1 Charging circuit for the NC battery
An integrated charging device is used to charge the battery. During charging it monitors the battery voltage function and switches over from rapid charging to trickle charging.
Applying the line power to the MAC 1200, or insertion of the battery activates the charging circuit. During a recording, the charging current is reduced. In standby mode, a depleted battery is fully charged within 4 hours.
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2.2.2 Device behavior depending on the state of battery charge
Depending on the status of the battery and the status of the device, the following behavior occurs:
State1: Battery depleted, line power supply is connected up:
Battery charged in rapid mode; when fully charged, switchover to trickle charging.
State 2: Battery full, line power supply is connected up:
Battery charged in rapid mode for some minutes till the charging circuit recognizes “battery full“, then switchover to trickle charging.
State 3: Battery depleted, no line power supply, device is switched on:
Device inoperative.
State 4: Battery full, no line power supply, device is switched on:
Device fully operative. When battery is almost depleded, the LEDBAT signal is activated to Indicate that the device should be charged by connecting to the line power supply. If the operation is continued without line power, MAC 1200 will shut down itself when a minimum level is reached to prevent the battery from a excessive discharge.
State 5: Battery depleted, line power supply is connected up, device is switched
Battery is charged in rapid mode, device is fully operative, including recording. During recording, the charging current is reduced. If in this phase, a lot of recordings take place, the battery is not fully charged within 4 hours.
2.3 PCB Control CS_CI
The PCB Control CS_CI is the mainboard of the MAC 1200, the PCB Control CS_C is the mainboard of the MAC1100, which has not all memory circuit mounted. The mainboard accommodates the control functions of the device, except the line power supply and the NC battery-charging controller.
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2.3.1 Generation of internal power supplies
Logic power supply + 5V and + 3.3V
The processor core and the memory is a fully + 3.3V design. The interface functions to display, to RS-232, to the printing unit and to the ECG acquisition unit are supplied with + 5V.
Both the + 3.3V and the + 5V are generated separately by a clock-rated voltage controller. By using the „adjustable version“ of the voltage controller, both supplies are based on the same voltage controller. The output voltage is determined by appropriate dimensioning of the voltage divider at the feedback input of the voltage controller.
Standby supply + 5VSTB and + 3.3VSTB
The standby supply + 5VSTB supplies the ON/OFF Control, the + 3.3VSTB buffers the patient ECG memory when the device is turned off. Both supplies are generated together from one low-power linear regulator with low quiescent supply current.
Analog supply + 12V
+ 12V is used for the heating control and temperature monitoring of the printing unit, which requires only a current of a few milliamperes. This supply is generated by a linear regulator with feedback input.
2.3.2 Switch On/Off circuit
The Switch On/Off Circuit consists of the On/Off Control and the Voltage Control. The On/Off Control switches the device on or off by switching the device supplies
+UVERS and +USUPPSW. The On/Off Control is supplied from the + 5VSTB.
Device On Sequence:
The transition from Device Off State, or Standby State when line power is connected to Device On State can only be activated by pressing the On/Off button.
Device Off Sequence:
The transition from Device On State to Device Off State, or Standby State when line power is connected can be achieved as follows:
pressing the On/Off button when the control core activates the signal DEV_OFF,
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when the voltage control applies the signal REG_OFF_, because the battery
voltage gets too low during battery operation. The Voltage Control controls the battery voltage during battery operation. The signal BATT_LEV2 indicates that the battery charge has gone down, and the
device should be connected to the line power soon. The signal BAT_LEV1 indicates that the battery has been discharged almost
completely, the device should be connected to the line power immediately, otherwise the device will shut down within few minutes.
If battery discharge is continued without connecting to the line power, the signal REG_OFF_ is activated and the device is switched off.
2.3.3 ECG recording and front-end processing
The patient input is classified as being cardiac floating and is defibrillation-proof. The patient leads are connected with a 15-pin connector with a special form for the
specified and released patient cables for the MAC1100/1200. The main element of the ECG recording and front-end processing is a set of chips
comprising 3 ASICs. Pace detection is realized by a separate circuit. Every disconnected electrode is detected by a special AC measurement, which
allows higher impedance between electrode and patient. N common-mode compensation ensures suppression of interference, at the same
time serving to improve the in-phase suppression of the input electrodes. To protect patients, the ECG recording and front-end processing are assembled as
floating components. Digital signals from and to the controller core are transmitted via opto-electronic couplers. The floating supply +/- 5V is generated by an isolated flyback converter from the + 5V logic power supply.
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2.3.4 Controller core
The actual core comprises the Motorola Power PC MPC821, which contains the following integrated components:
chipselect logic DRAM controller SCC and SMC for RS-232 LCD controller SPI Interface I/O ports Real-Time Clock counter register
In addition, the MPC821 contains a JTAG port with test and programming capabilities.
The MPC821 has the following additional power supplies:
VDDSYN, filtered from the + 3.3V logic supply, for the clock generation. KAPWR, generated from the + 3.3V logic supply, or from a battery when device is
off, used for buffering the RTC Counter Register. The clock generation for the MPC821 is realized by a quartz oscillator with
32.768KHz. The system clock CLOCKOUT is adjusted with the internal PLL register. The system frequency is 25 MHz.
The Watchdog /Reset Generation is implemented separately in an integrated system monitoring chip. It has the following functions:
Power-up reset for the MPC821 when the device is switched on Voltage monitoring of the + 3.3V and + 5V, with reset generation Watchdog Switchover to battery supply for patient ECG memory when device is switched off Signal for access protection for patient ECG memory when device is switched off
The Reset Configuration defines startup conditions like boot port size and clock generation source.
Four LEDs indicate the device status in addition: LED1: active when a HRESET_ occurs LED2: indicator for the logic supply LED3, LED4: indicate internal software states
The control register comprises device control signals to switch off the device, control battery charging and display control signals.
The status register contains information on the device hardware configuration and the state of the battery charge.
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2.3.5 Real time clock
Since the internal Real-Time Counter Register of the MPC821 is used, no external Real Time Clock chip is required. The internal RTC Register is buffered by the voltage KAPWR.
2.3.6 Memory
The complete memory of the MAC1100/1200 is located on the PCB Control CS_C(I). The software of the device can be loaded through the JTAG Port during the production process, or for service purposes with the appropriate programming software through the RS-232 interface.
Program Memory:
Type: Flash, + 3.3V supply Organization: 1 Mbit x32, 4 Mbyte MAC1100: 0,5Mbit x32, 2 Mbyte Waitstates: 1 Waitstate
Type: EDO DRAM, + 3.3V supply Organization: 1 Mbit x32, 4 Mbyte Waitstates: 0 Waitstate
Patient ECG Memory:
Type: buffered SRAM, + 3.3V supply Organization: 256 Kbit x16, 512Kbyte MAC1100: No patient ECG memory Waitstates: 1 Waitstate
Configuration Memory:
The configuration memory is part of the program memory Flash. With special hardware and software protection facilities, write access to the Flash is only possible in the defined configuration memory of the Flash. Thus an external configuration Memory like an EEPROM is not required.
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2.3.7 LCD graphics display interface
For the LCD interface to the ¼ VGA monochrome LCD interface, the internal LCD controller of the MPC821 is used.
Controller Interface: For the digital control signals, delivered from the MPC821, only an output driver is
LCD Power Supply:
The LCD power supply VEE of -23V is generated from the +5V logic supply. The generation starts after HRESET_ becomes inactive to ensure that the logic supply of +5V first is applied to the display.
Adjusting Contrast:
Contrast adjustment of the Display is accomplished with the contrast voltage V0. The level of V0 is controlled with the PWM signal BLCD_CONTR from the timer module of the MPC821. In addition, the contrast voltage is temperature compensated.
The LCD backlight converter for the CCFL tube is located on the PCB Control CS_CI too. The backlight converter is generated from the +5V logic power supply. The signal BLCD_ENBA switches the backlight on or off. The user can define the backlight active time in the configuration menu.
2.3.8 Keypad interface
The keypad interface contains the control register for 8 keypad columns and the receiving register for 7 keypad rows, and the control signals for the status LEDs: LED_LIN, LED_BATT, LED_START and LED_STOP.
Using the matrix of 8 x 7, up to 56 keypads can be detected. Identification of the key pressed is as follows:
The controller activates a column, activation is via low-level, then the row-register is read to identify the pressed key by a low-level. This procedure is repeated with the next column, till all columns have been activated.
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2.3.9 Printhead control
The printhead controller takes on the complete control of the 216-mm thermal printhead with a line width of 200 mm. The output rate to the printhead is 1000 /sec. The resolution in the Y-direction is 8 dot/mm, in the X- time axis up to 40 dots/mm.
Thermal Printhead Dot Control:
The MPC821 prepares a complete dot column and sends it to the FIFO. A complex PLD reads out a complete column of the FIFO and generates the digital control signals for the printhead, which are shifted in series.
The duration of heating a dot column is defined through the pulse width of the PWM Signal HEAT that is generated from the complex PLD too. In addition, the duration of heating a dot column is influenced by the thermal printhead monitoring.
Thermal Printhead Temperature Monitoring:
The thermal printhead temperature monitoring measures the temperature of the thermistor, located on the printhead. A constant current source effects a temperature-dependent voltage drop.
If a printhead temperature of 55°C is exceeded, the signal REC_OVHEAT_ is activated and the heating of the printhead is prevented by disabling the signal STROBE. Only when the printhead temperature drops below 50°C is the signal REC_OVHEAT_ disabled and the heating via the signal STROBE re-enabled.
In addition, a continuous reduction of the heating duration occurs with increasing printhead temperature, resulting in a regular typeface throughout the entire temperature range.
2.3.10 Motor control
Paper transportation for the speeds 5mm/s, 25mm/s and 50mm/s is driven by a stepping motor. The stepping motor is controlled by an integrated stepping motor driver circuit. The current for the motor is adjusted by the sense resistors of the stepping motor driver.
For the speed 5mm/s, the motor current is reduced, triggered by the signal LOW_SPEED.
The motor speed is controlled by the frequency of the signal RECTMR_STEP, which is generated by the timer unit of the MPC821. The driver circuit is enabled by the signal REC_MOTEN, the driver is powered from +22,5V.
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2.3.11 RS-232 interface
The MAC1100/1200 has an RS-232 interface accessible with a 9-pin Sub-D connector. Except for the RS-232 driver chip, the interface is integrated into the control core of the MPC821.
The interface has the following attributes:
hardware handshake with the signals RTS and CTS or software handshake with XON/XOFF transmission speeds from 4800 ... 38400 Baud maximum input voltage range: +/- 15V minimum driver output voltage: +/- 5V maximum ESD interface protection: +/- 10kV
From version V1.1, MAC1100/1200 additionally provides a remote start input on the RS-232 interface. The MAC1200 US device additionally provides a modem power supply output on the RS-232 Interface.
2.3.12 Buzzer
The buzzer is an integrated signal generator with fixed frequency, directly operating from the +5V logic power supply. Activating and deactivating is controlled with the signal SPEAKER.
2.4 PCB Modem Suppl y CS_M
PCB Modem Supply CS_M generates a supply voltage of +8V dc, to operate a special GE marquette modem direct on the RS-232 interface on the MAC1200 without the need of an external power supply for the modem.
The Voltage is generated by a switching regulator with current limit and thermal protection from the +26,5V. The modem supply voltage +8V is accessible on Pin 6 of the RS232 interface. The protection against ESD is realized with a Transzorb diode on the PCB Control CS_CI
2.5 Internal interfaces
2.5.1 Mechanical interfaces
Mechanical interfaces are described in Section “1.2 Mechanical Components“.
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2.5.2 Electronic interfaces
This section describes the pinning, function and significance of the signals on the internal interfaces of the functional components. Interface to the switching power supply
The interface to the switching power supply is realized by the connector POSUP/ on the PCB Control CS_CI.
Connector denotation: POSUP/ Type: male connector 1 X 4-pin., 180°, AMP MODU I
reverse terminal protection achieved mechanically.
The function of the individual pins is given in the following table . The definition as an input/output is seen with reference to PCB Control CS_CI.
Pin Number
1 +24VPS Input Voltage from power sup.+ 26,5V 2 +24VPS Input Voltage from power sup. + 26,5V 3 GNDPS Input GND from power suppl 4 GNDPS Input GND from power suppl
Signal Name input/output Function Definition Interface to the PCB NC battery charge
This interface has the supply for battery charging, charging control and status signals and the battery voltage from the PCB NC battery charge.
Connector denotation: BATT/ Type: male multipoint connector 2x 10-pin, 180°
reverse terminal protection and coding with coding pin 15
The function of the individual pins is given in the following table . The definition as an input/output is seen with reference to PCB Control CS_CI.
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Pin Number
1 +24V Output Supply battery chargin 2 +24V Output Supply battery chargin 3 +24V Output Supply battery chargin 4 Code Coding Pin 5NC 6 GND24V common Ground 7 GND24V from power suppl 8 GND24V after ferrite decouplin
9 GND24V 10 +UBATT Input Battery voltage 11 +UBATT Input Battery voltage 12 +UBATT Input Battery voltage 13 +UBATT Input Battery voltage 14 +UBATT_ME Input 15 Code Coding Pin 16 +5V_L Output + 5V suppl 17 NC 18 BATT_OPT 19 LOAD_OFF Output Charging reduction 20 NC
Signal input/output Function Definition
Battery measuring output
Input Status option batter Interface to the LCD Graphics Display
“0“: option active “1“: reduced charging
The interface to the LCD graphics display provides the LCD data signals, the display supply voltages +5V and VEE, the display contrast voltage V0 and the display on/off control signal.
Connector denotation: HOS/ Type: Foil connector, 14- pin, zero power insertion, 180°
The LCD supply voltage VEE can be measured at R 731 on the PCB Control CS_CI, the LCD contrast voltage can be measured at R 730. Both levels of these voltages depend on the contrast selected.
The voltage supply for the CCFL tube of the display is provided separately via the connector BL/.
Caution! Do not touch! High AC voltage! Interface to the keypad
The interface to the keypad is realized with the connector KEYB/. It contains the signals for the keypad rows and columns, the supply and the control signals for the status LEDs of the keypad. The foil connecting cable is part of the keypad itself.
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Connector denotation: KEYB/ Type: Foil connector, 26- pin, zero power insertion, 180°,
grid 1.0mm, Molex Interface to the printhead
The control data to the printhead is transferred via the flexible PCB Printhead Connection, plugged into the connector TPC_DAT/ on the PCB Control CS_CI.
Connector denotation: TPC_DAT/ Type: male connector 1x 20-pin, 180°
Printhead Supply
The printhead is supplied through a 6-pin connection cable, plugged to the connector TPC_PO/ on the PCB Control CS_CI.
Connector denotation: TPC_PO/ Type: multipoint connector 1 X 6 pin., 180°,
reverse terminal protection, MODU II
The function of the individual pins is given in the following table . The definition as an input/output is seen with reference to PCB Control CS_CI.
Pin Number
6 COMMON Supply Voltage +22,5V
5 GNDITPC Ground
4 COMMON Supply Voltage +22,5V
3 COMMON Supply Voltage +22,5V
2 GNDITPC Ground
1 VDD1
Signal input/output Function Definition
uxiliary Voltage
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227 492 20 D - 0002 Interface to the motor
The motor control signals are supplied through a 6-pin connection cable, plugged to the connector MOTOR/ on the PCB Control CS_CI.
Connector denotation: MOTOR/ Type: multipoint connector 1 X 6 pin., 180°,
reverse terminal protection, MODU II Interfaces for production tests
Debug Port
The debug port is an interface for developing purposes. With the corresponding tools, the MPC821 can be set to the debug mode, to show internal states.
Connector denotation: BDM/ Type: male connector, 2x 5- pin, 180 °
The JTAG is an interface for the production test of the processor core and the memory. In addition, the Flash memories can be programmed with this interface.
Connector denotation: JTAG/ Type: male connector, 2x 5-pin, 180 °, pin 7: coding pin The function of the individual pins is given in the following table. The definition as an
input/output is seen with reference to PCB Control CS_CI.
Pin Number
1TMS Input JTAG Test Mode Select
2TRST Input Reset for Scan Chain “0“: Reset active
3TDI Input Data In for JTAG Mode
4TDO Output Data Out for JTAG Mode
5TCK Input Serial Clock for JTAG
7 PORESET Bi-direct Power On Reset “0“: Reset active
8 EN BJHRES Input Enable buffered HRESET “0“: HRESET enabled.
9 WE0 IORD Bi-direct Write Enable Flash upper “0” : Write enable 10 WE1 PCDE Bi-direct Write Enable Flash lower “0” : Write enable
Signal input/output Function Definition
ic Ground
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In Circuit Programming Port
With the In Circuit Programming Port, both CPLDs can be programmed or updated in a Daisy Chain queue.
Connector denotation: ISP/ Type: male connector, 2x 5-pin, 180 °, pin 4: coding pin The function of the individual pins is given in the following table . The definition as an
input/output is seen with reference to PCB Control CS_CI.
Pin Number
1 ISP SCLK Input Serial ISP Clock
3ISPMODE Input ISP Mode Select
4 Code Coding pin
5 ISP EN Input Enable In Circuit program. “0“: ISP enable
6 ISP SDI Input Serial Data In
7 ISP SDO Output Serial Data Out
8 +5V Logic suppl
9NC 10 NC
Signal input/output Function Definition
ic Ground Interface to PCB Modem Supply CS_M
The interface to PCB Modem Supply CS_M is realized by the connectors MO_SU/ and RS232_E/.
MO_SU/ delivers the voltage +26,5 for the modem supply generation, RS232_E/ receives the generated modem voltage +8V for the PCB Control CS_CI.
Connector denotation: MO_SU/ Type: multipoint connector 1 X 3 pin., 180°,
reverse terminal protection, MODU II
The function of the individual pins is given in the following table . The definition as an input/output is seen with reference to PCB Control CS_CI.
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Pin Number
1 +UVERS Output Supply Voltage + 26,5V
2 EN_MOSU Output Enable Modem Supply Open, high: enable
3 GND24V Output Ground
Signal input/output Function Definition
Low: disable
Connector denotation: RS232_E/ Type: male connector, 2x 5-pin, 180 ° The function of the individual pins is given in the following table . The definition as an
input/output is seen with reference to PCB Control CS_CI.
Pin Number
Signal input/output Function Definition
1+5V Output Logic Suppl
2+5V Output Logic Suppl
3 GND Ground
4 GND Ground
5SMRXD1 Input Receive (RXD
6SMTXD1 Output Transmit (TXD
7 GND Ground
9 EKGTRIG E Output ECG Trigger Reserved 10 FERNST E Input Remote Start Input Reserved
MODEM Input Modem Supply +8
Reserved Reserved
Reserved Reserved
2.6 Interfaces to peripherals
The MAC1200 has only 3 interfaces for peripherals:
Mains input Patient input RS-232 interface
The mains input interface on the device is a 3-pin standard cold appliance socket connection, which is integrated into the mains input module. Connection to the mains is effected via a 3-pin power cord with a non-fused earth conductor.
The mains input is a wide range input from 95Vac ... 240Vac. The mains input module contains the two primary fuses.
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When replacing these fuses, the following points have to be observed:
replacement by factory or servicing agent only! disconnect mains plug! replacement only with the original fuses!
For the patient input, the mechanics of the patient input of the MAC500 is used, so the patient cables of the MAC1000/CardioSmart cannot be used for the MAC1200.
A 9-pin sub-D Connector, type Mark II with 4-40 UNC inserts, with a standard configuration of the signals TXD, RXD and GND is implemented in the construction of the RS-232 interface.
2.6.1 Electronic interfaces RS-232 interface
The 9-pin sub-D Connector of the RS-232 interface is implemented on the PCB Control CS_CI directly.
From Version V1.1, the remote start input pin is available on pin 8. In MAC1200 US devices the modem supply output +8V is available on pin 6 additionally.
Connector denotation: RS232/ Type: 9-pin sub-D, female, Mark II with 4-40 UNC inserts
The function of the individual pins is given in the following table . The definition as an input/output is seen with reference to PCB Control CS_CI.
Pin Number
Signal input/output Function Definition
2RXDE Input RS232 Data In
3TXDE Output RS232 Data Out
7RTSE Output Request to Send
8 FERNST Input Remote Start Input “0” : active
MODEM Output Modem Supply +8
nal Ground
MAC1200 US onl
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227 492 20 D - 0002 Patient input
The connection to the patient cable is realized with a 15-pin female sub-D Connector, implemented on the PCB Control CS_CI directly. The mechanical plastic housing makes sure that for MAC1100/1200 only released patient cables can be connected.
Connector denotation: EKG/ Type: 15-pin sub-D, female
Pin Number
1C2 Input chest lead V2
2C3 Input chest lead V3
3C4 Input chest lead V4
4C5 Input chest lead V5
5C6 Input chest lead V6
6 Shieldin
7 Cable Input Identification: patient cable
8 Cable identification Input 5/10 -pin or 12 -pin cable
9R 10 L (LA 11 F (LL 12 C1 Input chest lead V2 13 NST Input Nehb electrode NST 14 N (RF 15 NAX Input Nehb electrode NAX
Signal input/output Function Definition
Output shielding AVSS
Input electrode right arm
ut electrode left arm ut electrode left le
Output electrode right le
“0“: patient cable used
“0“: 12-pin cable “1“: 5- or. 10-pin cable.
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2.7 Software Updates
Software updating can be performed via RS232 with the Software Download Kit part-No. 2000079-001. The required connection cable and a description of the
procedure is included in the kit.
2.8 Limitations
The following operating modes are not implemented in the MAC1100/1200:
No ergometry No SAO2 No spirometry No late potentials, no RR variability No phono, no US Doppler
A scope output is not available. No analog inputs. No ECG trigger output. Lead acid accumulators cannot be used. Primary cells cannot be used.
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