During repairs/service interventions,
observe the protective measures against
damage due to ESD.
*Marquette Hellige GmbH considers itself
responsible for the effects on safety,
reliability , and performance of the equipment, only if:
-assembly operations, extensions,
readjustments, modifications, or
repairs are carried out by
Marquette Hellige GmbH or by
persons authorized by Marquette
Hellige GmbH,
-the electrical installation of the
relevant room complies with the
applicable national and local requirements, and
-the instrument is used in accordance
with the instructions for use.
*This manual contains service informati-
on; operating instructions are provided in
the user manual of the instrument.
*This manual is in conformity with the
instrument at printing date.
*All rights are reserved for instruments,
circuits, techniques, and names appearing in the manual.
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Re vision H istory
V 1.0May 1995Initial Release
V 1.1March 1996Update 1
V 1.2February 1997 Update 2
V 1.2/1.3 August 1997Update 3
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1. D e vice de scription
This Service Manual for device versions V 1.2 and V1.3 describes both CardioSmart
and CardioSmart ST. Unless indicated s pecifically, the description applies t o both
CardioSmart and CardioSmart ST.
The device version V1.3 hardware components are identic al to those of device version
V1.2. The new combinations of these component s in V1.3 result in new models, socalled regional models. Differences between device v ersions V1.2 and V1.3 are
indicated clearly in the relevant sections .
The CardioSmart is a portable electrocardiograph with an int egrated printing unit.
It is used to acquire, record and process ECG signals.
It is designed for line-power and battery operation. O peration without a battery is not
possible. Power supply unit and battery are integrated into the instrument.
CardioSmart ST has an additional ergometry mode opt ion with its own ergometry
The patient cable for the acquisition of E CG signals is connected by means of a 15pin connector as used in earlier ECG recorders. This means that the patient cables
used in the past can still be used.
Stored patient data and ECGs can be transmitted to a PC via an RS-232 int erface.
This requires a CardioProm version with additional patient dat a memory.
CardioSmart and CardioSmart ST are both bas ed on the same hardware platform
V1.2 or V1.3 and represent diff erent types of the basic unit 101 116 x x.
With device version V1.2, the following models are available:
101 116 01CardioSmart international230V
101 116 02CardioSmart US Version115V
101 116 03CardioSmart Russian230V
101 116 04CardioSmart international230V wit h integrated pump
101 116 05CardioSmart Russian230V with integrat ed pump
101 116 10CardioSmart ST international230V
101 116 11CardioSmart ST international230V with integrated pump
101 116 12CardioSmart ST US V ersion115V
101 116 13CardioSmart ST US V ersion115V with integrated pump
With device version V1.3, the following models are additionaly available:
101 116 06CardioSmart EUROPE 2230V
101 116 07CardioSmart EUROPE 2230V with integrated pump
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101 116 14CardioSmart ST Russian230V
101 116 15CardioSmart ST Russian230V with integrated pump
101 116 16CardioSmart ST EUROPE 2230V
101 116 17CardioSmart ST EUROPE 2230V with integrated pump
101 116 18CardioSmart ST A SIA 115V/230V
101 116 19CardioSmart ST AS IA 115V/230V with int egrated pump
The CardioSmart entire instrument comprises t he following components:
Ca rdioS ma rt Ba sic I nstrume nt, wit hout display and CardioProm
C ardioP rom S t orage M odule , there are several modules wit h different features,
with or without ECG storage facility
CardioVision Display, there are 2 different dis plays available:
- CardioVision Text, LCD module 2-line
- CardioVision Graphics, graphics LCD
Page 8
The CardioSmart ST entire instrument c omprises the following components:
CardioSmart ST Basic Instrument, without display and CardioProm
C ardioP rom S T S t orage M odule , there are several modules wit h different
features, with or without ECG storage facilit y
C ardioV ision G ra phics, graphics LCD
CardioSmart ST is not enabled for CardioVis ion Text
This concept permits the user to conf igure an instrument himself to meet his own
application specifications. It is also possible to upgrade the basic version.
The hardware comprises the following functional blocks:
- P CB Control CS_S(basic instrument)
- P ower supply unit with battery (basic instrument)
- Keypad(basic instrument)
- P rinting unit(basic instrument)
- P CB Energy Storage_CS(storage module)
- D isplay(character or graphics display)
The following functional blocks are constructed directly as PCBs:
- P CB Control_CS
- P CB Energy Storage_CS
- P CB Power Supply_CS with battery charging circuit
- P CB Graphics Display_CS
The applications, functions and operation of the CardioSmart are described in the
User’s Manual.
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1. 1 Block circuit diagra m of e ntire instrume nt
Internal Thermal RAM Printhead
Generation Controller Motor + 5V
Line Filt.
Generat. Voltage
+ 24V Selector EPROM RAM
PCB Control_CS
Power Supply Unit
Character Displ.
Graphics Display
Graphics Controller
Printing Unit
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1 . 2 M ec hanica l C ompone nts
The main mechanical components comprise the uppe r a nd lowe r she ll of the
Ca rdioS ma rt Ba sic I nstrume nt. The lower shell serves as a basic unit to receive t he
following assemblies:
- M ains input module with instrument On/Off switch
- P CB Power Supply_CS
- Battery
- T hermal printing unit
- P aper container
- P CB Control_CS
The upper shell accommodates the keypad, which is connected to the PCB
Control_CS via a 22-pin connector. The display (c haracter or graphics display) is also
integrated into the upper shell.
CardioProm (program module) also has its own housing, comprising an upper
and lower assembly section. It cont ains the PCB Energy Storage_CS , which is
connected to the PCB Control_CS via a multipoint connector when inserted into the
CardioProm slot.
The two available
lower shell. The graphics display contains the graphic s LC display itself, as well as the
associated control electronics, it can be swivelled within the range from 0° to 45° with
5 lock-in positions. The character display only contains the character LCD and cannot
be swivelled. The two displays can be connec ted to the PCB Control_ CS by insert ion
into the depression in the upper shell of the basic instrument provided with a female
multipoint connector.
The 15-pin input connector to
RS-232 interface are located directly on the PCB Control_CS.
Models 101 116 04/05 have an added integrated suction pump, comprising the pump
module 303 442 91 and the PCB Pump 388 029 18.
displays are als o located in a housing, comprising an upper and
connect the pa tie nt ca ble and the 9-pin connect or for
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2 . F unctiona l descr iption
The block circuit diagra m of t he entire instrument in S e ction 1 . 1 and the functional
blocks of the P - pla ns
2 . 1 P C B P owe r S upply_ C S
The PCB Power Supply provides the f ollowing functions:
- S econdary clock-rated power supply unit to generat e the fundamental device
voltage UVERS
- D evice switch on/off circuit
- Charging c ircuit for NC battery
- B attery almost empty identificat ion
- B attery empty instrument swit ch-off
2.1.1 Switch on/off circuit
describe the individual functional blocks.
The device on/off switch (momentary toggle switch) supplies the starting puls e. The
actual stop signal comes from the P CB Control_CS via the DOFF cable.
In the line-power operating mode CardioSmart can be switc hed off by:
- D evice on/off switch
- P rocessor (DOFF)
In the battery operating mode CardioSmart can be s witched off by:
- D evice on/off switch
- P rocessor (DOFF)
- B attery empty identification
In the line-power operating mode recording can be switched off by:
- B attery empty identification
2. 1 . 2 C harging circuit for NC Ba tte ry
A charging IC is used to charge the batt ery. During charging it monitors the battery
voltage function and switches ov er from rapid charging to trickle charging in
conformity with the charging current.
The charging circuit is activated by applying the power supply voltage or battery.
If a recording is made whilst the device is in t he operating mode the charging circuit is
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2. 1 . 3 D e vice be ha voir de pe nding on the sta te of ba tte ry cha rge
As a ge ne ra l rule the following a pplie s:
No applied line-power voltage:
Operation of the device without a batt ery is not possible
Applied line-power voltage, battery is charged:
Device completely operational
Applied line-power voltage, battery
Device is only partially operational (everything ex cept recording)
Battery charging is triggered by:
Application of line-power voltage
Switching off a current recording, manually with the Stop key
or automatically when the cutoff volt age has been attained
D evice be ha voir:
State 1Battery depleted, power supply system is connected up:
Battery charged in accelerated mode; when full, switchover to
conservation charging, no time limit
State 2Battery full, power supply system is connected up:
Battery charged in accelerated mode; when full, switchover to
conservation charging, no time limit
State 3Batt ery depleted, no line-power supply, device is swit ched on:
Device inoperative
State 4Batt ery full, no line-power supply, device is swit ched on:
Device fully operative, when battery almos t empty message appears
LEDBAT signal activat ed, when battery empty message appears the
device becomes inoperative
State 5Battery depleted, power system supply is connected, charging begins,
device is switched on:
All functions except recording, as long as the battery cannot supply the
printhead with sufficient power.
State 6Battery full, power supply system is connected, device switched on:
Device fully operative. During recording charging is int errupted, at stop
recharging begins until the charging IC switches to conservation
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2.2 PCB Control CS_S
2. 2 . 1 G e ne ra tion of the logic powe r supply + 5 V
The logic power supply +5V is generated directly on t he PCB Control_CS.
The stabilized voltage UVERS, which is generated by the PC B Power Supply_CS,
serves as the input voltage.
The +5V power supply is generated by the clock -rated
"a djusta ble ve rsion" of the controller is us ed in order to be able to use it later for
applications requiring other voltages, the output voltage is determined by appropriate
dimensioning of the voltage divider at the feedbac k input of the voltage controller.
2. 2 . 2 E C G re cording a nd front- e nd proce ssing
The main element of this operational unit is a se t of chips comprising 4 AS I C s located
on the PCB.
The patient lead is connected with a 1 5 - pin conne ctor. Overvoltage arresters at the
electrode inputs provide high-voltage protecti on. A hybrid chip acts as a microfuse f or
each electrode, it serves to identif y a disconnected electrode.
The patient input is classified as cardiac floating and is defibrillation-proof.
Each electrode input is preamplified after t he hybrid chip with a low-noise operational
amplifier with a small input voltage, before it is fed into the two ASICs with t he sigmadelta resistors.
The filter time constants can be adjus ted by the controller core by a command. 8 time
constants are available for selection (system test).
voltage controlle r.
N common-mode compensation ensures suppression of int erference, at the same time
serving to improve the in-phase suppression of t he input electrodes.
To protect patients the ECG recorder and conditioning processor are assembled as
floating components. Digital signals f rom and to the controller core are transmitted via
optoelectronic couplers, the float ing power supply +/-5V is generated by a flyback
converter from the logic power supply +5V.
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2.2.3 Controller core
The actual core comprises the Motorola Controller 68332, containing the following
integrated components:
- T PU, an independently operative clock generat or processor
- QSM with SCI to implement a simple RS-232 interface and a serial QSPI
interface with up to 16 channels
- SIM with chipselect generation, system monitoring, clock synthesizer
wat chdog/ re set gene ra tion is implemented with an integrated system monitoring
chip. It has the following functi ons:
- P ower-up reset for the 68332 when the instrument is swit ched on
- V oltage monitoring with reset generation
- W atchdog function
- Switchover to battery for buffered RAMs
- A ccess protection for buffered RA Ms
2.2.4 Real-time clock
This provides the time of day and date. When t he device is operative it is powered by
the logic power supply, when the device is sw itched off a 3-V lithium cell is switc hed
in to keep the clock running.
The control signals for the clock (c hipselect read/write signal) are generated in the
PAL RTC_Control, which also contains the release sequenc e for the character display.
2.2.5 Memory
Static RAMs are used as R AM me mory with an internal organiz ation 128kbit x 8. They
are equipped with 4 chips, providing an organisation of 256kbit x 16. It is possible to
add 4 further chips to give a RAM memory area of 1MB yte.
The access time is 70 ns, i.e., access
without wa it sta te s.
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2.2.6 Printhead control
The printhead controller takes on the complete cont rol of a 216-mm thermal printhead
with a line width of 200 mm. It also contains t he printhead monitor, which reduces the
heating time with increasing printhead temperature, t erminating the printhead power
supply when the printhead temperature reaches 55°C. The printhead power s upply is
reactivated only when the printhead temperature drops below 50°C.
The core is a
The speed-dependent heating parameters are transmitted s erially.
For the printhe ad monitoring t he temperature of the thermal array printhead is
measured by a thermistor located on the printhead. A constant current source effec ts
a temperature-dependent voltage drop at a comparator input, t he switching threshold
being adjusted by hysteresis at the ot her comparator input.
If a printhead temperature of 55°C is exceeded, the message PRINTHEADTE MP is
activated and the current supply to the printhead prevented by the STROBE signal.
Only after the temperature drops below 50°C is the PRI NTHEADTEMP message
disabled and the current supply via STROBE reenabled.
A second comparator generates a VTE MP signal when the temperature reaches
45°C, it is disabled again when the temperature drops below 40°C. It repres ents a
prewarning signal, so that the quantity of data at the printhead is reduced to prevent it
being switched off.
In addition, a continuous reduction in the c urrent activation time occurs with inc reasing
temperature, resulting in a regular type face throughout the entire temperature range.
printhe ad is ope ra te d dire ctly a t the ba tte ry, i.e., the printhead volt age is
dependent on the state of battery charge. Compensation is achieved by reducing or
extending the printhead current acti vation time accordingly, ensuring t hat the type face
is maintained within the fluctuation range of t he battery voltage.
gat e a rra y, which t akes on the heating time management for each dot.
2.2.7 Motor controller
This activates the CardioSmart´ s DC motor. This motor does not have a speedo,
control is achieved according to the principle of current compensation.
The main components are the speed selector, motor c ontroller, and motor current
The resistor for the
attached directly to the motor cas ing.
control according to the principle of current c ompensation is
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The voltage of +/- 12 V required to send control s ignals is generated from the supply
voltage as follows: An in-phase regulator generates + 12 V, due to the small current
requirements the voltage -12 V is generated by an inv erting voltage pump. The supply
voltage +/-12 V is also used for the temperature monitoring system of the printhead
It is only enabled during printing!
When the motor current is raised > 140 mA (e.g., as a result of paper jam,
transmission problems) the
transport and the message “Please insert paper and press return key” appears on the
motor current monitoring syste m terminates paper
Page 16
2.2.8 RS-232 interface
The CardioSmart has an RS-232 interface which, except for the RS-232 driver chip, is
directly integrated into the controller.
It has the following attributes:
- S oftware handshake with XON/X OFF
- N o HW handshake
- Transmission speed 1200 .... 19200 B aud
To achieve
additional suppressor diodes.
prote ction a ga inst E S D up to 1 0 kV , the interface is equipped with
2.2.9 Keypad interface
The interface to the keypad is via the 2 2 - pin conne ctor AS . The keypad itself is a
membrane keypad with touch-sensitive chec k-back.
The keypad comprises a
The CardioSmart ST keypad has additional keys for ergometer/treadmill control.
Depending on the keypad used (CardioSmart or CardioSmart S T) the PC receives a
corresponding signal, identifying the devic e used.
Identification of the key press ed is as follows:
The controller activates a column, act ivation is via low-level, simultaneously it reads
out the register for the lines and by a low-level signal ident ifies whether one or more
keys had been pressed. Then the next column is activated. The run procedures are
repeated automatically until all columns have been act ivated.
In addition, the LEDs for start and stop, for the power supply system display and the
battery status control are locat ed directly on the keypad.
mat rix with 7 columns a nd 7 rows.
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2.3 PCB Graphics Display_CS
This PCB is only used in connecti on with the component parts of the CardioSmart
graphics display unit. It comprises the following functional units:
- V oltage generation
- C PU interface, display control
- B ackground illumination
- C ontrast control
2. 3 . 1 P owe r supply
A negative voltage of -23 V is required for the power supply of the display. It is
generated by an inverting switching controller f rom the 5-V power supply. The output
voltage -23 V is enabled by the additional external wiring of the switching controller.
The voltage -23 V also serves as a voltage s ource for the generation of the negative
contrast volta ge .
The functional unit LC D BLO C K ensures that t he logic power supply +5 V is active at
the graphics display before the negative power supply and the contrast voltage. When
the instrument is switched off the negative power supply and the contrast v oltage are
switched off first.
2 . 3 . 2 Ba ckground illumination
The background illumination of the graphics display is effected by a C F L tube , which
requires an alternating voltage of approx. 800 Vs s.
The alternating voltage is generated by a voltage invert er, driven by 5 V. Since the
CardioSmart is a portable, battery-operated device, t he background illumination can
ena ble d a nd disa ble d (configuration).
2.3.3 Contrast control
The contrast control has an additional temperature compensation control. However,
when there are rapid fluctuations in temperature it t akes a certain time until the
compensation is complete, since the dis play itself has a greater thermal time const ant.
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2.4 Internal interfaces
2.4.1 Mechanical interfaces
The 3 following mechanical interfaces are important within t he CardioSmart:
- I nterface to CardioProm
- Interface to display CardioVision Text
- Interface to display CardioVision Graphic s
Interface to CardioProm
The CardioProm has its own housing, which is conduc ting to prevent damage by ESD.
To shunt any possible static charge it has 3 rails on the underside which, on the PCB
Control_CS in the CardioSmart basic devic e, when inserted make contact with the 3
rails on GND, thereby shunting the charge.
This mechanical insertion of the rails ensures t hat a fail-safe contact is made with the
PCB Control_CS.
Furthermore, mechanical coding ensures that the non-c ompatible CardioProms of the
EK56/EK512 series cannot be inserted into the slot. Similarly, the insertion of
CardioSmart CardioProms into the EK 56/512 slot is not possible.
I nterfa ce to displa y C a rdioV ision T ext
The display CardioVision Text is placed into t he depression provided in the upper
shell of the CardioSmart basic device. The mechanic al rail on the outside of the
display ensures the electrical contac t is automatic and fail-safe. The display
CardioVision Text can be replaced, e.g. , by a CardioVision Graphics using the
appropriate tools without opening the device.
I nte rfac e t o display C a rdioV ision G ra phics
The display CardioVision Graphics is also plac ed in the above-mentioned depression,
the mechanical rail on the outside also ensures a fail-s afe contact. In contrast t o the
CardioVision Text, the CardioVisi on Graphics can only be replaced by opening the
upper shell of the basic device.
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2.4.2 Electronic interfaces
This section describes the pinning, func tion and significance of the signals of the
internal interfaces of the functi onal components. Interface Character Display
The interface to the character display prov ides all the signals to connect the display
CardioVision Text. It comprises the upper 8 bits of the data bus, control s ignals and
the signal for the contrast cont rol.
Connection denotation:
Female multipoint connector 2 x 7 - pin, upright (180 °), reverse terminal protecti on
achieved mechanically.
The function of the individual pins is given in t he following table. The definition as an
Input/Output is seen with ref erence to PCB Control_CS.
5OutputRW_Read/write signal
6OutputENCHARDEnable character display
DB_8Controller data bus bit 8
DB_9Controller data bus bit 9
DB_10Controller data bus bit 10
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DB_11Controller data bus bit 11
DB_12Controller data bus bit 12
DB_13Controller data bus bit 13
DB_14Controller data bus bit 14
DB_15Controller data bus bit 15 Interface Graphics Display
The interface to the graphics display provides all the signals to connect the display
CardioVision Graphics. It c omprises the upper 8 bits of the data bus, address bus,
control signals and the signal for the cont rast control.
Connector denotation:
2. 4 . 2 . 3 I nte rfa ce P C B P owe r S upply_ C S
This has the voltages from the power supply unit to generate the + 5 V and the other
voltages, the control of the LE Ds for the power lamp and battery monitoring, the control
signals for battery charging and switc hing on the printhead and motor power supply as
well as the signal to switch off t he device on the controller´s part.
Connector denotation:
Male multipoint connector 2 x 1 0 - pin, upright (180 °), reverse terminal protection and
coding with coding pin 12.
The function of the individual pins is given in t he following table. The definition as an
Input/Output is seen with ref erence to PCB Control_CS.
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1InputLEDLINControl of LED for power supply system
2OutputREG_ONPrinthead power supply, motor enabled by
3OutputGOFF_Switch on device with controller
4, 5InputUVERSInput v oltage to generate +5 V
6Output+ 5 VLogic power supply
InputCOMMON_INInput voltage to generate mot or- printhead
11InputREG_OFFPrinthead power supply, motor enabled by
power-supply unit:
"0" = Enable battery charging
"1" = Enable printhead power supply
12CODECoding pin
13, 14,
15, 16
17InputVRAMBuffered voltage to generate the RAM
18OutputCOMMON_SVoltage switched in from COMMON_IN
20InputLEDBATCharging status display for BATTERY:
InputGNDSystem ground
standby power supply
"0" = battery needs charging
"1" = battery charged, normal operat.
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Page 22 Option interfaces
O ption P owe r C heck
This constitutes a service c onnector to enable checking of all the voltages ac tive within
the system. This
power to other components!
is not a n ex te nsion port, the voltages must not be us ed to supply
Connector denotation:
Male multipoint connector 1 x 6 - pin, upright (180 °), for se rvicing purpose s only!
The function of the individual pins is given in t he following table. The definition as an
Input/Output is seen with ref erence to PCB Control_CS.
1Output+ 12 VTesting point power supply + 12 V
2OutputGNDSystem ground
3Output- 12 VTesting point power supply - 12 V
4OutputCOMMON_STesting point power supply motor voltage
5OutputGNDSystem ground
6Output+ 5 VTesting point logic power supply + 5 V
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2.5 Interfaces to peripherals
The CardioSmart has only 3 interfaces for peripherals :
- M ains input
- P atient Input
- R S-232 interface
mains input int erface on the device is a 3-pin standard cold appliance soc ket
connection, which is integrated into t he mains input module. Connection to the mains is
effected via a 3-pin power cord with a non-fused earth c onductor.
Although the mains input is not designed as a "wide range input ", adjustment to the
two mains voltage ranges 110V~ ... 120V~ and 220V~ ... 240V~ is easily achieved without
having to open the device or a wiring change of the bridges:
- C heck voltage setting in the inspection window of the interrupter of the mains
input module
- I f the voltage value is not the same as the mains voltage:
D isconnect ma ins plug!
- O pen interrupter with appropriate tool
- T ake out fuse holder with fuses
- I nsert fuses rated according to the rating plat e specifications
- R einsert holder so that the required voltage is visible
- C lose interrupter
- T he required mains voltage should now appear in the inspection window
T his rea djustme nt is to be ca rrie d out by the ma nufa cture r or se rvicing age nt only!
No further description of the mechanical and elec tronic parameters of the mains input
is given in Section 2.5.
The mechanics and the interface configuration as used in the EK53/EK56 and in the
EK512 are implemented in the
used up to date can still be used, this also being true for the suction system with its
integrated pump.
A 9-pin sub-D connector with a standard configurat ion of the signals TXD, RXD and
GND is implemented in the construction of the
attached to the connected plug hous ing by means of threaded inserts. The E K53/56
and EK 512 RS-232 power cables can thus no longer be used.
The cable 223 362 03 is used as an RS-232 cable to the PC.
pat ie nt input. This means that all the pat ient cables
RS-232 interface. In addition, it is
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2.5.1 Electronic interfaces RS-232 interface
This comprises the transmitter signal TX D, the incoming signal RXD and the reference
ground GND. The pin configuration is the same as t hat used for a standard PC 9-pin
sub-D socket. The interface does not operate with a hardware handshake.
Furthermore, a REMOTE START input is provided at pin 8.
Transmission is in accordance with the st andard V-24 protocol, input and output
voltages are defined as follows:
- m aximum input voltage at RXD:+/- 15V
- minimum out put voltage at TXD: +/ - 5 V
- addit ional input protection against ESD ef fects: +/- 10kV
In addition, there is a REMOTE S TART input at pin 8 with the following specif ications:
- ex ternal short-circuiting contact v ia circuit reference referred to ground
- max. source resistor switch: Ri <300
- m ake time >100 ms
- c ontinuous load limits +/-10 V
- E SD protection to max. +/-10 kV
Connection principle to PC
CardioSmart PC RXDE 2 2 RXD
Connection cable 223 362 03
The connector is denoted:AC/
Male multipoint connector sub- D socke t housing, 9 - pin, 9 0° off set
Ma rque tte H e llige G mbHC a rdioS ma rt/ Ca rdioS ma rt S T V 1 . 2 / V 1. 3
227 435 11 D
The function of the individual pins is given in t he following table. The definition as an
Input/Output is seen with ref erence to PCB Control_CS.
Page 25
2InputRXDEReceive RS-232 data
3OutputTXDETransmit RS-232 data
5OutputGNDSystem ground
8InputREMOTE STARTRemote Start Input
Ma rque tte H e llige G mbHC a rdioS ma rt/ Ca rdioS ma rt S T V 1 . 2 / V 1. 3
227 435 11 D
2. 5 . 1 . 2 P a tie nt input
Below is a list of the most important features of the patient input:
- Classification: cardiac floating
- Defibrillation-proof
- S imultaneous data acquisition from all leads
- I ndividual electrode monitoring
- V oltage feed for floating power supply via float ing transformer
- C ontrol and data signals from and to floating part via opt oelectronic coupler
Page 26
The connector is denoted:
Male multipoint connector sub- D socke t housing, 1 5 - pin
Ma rque tte H e llige G mbHC a rdioS ma rt/ Ca rdioS ma rt S T V 1 . 2 / V 1. 3
227 435 11 D
The function of the individual pins is given in t he following table. The definition as an
Input/Output is seen with ref erence to PCB Control_CS.
4InputC5Input electrode C5
5InputC6Input electrode C6
7OutputPLGNDIdentification of patient cable used
8InputPLIdentification of patient cable used
9InputRInput electr ode R
(Nap for Nehb cables)
10InputLInput electrode L
11InputFInput electrode F
12InputC1Input electrode C1
13InputNstInput elect rode Nst (for Nehb)
14OutputNOutput electrode N (common mode
15InputNaxInput electrode Nax ( for Nehb)
Ma rque tte H e llige G mbHC a rdioS ma rt/ Ca rdioS ma rt S T V 1 . 2 / V 1. 3
227 435 11 D
2 . 6 Limitations
The following operating modes are not implemented in the CardioSmart:
- N o ergometry
- No SAO2
- N o spirometry
- No late potentials, no RR variability
- N o phono, no US Doppler
A scope output is not available.
No analog inputs.
The existing RS-232 interface does not prov ide an ECG trigger output.
Recording without or with an empty NC battery is not possible.
Page 28
Lead accumulators cannot be used.
Primary cells cannot be used.
Ma rque tte H e llige G mbHC a rdioS ma rt/ Ca rdioS ma rt S T V 1 . 2 / V 1. 3
227 435 11 D
Page 29
3 . S yste m te st functions
With country default setting G erman all messages displayed during the self-test are in
German, in all other country settings they appear in English.
3 . 1 Syste m te st functions with gra phics displa y
3 . 1 . 1 . G e ne ra l informa tion
The functions for the system test are mostly menu-guided.
For complete execution some tests require special auxiliary resources. These include
interface testers or PC, c onnection cables, signal generators, etc . The tests that are
necessary are described in the various test descriptions.
3.1.2 Test start
After simultaneously pressing t he keys
the initial display menu appears to enable selection of a s pecific test. (see below)
Keys used for menu selection appear in parenthesis .
(1) Display test
(2) Key test
(3) Motor test
(4) Test results
(5) Recording test
(6) Interface test
(7) Time and date
(8) Electrode test
(9) Time constant test
(V) Device model (from SW V4.21)
(C) 12SL / HEART (from V4.21)
Terminate with SH_MAN or SH_MODE key
S hift + Auto (CardioSmart) or S hift + M ode (CardioSmart ST)
S ystem te st
T est f unctions:
Ma rque tte H e llige G mbHC a rdioS ma rt/ Ca rdioS ma rt S T V 1 . 2 / V 1. 3
227 435 11 D
3.1.3 Display test (1)
After pressing the “1" key the f ollowing menu appears:
Page 30
Pressing any other key t han one of those listed in the menu above leads back to the
initial display menu.
Displa y te st
(1) Test pattern
(2) Character set
(3) Delete display
(4) Inverse
(5) Display illumination
Contrast control
- Shift_Cursor_Down
- Shift_Cursor_Up
Terminate with any key
(1) Test pattern
Pressing this key generat es a chessboard pattern. Each s ubsequent pressing
generates the inverse display of its predec essor.
(2) Character set
The character set used for the display is out put.
(3) Delete display
All display pixels are inactive.
(4) Inverse
The contents of the existing dis play appear in reverse video.
( 5) D ispla y illumina tion
The illumination is switched on or off by pressing this key.
C ontrast control
The contrast setting can always be adjus ted as described above (cursor keys).
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