Marquette Cardioserv V4 Service Manual

Servicing Instructions
CardioServ/ CardioServVF
Version 4
227 483 02-B SA(e)
During repairs/service interventions, observe the protective measures against damage due to ESD.
* Marquette Hellige GmbH considers itself
responsible for the effects on safety , reliability, and performance of the equip­ment, only if:
- assembly operations, extensions, readjustments, modifications, or repairs are carried out by Marquette Hellige GmbH or by persons authorized by Marquette Hellige GmbH,
- the electrical installation of the rele­vant room complies with the applica­ble national and local requirements, and
- the instrument is used in accordance with the instructions for use.
* This manual contains service information;
operating instructions are provided in the operator’s manual of the instrument.
* This manual is in conformity with the
instrument at printing date.
* All rights are reserved for instruments,
circuits, techniques, and names appearing in the manual.
Marquette Hellige GmbH
Printed in Germany
Marquette Hellige GmbH CardioServ V.4 Page 3
Servicing Instructions
1. General Introduction...........................................................................................5
2. General overview of CardioServ........................................................................7
2.1 Documentation and nomenclature of Marquette Hellige instrument
part Nos ........................................................................................................ 7
2.1.1 Configuration of instrument part No ....................................................7
2.1.2 Configuration of the PCB part Nos......................................................7
2.1.3 Instrument status documentation (nominal status) .............................8
Instrument Versions ............................................................................9
3. Functional Description .....................................................................................11
3.1 Pcb. usage on different CardioServ ( 4.x ) Versions ...................................17
3.2 Important Servicing Note: .............................................................................21
4. Signal names.....................................................................................................23
4.1 Pin configuration of panel connectors...........................................................29
4.1.1 Socket SpO2 303 443 57 ..................................................................29
4.1.2 Socket ECG 303 442 99....................................................................30
4.1.3 Socket Option 303 445 17 .................................................................30
4.1.4 Socket Paddle 303 444 16 ................................................................31
5. Block Diagram CardioServ VF/V4...................................................................33
6. Assembly Instructions......................................................................................35
7. Troubleshooting Hints ......................................................................................37
7.1 Error Codes in the CardioServ Self-Test Screen ..........................................39
8. Adjustment Instructions ................................................................................... 41
9. Technical Specifications CardioServ/CardioServ VF .................................... 49
10. Maintenance and Technical Inspection...........................................................57
10.1 General Information ....................................................................................57
10.2 Testing Equipment ......................................................................................58
10.3 Visual Check ...............................................................................................60
10.4 Performance Check ....................................................................................60
10.4.1 Power-up Test .................................................................................60
10.4.2 Key Test...........................................................................................60
10.4.3 Printer Test .....................................................................................61
10.4.4 Energy Test ..................................................................................... 61
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10.4.5 Pacemaker Test (Without pacemaker testing adapter) ................... 62
10.4.6 Pacemaker Test (with Marquette Hellige testing adapter) ..............63
10.4.7 SPO2 Performance Check ..............................................................64
10.4.8 ECG Test .........................................................................................65
10.4.9 Cardioversion Test ...........................................................................65
10 4.10 Option Socket Input Test ..............................................................65
10.5 Battery ........................................................................................................ 66
11. Safety Analysis Test ..........................................................................................67
11.1. General introduction ...................................................................................67
11.2 Recommended Test Equipment ..................................................................67
11.3 Protective Earth Resistance Test ................................................................ 67
11.3.1 Leakage Current Measurement ......................................................68
11.3.2 Enclosure Leakage Current Test ....................................................68
11.3.3 Patient Leakage Current Test .........................................................69
12. Spare Parts Lists ............................................................................................... 71
13. Accessories: Car holder...................................................................................75
14. Appendix: Drawings
Revision History
December 1997 Initial Release SW Version 4
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Servicing Instructions
1. General Introduction
CardioServ Semi-Automatic and Manual
There are 2 CardioServ models: the semi-automatic and the manual defibrillator. Both mod­els are available with a pacemaker and SpO2.
The manual CardioServ is a defibrillator designed to deliver synchronized and unsynchro­nized shocks. This requires the user to trigger capacitor charging and shock delivery manual­ly.
The semi-automatic defibrillator is equipped with analysis software, which monitors the ECG for arrhythmias (fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia). When the analysis is started by pressing a key the ECG is analyzed. If the result of the analysis is positive, the capacitor is charged to the preselected energy level. The semi­automatic operating mode can be terminated by pressing a key or inserting the dongle.
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Servicing Instructions
2. General overview of CardioServ
2.1 Documentation and nomenclature of Marquette Hellige instrument part Nos
2.1.1 Configuration of instrument part No
The instrument part No comprises 8 digits, the first 6 digits determining the instrument type, the last 2 digits the instrument version. The language is determined by configuration, thus having no influence on the part No.
E.g. Instrument Type Version
CardioServ 101 116 .. without pacemaker 101 116 03 with SPO with pacemaker and SPO
101 116 04 101 116 05
2.1.2 Configuration of the PCB part Nos
388 xxx yy Spare part numbers for the operative PCBs.
The instrument documentation, e.g., reference diagrams, circuit diagrams and parts lists are listed under this part No. The 388 number is located on the barcode label.
Configuration of the barcode labels:
Consecutive number
Consecutive number barcode Test mark
388 011 51 3131 C3
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Part No. Parts list index
Test number (batch)
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Servicing Instructions
303 xxx yy Spare part numbers for PCBs tested especially thoroughly
303 numbers are only given to PCBs where the level of testing applied to 388 PCBs is inadequate for implementation when servicing in the field, or where only a complete set of PCBs can be replaced in the field. In addition to a barcode label (388 number) 303 part Nos also have an additional label with a 303 number and are to be found in the spare parts list under this number.
389 xxx yy Replacement numbers for defective PCBs
Where servicing is required 389 PCBs are available for the replacement of some PCBs. When using a replacement PCB (389 part No) the defective PCB is to be returned to the Freiburg factory. Replacement PCB part Nos are included in the spare parts list. 389 PCBs have an additional adhesive label.
2.1.3 Instrument status documentation (nominal status)
Due to the hardware and software combination unambiguous documentation of the instru­ment assembly status is necessary, also in the event of repairs.
This documentation comprises the following documents and measures:
Master Record Index (MRI) (see Appendix)
This document is a component of this instrument documentation.
This document states the combination of permissible hardware and software for a particu­lar instrument version. The permissible PCB Index is given in the Index column with each update delivered. Further permissible PCB Indexes are given in the compatible column. The PCB Index can be found in the PCB barcode label.
Product Status Index
This document is created during manufacture. The Product Status Index documents the hardware/software product status.
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Servicing Instructions
Instrument Versions
These servicing instructions describe the manual CardioServ and the semi­automatic CardioServ VF
Manual CardioServ
101 117 01 CardioServ without pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 03 CardioServ with pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 04 CardioServ without pacemaker, with SPO2 101 117 05 CardioServ with pacemaker, with SPO2
101 117 02 CardioServ Esaote without pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 06 CardioServ Esaote with pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 07 CardioServ Esaote without pacemaker, with SPO2 101 117 08 CardioServ Esaote with pacemaker, with SPO2
101 117 09 CardioServ USA without pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 11 CardioServ USA with pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 12 CardioServ USA without pacemaker, with SPO2 101 117 13 CardioServ USA with pacemaker, with SPO2
CardioServ VF
101 117 21 CardioServ without pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 22 CardioServ with pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 23 CardioServ without pacemaker, with SPO2 101 117 24 CardioServ with pacemaker, with SPO2
101 117 29 CardioServ Esaote without pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 30 CardioServ Esaote with pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 31 CardioServ Esaote without pacemaker, with SPO2 101 117 32 CardioServ Esaote with pacemaker, with SPO2
101 117 25 CardioServ USA without pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 26 CardioServ USA with pacemaker, without SPO2 101 117 27 CardioServ USA without pacemaker, with SPO2 101 117 28 CardioServ USA with pacemaker, with SPO2
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Servicing Instructions
3. Functional Description
The Therapy System CardioServ comprises a defibrillator, a monitor ( LC display 240 * 320 pixels ), a printer and a power supply unit. These components are arranged in a casing. It is a compact unit, which can also be implemented using a 230-V power supply system, even without a battery. The unit has a pulsed 140-mA standard charge for the battery. Additional versions available have an external pacemaker and an SpO2 module, separately or com­bined. The Defi is switched on by turning the rotary switch to position ECG or energy levels auto­matic sequence 2 ... 360 J. Following a self-test, which tests
- RAM data store
- ROM program memory
- Watchdog / Reset
- EEPROM permanent memory
- Display all Pixels on / off
- Time base of internal quartz crystal
- Energy charge from last shock
- Defective charge or Defib keys
- Position of energy selector switch
- Connected electrodes
- Pacemaker
- SpO2
the Defi is ready for operation. If an error arises, depending on the severity of the error, the Defi is either on standby or not. Serious errors are watchdog, ROM or RAM errors. In the case of minor errors, an error message appears, but the instrument can be rendered opera­tive by pressing a key.
The Defi shock is delivered via exchangeable paddles. This permits the use of different elec­trodes, i.e., in addition to conventional electrodes, large-surface adhesive electrodes or inter­nal electrodes, for example. Adhesive electrodes are used for the pacemaker. The CardioS­erv also has Start and Trigger buttons on the instrument.
The charge operation is actuated with the Charge key on the apex electrode (for internal and adhesive electrodes on the instrument). During the charge operation, the accumulation of energy is registered and when the selected energy level has been reached the energy to be released appears on the display. An acoustic and visual display on the monitor indicates the configured energy level has been reached. When the battery is fully charged or with line­power operation, charging at 360 J should take about 8 s.
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Servicing Instructions
The buttons on both electrodes are pressed to trigger the defibrillation pulse (safety two-hand operation). This means that the button on the apex electrode (or the corresponding one on the instrument) has two functions:
- start the charge operation
- trigger defibrillation (together with the Trigger button)
The type of electrodes connected are recognized and, in the case of internal electrodes, the energy is automatically limited to 50 joules.
Following defibrillation, the energy released is displayed on the screen for 6 seconds. Docu­mentation output is by the printer.
The defibrillator has three operating modes:
* synchronized defibrillation (cardioversion) * unsynchronized defibrillation (emergency therapy) * semi-automatic (emergency service)
Cardioversion (operating mode Sync) can proceed either via the paddles or a patient cable. The operating mode Sync appears on the display and Sync marks are superimposed on the display. Following cardioversion, for safety reasons, the CardioServ switches automatically over to the unsynchronized operating mode, i.e., before each cardioversion the instrument must be switched over to Sync. The Defi can be configured for semi-automatic operation in three ways: * As a semi-automatic instrument only (defibrillation only possible via analysis) * Semi-automatic instrument which can be toggled to manual mode by pressing a key * Semi-automatic instrument which can be reset into manual mode using a dongle
ECG signal pick-up is possible via the paddles or ECG cable. ECG is output on the LCD display or by the built-in 50-mm printer.
A safety device ensures the discharge of the storage capacitor in the following situations:
- when defibrillation is not triggered 30 seconds after storage operation is complete,
- 0.2 seconds after triggering defibrillation,
- immediately after switching back the energy selector switch during or after storage,
- when the battery voltage drops below a certain level,
- when the selected energy level still has not been reached after 32 seconds.
When switching to a higher energy level, the energy deficit is supplied by recharging.
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Servicing Instructions
The pacemaker is a transthoracic pacemaker operating in the Demand and Fix mode.
- Pulse width 40ms (20 ms)
- The frequency is between 0...180 P/min (> 150 P/min only 20ms pulse width)
- The current is between 0...200 mA
- Adjustment is in 5-unit intervals.
The pacemaker is operated using 6 keys on the control panel. One key switches the pace­maker on, one key changes the operating mode, the other keys are used to adjust the fre­quency and current. The defibrillator cannot be disabled as long as the pacemaker is switched on. The adhesive electrodes of the Defi are used to release a pulse. This ensures a rapid switch from defibrillator to pacemaker and back again.
SpO2 is based on one of the modules manufactured by Nellcor (MP204). This module is located on the PCB Analog and receives its power supply from the latter. Measurement of the oxygen saturation level and pulse frequency is made by this PCB. Pulse frequency from 0...250 P/min Saturation from 0...100% We display the plethysmogram, saturation level and, when selected, the pulse frequency instead of the HR.
Control options:
A battery charge check is performed under load application. The message charge battery on the display means the battery needs recharging. At least five discharges at maximum energy are still possible. (Possibly even considerably more)
Performance check of defibrillation is performed by discharging into the integrated 50-ohm resistor.
Monitoring battery charge via the connector for power cord by the yellow LED. If the battery is fully charged after 16 h, trickle charging ensues, the yellow LED is permanently lit up.
The monitoring function of the CardioServ records and monitors the ECG and oxygen satura­tion level. The cardiac-action potentials are fed to the ECG preamplifier via a 5-wire patient cable. Selection can be made from 12 leads. The ECG curve is displayed on the LC screen with an illuminated background. The heart rate obtained from the ECG signal is continuously displayed on the screen.
Communication between the user and the instrument is via the keyboard and the LC screen. These also serve to configure the default settings and functions (see Users Manual for fur­ther details).
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Servicing Instructions
The PCBs have the following functions:
PCB Power Supply
This PCB supplies the 16.5-V instrument power supply. 10 A can be supplied for short-term capacitor charging. It is a primary clock-rated wide-range power supply system. It operates from 85 .. 264 V, at 49 ... 65 Hz. It is protected by 2 fuses in the primary circuit. One on the PCB and one in the feed line.
PCB Analog
This PCB has several functional units. The first unit accepts the ECG signals (patient input) received via the patient cable from the patient. In accordance with its task, it is connected to the patient by a cable. It is thus constructed as an application component isolated from other circuit components and the circuit reference (floating). The tasks of this circuit component are:
- amplification of ECG signals
- lead selection (lead selector)
- identification and reporting of electrode defects
- identification and reporting of patient lead connection
- digitization and serialization of ECG data
- potential separation of the application component from the remaining circuit components
- floating component power supply
- ECG trigger
- pacing-pulse detection
There are two of these circuit components on this PCB. Once for the ECG via paddles, once for the ECG via patient cable. A second unit provides floating separation and the power supply for SPO2. A further circuit component controls high-voltage generation for the Defi shock. There is a high-voltage capacitor on this PCB. The functions are as follows :
- safety control during charging and shock release (1st path : hardware)
- controlling storage operation and energy release, independent of the CPU
- controlling the high-voltage generator
- elimination of interference in the operating elements in the Defi electrodes
- conversion of the voltage and current signals into a frequency to measure energy
- activation and control of the high-voltage transformer
- generation of the emergency cutoff signal in the event of inadmissibly high voltage
- measurement of the high voltage on the primary winding of the high-voltage transformer
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- rectification of the high voltage
- protection of the high-voltage diode
- discharging the storage capacitor as a safety precaution
- measurement of the high voltage on the storage capacitor
- energy delivery via the high-voltage relay
A further unit organizes the entire instrument´s power supply. This is provided by the built-in battery, the power supply unit or, optionally, from an external battery (e.g., ambulance power supply system). It has the following tasks:
- switching instrument on/off
- automatic cutoff when battery voltage is too low
- monitoring the “charge battery” threshold
- power source selection: battery or power supply system
- charging the built-in battery by a special circuit independent of how high the supply
voltage is
PCB Digital
The PCB Digital is equipped with the microcontroller, which controls the entire instrument. It comprises a Motorola 68332 microcontroller, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, watchdog and I/O ports. It has the following functions:
- safety control during charging and shock release (2nd path : software)
- displaying the ECG and text on the LC screen (delete bar procedure)
- processing the curves and texts for the printer controller for output onto paper
- 50 / 60-Hz filter (software)
- alarm management
Circuit component display :
- graphics controller to control the display, which ensures screen refresh
- display RAM
- generation of voltages for the LCD ( LCD power supply )
- generation of high voltage for background illumination
- Pal for chip select generation for display
- contrast adjustment
Circuit component real-time clock :
- real-time clock with lithium battery buffer and integrated quartz crystal
- Pal for chip select generation for clock
Circuit component 1-channel recorder :
- single-chip microcontroller to output data at thermal-array printhead
- monitoring printhead temperature
- motor control for paper transport
- switches off motor in the event of overload or underload
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- generation of power supply voltages for the recorder
- processing of all signals for the printer microcontroller Further circuit components on the PCB are :
- generation of 5 V from 12 V via an integrated switching controller, short-circuit-proof and protected against overvoltage by Transzorb diodes
- sound generator, frequency controlled by SW
- RS-232 interface, protected against overvoltage by Transzorb diodes. Interface integrated into microcontroller, external conversion of level from 5 V to +- 12 V.
- energy selector switch, binary coded, delivers its information to PCB Analog and to the microcontroller
- keyboard interface to connect the membrane keypad
- control of LEDs on the keypad
- watchdog
- reset generation, when +5-V supply drops below 4,65 V or exceeds 5,5 V
- RAM buffering by battery when instrument is switched off
- pacemaker functions integrated on PCB Digital
- serial hookup of pacemaker and microcontroller
- pacemaker conducts current when in operative mode only.
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Servicing Instructions
3.1 Pcb. usage on different CardioServ ( 4.x ) Versions
Pcb.Digital Pcb.Digital Pcb.Analog Pcb.Power Pcb.SPO2 Spare Spare Spare. Supply Spare 388 032 06 388 032 53 303 445 43 Spare 930 117 26 Exchange Exchange Exchange 930 118 46 389 004 25 389 004 26 389 004 22
CardioServ 101 117 01 Version 4.x x x x without pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 03 Version 4.x x x x with pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 04 Version 4.x x x x x without pacemaker / with SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 05 Version 4.x x x x x with pacemaker / with SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 09 Version 4.x USA x x x without pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 11 Version 4.x USA x x x with pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 12 Version 4.x USA x x x without pacemaker / with SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 13 Version 4.x USA x x x x with pacemaker / with SPO2
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Pcb.Digital Pcb.Digital Pcb.Analog Pcb.Power Pcb.SPO2 Spare Spare Spare. Supply Spare 388 032 06 388 032 53 303 445 43 Spare 930 117 26 Exchange Exchange Exchange 930 118 46 389 004 25 389 004 26 389 004 22
CardioServ 101 117 02 Version 4.x x x x ESAOTE without pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 06 Version 4.x x x x
ESAOTE with pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 07 Version 4.x x x x x ESAOTE without pacemaker / with SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 08 Version 4.x x x x x ESAOTE with pacemaker / with SPO2
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Pcb. usage on different CardioServ VF ( 4.x ) Versions
Pcb.Digital Pcb.Digital Pcb.Analog Pcb.Power Supply Pcb.SPO2 Spare Spare Spare. Spare Spare 388 032 06 388 032 53 303 445 43 930 118 46 930 117 26 Exchange Exchange Exchange 389 004 25 389 004 26 389 004 22
CardioServ 101 117 21 Version 4.x x x x without pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 22 Version 4.x x x x with pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 23 Version 4.x x x x x without pacemaker / with SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 24 Version 4.x x x x x with pacemaker / with SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 25 Version 4.x USA x x x without pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 26 Version 4.x USA x x x with pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 27 Version 4.x USA x x x without pacemaker / with SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 28 Version 4.x USA x x x with pacemaker / with SPO2
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Pcb.Digital Pcb.Digital Pcb.Analog Pcb.Power Supply Pcb.SPO2 Spare Spare Spare. Spare Spare 388 032 06 388 032 53 303 445 43 930 118 46 930 117 26 Exchange Exchange Exchange 389 004 25 389 004 26 389 004 22
CardioServ 101 117 29 Version 4.x ESAOTE x x x without pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 30 Version 4.x ESAOTE x x x with pacemaker / without SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 31 Version 4.x ESAOTE x x x x without pacemaker / with SPO2
CardioServ 101 117 32 Version 4.x ESAOTE x x x x with pacemaker / with SPO2
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Servicing Instructions
3.2 Important Servicing Note:
Replacing CardioServ PCBs
When CardioServ PCBs are replaced the technician must call up the self-test screen after replacing the PCB. The new components are reported automatically in the software configu­ration. After restarting CardioServ recognizes the new components. This is important in the case of SpO2 and Pacemaker. Further the Performance Check (see on Page 62) needs to be accomplished.
Replacing PCB Digital
The identification numbers 0000 and 1111 are stored in the Eeprom of the PCB Digital for CardioServ Manual and CardioServ VF, respectively.
The replacement PCB always has the identification number 0000 stored in the Eeprom for CardioServ Manual.
If during servicing the replacement PCB Digital is inserted into a CardioServ VF, when it is switched on the CardioServ is in the manual mode. The following combinations of keys are required to switch the CardioServ from manual to semi-automatic operation.
1. Press F1 and F5 keys simultaneously: The function Configuration appears on the screen.
2. Press F3 and F4 keys simultaneously: The function Key Test appears on the screen.
3. Press the Analysis key.
4. Press F3 and F4 keys simultaneously.
The identification code for the CardioServ VF stored in the Eeprom of the PCB Digital is now 1111 and the CardioServ operates in the semi-automatic mode.
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4. Signal names
Interface Signals PCB DIGITAL <-> PCB ANALOG Connector
Note: I/O from processor 68332 viewpoint
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
ENSELD-ENSELA I/O Selection of energy level or device On/Off +5V ---
TACHARGE ---- Charging signal from keypad +5V high-active
TADISCHARGE ---- Discharge signal from keypad +5V high-active
TAENABLE O Release signal for shock release via keypad +5V high-active
CHARGE_ I Charging OR signal from keypad and paddle +5V low-active
DISCHARGE_ I Discharge OR signal from keypad and paddle +5V low-active
PAPRINT I Triggers printout +5V high-active
or position ECG DCBA HHHH -> locked mechanically, reaction to error HHHL -> Device off HHLH -> ECG HHLL -> 2J HLHH -> 5J HLHL -> 7J HLLH -> 10J HLLL.-> 20J LHHH -> 30J LHHL -> 50J LHLH -> 70J LHLL -> 100J LLHH -> 150J LLHL.-> 200J LLLH -> 300J LLLL -> 360J
ENERGY- L=enables HV generator start SELECTED O H=switches HV generator and HV off
RELEASE I Message D relay on +5V high-active
SYNC_ O Triggers Defi shock in SYNC mode off. +5V low-active
RESDEF_ O Reset Defi +5V low-active
AIMESS O Enables pick-up of C relay, toggles between +5V high-active
RELE O Switches E relay on, thereby enabling pick-up +5V high-active
Reset position or lead interrupt = high +5V low-active
Is low in normal mode. Prevents shock release when high
current and voltage measurement L=C relay off, voltage reading H=C relay on, current reading
of C relay L=E relay not picked up H=E relay picked up
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Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
GEST I With a L->H change shows when the generator was +5V high-active
ELEC1 - ELEC3 I Defi Electrode Identification
U_F I Current or Voltage Measurement Converted into +5V ----
PWON_ ---- Stop Signal for Electronic Relay (Device-On/Off) low-active
BATLOW_ I Battery Undervoltage +5V low-active
BATLAD_ I Battery Charge Display +5V low-active
12VBAT ---- 12-V Standby Power Supply for Static RAMs +12V ----
LINE ---- Line-Power Operation Display +12V high-active
MISOEXT I Master-In Slave-Out (Buffered) +5V ----
MOSIEXT O Master-Out Slave-In (Buffered) +5V ----
SCKEXT O QSPI Serial Clock (Buffered) +5V ---­PCS1EXT_ O Peripheral Chip Select1 (Buffered) +5V low-active
started and with H->L change when the selected energy level is reached. (Detection by oscillator reverse voltage)
321 HHH -> External Electrode HLL -> Adhesive Electrode LHL -> Internal Electrode Other +5V ----
PCS2EXT_ O Peripheral Chip Select2 (Buffered) +5V low-active
GND ---- Ground Reference Level 5-V Supply 0V ----
+5V ---- +%V Power Supply +5V
RESETB_ O Buffered Reset Signal +5V low-active
RX_SPO2 I UART Signal Received Data for SPO2 +5V -----
TX_SPO2 O UART Signal Transmit Data for SPO2 +5V -----
EKTRIG_ O ECG Trigger für SPO2 +5V -----
RESSPO2 O Reset SPO2 +5V low-active
RxD I Receive Data RS232 +5V
TxD O Transmit Data RS232 +5V
GND1V O Ground Analog 1Volt Out +5V
A!VOUT O Signal Analog 1Volt Out +5V
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Interface Signals PCB DIGITAL <-> PCB ANALOG Connector PS
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
GND_ANA ---- Ground 0V ----
+12V_ANA ---- +12V Power Supply +12V ----
+5V-ANA ---- +5V Power Supply +5V ----
Interface Signals PCB DIGITAL <-> Printhead/Motor Interface Connector PRINT
Note: I/O from processor 80C51 or motor control viewpoint
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
KLA, O Printhead Latch Signal +5V high-active
KCLK O Printhead Clock Signal +5V L->H
KDAT O Printhead Data Signal +5V ----
KSTRB O Printhead Strobe Signal +5V high-active
TERM1 I Printhead Thermistor Connector1 +5V ----
TERM2 I Printhead Thermistor Connector2 +5V ----
GNDJ ---- Ground Thermal-Array Printhead 0V ----
+5V ---- ++5V Power Supply Thermal-Array Printhead +5V ----
+22V ---- +22V Power Supply Thermal-Array Printhead +22V ----
VDD1 O Release Signal for Thermal-Array Printhead Overvoltage +22V high-active
MOTOR+ O Motor Connector + var ----
MOTOR- O Motor Connector - var ----
SENSE I Motor Current Sensor Signal var ----
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Marquette Hellige GmbH CardioServ V.4 Page 26
Servicing Instructions
Interface Signals PCB DIGITAL <-> LCD Connector AD (HOSIDEN HLM6323)
Note: I/O from Graphics Controller viewpoint
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
V0 O Contrast Voltage var. ----
VEE ---- Negative Power Supply for LCD -23V ----
D3-D0 O Serial Pixel Data +5V ----
M O LCD Drive Signal (AC Signal) +5V ----
VSS ---- Ground +0V ----
VDD ---- +5V Power Supply +5V ----
CP2 ---- Display Data Shift Clock +5V H->L
CP1 ---- Display Data Latch Signal +5V H->L
S O Frame Signal +5V high-active
FG ---- Frame Ground 0V ----
H=Display ON L=Display OFF +5V low-active
Interface Signals PCB DIGITAL <-> LCD Connector AE (HOSIDEN HLM8619)
Note: I/O from Inverter viewpoint
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
FL HOT O High Voltage for CCFT ---- ----
FL GND O High-Voltage Ground ---- ----
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Servicing Instructions
Interface Signals PCB DIGITAL<->LCD Connector AF (OPTREX DMF50174NF- FW)
Note: I/O from Graphics Controller viewpoint
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
FLM O Frame Signal +5V high-active
LP ---- Data Latch Signal +5V H->L
CP O Clock Signal for Shifting Serial Ddta +5V H->L
M O Alternate Signal for LCD Drive +5V ----
VADJ ---- Contrast Signal var ----
VCC_ ---- +5V Power Supply +5V ----
VSS ---- Ground 0V ----
VEE ---- -23V Power Supply -23V ----
D3-D0 O Display Data +5V ---­DISP_OFF__ O Display ON/OFF
H=Display ON L=Display OFF +5V low-active
Interface Signals PCB DIGITAL<->LCD Connector AG (OPTREX DMF50174NF- FW)
Note: I/O from Inverter viewpoint
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
FL HOT O High Voltage for CCFT ---- ----
FL GND O High-Voltage Ground ---- ----
227 483 02-B SA(e)-98.05
Marquette Hellige GmbH CardioServ V.4 Page 28
Servicing Instructions
Interface Signals PCB DIGITAL <-> Keypad Interface Connector AH
Note: I/O from processor 68332 viewpoint
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
KBROW0_ KBROW1_ KBROW2_ KBROW3_ O Keypad Matrix Columns +5V low-active
KBCOL0_ KBCOL1_ KBCOL2_ KBCOL3_ I Keypad Matrix Lines +5V low-active
TAENABLE O Release Signal for Key Charge/Defib + Defib +5V high-active
TACHARGE I Charge/Defib Key +5V high-active
TADISCHARGE I Defib Key +5V high-active
ON_OFF_ O On/Off Key +5V ----
GND ---- Ground 0V ----
LINE ---- Line LED +12V high-active
BAT O Battery Undervoltage LED +5V high-active
Interface Signals PCB Potential Separation <->Nellcor MP204
Signal Name I/O Meaning Level Polarity
TX O Transmit +5V high-active
RX O Receive +5V high-active
EK_SYN 1 ECG Trigger Signal +5V high-active
RESET_ 0 Reset +5V low-active
GNDF ---- Ground 0V ----
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Marquette Hellige GmbH CardioServ V.4 Page 29
Servicing Instructions
4.1 Pin configuration of panel connectors
4.1.1 Socket SpO2 303 443 57
Marquette Hellige input socket, circular version Blue mark on plug
On device
1 Anode Photodetector 2nc 3nc 4 Cathode Photodetector 5 GND 6 R(cal) 7 LED - (Red LED Cathode, IR_LED Anode) 8nc
Front view
9 LED + (Red LED Anode, IR_LED Cathode) 10 GND Screen
227 483 02-B SA(e)-98.05
Marquette Hellige GmbH CardioServ V.4 Page 30
Servicing Instructions
4.1.2 Socket ECG 303 442 99
Marquette Hellige input socket, circular version Green mark on plug
5-Lead Cable 3-Lead Cable 1 Input R R 2 Input C L 3 Input F F
4 Input N --­5 Input L --­6 Ident Cable Connected Ident Cable Connected 7 GND floating GND floating 8 --- --­9 Ident 5-Lead Cable --­10 Screen Screen
4.1.3 Socket Option 303 445 17
1 --­2TX 3RX
Front view
4 --­5 --­6 --­7 GNO 8 VCC 9 ECG 10 GND ECG
227 483 02-B SA(e)-98.05
Front view
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