During repairs/service interventions, observe the protective measures against
damage due to ESD.
·GE Medical Systems Information Technologies (GEMS IT) considers itself responsible for
the effects on safety, reliability, and performance of the equipment, only if:
-assembly operations, extensions, readjustments, modifications, or repairs are
carried out by
GE Medical Systems Information Technologies (GEMS IT) or by persons authorized by
GE Medical Systems Information Technologies,
-the electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the applicable national and
local requirements, and
-the instrument is used in accordance with the instructions for use.
•This manual contains service information; operating instructions are provided in the
operators manual of the instrument.
•This manual is in conformity with the instrument at printing date.
•All rights are reserved for instruments, circuits, techniques, and names appearing in the
Complete circuit diagram and mechanical diagrams
Systems without a recorder 101 123
Systems with a recorder 101 124
Master Record Index (MRI)
PCB R-Plan, P-Plan
PCB ECG Monitor 388 031 19 Index F (V2.0)
PCB ECG Monitor 388 031 19 Index G (V2.01)
PCB Recorder 50: 388 031 70 Index B
PCB Press/Temp 388 031 75 Index D
PCB Temp 388 032 04 Index D
PCB Press Distributer 388 032 12
Isolation relay EAGLE EMEA 1000: 388 032 14DD
Revision History
This manual is subject to the GE Medical Systems Information Technologies change order service. The
revision code, a letter that follows the document part number, changes with every update of the manual.
The initial version of the manual has the letter A.
January 1998AInitial release of Servicing
January 2003BECO 065760
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
GE Medical SystemsEAGLE 1000 EMEAPage 7
Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
1. General overview of EAGLE 1000 EMEA
1.1 Documentation and nomenclature of Marquette Hellige
instrument part number
1.1.1Configuration of instrument part number
The instrument part number comprises the different instrument versions. The language
is determined by configuration, thus having no influence to the part Number
E.g. Instrument TypeVersion
#EGL 1015 = YHcomplete system
#EGL 1002 = YHECG only
1.1.2Configuration of the PCB part numbers
388 xxx yySpare part numbers for the operative PCBs.
The instrument documentation, e.g., reference diagrams, circuit diagrams and parts
lists are listed under these part numbers.
The 388 number is located on the barcode label.
Configuration of the barcode labels:
Consecutive number
Consecutive number barcodeTest mark
388 011 513131C3
Part No.Parts list index
Test number (batch)
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
303 xxx yySpare part numbers for PCBs tested especially thoroughly
303 numbers are only given to PCBs where the level of testing applied to 388 PCBs is
inadequate for implementation when servicing in the field, or where only a complete set
of PCBs can be replaced in the field.
In addition to a barcode label (388 number) 303 part numbers also have an additional
label with a 303 number and are to be found in the spare parts list under this number.
Exchange numbers for defective PCBs
Where servicing is required exchange PCBs are available for the replacement of some
PCBs. When using a exchange PCB the defective PCB is to be returned to the Freiburg
factory. Replacement PCB part numbers are included in the spare parts list.
1.1.3 Instrument status documentation (nominal status)
Due to the hardware and software combination unambiguous documentation of the
instrument assembly status is necessary, also in the event of repairs.
This documentation comprises the following documents and measures:
Master Record Index (MRI)
This document is a component of this instrument documentation.
This document states the combination of permissible hardware and software for a particular instrument version. The permissible PCB Index is given in the Index column with
each update delivered. Further permissible PCB Indexes are given in the compatible
column. The PCB Index can be found in the PCB barcode label.
Product Status Index
This document is created during manufacture. The Product Status Index documents the
hardware/software product status.
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
1.2 EAGLE 1000 EMEA system overview
These servicing instructions describe the instrument versions with Marquette Hellige circular connectors.
Compact, multi-parameter patient monitor, 12 different models
1.3.1Hooking up EAGLE 1000 EMEA monitors to PC Central Station
SynOpsis 1000
EAGLE 1000 EMEA monitors version V2.1 and higher can be connected up to the PC
Central Station SynOpsis 1000. This involves the hooking up of up to eight monitors
via a serial cable with an OctaBus 1000. Up to two OctaBus 1000s can be connected
up to the Central Station. Each OctaBus is connected to the Central Station PC using
a printer port. Alarm release ensues from one of the two OctaBus devices, these being
connected appropriately. The OctaBus devices and the Central Station PC monitor
controll each others performance and give an alarm when a malfunction is detected.
For configuration see figure below.
Nurse Call
EAGLE wall outlet
Figure 1. Connection of EAGLE 1000 EMEA with current loop output to Nurse Call/ Central
Station socket
The Nurse Call socket of EAGLE 1000 EMEA V2.1 or higher is used for hooking up to the
Central Station via the OctaBus. A current loop permits connections over distances of up to
200 m.
Connection to the OctaBus is via an 8-lead cable either from a wall outlet or directly.
Refer to the Installation Instructions for more details.
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Central Station PC
Figure 2. Connection of EAGLE 1000 EMEA monitors to a PC Central Station
SynOpsis 1000 using 2 OctaBus hardware interfaces.
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
1.3.2 Patient data transfer from EAGLE 1000 EMEA via HELAN to
SMU using QuickLink Introduction
To ensure continuous monitoring it is also necessary to be able to record patients vital
signals during relocation and transportation. However, since during patient transfer
there is no connection to the LAN, the trend data are collected and then transferred
later as a block.
After taking over patient monitoring on the transport monitor recording of the data begins. No connection is being established with the Gateway. The patient remains anonymous, i.e., his name is not entered into the transport monitor.
Upon arrival at his new destination the patient is hooked up to the destination monitor
and the transfer of the trend data initiated by the transport monitor operator. The transport monitor establishes a connection over an IR beam and a terminal server (QuickLink) with the LAN and transfers the data to the Gateway.
In the Gateway the data are stored in a file bearing a file name indicating the ID of the
transport monitor used. Assignment of patient data is carried out using the operating
routines of the destination monitor. The operator selects the transport monitor ID, to
which the transferred patient belonged to. It is now the task of the Gateway to enter the
trend data into the database correctly.
Figure 3 shows the principle of data transfer. The terminal server comprises QuickLink, the
Gateway comprises VICOM TR server or VICOMport + VICOMserver.
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions Data transfer between Eagle and Gateway
Eagle and Gateway will communicate while transferring trend data. Transfer is initiated by
the user request function.
The data are first stored in a file and, when data transfer is complete, arranged in proper order. The transport monitor waits for the results of this processing procedure.
If an error occurs in the database during this procedure, all the data in the Gateway are
deleted and the entire data must be transferred once more.
When the data transfer is initiated, the time will be sent by the transport monitor realtime clock. From this the Gateway can identify any possible time misalignment of the
internal clock of the transport monitor and account for this when the trend data are
Sporadic trend data, e.g., non-invasive blood pressure values, are only transferred for
the period of time in which continuous trend data, e.g., ECG, are also available. Earlier
or later parameter readings will be ignored. Connection to the LAN
The QuickLink Station is connected to a Multiport or an SMX using twisted-pair wiring.
The Multiport can lead to the LAN using BNC or AUI wiring.
The SMX 008 leads to the LAN using AUI wiring, the SMX 009 to the LAN using BNC
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
Configuration with BNC, AUI or twisted pair (TP)
Figure 4. QuickLink - LAN connection
twisted pair
installation option
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
GE Medical SystemsEAGLE 1000 EMEAPage 15
Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions EAGLE 1000 EMEA - QuickLink - HELAN - Examples of the link to networks Functional structure overview
The link of EAGLE 1000 EMEA to the networks via QuickLink enables the transfer of
patient data acquired during patient relocation and transportation for continuous and
uninterrupted analysis.
A QuickLink adapter connected to the RS 232 interface of the EAGLE 1000 EMEA
sends the transportation data using IR to a QuickLink Station. The QuickLink Station
acts as a terminal server and is the communication partner to the HELAN network.
The data transferred onto the HELAN are stored on a server which acts as a Gateway
(VICOM TRserver or VICOMport in connection with VICOMserver).
This is where the patient data and the measured values recorded during transportation
are made available for complete documentation on any patient monitor or on a clinical
information system. Main components for the installation of QuickLink:
Part NumberDeviceDescription
216 135 01QuickLink AdapterIR-Interface, connectable to EAGLE
1000 EMEA
216 134 01QuickLink StationStation to receive IR signal from Quick
Link adapter incl. RJ45 connection
(Twisted Pair)
216 107 01SMX 001Transceiver for AUI
216 133 01SMX 005Transceiver for RJ45 (Twisted Pair)
930 117 40SMX 006Multiport Repeater (12 x RJ45)
930 117 39SMX 007Multiport Repeater (24 x RJ45)
930 117 76SMX 008Repeater RJ45 to AUI
930 117 77SMX 009Repeater RJ45 to BNC (CheaperNet)
101 130 01VICOM TRServer R.2.0Patient data transfer within HELAN
101 131 01VICOMport R.2.0Link of HELAN to VICOM Server
101 132 01VICOMserver R.2.0Database for HELAN and interface to
other networks
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
GE Medical SystemsEAGLE 1000 EMEAPage 16
Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions EAGLE 1000 EMEA - QuickLink
Network link - HELAN CheaperNet
SMX 008 + SMX 001 can be used in place of SMX 009 + BNC T-Plug.
(50 Ohm)
mains plug
mains plug
HELAN cable
BNC T-Plug
Coax segment (max. 185m)
Bett 5Herbert,
Release 8.12 incl.
Release 8.11 incl.
TRAN SW-Option
TRAN SW-Option
Raster Info
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
(50 Ohm)
HELAN cable
VICOM TRserver
(or VICOMport + VICOMserver)
GE Medical SystemsEAGLE 1000 EMEAPage 17
Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions Network link - HELAN Concentrator
mains plug
AUI <-RJ45
mains plug
HELAN cable (max. 50m)
VICOM TRserver
(or VICOMport + VICOMserver)
Bett 5Herbert,
Raster Info
Release 8.12 incl.
Release 8.11 incl.
TRAN SW-Option
TRAN SW-Option
mains plug
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
GE Medical SystemsEAGLE 1000 EMEAPage 18
Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions Network link - HELAN Twisted Pair
SMX006 (12x)
SMX007 (24x)
mains plug
Twisted Pair (max. 100m)
VICOM TRserver
(or VICOMport + VICOMserver)
Bett 5Herbert,
Release 8.11 incl.
TRAN SW-Option
Release 8.12 incl.
TRAN SW-Option
Raster Info
mains plug
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
GE Medical SystemsEAGLE 1000 EMEAPage 19
Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
2. System overview
2.1 Technical specifications
2.1.1 System interfaces
Interface for Nurse Call and Central Station
*output for control signal in the case of alarm or warnings for connection of an Isola-
tion Relay 303 444 77, short-circuit-proof
*trigger output (digital impulse, width 1 ms, 0 V to 9.5 to 14.5 V)
*20 mA current loop output to connect OctaBus to PC Central Station SynOpsis with
V2.1 or higher version
RS 232 interface
*RS 232/V24 interface for connection of QuickLink to HELAN, available from V 2.0 or
*3 channels
*sweep speed of 25 mm/s
*erase-bar mode
2.1.3 Monitor functions
Operating modes
*test, monitoring enabled/disabled, service mode, data transfer (download)
Alarm system
*text on display, alarm LED, Alarms OFF LED, audible alarm signal (can be disa-
bled via softkey or from the defaults menu)
Data storage in case of line failure or empty battery
*at least 5 minutes
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
2.1.4 Power supply
*from the power line, monitor design in IEC protection class I
Potential equalization
*potential equalization connection according to DIN 42 801(measurement in or at the
heart) or connection for function ground (interference elimination during general
cardiological examinations)
Rated voltage range from 95 to 240 V AC
*operating voltage range from 85 to 264 V, 49 to 65 Hz
*rated current from 0.15 to 0.3 A
Internal power supply (rechargeable battery)
*automatic toggling from line to battery operation and vice versa
*integrated charge circuit with automatic adaption of charge characteristics
*fast battery charging to 80% of its capacity within 3.5 hours, afterwards
*normal charging to 100% of its capacity within 8 hours, afterwards
*continuous trickle charging by means of charge pulses to prevent the memory
Charge balance
measurement of the charge and load current
compensation for battery self-discharge
graphic indication of battery capacity
warning when battery provides power for only 5 minutes of operation (without
automatic switch-off at 10.0 V to prevent overdischarging
Capacity of the rechargeable battery
2000 mAh, 12 volts
Charging indicator
Operating time
approx. 3 hours (typical operating time with fully charged battery at 23 °C, at
a battery temperature of 60 °C the capacity may be reduced to 70%)
(min. 2 hours at 25 °C ambient temperature and new, fully charged battery)
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
2.1.5 Operation and storage
Operational readiness
after approximately 5 seconds
Operating position
vertical (free circulation of air under the unit and ventilation openings must not be ob-
Environmental conditions
*ambient temperature between +10 °C and +40 °C
*battery charging temperature between +10 °C and +40 °C
*relative humidity between 30% and 75%, no condensation
*atmospheric pressure between 700 and 1060 hPa
*ambient temperature between -30 °C and +60 °C
*relative humidity between 10 and 100%, no condensation
*atmospheric pressure between 500 and 1060 hPa
*width262 mm
*height 215 mm
*depth 160 mm
*weight 2 kg to 4.4 kg (depending on monitor model)
2.1.6 ECG and heart rate
ECG signal inputs
Electrode connection for simultaneous transfer of 2 ECG signals: ECG 1 and ECG 2 via
lead selector (7 standard lead configurations each).
Signal inputs for 3-lead and 5-lead patient cables with connections for electrode leads;
buffer amplifier with protective circuit and HF filter; floating input circuit (isolated patient
connection of the CF type, IEC); overvoltage protection for all inputs, detection of pacing
pulses, monitoring of electrode-to-skin contact impedance (specifications without leads):
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
GE Medical SystemsEAGLE 1000 EMEAPage 22
Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
differential input impedance for DC > 65 MOhms, for f<=100 Hz > 6 MOhms
common-mode input impedance referred to RL
for DC > 10 GOhms, for f<=100 Hz > 50 MOhms
overrange limit (e.g. for polarization voltages) for differential signals >0.6 V, for sig-
nals referred to RL > 1.0 V
common-mode rejection referred to RL for f<= 50 Hz approx. 80 dB RL referred to
chassis >110 dB
patient leakage current (rms values): under normal conditions <0.005 mA, in fault
tion (e.g. patient in contact with mains voltage) <0.020 mA
quiescent input current <40 nA
non-destructive load for electrode connections referred to RL ± 50 V, referred to
chassis ± 1000 V
pulse-voltage resistance of all electrode connections and of the RL-connection re-
ferred to chassis (either polarity, e.g. defibrillation, electrocautery) 5000 V
Signal processing
The signal in channel 1 is processed. All specifications refer to a signal free of inter
HR measuring range 15 to 300 bpm, error ± 1 BPM (EC 13)
ECG cut-off frequency >=100 Hz
differential signal range ± 4.5 mV
ECG resolution 0.005 mV
sampling rate 1000/1200 Hz
noise below 0.04 mV
time constant for ECG transfer 0.3 s (0.5 Hz)
HR averaging for displayed value: weighted average from the most recent RR inter-
display update interval: 2 seconds
trigger sensitivity 0.25 mV to 0.30 mV for pulse width of 40 ms
max. rate stabilization of 6 seconds for RR interval change of 95%
alarm delay 4 seconds
asystole alarm 4 seconds
3 signal sizes for monitor display in freeze mode or else on the recorder trace: 5
10 20 mm/mV
1-mV calibration signal on waveform and recorder trace
detection of pacing pulses (these specifications refer to an ECG signal free of inter-
pulse duration dp>approx. 0.2 ms, <40 ms
pace marker independent of polarity
pulse amplitude ap±10 to ±700 mV
over/undershoot ao±1 mV
time constant to 25 to 100 ms
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
alarm limits adjustment range: 20 to 250 BPM
trigger output on Nurse Call connection nominally 12 V 1 ms, delay max. 25 ms,
tolerance 9.5 V to 15.5 V
rate measurement
derivation of trigger pulses from the ECG signal or from the pressure waveform or
from the Sp02 signal with automatic adaption of the trigger threshold or blanking of
pacing pulses; calculation of the mean rate; 3-digit display on the monitor screen
2.1.7 Oxygen saturation Sp0
Signal input
Connection for one Sp02 probe, isolated from ground, floating input circuit (isolated
patient connection of the CF type, IEC).
Used in conjunction with the approved probes, the module is protected from voltages
generated by defibrillation discharges and electrocautery.
Signal processing
dual-wavelength pulse oximeter
measuring range 1 to 100%
PR measuring range 20 to 250 BPM
resolution 1% Sp0
deviations from actual value (% Sp02 = 1st standard deviation) in combination with:
standard finger probe (DS 100A)
between 70 and 100%: ±3 digits
disposable probe for adults (D25)
between 70 and 100%: ±2 digits
disposable probe for children (OXI D20)
between 70 and 100%: ±2 digits
disposable probe for babies (J-20)
between 70 and 95%: ±2 digits
disposable probe for neonates (N-25)
between 70 and 95%: ±2 digits
unspecified between 0 and 69% Sp0
accuracy of the pulse rate measurement
±3 pulses/min between 20 and 150 pulses/min
±2% between 150 and 250 pulses/min
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
2.1.8 Non-invasive blood pressure
Signal input
Dual-lumen tubing or single-lumen tubing system, type CF signal input (IEC 601-1),
patient is electrically not connected to the system, thus the system is protected from
defibrillation discharges and electrosurgery voltages).
Signal processing
Oscillometric method:
stepwise pressure decrease, zero pressure reference prior to each measurement
Two measuring modes:adult
adultsystolic25 to 255
diastolic10 to 220
mean18 to 255
neonatesystolic20 to 155
diastolic5 to 110
mean10 to 130
The specifications are met for pulse rates between 40 and 240 BPM (adult/neonate).
Safety circuits
Redundant monitoring of the cuff pressure by means of a second independent pressure sensor; cuff deflation immediately on exceeding max. cuff pressure, on detection of
faults during a measurement and on power loss.
Max. cuff pressure
adult300 mmHg
neonate160 mmHg
Special features
When the cuff is properly applied the module recognizes in the adult mode whether
the cuff matches the selected range. If the wrong cuff is applied, the measurement is
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
Cuff inflation pressure
adult160 mmHg
neonate100 mmHg
Adaptive cuff inflation pressure
After a measurement the inflation pressure of the subsequent measurement depends
on the previous measuring result: it is either 1.8 times the previous mean pressure or
15% above the previous inflation pressure (whichever is less).
Technical inspection must be carried out once a year, calibrations every two years (refer
to section 3 Maintenance and technical inspection).
2.1.9 Invasive blood pressure
Signal inputs
2 connections which are both isolated from ground (type CF according to IEC 601-1) for
pressure transducers with ohmic strain-gauge bridge, diagonal resistance of 200 Ohms
to 10 kOhms with a sensitivity of 0.005 mV/mmHg per V of supply voltage:
supply voltage for transducer:
5 volts DC
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
At 50 and 60 Hz:
differential input impedance > 100 kOhms, real component 500 kOhms
common-mode input impedance > 100 kOhms
common-mode rejection > 60 dB up to 60 Hz
direct connection for measurement of 2 pressures
pressure waveform with 25 mm/s sweep for both channels
pressure waveform for the following pressure sites: arterial (ART1, ART2), pulmo-
nary artery (PA), venous (VEN), left-atrial (LAP), intracranial (ICP) for ART, PA and
LAP the systolic, diastolic and mean values can be displayed
display update interval: 2 seconds
Signal processing
measuring range -30 to +300 mmHg
resolution 0.25 mmHg, internal
cut-off frequency 12 Hz
accuracy ±2 mmHg ±1% of actual value
zero drift < ±0.1 mmHg/°C
5 minutes to warm up for full accuracy
Zero balancing
automatic compensation of the transducer value for a zero pressure in both chan-
nels, every channel to be zeroed is checked for absence of pulse signals
balancing initiated after key press > 2 seconds
balancing range ±100 mmHg
storage of the balancing value for 5 minutes after power failure or when monitor is
switched off
deviation < ±1 mmHg
initiation only when signal modulation < ±1 mmHg
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
2.1.10 Temperature
Signal input
Input isolated from ground (type CF according to IEC 601-1) for connection of a temperature probe from the Marquette Hellige accessory range (these probes conform to the
YSI 400 or Exacon 4000 series; as these probes have jack plug contacts which are
accessible when not connected, they were additionally tested with 1500 V
physiological saline according to IEC 601-1)
Signal processing
Together with two test readings and a correction value the temperature reading is processed for regular self-tests and for fine-balancing by multiplexing in a common amplification circuit:
measuring range 0 to 44 °C
error limits for module without probe: between 0 and 25 °C ±0.2 °C, between 25 and
44 °C ±0.1 °C
display update interval: 2 seconds
5 minutes to warm up for full accuracy
50 Hz in
Functional safety
Continuous self-tests prevent display of values outside the calibration error limits; when
service screen is called up the test values of 38.8 °C ±0.1 °C and 4.0 °C ±0.2 °C are
Technical inspection, calibration
Calibration tests must be carried out on the monitor every two years (refer to section 3
Maintenance and technical inspection), technical inspection once a year.
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
2.1.11 Trend
*storage of parameter values
*tabular trend, NBP table depending on NBP intervals
*graphic trend for each parameter
*storage of trend values every 20 seconds or after NBP measurement
*display of trends via softkeys
*automatic display of a time scale and of reference lines (labelled)
*zoom function for selection of other trend periods (graphic: 45 minutes, 3 hours, 24
hours; tabular: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes)
*trend memory can be cleared with a softkey, or the memory is cleared automatically
when the monitor is switched off for more than 5 minutes
2.2 Functional description of PCBs and subassemblies
2.2.1 EAGLE EMEA 1000 configuration and functional groups
see diagram Functional groups
The basic EAGLE EMEA 1000 patient monitor version comprises the large PCB ECG
Monitor installed in the system on the front side of an L-shaped metal plate. In addition
to the ECG input circuit, the instrument control system is also located on this PCB.
The keypad, display screen, battery and the PCB Power Supply are connected to it.
Also connected are the ECG input socket and the two rear panel outputs RS-232 and
Nurse Call.
The keypad and CRT have conductor foil connections and care must be taken when
connecting them up and sharply bending them avoided.
The battery is installed in the bottom side of the L-shaped metal plate.
The power supply is located inside the rear panel of the system next to the power supply socket.
The recorder, if there is one, is mounted on the base plate and connected to the PCB
ECG Monitor.
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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Information TechnologiesServicing Instructions
In the models with additional features the PCB ECG Monitor also acts as a motherboard. The PCB Oximeter, the PCB for non-invasive blood pressure and the PCB for
temperature or for temperature and 2 invasive blood pressures can be added to this
In conformity with Cardiac floating there is a high-impedance isolating transformer
referred separately to the ECG input module, the PCB Oximeter, the PCB module for
temperature and the PCB module for 2 invasive blood pressures. Both pressure
measuring components are electrically connected. These PCBs are insulated from the
non-floating components of the system and each other by spacing and insulating foil.
Warning: It is thus important that when disconnecting or replacing PCBs in the
system to ensure PCBs and circuits are correctly installed and the
insulating foil positioned accordingly.
2.2.2 PCB ECG Monitor
The PCB ECG monitor appears as a block diagram in the PCB circuit diagrams. The
circuits are arranged so that (viewing EAGLE EMEA 1000 from the rear) the floating
ECG Processing is located in the left-hand third, in the remainder all the other
xDisplay Controller
xECG Controller
xInterface Output
xECG FilterxController
xPower Supply (instrument, battery, floating)
xECG InputxInterface Input
This means that ECG Processing and the Central System signal processing and system controller are implemented on this PCB. The description of each is given below,
indicating the connected modules and their functions.
The PCB plugs and sockets are shown in the S-Plan of the system plans and are allocated as listed below. This allocation is useful in finding the pin configuration in the P
circuit diagrams of the PCB ECG Monitor.
The power supply is in protection class I with a protective ground terminal. A primaryregulated wide-range power supply unit, delivering 15.5 V DC, precludes the necessity
of a power toggle switch. This unit also acts as a charger for the 12-V system battery. All
control functions are regulated on the PCB ECG Monitor. A charge controller measures
the battery current across a resistance referred to zero, activates the front panel charge
indicator and communicates with the processor. Should the output voltage of the power
unit fail to reach 15.5 V, the battery will not be charged to full capacity.
The battery meets the temporary high current demand of the recorder and the PCB
Non-Invasive Blood Pressure as well as current peaks and is also essential for retaining
As the battery continuously is discharged, this is indicated by an 11.5V comparator,
which triggers the warning display Battery blinking and the audible alarm signal sounding. When the charge drops below 10 V after storing the data the 10V comparator switches off the system to protect the battery.
227 468 03B SA(ENG)
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