Thermal Desorption:
A Practical Applications Guide
I. Environmental Monitoring &
Exposure to Chemicals at Work
2nd Edition
Introduction to Markes International Ltd
What is analytical TD?
Formed in 1997, Markes International is world leader in
the development and manufacture of analytical thermal
desorption (TD) instrumentation and associated sampling
equipment for measuring VOCs and semi-volatiles in air
& materials.
Markes has pioneered major TD innovations such as
quantitative re-collection for repeat analysis
(SecureTD-Q™), TubeTAG™ RFID tube labels,
DiffLok™ enabling technology for robust tube
automation and cryogen-free analysis of multiple
canister air samples. All these innovations feature in
Markes’ well known modular range of TD instruments:
addition, the TD-100™. Other ground-breaking TD
products from Markes International include the
twin-trap TT24-7™ for continuous, online air monitoring,
and unique sampling accessories such as the
Micro-chamber/Thermal Extractor™ and HS5-TD™
for liquid and solid samples.
Markes’ TD units can be seamlessly combined with all
major brands of GC and GC/MS to provide trace or high
level monitoring solutions.
LTRA™, Air Server™ and the most recent
Analytical thermal desorption is a sample introduction
technique for GC and GC/MS, which uses heat and a
flow of inert gas, rather than an organic solvent, to
extract/desorb analytes from the sample media,
delivering them directly to the gas chromatograph.
Since the early 1980s, TD has provided the ultimate
versatile sample introduction technology for GC, by
combining selective concentration enhancement with
direct extraction into the carrier gas and efficient
transfer/injection, all in one fully automated and
labour-saving package.
Markes International Ltd, UK headquarters
Environmental monitoring
Thermal desorption is now recognised as the technique
of choice for environmental and workplace air
monitoring. Relevant standard methods include: EN ISO
16017, EN 14662 (parts 1 & 4), prEN 13649, ASTM
D6196, US EPA TO-17 and NIOSH 2549. Related
applications include monitoring chemical warfare agents
(CWA) in demilitarisation/destruction facilities & civilian
locations (counter-terrorism).
TD is also routinely used for monitoring volatile and
semi-volatile organic compounds [(S)VOCs] in products
and materials. Examples include residual solvents in
packaging & pharmaceuticals, material emissions testing
and food, flavour & fragrance profiling.
This publication presents several real world applications
in environmental air monitoring and occupational health
& safety. Accompanying publications cover the
application areas of:
• Food, flavour, fragrance & odour profiling
• Defence & forensic
• Chemical emissions from products & materials
• Atmospheric research
• Ambient/urban air monitoring
• Industrial (stack) emissions testing
• Odour monitoring
• Indoor air quality
• Soil gas & vapour intrusion assessment
• Trace volatiles and odours in water
• Workplace air monitoring/industrial hygiene
• Personal exposure monitoring (inhalation)
• Biological exposure assessment (breath testing)
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Atmospheric research
30 ml of air from bubbles in the ice core collected in canisters.
Analysis by TD-GC/MS in NCI mode. Low ppt detection limits
Markes thermal desorption instrumentation is used
extensively in atmospheric research for monitoring
trace organic vapours. For example:
• Global migration of pollution
• Research into stratospheric chemistry
• Marine research: Studying the oceans as a
potential ‘sink’ or reservoir for air pollutants
• Historical pollution data e.g. levels of freons in
air bubbles trapped in polar ice
Markes TD systems offer best available desorption
efficiency allowing splitless operation & optimum
sensitivity without liquid cryogen
Std. methods: EN ISO 16017-1, ASTM D 6196, US
EPA TO-17, (tubes) or US EPA TO-15 (canisters)
SafeLok™ – Specialist sample tubes for
trace detection
Threaded DiffLok
inserts protect
both ends of the
sorbent tube
SafeLok samplers have the same sorbent capacity
as standard tubes but incorporate Markes patented*
diffusion-locking (DiffLok) technology at both ends
of the tube to prevent artefact ingress.
With the same external dimensions as standard
TD tubes, SafeLok tubes are uniquely suited to
monitoring ultra-low concentration environments
e.g. at the North Pole or mid-Pacific. Samples
are protected from contamination during
storage/transport & during subsequent TD-GC/MS
analysis in a conventional laboratory.
SafeLok samplers incorporate Markes patented DiffLok technology
to prevent artifact ingress. This aids trace level monitoring
All Markes tubes, including SafeLok tubes, are now
available with or without TubeTAG electronic (RFID)
tube labels. TubeTAG offers fail-safe tracking of tubes
in transit for field monitoring. It also enhances tube
traceability for GLP and laboratory
accreditation. Recorded
information includes: sorbent
details, number of thermal
cycles, date of packing, etc.
* GB 2337513
US 6,564,656 B1
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T: +44 (0)1443 230935 F: +44 (0)1443 231531
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Implementation of TubeTAG with SafeLok tubes
significantly enhances the traceability of key
Std methods: EN ISO 16017-1, US EPA TO-17,
ASTM D 6196
Pumped sampling of 1 L of 1 ppb air toxics standard analysed
splitless using ATA tubes. Inset shows close-up of extracted
mass ion 45 for IPA, demonstrating excellent peak shape
US Clean Air Act regulations have identified specific
‘Hazardous Air Pollutants’ (HAPs) also known as
‘air toxics’. These analytes cover a wide range of
polarities & volatilities & are most effectively
monitored using pumped sampling onto multisorbent tubes with automated TD-GC/MS (scan)
Markes cryogen-free TD technology meets all the
requirements of TO-17 compliant air toxics analysis
Std. method: US EPA Method TO-17
Typical analytical conditions:
Sampling: Pumped sorbent tube (20-50 ml/min)
Sorbent: ‘Air Toxics’ (ATA) or ‘Universal’ tubes
TD system: Series 2 (U
On or offline dry purge before desorption
Desorption: 10 mins at 320ºC
Trap: U-T15ATA-2S (Air toxics/soil gas): +25 to
Split: Splitless or low split during trap desorption
Column: 60 m x 0.32 mm x >1 µm for ‘volatiles’
Analysis: GC/MS (scan)
References: Markes Technical Support Document
for TO-17, TDTS 86 (using sorbent tubes to
monitor air toxics in air as per TO-17)
Three 1 L real air samples collected using ‘Universal’ sorbent
tubes and desorbed splitless using TO-17 conditions as above
Applying TO-17:
TO-17-type methods, based on pumped air
monitoring with multi-sorbent tubes, can be applied
to ambient indoor and outdoor air samples. They
facilitate simultaneous analysis of a wide range of
apolar & polar organic vapours including veryvolatile, volatile & semi-volatile components.
Markes TD systems uniquely feature quantitative
re-collection of any split flow (primary or secondary)
for repeat analysis and simple validation of recovery
per standard methods, such as ASTM D6196
Example analytical conditions are listed above
TO-17 performance data using Markes TD
technology with GC/MS (scan):
Retention volumes for lightest components (propene,
methyl chloride):
• >2 L on ‘Air Toxic’ (ATA) tubes at 25ºC
• >1 L on ‘Universal’ tubes at 25ºC
Detection limits: <0.1 ppb for all compounds in scan
Linearity: Typical R
values of 0.99 at low ppb
Precision: Typical % RSDs <6
Carryover: <0.1%
SecureTD-Q confirms quantitative recovery across
the volatility range
T: +44 (0)1443 230935 F: +44 (0)1443 231531
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Soil gas and vapour intrusion assessment
Profiles of soil gas contaminated with kerosene (JP-8) sampled
using sorbent tubes (red) and canisters (blue). Data presented
courtesy of Air Toxics Inc., CA, USA
Second desorption
Shows no carryover
First desorption
First and second desorptions of a Soil Gas tube used to sample
diesel vapour in contaminated soil
Soil gas measurements are used to assess the
potential risk to human health from vapour intrusion
into nearby buildings & to identify sources for
mitigation & liability management. Key target
analytes include gasoline & middle distillate fuels
plus solvents e.g. dry cleaning or degreasing agents.
Canister, bag and sorbent tube sampling
methodologies are used.
Markes Soil Gas tubes allow quantitative recovery of
the widest range of potential target analytes, without
water interference. Markes’ TD systems also benefit
this application by accommodating tube & canister
samples on the same analytical platform & by offering
re-collection for repeat analysis of tube samples.
Standard methods: US EPA Methods TO-17 or TO-15
Typical analytical conditions:
Pumped sampling onto Soil Gas tubes
TD system: Series 2 (ULTRA-)UNITY or TD-100
Desorption: 300ºC for 5 mins
Trap: U-T15ATA-2S (Air toxics/soil gas):+25 to 330ºC
Splitless to 5,000:1 (double) split depending on
References: TDTS 80 (Soil gas) & Hayes, H. C.,
et al. (2007), Evaluation of sorbent methodology
for petroleum impacted site investigations,
Proc. Air & Waste Man. Assoc. conf. on
vapor intrusion
In situ monitoring of underground
Soil probes arranged in a grid pattern around an industrial site
allow low-cost mapping of contaminated ground
VOC-Mole soil probe fitted with a
sorbent tube configured for diffusive
(passive) sampling
Underground fuel or chemical leaks present a grave
environmental risk. Markes VOC-Mole™ soil probes
containing standard diffusive or pumped tube
samplers allow cost-effective, in situ screening of
large areas of land including active production sites.
They can also be placed along the length of fuel
pipelines to provide early warning of a leak. VOCMoles configured with diffusive (passive) samplers
are easy to deploy & allow rapid (e.g. 15 minute)
or longer term (24 to 48 hour) exposure. The soil
probes themselves can be left in situ if regular
monitoring is required. Subsequent automated
TD-GC/MS analysis allows identification of the
nature, source & spread of ground contamination.
Typical analytical conditions:
Sampling: Sorbent tubes used diffusively inside
soil probes
Sorbent: Tenax
TD system: Series 2 (U
TA or Soil Gas tubes
Desorption: 5 mins at 280ºC
Trap: Tenax TA or U-T15ATA-2S: +25ºC to 320ºC
Splitless to 5000:1 double split, depending on the
contamination level
Analysis: GC/MS (scan) or GC-FID
References: TDTS 29 (monitoring soil pollution
using soil probes) & TDTS 80 (Soil gas analysis)
Splitless analysis of 1 L x 1 ppb air toxics standard in a canister.
Inset shows close-up of extracted mass ion 45 for IPA,
demonstrating excellent peak shape.
For the ultimate in air sampling flexibility (canisters,
bags & sorbent tubes), Markes TD systems offer full
compliance with US EPA Methods TO-15 and TO-17.
Systems offer automated sequencing for up to
8 canisters/bags together with manual or automated
tube desorption. Electrically-cooled focusing
(no liquid cryogen required), versatile water
management & uniquely efficient trap desorption all
combine to minimize running costs, optimize uptime
and ensure uncompromised analytical performance
(sensitivity, repeatability, etc.).
Standard method: US EPA TO-15
(supersedes TO-14)
Typical analytical conditions:
TD system: Series 2 UNITY-CIA 8
Volume sampled from canister: 100 ml to 1 L
Trap: U-T15ATA-2S or U-T16GHG-2S: 25ºC. 40ºC/s
to 320ºC (3 mins)
Split: Splitless or low split during trap desorption only
60 m x 0.32 mm ID x 1.80 µm thick film capillary
column for ‘volatiles’
Analysis: GC/MS (scan)
Reference: TDTS 81 (Analysis of canister air
samples using cryogen-free thermal desorption
in compliance with US EPA method TO-15)