Introducing the series 2 Air
Server range
Series 2 Air Server modules add to any series 2
(ULTRA-)UNITY system to allow a controlled flow of
whole-air or gas to be introduced directly into the
electrically-cooled focusing trap of the desorber. The
combined systems operate cryogen-free (to minimise
running costs/maintenance) and offer optimum
analytical performance/sensitivity.
With 3- (Air Server) or 8-channel (Canister Interface
Accessory - CIA 8) options available, method-compliant
series 2 (U
LTRA-)UNITY-Air Server systems are suitable
for both automated analysis of canister/bag samples
and round-the-clock unattended monitoring of on-line
air/gas streams.
Key applications include:
• Continuous monitoring of ozone precursors (C
to C10hydrocarbons) in ambient air and/or
vehicle emissions
• On- or off-line odour monitoring e.g. measuring
reduced sulphur species such as H
S, mercaptans
and sulphides in canister, bags or on-line air
streams at sub- to low-ppb levels
• “Air Toxics” in ambient air e.g. US EPA Method
• Industrial process control of gas purity and
• Atmospheric research e.g. global background
pollution levels, pollution transport and kinetic
studies, such as monitoring diurnal changes in
urban air pollution or biogenic emission profiles
Series 2 (U
LTRA-)UNITY-Air Server systems connect to
any Agilent or other brand of GC(MS)
Air Server 2 Main Features
• Adds automated canister and on-line air/gas stream analytical capability to any series 2 (ULTRA-)UNITY
thermal desorption (TD) system.
• Cryogen-free operation and low consumption of gas supplies for lower running costs and higher uptime.
• 3 or 8 channel operation for sequencing between sample, zero and standard air/gas streams during
unattended on-line monitoring or automated canister/bag analysis
• Quantitative retention of ultra-volatiles such as acetylene from increased sample volumes (up to 1.5 L)
combined with peerless high-resolution capillary chromatographic performance (even under splitless conditions)
ensure optimum sensitivity. Parts per trillion (ppt) levels are readily detected.
• Method compliant tube desorption capability included with every system. Can be automated.
• Thermostatted flow path and internal standard addition options for compliance with standard canister
• Negligible sample carryover plus versatile sampling flows & flexible splitting options allow analysis of both
high and low concentration samples.
• Small footprint: Especially useful for installation in mobile labs.
• Versatile water management options for analysis of both dry and humid air/gas samples.