Marine Tech Seacraft ENC II Quick User Manual

Quick User Guide ENC v.2
© Copyright by Marine Tech SA
All rights reserved.
Marine Tech makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the manual. Users must be aware that updates and amendments will be made from time to time to the manual. It is the user‘s responsibility to determine whether there have been any such updates or amendments. Marine Tech nor any of their directors, officers, employees or agents shall be liable in contract, tort or in any other manner whatsoever to any person for any loss, damage, injury, liability, cost or expense of any nature, including without limitation incidental, special, direct or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of the manual.
Marine Tech accepts no liability for damages and/or injuries caused by improper use of the Seacraft ENC2 as well as a result of its use in a manner contrary to or deviating from principles set out in this manual.
Marine Tech accepts no liability for accidents and damage resulting from incorrect use of the ENC2 resulting from failure to read the ENC2 manual or lack of knowledge on the content of labels and pictograms, warning and information signs.
This manual is no substitute for a proper training in how to dive and navigate under water, with or without
Quick User Guide Seacraft ENC2
Document Version:
1. 2 .2
Software Version:
1. 5
Publication Date:
use of ENC2. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this manual, please contact:
ul. Żwirki i W igury 17
38-400 Krosno , Poland
Email: Web:
Document Information:
Table of Contents
1. Technical specifications ......................................................................................................... 6
2. Precautions ................................................................................................................................ 7
3. Mechanical construction ........................................................................................................ 8
4. Control ..................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Main screen layout .................................................................................................................. 11
6. Additional information screen (next to main) ................................................................ 16
7. Destination parameters – setting and changing ........................................................... 20
8. MENU screen ........................................................................................................................ 24
9. Depth profile graph ............................................................................................................... 27
10 . Swim route graph ............................................................................................................... 28
11. TIMER / stopwatch .............................................................................................................. 29
12 . Device configuration (SETUP) ......................................................................................... 30
13 . Send data .............................................................................................................................. 30
14 . Pressure/salinity ................................................................................................................... 31
15 . Log/speed .............................................................................................................................. 32
16 . Log/speed calibration ........................................................................................................ 34
17 . GPS .......................................................................................................................................... 36
18 . Time/date .............................................................................................................................. 37
19 . Other settings ...................................................................................................................... 38
20. Units ....................................................................................................................................... 39
2 1. Compass ............................................................................................................................... 40
22. Clear data ............................................................................................................................. 44
23. Factory reset ....................................................................................................................... 44
24. Exit ......................................................................................................................................... 44
25. Guidelines for attaching the ENC to DPVs ................................................................... 45
26. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................47
27. Before each dive … ............................................................................................................. 49

1. Technical specifications

Model ENC II Power source Built-in Li-ion 3,7V battery
Type ENC v.2 Battery capacity 5Wh
Maximum depth 300 m Typical working time 20-35 h
Tested depth 350 m Average charge time < 2 h
Depth of start and stop of immersion time counting
Accuracy of depth measurement
Accuracy of compass 5 degrees* Temperature when charging +10 … +40 ⁰C
Accuracy of ext. log 2%* Mounting type Universal
Possibility of using above the water level
Weight / displacement 290 g / -90g Length x height x width 95 x 71 x 30,6mm * The accuracy of the measurement depends on the quality of the calibration and the absence of external interference. Included sensors: 3D magnetometer, 3D gyroscope, 3D accelerometer, pressure sensor, temperature sensor. Satellite positioning: GPS, Beidou, GLONASS
Optional: 0.5, 1 or 1. 6 m
(compatible with the norm
E N 13 3 19 )
0.3m in the whole depth
range, temp. range: 0…30°C
up to 5000m Internal storage capacity 50 routes
Working temperature +10 … +45 ⁰C
Storage temperature -20 … + 4 5 ⁰C
Data exchange: via Bluetooth 4.2. Temperature range: 0 … 40°C
Power source: Li-Ion battery cell 5 W h. Device can use any 5V DC power source as charger. When charging, it can
consume up to 1A current.

2. Precautions

This device may have some bugs in the software, which we did not find yet.
Waste disposal information:
This manual is suitable for the navigation device with software version 1.5.04 t o 1. 5. 0 9 . the Software version number is shown under MENU, when the battery voltage is displayed (OFF option selected).
You should never risk your life using this device as sole advisor. Electronic devices are designed for support and cannot substitute knowledge and
This device contains Li-Ion cells and other materials, which must be recycled properly.

3. Mechanical construction

Fig . 1. Description of elements.
1. Universal mounting – top side
2. Ambient light sensor (do not cover)
3. Additional LED diode (red color)
4. Screen / display
5. Top button (NEXT)
6. Bottom button (SET, REC, HOLD)
7. External socket – for charging and speed sensor
8. Universal mounting – bottom side

4. Control

- Move cursor/selection down to next item
- Go to next screen
- Go to previous screen
- Select current item
- Cancel or delete
- Switch to next available value
- Increment current value by 1
Button functions (depending on actual screen content):
Top button (5) – NEXT screen, NEXT item, CANCEL change, BACK Bottom button (6) – SET, change value, enter changing item, switch REC/HOLD
On most screens, a small graphical hint is displayed in top and bottom right corner of the display.
This hint is connected with the actual button function. It may be one of the below:
First steps - switching on and off:
Switching on the device – press both buttons at the same time.
The device will also switch on when immersed in water min. 0.3 m ( 1 f t ) deep. Switching off the device – You have to stop recording first. Then go to MENU (from main screen –press the top button 3
times, then press the bottom button once). When the OFF command is selected, press the lower button. The device will switch off automatically when the diving depth is less than 0.5 m and recording is off (HOLD).
Modes of operation:
Normal operation mode – Default mode after power on. The user sees the current dive parameters, may switch
recording ON (REC) and OFF (HOLD), enter settings and view the contents of the device’s internal memory.
Charging mode – After connecting the device to a power source, the charging screen appears. The buttons are inactive in this mode. This mode will be terminated, when the battery is fully charged or the power source is disconnected.
Service mode – When a software update was requested, the device switches to this mode. The screen is blank and the LED above the display is blinking. This mode ends automatically after less than 3 minutes.

5. Main screen layout

After power on, the device display will show this content:
Screen elements:
1. Course to planned destination. If no destination is
These values alternate
Current compass heading (including programmed
8. Present marker number. For using markers, please see
planned destination. If no destination is
should be connected to get valid distance/speed
programmed, this field is blank.
2. Present memory slot number. If you start recording, the dive data will be saved in the device memory with this number.
3. Small deviation marker (described below).
4. GPS state marker (described below).
5. Time/distancer to destination. every 3 seconds. This field may be blank, if the corresponding value cannot be calculated.
6. Battery icon, and to the right the total dive time in minutes.
7. deviation).
next chapter.
9. Destination direction arrow. The tip of the arrow is always pointing to the set, this arrow will not move.
10 . Present speed value and units. mpm means that the
speed is displayed in meters per minute, kts stands for ‘knots’. The symbol
means, that the external speed sensor readings.
11. Total distance travelled. 12 . REC/HOLD marker. 13 . Present dept. 14 . Total Dive time.
Buttons role:
Top button – Switch to next screen
Bottom button – Switch recording between ON (RECORD state) and OFF (HOLD state). The icon in the right bottom
corner shows the current recording state as described below.
REC/HOLD marker
NO TE - When the device is in RECORD state, the red dot symbol is animated.
Battery indicator
Charge on %
Time left
Charge in %
Time left
85-10 0 20-25h
68-84 17 -20h
46-67 10-17 h
Caution: The value ‘Time left’ is approximate!
28-45 5-10h
12 -27 1-5h
1-11 <1h
Navigation arrow colors:
More info
The Navigation device does not include a GPS receiver or it has been
White – Normal operation with or without programmed destination
Green – Destination is set and distance to it is less than 10 meters
Orange – The diver is returning to the start point (distance >10 meters)
GPS indicator:
(no icon) No GPS available
GPS location fixed
GPS location fixed
GPS readings are available, but the accuracy may vary
No valid GP S location
The GPS receiver cannot obtain the current location,
but previous readings may be still available and valid.
permanently disabled.
Good GPS readings are available.
The GPS location is valid and accurate.
due low signal strength/quality.
Depth indicator colors:
More info
The user should be aware, that ascending or
Vertical speed (up or down) is less
than 9m/min (29.5 ft/min)
Vertical speed (up or down) is equal
or greater than 9m/min (29.5 ft/min)
Vertical speed (up or down) is equal
or greater than 19m/min (62.3 ft/min)
The vertical speed is calculated based on measurements taken in the last 3 seconds.
No special actions required from diver.
There is a noticeable depth change.
descending at this speed may have negative health

6. Additional information screen (next to main)

1 - Course to the programmed destination
7 - Top button role – go to the next (lower)
After pressing the top button on the main navigation screen, the display content changes like shown above. On the left side of the screen, all present information are shown. On the right side there is a list with all available
options. The currently selected item is marked by inverting the background and foreground color (highlighting). In the picture above, first item (DESTIN) is selected, so left part of the display is filled with information connected to
actual destination parameters:
2 - Time left to destination (approx.) 3 - Distance left to destination 4 - Current record number in memory / maximum available
5 - GPS information: available satellites count / horizontal
Note: If some of parameters cannot be evaluated, a ‘---‘ value will be shown instead.
6 - Operation hint – when you press the lower button, you will
be redirected to the screen with DESTINATION
8 - Currently selected item 9 - Bottom button role – enter/choose the
selected item
+ 36 hidden pages