This document is not meant to act
as a complete instruction manual
– it has been written to support the
build instructions that come in the
kit, as well as suggest a variety of
tips that can improve the way the
car drives. It is aimed mainly at
The V12 ‘CE’ kit shares many of
the same parts as the older V12
kits. However, both the main chassis plate and new front suspension
plate are now made from either
GRP or Carbon composite material,
and these need careful preparation.
Round the edges with a light rub
down with 400 wet/dry paper (a
V12 runs close to the ground and
smoothing these edges prevents
the chassis from grabbing at the
carpet during a race). Then carefully seal the edges with a thin
layer of Super Glue to help prevent de-lamination during impacts.
Club racers at WSMCC, but does
make reference to the changes
required for racing at other clubs
which have different track sizes
and layouts, and for racing at
National level (to current BRCA
rules) too.
It is also assumed that the driver
has bought the additional differential rear axle to use on the car.
Buying one is not 100% essential, but most drivers agree that
you will get a better driving car if
you install one.
On the CE chassis, the wishbones
mount directly on the front suspension plate. They must be mounted
at on the front plate and the other
way up from the standard V12 kit.
Mount them with the lugs facing
‘upwards’. Do not add shims or
washers under the front end of the
wishbones to give you castor like
you used to on an old V12 chassis.
You’ll add shims, but you’ll do this
under both ends of the wishbone to
alter the ride height once the rest
of the car is built up; castor is best
changed by angling the plate itself.
It is best to get castor through
angling the whole plate, not by
angling the wishbones on the
plate. We have found that forcing
a twist in the wishbones by adding
spacers under their front end is
good to start with, but the plastic
the wishbones is made from has a
tendency to ‘creep’ and will try to
re-mould itself back it its original
shape over time. The problem
is that your left and right hand
wishbones won’t always creep at
the same rate, and after a week or
two you’ll have different castor on
each side – not good for consistent handling!
Wishbones lug side up.
Mounted at on the front plate.
No shims under here!